ocean topography
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2022 ◽  
Michel Tchilibou ◽  
Ariane Koch-Larrouy ◽  
Simon Barbot ◽  
Florent Lyard ◽  
Yves Morel ◽  

Abstract. The Amazon shelf break is a key region for internal tides (IT) generation. The region also shows a large seasonal variation of circulation and associated stratification. The objective of this study is to document how these variations will impact IT generation and propagation properties. A high-resolution regional model (1/36° horizontal resolution), explicitly resolving IT is analyzed to investigate their interactions with the background circulation and stratification, over two seasons: first MAMJJ (March to July), with weaker mesoscale currents, shallower and stronger pycnocline, and second ASOND (August to December) with stronger mesoscale currents, deeper and weaker pycnocline. IT are generated on the shelf break between the 100 and 1800 m isobaths, with a maximum on average at about 10 km offshore. South of 2° N, the conversion from barotropic to baroclinic tide is more efficient in MAMJJ than in ASOND. At the eight main IT generations sites, the local dissipation is higher in MAMJJ (30 %) than in ASOND (22 %). The remaining fraction propagates away from the generation sites and mainly dissipates locally every 90–120 km. The remote dissipation increases slightly during ASOND and the coherent M2 fluxes seem blocked between 4°–6° N west of 47° W. Further analysis of 25 hours mean snapshots of the baroclinic flux shows deviation and branching of the IT when interacting with strong mesoscale and stratification. We evaluated sea surface height (SSH) frequency and wavenumber spectra for subtidal (f < 1/28h−1), tidal (1/28h−1 < f < 1/11h−1) and super tidal (f > 1/11h−1) frequencies. Tidal frequencies explain most of the SSH variability for wavelengths between 300 km and 70 km. Below 70 km, the SSH is mainly incoherent and supertidal. The length scale at which the SSH becomes dominated by unbalanced IT was estimated to be around 250 km. Our results highlight the complexity of correctly predicting IT SSH in order to better observe mesoscale and submesoscale from existing and upcoming altmetrics missions, notably the Surface Water Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission.

Ocean Science ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (6) ◽  
pp. 1791-1813
Robert R. King ◽  
Matthew J. Martin

Abstract. The impact of assimilating simulated wide-swath altimetry observations from the upcoming Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission is assessed using observing system simulation experiments (OSSEs). These experiments use the Met Office 1.5 km resolution North West European Shelf analysis and forecasting system. In an effort to understand the importance of future work to account for correlated errors in the data assimilation scheme, we simulate SWOT observations with and without realistic correlated errors. These are assimilated in OSSEs along with simulated observations of the standard observing network, also with realistic errors added. It was found that while the assimilation of SWOT observations without correlated errors reduced the RMSE (root mean squared error) in sea surface height (SSH) and surface current speeds by up to 20 %, the inclusion of correlated errors in the observations degraded both the SSH and surface currents, introduced an erroneous increase in the mean surface currents and degraded the subsurface temperature and salinity. While restricting the SWOT data to the inner half of the swath and applying observation averaging with a 5 km radius negated most of the negative impacts, it also severely limited the positive impacts. To realise the full benefits in the prediction of the ocean mesoscale offered by wide-swath altimetry missions, it is crucial that methods to ameliorate the effects of correlated errors in the processing of the SWOT observations and account for the correlated errors in the assimilation are implemented.

2021 ◽  
Charlotte Marie Emery ◽  
Kevin Larnier ◽  
Maxime Liquet ◽  
João Hemptinne ◽  
Arthur Vincent ◽  

Abstract. Along rivers, where local insitu gauges are unavailable, estimation of river discharge are undirectly derived from the Manning formula that relate discharge to geomorphological characteristics of the rivers and flow conditions. Most components of the Manning formula can currently be derived from spaceborne products except for two features: the unobserved always-wet bathymetry and the roughness coefficient. Global-scale applications use simplified equivalent riverbed shapes and empirical parameters while local-scale applications rely on finer model dynamics, field survey and expert knowledge. Within the framework of the incoming Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission, scheduled for a launch in 2022, and more particularly, the development of the SWOT-based discharge product, fine-resolution but global discharge estimates should be produced. Currently implemented SWOT-based discharge algorithms require prior information on bathymetry and roughness and their performances highly depend on the quality of such priors. Here we introduce an automatic and spaceborne-data-based-only methodology to derive physically-based roughness coefficients to use in one-dimensional hydrological models. The evaluation of those friction coefficients showed that they allow model performances comparable to calibrated models. Finally, we illutrate two cases of application where our roughness coefficients are used as-is to initiate the experiment: a data assimilation experiment designed to correct the roughness parameters and an application around the HiVDI SWOT-based discharge algorithm. In both cases, the roughness coefficients showed promising perspectives by reproducing, for the data assimilation application, and sometimes improving, in the SWOT discharge algorithm case, the calibrated-parameter-based performances.

2021 ◽  
Michael Durand ◽  
Colin Joseph Gleason ◽  
Tamlin M Pavelsky ◽  
Renato Prata de Moraes Frasson ◽  
Michael J. Turmon ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 925 (1) ◽  
pp. 012062
Dina A Sarsito ◽  
Muhammad Syahrullah ◽  
Dudy D Wijaya ◽  
Dhota Pradipta ◽  
Heri Andreas

Abstract Dynamic Ocean Topography is a part of sea surface variabilities derived from Sea Surface Topography as a time-dependent component. The Dynamic Ocean Topography height in this study was determined using the geodetic method of instantaneous sea level height measurement from satellite altimetry technology. In the territory of Indonesia seas, a picture of the long-wavelength phenomenon from the Dynamic Ocean Topography ranges from 0-2.5 meters with three distribution zones of low, medium, and high value. At the same time, the correlation with the positive value of Steric Sea Level Rise was obtained in almost all parts of Indonesia except for the area in the southern part of Java Island around Longitude 1070E and in the Pacific Ocean region, where that is thought to be caused by the existence of several permanent marine high-frequency physical phenomenon but with an indefinite period which usually acts as a dominant time-independent component of the Sea Surface Topography. The results are expected to be used to study the characteristics of the Indonesian seas for scientific and engineering purposes.

Riley X. Brady ◽  
Mathew E. Maltrud ◽  
Phillip J. Wolfram ◽  
Henri F. Drake ◽  
Nicole S. Lovenduski

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Bàrbara Barceló-Llull ◽  
Ananda Pascual ◽  
Antonio Sánchez-Román ◽  
Eugenio Cutolo ◽  
Francesco d'Ovidio ◽  

After the launch of the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) satellite planned for 2022, the region around the Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean Sea) will be the target of several in situ sampling campaigns aimed at validating the first available tranche of SWOT data. In preparation for this validation, the PRE-SWOT cruise in 2018 was conceived to explore the three-dimensional (3D) circulation at scales of 20 km that SWOT aims to resolve, included in the fine-scale range (1–100 km) as defined by the altimetric community. These scales and associated variability are not captured by contemporary nadir altimeters. Temperature and salinity observations reveal a front that separates local Atlantic Water in the northeast from recent Atlantic Water in the southeast, and extends from the surface to ~150 m depth with maximum geostrophic velocities of the order of 0.20 m s−1 and a geostrophic Rossby number that ranges between −0.24 and 0.32. This front is associated with a 3D vertical velocity field characterized by an upwelling cell surrounded by two downwelling cells, one to the east and the other to the west. The upwelling cell is located near an area with high nitrate concentrations, possibly indicating a recent inflow of nutrients. Meanwhile, subduction of chlorophyll-a in the western downwelling cell is detected in glider observations. The comparison of the altimetric geostrophic velocity with the CTD-derived geostrophic velocity, the ADCP horizontal velocity, and drifter trajectories, shows that the present-day resolution of altimetric products precludes the representation of the currents that drive the drifter displacement. The Lagrangian analysis based on these velocities demonstrates that the study region has frontogenetic dynamics not detected by altimetry. Our results suggest that the horizontal component of the flow is mainly geostrophic down to scales of 20 km in the study region and during the period analyzed, and should therefore be resolvable by SWOT and other future satellite-borne altimeters with higher resolutions. In addition, fine-scale features have an impact on the physical and biochemical spatial variability, and multi-platform in situ sampling with a resolution similar to that expected from SWOT can capture this variability.

Andreas Theodosiou ◽  
Marcel Kleinherenbrink ◽  
Paco Lopez-Dekker

Edward Salameh ◽  
Frédéric Frappart ◽  
Damien Desroches ◽  
Imen Turki ◽  
Denis Carbonne ◽  

Elizabeth H. Altenau ◽  
Tamlin M. Pavelsky ◽  
Michael T. Durand ◽  
Xiao Yang ◽  
Renato Prata de Moraes Frasson ◽  

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