steric sea level
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2021 ◽  
Jae-Seung Kim ◽  
Ki-Weon Seo ◽  
Jianli Chen ◽  
Clark Wilson

Abstract Global mean sea level has increased ~3.5 mm/yr over several decades due to increases in ocean mass and changes in sea water density. Ocean mass, accounting for about two-thirds of the increase, can be directly measured by the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) and GRACE Follow-On (GFO) satellites. An independent measure is obtained by combining satellite altimetry (measuring total sea level change) and Argo float data (measuring steric changes associated with sea water density). Many previous studies have reported that the two estimates of global mean ocean mass (GMOM) change are in good agreement within stated confidence intervals. Recently, particularly since 2016, estimates by the two methods have diverged. A partial explanation appears to be a spurious variation in steric sea level data. An additional contributor may be deficiencies in Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA) corrections and degree-1 spherical harmonic (SH) coefficients. We found that erroneous corrections for GIA contaminate GRACE/GFO estimates as time goes forward. Errors in GIA corrections affect degree-1 SH coefficients, and degree-1 errors may also be associated with ocean dynamics. Poor estimates of degree-1 SH coefficients are likely an important source of discrepancies in the two methods of estimating GMOM change.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-55

Abstract Regional sea-level rise in the Southeast Indian Ocean (SEIO) exerts growing threats to the surrounding Australian and Indonesian coasts, but the mechanisms of sea-level rise have not been firmly established. By analyzing observational datasets and model results, this study investigates multidecadal steric sea-level (SSL) rise of the SEIO since the mid-20th century, underscoring a significant role of ocean salinity change. The average SSL rising rate from 1960 through 2018 was 7.4±2.4 mm decade−1, and contributions of the halosteric and thermosteric components were ~42% and ~58%, respectively. The notable salinity effect arises primarily from a persistent subsurface freshening trend at 400-1000 m depths. Further insights are gained through the decomposition of temperature and salinity changes into the Heaving (vertical displacements of isopycnal surfaces) and Spicing (density-compensated temperature and salinity change) modes. The subsurface freshening trend since 1960 is mainly attributed to the Spicing mode, reflecting property modifications of the Subantarctic Mode Water (SAMW) and Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) in the southern Indian Ocean. Also noteworthy is a dramatic acceleration of SSL rise (20.3±7.0 mm decade−1) since ~1990, which was predominantly induced by the thermosteric component (16.3±5.5 mm decade−1) associated with the Heaving mode. Enhanced Ekman downwelling by surface winds and radiation forcing linked to global greenhouse-gas warming mutually caused the depression of isopycnal surfaces, leading to the accelerated SSL rise through thermosteric effect. This study highlights the complexity of regional sea-level rise in a rapid-changing climate, in which the role of ocean salinity is vital and time-varying.

2021 ◽  
Vol 925 (1) ◽  
pp. 012062
Dina A Sarsito ◽  
Muhammad Syahrullah ◽  
Dudy D Wijaya ◽  
Dhota Pradipta ◽  
Heri Andreas

Abstract Dynamic Ocean Topography is a part of sea surface variabilities derived from Sea Surface Topography as a time-dependent component. The Dynamic Ocean Topography height in this study was determined using the geodetic method of instantaneous sea level height measurement from satellite altimetry technology. In the territory of Indonesia seas, a picture of the long-wavelength phenomenon from the Dynamic Ocean Topography ranges from 0-2.5 meters with three distribution zones of low, medium, and high value. At the same time, the correlation with the positive value of Steric Sea Level Rise was obtained in almost all parts of Indonesia except for the area in the southern part of Java Island around Longitude 1070E and in the Pacific Ocean region, where that is thought to be caused by the existence of several permanent marine high-frequency physical phenomenon but with an indefinite period which usually acts as a dominant time-independent component of the Sea Surface Topography. The results are expected to be used to study the characteristics of the Indonesian seas for scientific and engineering purposes.

Ocean Science ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 1103-1113
Patrick Wagner ◽  
Markus Scheinert ◽  
Claus W. Böning

Abstract. Regional anomalies of steric sea level are either due to redistribution of heat and freshwater anomalies or due to ocean–atmosphere buoyancy fluxes. Interannual to decadal variability in sea level across the tropical Pacific is mainly due to steric variations driven by wind stress anomalies. The importance of air–sea buoyancy fluxes is less clear. We use a global, eddy-permitting ocean model and a series of sensitivity experiments with quasi-climatological momentum and buoyancy fluxes to identify the contribution of buoyancy fluxes for interannual to decadal sea level variability in the tropical Pacific. We find their contribution on interannual timescales to be strongest in the central tropical Pacific at around a 10∘ latitude in both hemispheres and also relevant in the very east of the tropical domain. Buoyancy-flux-forced anomalies are correlated with variations driven by wind stress changes, but their effect on the prevailing anomalies and the importance of heat and freshwater fluxes vary locally. In the eastern tropical basin, interannual sea level variability is amplified by anomalous heat fluxes, while the importance of freshwater fluxes is small, and neither has any impact on decadal timescales. In the western tropical Pacific, the variability on interannual and decadal timescales is dampened by both heat and freshwater fluxes. The mechanism involves westward-propagating Rossby waves that are triggered during El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events by anomalous buoyancy fluxes in the central tropical Pacific and counteract the prevailing sea level anomalies once they reach the western part of the basin.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (16) ◽  
pp. 3206
Taehwan Jeon

Total sea level changes from space radar altimetry are mainly decomposed into two contributions of mass addition and volume expansion of oceans, measured by GRACE space gravimeter and Argo float array, respectively. However, the averages of altimetry, mass, and steric sea level changes have been usually examined over the respective data domains, which are different to one another. Errors arise from this area inconsistency is rarely discussed in the previous studies. Here in this study, an alternative definition of ocean domain is applied for examining sea level budgets, and the results are compared with estimates from different ocean areas. It shows that the impact of area inconsistency is estimated by about 0.3 mm/yr of global trend difference, and averages based on a consistent ocean area yield a closer agreement between altimetry and mass + steric in trend. This contribution would explain some discordances of past sea level budget studies.

2021 ◽  
Charles E. Turner ◽  
Peter J. Brown ◽  
Kevin I. C. Oliver ◽  
Elaine L. McDonagh

Abstract. As the planet warms due to the accumulation of anthropogenic CO2 in the atmosphere, the global ocean uptake of heat can largely be described as a linear function of anthropogenic CO2 uptake. This relates the oceans mitigation of atmospheric warming and carbon sequestration, as well as its increasing heat content. Patterns of ocean salinity also change as the earth system warms due to hydrological cycle intensification and perturbations to air-sea freshwater fluxes. Local temperature and salinity change in the ocean may result from perturbed air-sea fluxes of heat and freshwater (excess temperature, salinity), or from variability resulting from reorganisation of the preindustrial temperature and salinity fields (redistributed temperature, salinity), which are largely due to circulation changes. Here, we present a novel method in which, by tracking the redistribution of preindustrial carbon, we may estimate the redistribution of temperature and salinity using only local spatial information. We demonstrate this technique by estimating the redistribution of heat and salinity in the NEMO OGCM coupled to the MEDUSA-2 Biogeochemistry model under a RCP8.5 scenario over 1860–2099. We find on the longest timescales, the patterns of excess heat and salinity storage are dominated by increases in excess heat and salinity in the Atlantic, and that excess salinity is generally negative in other basins, compensating for strong atmospheric transport of excess salinity to the Atlantic. We also find significant redistribution of heat away from the North Atlantic, and of salinity to the South Atlantic, consistent with AMOC slowdown. Temperature change at depth is accounted for predominately by redistributed, rather than excess heat, but the opposite is true for salinity, where the excess component accounts for the majority of changes at depth. Though by the end of the simulation excess heat is the largest contribution to density change and steric sea level rise, the storage of excess salinity greatly reduces variability in excess density, particularly in the Atlantic. Here, redistribution of the preindustrial heat and salinity fields also produce generally opposing changes in sea level, though patterns are less clear elsewhere. As expected, the regional strength of excess heat and salinity signal grows through the model run. In addition, the regional strength of the redistributed temperature and salinity signals also grow, indicating increasing circulation variability or systematic circulation change on at least the time scale of the model run.

2021 ◽  
Patrick Wagner ◽  
Markus Scheinert ◽  
Claus W. Böning

Abstract. Regional anomalies of steric sea level are either due to redistribution of heat and freshwater anomalies or due to ocean-atmosphere buoyancy fluxes. Interannual to decadal variability in sea level across the tropical Pacific is mainly due to steric variations driven by wind stress anomalies. The importance of air--sea buoyancy fluxes is less clear. We use a global, eddy permitting ocean model and a series of sensitivity experiments with quasi-climatological momentum and buoyancy fluxes to identify the contribution of buoyancy fluxes for interannual to decadal sea level variability in the tropical Pacific. We find their contribution on interannual timescales to be strongest in the central tropical Pacific at around 10° latitude in both hemispheres and also relevant in the very east of the tropical domain. Buoyancy flux forced anomalies are in phase with variations driven by wind stress changes but their effect on the prevailing anomalies and the importance of heat and fresh water fluxes vary locally. In the eastern tropical basin interannual sea level variability is amplified by anomalous heat fluxes, while the importance of fresh water fluxes is small and neither has any impact on decadal timescales. In the western tropical Pacific the variability on interannual and decadal timescales is dampened by both, heat and freshwater fluxes. The mechanism involves westward propagating Rossby waves that are triggered during ENSO events by anomalous buoyancy fluxes in the central tropical Pacific and counteract the prevailing sea level anomalies once they reach the western part of the basin.

2021 ◽  
Samantha Royston ◽  
Jonathan Bamber ◽  
Rory Bingham

<p>It is well known that key climatic variability like the El Niño Southern Oscillation and Pacific Decadal Oscillation dominate steric sea-level variability in the Pacific Ocean and that this variability influences global- and regional-mean sea-level time series. Reducing the known internal variability from these time series reduces trend errors and can elucidate other factors including anthropogenic influence and sea-level acceleration, as has been demonstrated for the open ocean. Here we discuss the influence of key climate modes on coastal, decadal sea-level variability. For coastal stakeholders and managers it is important to understand the decadal-scale and local changes in the rate of sea-level rise in the context of internal variability in order to inform management decisions in the short- to medium-term. We use a 53-year run of a high-resolution NEMO ocean model run, forced by the DRAKKAR reanalysis atmospheric data set and with the global-mean sea level at each timestep removed, to investigate modes of decadal sea-level variability at the coast, in different basins and from different sea-level components. At more than 45% of Pacific Ocean coastal locations, greater than 50% of the decadal sea-level change can be explained by a regression of the leading principal component mode with key climate indices; ENSO in the Pacific Ocean. In different ocean basins, 18.5% to 61.0% of coastal locations have more than 33% of decadal sea-level variance explained by our climate index reconstructions. These areas include coastal regions lacking long-duration or good quality tide gauges for long-term observations such as the North-West Africa coastline. Because of the shallow depth of continental shelves, steric sea-level change propagates onto the shelf as a manometric (mass) sea-level signal. We use a set of tide gauge locations to demonstrate the internal, decadal sea-level change observed at many coasts has a substantial contribution from local, manometric signal that is driven by climate variability.</p>

2021 ◽  
Anne Barnoud ◽  
Anny Cazenave ◽  
Julia Pfeffer ◽  
Michaël Ablain ◽  
Adrien Guérou ◽  

<p>Change in the global mean sea level (GMSL) is the sum of changes in the global mean steric sea level and global mean ocean mass. Over the 1993-2016 period, the GMSL budget was found to be closed, as shown by many independent studies. However, non-closure of the sea level budget after 2016 has been recently reported when using altimetry, Argo and GRACE/GRACE Follow-On data (Chen et al., GRL, 2020). This non-closure may result from errors in one or more components of the sea level budget (altimetry-based GMSL, Argo-based steric sea level or GRACE-based ocean mass). In this study, we investigated possible sources of errors affecting atlimetry and Argo data used to assess closure of the GMSL budget. Concerning altimetry data, we compared the wet tropospheric correction (WTC) applied to Jason-3 data (the reference satellite mission used for the GMSL computation since 2016) with that from the SARAL/AltiKa mission, and found no systematic bias between the radiometer measurements from these two missions. Besides, preliminary comparisons of GMSL trends (using the WTC ECMWF model) between different missions do not suggest discrepancies larger than 0.4 mm/yr over 2016-present. While further analyses are still needed, we find unlikely that non-closure of the sea level budget results from errors of the altimetry system. Concerning Argo data, since 2016, salinity data from different processing groups display strong discrepancies, likely due to instrumental problems and data editing issues. Good agreement is found between all available Argo-based thermosteric products. Given that the halosteric component should be negligible in global average, we re-examined the sea level budget since 2016 using only the thermosteric component and found significant improvement in the budget closure, although it is not yet fully closed. This suggests that the observed discrepancies in the Argo-based halosteric component largely contribute to the non-closure of the GMSL budget in the recent years.</p>

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