irrigation reservoir
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Juhi Gajjar ◽  
Dr. Hitesh Solanki

Wetland provides various plant species. These plants are use as food, fodder, timber, it is use as medicine, provide shelter for birds, as well as water-birds, migratory birds, local animals and human. Kanewal Wetland is an Irrigation Reservoir. Vegetation of Kanewal is very rich in diversity. Study shows presence of Different species of Angiosperms and pteridophytes. Vegetation analysis were done for year 2018-2019 for every season. Families of species are classified in to monocot and dicot. Many plant species grown there which is very important medicinally as well.

Cong Wei ◽  
Jilin Cheng ◽  
Yi Gong ◽  
Zhihao Gong

Abstract To address the problem of optimal allocation of water resources in water shortage areas, a reservoir and a pumping station water resource optimal scheduling model under the condition of insufficient irrigation is proposed. The model takes the maximum relative yield of crops as the objective function, the amount of water supplied, water spilled and the water replenished as decision variables, the total amount of water supplied by the system, the water right of the pumping station and the operation criteria as constraints, and uses the dynamic programming method to solve the model. The optimal water supply and water spill process of the irrigation reservoir and the optimal water replenishment process of the pumping station during the entire growth period of dry crops were obtained. Moreover, under the condition of 50 and 75% probability of exceedance, the optimized relative yields of crops increased by 17.1% and 19.6% respectively. The results show that ensuring the optimal operation of joint water source projects can achieve the optimal allocation of limited water resources, and improve the relative yield of crops in irrigation areas, which has important guiding significance for the planning and management of water resources in similar irrigation areas.

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (5) ◽  
pp. 680
Patricia Fernández-Aracil ◽  
Joaquín Melgarejo-Moreno ◽  
María-Inmaculada López-Ortiz

This work examines the transformations occurred with the shift from private company to water user association and natural park, looking at one collective irrigation system located in Alicante province (Spain): Riegos de Levante, Izquierda del Segura, one of the most extensive irrigation areas in Europe. Between 1918 and 2018, a process of change and transformation of both landscape and institutions occurred, considering: infrastructure expansion and its operation, the transfer of irrigation management responsibilities to water user association, after years of financial operations with water, thanks to state intervention, the coexistence of traditional agriculture with the modernisation of the irrigation systems, the history of an irrigation reservoir which was transformed into a natural site in 1988, or the evolution of the composition of water resources, taking into account the arrival of the Tajo-Segura transfer waters from the year 1979. The general objective is to understand key factors driving these changes, by means of a paradigmatic case study, as well as to identify policymaking and context-relevant dynamics that could enable it.

Il'yas Veliev ◽  
Vitaliy Il'inich ◽  
Aleksandr Kavalli

The scientific paper is devoted to development the methodology of the rules for control of water reservoirs in the south of the European territory of Russia (ETR), the relevance of that has determined by necessary for more reliable and efficient of river flow regulation. The studies has based on the data of synchronous observations at the region weather stations and of corresponding runoff to the Krasnodar reservoir, it provides rice fields. A correlation analysis between rainfall at weather stations and the corresponding flood volumes have gave possibility to evaluate their rate of dependence. So a predictor weather stations were chosen, which allowed to select decisions in respect to control by water resource of the reservoir. The analysis of traditional and improved rules for control of the reservoir has carried out using a simulation model of its functioning. It has based on the balance formula for water reservoir, taking into account the logical conditions of the traditional dispatch rules for control by reservoir, which designed to compensate for water deficits in rice fields and to be safe during catastrophic floods. The model makes it possible to change the rules of water storage management taking into account short-term forecasts of precipitations and runoff for modeling according to five-day period (pentad) discreteness. The obtained results confirmed the hypothesis about the possibility of reducing the likelihood of emergencies during the catastrophe of catastrophic floods with the stability of the planned water consumption of the irrigation system.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Agus Djoko Utomo ◽  
Siti Nurul Aida ◽  
Taufiq Hidayah

Danau Gegas (500 ha) merupakan danau buatan (waduk) dari pembendungan sungai gegas, diresmikan oleh Menteri Pekerjaan Umum pada 1987. Perubahan ekosistem yang mengalir menjadi ekosistem tergenang tentunya akan mempunyai dampak terhadap sumber daya perikanan. Permasalahan utama Danau gegas yaitu yang semula tujuan utama pembuatan danau buatan tersebut untuk keperluan irigasi ternyata tidak dapat berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya, pintu air tidak berfungsi sehingga sirkulasi air tidak berjalan dengan baik menyebabkan kualitas air menjadi jelek. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengoptimalkan peran perikanan di Danau gegas untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat yaitu dengan cara melakukan budidaya ikan yang sesuai dengan daya dukung perairan, penebaran ikan yang sesuai bagi jenis dan jumlah ikan yang ditebar, konservasi sumber daya ikan melalui penetapan suaka perikanan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa daya dukung perairan untuk budidaya ikan pada keramba jaring apung adalah 20 ton/tahun, untuk jaring sekat 40 ton ikan/tahun, untuk penebaran benih ikan sebanyak 142.440 benih, penentuan suaka perikanan yang tepat adalah di inlet Gegas dan beberapa cekungan.Gegas Lake (500 ha) is an artificial lake (reservoir) from damming the gegas river, inaugurated by the Minister of Public Works in 1987. Changes in lotic ecosystems into lentic ecosystems will have an impact on fisheries resources. The main problem with the Gegas Lake is that it cannot function as an irrigation reservoir due to failure of water gate, so that the circulation of water does not work well causing worst water quality. The research objective is to optimize the fisheries function in Gegas Lake for the welfare of the community. For this reason, it is necessary to do fish culture in accordance with the carrying capacity of the waters and fish stocking and conservation through the establishment of fish reserves. The results showed that the carrying capacity of the waters for fish culture in floating cages and set net was 20 tons/year and 40 tons/year respectively. It was also suggested to conduct restocking as much as 120,000 juveniles. In addition, it was found that inlet and several concave areas were as correct places to conduct conservation activity.

2020 ◽  
Milan Cisty ◽  
Veronika Soldanova ◽  
Frantisek Cyprich

<p>Irrigation reservoirs are used to retain water during periods of surplus and to control its subsequent use for irrigation in drought periods. While designing a reservoir, it is essential to evaluate its function and assess its ability to provide the required amount of water for irrigation. It means an evaluation of the reservoir for the quantitative balance of water. The input data used in such computations include the water inflow into the reservoir, demand for water abstraction from the reservoir, data on the required outflow of water below the reservoir, and the evaporation and other losses of water from the reservoir. Smaller streams often supply irrigation reservoirs at the margins of river catchments. It is crucial, from the point of view of this work, that such smaller streams often do not have systematic measurements of their flow. Therefore determination of this quantity is often the main problem of water balance evaluation. This work proposes a method for the acquisition of such data. While identifying unknown stream flows required for such a calculation, authors suppose that historical climatic data for the given area and flows in some of the nearby river catchments are available (measured). Description of the method of selecting river catchments such that their measured flows can be used in the calculation of an unknown flow of a different stream will be presented. A case study from the Small Carpathians in Western Slovakia is reported in the presentation. This study compares the conceptual hydrologic model, linear regression with LASSO regularization, and various machine learning methods (CATboost, Random Forest, Support Vector Machines). Authors will evaluate the precision of flows determination by various statistical indicators.</p><p>Acknowledgements. This work was supported by the Slovak Research and Development Agency under Contract No. APVV-15-0489 and by the Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic and the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Grant No. 1/0662/19.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 4428-4432

This research intends to build a scenario of mathematical modeling that can follow up the information of extreme climate does not give the same impact (mainly rainfall), so the water volume when the extreme rainfall will be happened, can be used for the irrigation and the water that cannot be used can be removed from the reservoir before flooding is happened, therefore, the function of reservoir to reduce flood can be increasing. The methodology consists of to obtain the rainfall due to the weather anomaly, the relation between rainfall and reservoir inflow, the decreasing of irrigation water requirement when the rainfall is high, the usage of crop intensity increasing, design flood, and the outlet capacity, the pattern of reservoir operation, the comparison of crop intensity, and the decreasing of flood risk. The result is hoped to be able to increase the available infrastructure (dam) by increasing the function of flood control and it remains to give priority for irrigation through the reservoir

Water ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 2379
Francisca C. Aguiar ◽  
Maria Rosário Fernandes ◽  
Maria João Martins ◽  
Maria Teresa Ferreira

Dammed rivers have unnatural stream flows, disrupted sediment dynamics, and rearranged geomorphologic settings. Consequently, fluvial biota experiences disturbed functioning in the novel ecosystems. The case study is the large irrigation reservoir Alqueva in Guadiana River, Southern Iberia. The study area was divided into three zones: upstream and downstream of the dam and reservoir. For each zone, species composition and land use and land cover (LULC) were compared before and after the Alqueva Dam implementation. Data consist of aquatic and riparian flora composition obtained from 46 surveys and the area (%) of 12 classes of LULC obtained in 90 riverine sampling units through the analysis of historical and contemporary imagery. There was an overall decrease of several endemic species and on the riparian shrublands and aquatic stands, although differences in the proportion of functional groups were not significant. Nevertheless, compositional diversity shows a significant decline in the upstream zone while landscape diversity shows an accentuated reduction in the reservoir area and downstream of the dam, which is likely related to the loss of the rocky habitats of the ‘old’ Guadiana River and the homogenization of the riverscape due to the irrigation intensification. The mitigation of these critical changes should be site-specific and should rely on the knowledge of the interactions between surrounding lands, ecological, biogeomorphologic, and hydrological components of the fluvial ecosystems.

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