global interconnects
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2021 ◽  
Himani Bhardwaj ◽  
Shruti Jain ◽  
Harsh Sohal

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (6) ◽  
pp. 780-787
Nijwm Wary ◽  
Antroy Roy Chowdhury ◽  
Pradip Mandal

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 (S1) ◽  
pp. S1-S17

Abstract With ever shrinking advanced CMOS nodes and evolution of systems with increasing complexity, the traditional SoC paradigm is facing extensive challenges in terms of yields and heterogeneity. The emerging industry solution to this has been to partition the SoCs into smaller units, with each unit performing a certain (though exclusive) function. This drove the birth of “chiplets”. With advent of chiplets, the traditional function of packaging as an after-thought to chip development has got a revolutionary face-lift. Packaging is now enabling interconnects to replace on-chip global interconnects. The onus now is on packaging to get the chiplets to integrate and communicate with each other such that the net performance is equivalent to or better than SoC. This has spawned a renaissance in field of semiconductor packaging, with newer multi-die packaging technologies being productized to realize newer and better interconnects. Some examples of these emerging technologies include advanced flip-chip, 2.5D, 2.1D, 3D, Wafer Level Fan-Out, and Bridge Technologies. AMD is at forefront of chiplet technologies, with extensive 7nm chiplet based product portfolio catering to the HPC market. This talk will discuss the current state of chiplet packaging technologies.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 4965-4970

This paper presents passive shielding technique for crosstalk noise and delay reduction in resistive driven RLC interconnect. FDTD technique is used for modeling proposed geometry. The worst case delay and noise induced due to crosstalk in passive shielded interconnects are compared with unshielded lines and is validated using HSPICE simulations for 32nm global interconnects. From the results it has been demonstrated that the proposed model results and HSPICE simulations differ by 8% and by using proposed geometry crosstalk noise and delay has come down by 90% and 52% when compared to unshielded line.

This paper presents efficient geometry for crosstalk noise and delay reduction using Active shielding in RLC interconnects with resistive drivers .FDTD modeling has been used for proposed geometry and is validated by HSPICE simulations for 32nm global interconnects .From the results it has been verified that the proposed model results and HSPICE simulations differ by 5% . From the outcomes it has been confirmed that the proposed model outcomes and HSPICE outcomes differ by 5% and by using proposed geometry crosstalk noise and delay has come down by 73% and 60% when compared to unshielded line

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Rafael Oliveira Nunes ◽  
Roberto Lacerda De Orio

A method to calculate the temperature distribution on the BEOL structure and its impact on the EM in a design environment has been developed and implemented. The study for a 45 nm technology indicated a large temperature variation from the local to the global interconnects, which should be considered for the EM induced resistance increase of the line, in contrast to the standard analysis through a fixed operation temperature throughout the BEOL. The results show that a significant additional temperature above 50°C exist on the layers M1 to M6 due the power dissipated from transistors. The temperature reduction on the local layer is evaluated increasing the number of vias and enlarging the interconnect lines, both with a direct influence on the BEOL thermal distribution. A reduction of 62.9°C is obtained for M1 layer, considering a fraction volume of 40% for lines and 6% for vias.

2019 ◽  
Vol 29 (06) ◽  
pp. 2050094 ◽  
P. Uma Sathyakam ◽  
P. S. Mallick ◽  
Paridhi Singh

This paper proposes novel triangular cross-sectioned geometry of carbon nanotube (CNT) bundles for crosstalk and delay reduction in CNT bundle interconnects for VLSI circuits. First, we formulate the equivalent single conductor (ESC) transmission line models of the interconnects. Through SPICE analysis of the ESC circuits, we find the propagation delays of the proposed CNT bundles. Next, we model the capacitively coupled interconnects for crosstalk analysis. It is found that the coupling capacitance of triangular CNT bundle is 29% lesser than the traditionally used square CNT bundles. Further, the crosstalk-induced delay of triangular interconnects is found to be 30% lesser when compared to square bundle interconnects. The reduction in delay is found to increase as the number of CNTs in the bundle increases. So, we suggest that triangular CNT bundles are the most suitable candidates as global interconnects.

Kamel Messaoudi ◽  
Salah Toumi ◽  
El-Bay Bourennane

Background: Network on chip is proposed as new reusable and scalable communication system for applications with important number of IPs. The NoC architecture characteristics are based on several factors: the implementation strategy of IPs, the power dissipation, the placement of IPs, data transfer time, the requirements of the given application, etc. The N×M Mesh topology combined with the XY routing algorithm are generally chosen in many studies. Hardware IPs proposed in the literature, for various applications as example video encoders, operates at different frequencies and generally implemented according to several strategies and different bus sizes. Connecting these IPs using the same communication system is very difficult. Methods: In this paper, we present a new topology based on multi-layer mesh topology and adapted for video coding applications. The proposed topology exploits the video coding information regarding groups of cores that communicate through two cores only. The idea is to use a specific NoC for each group of cores and connect the NoCs with bridge in the positions of two communication cores. The choice of parameters in each NoC depends on the characteristic of IPs in the same group in order to maximize communication adaptivity and performance. Results: Synthesis results show that the proposed multi-layer mesh topology NoC uses much less resources than the traditional NxM mesh topology NoC. Conclusion: This reduction in term of resources is assured by the considerable reduction in the length and number of global interconnects, resulting in an increase in the performance and decrease in the power consumption and area of wire limited circuits.

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