bcr method
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Diean Oktavian Regar ◽  
Aqli Mursadin

PT Adaro Indonesia is trying to adjust a vertical clearance under Tabalong Bridge 1 (unloaded) and Tabalong Bridge 2 (loaded) because the existing conditions still apply a minimum vertical clearance of 4 m. I t should be in accordance with latest Regulation of the Minister of Public Works No. 19/PRT/M/2011 that for vertical clearance above national road at least 5.1 m. This specification has not been met by the national road under the Tabalong 1 & 2 Bridges bec ause both bridges were built in the 90s. Therefore we need an engineering technique to overcome this. There are 2 alternative designs, namely lowering the elevation of the national road and increasing the elevation of the bridge's upper structure to mitiga te oversized vehicles so as not to hit the lower structure of the Tabalong bridge. In determining the selection of the best alternative designs in this research is based on two (2) things, non financial criteria with Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and financial criteria with Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA)/Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) method. This study uses a survey method by distributing questionnaires and interviews as a means of collecting primary data. In addition, previous research and consultant DED documents were used as a means of collecting secondary data. The AHP method is used to process primary data to produce a decision from a non financial aspect. While the LCC/BCR method is used to process secondary data to produce a decision from the financi al aspect . The results of the AHP analysis obtained that the synthesis value of the decision the option of lowering national roads was 85% and the bridge lifting option was 15% and the consistency ratio (CR) was 0.05 < 0.1. The consistency ratio below 0.1 shows that the questionnaire data from the respondents are consistent. The results of the analysis of Life Cycle Cost (LCC) obtained the option of lowering national roads where the LCC value is Rp. 44,877,651,669.27 more economical than the bridge lifting option. Then the results of the Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) analysis obtained the option of lowering national roads with a BCR value of 2.33 > 1 and NPV = Rp. 43,442,264,804.34 > 1 means that the option lowering national roads is feasible. While the bridge li fting option is obtained by analyzing the value of BCR = 0.98 < 1 and NPV = option is not feasible to implement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 95-99
Miftachul huda putra pratama ◽  
Anugrah Ricky Wijaya ◽  
Irma Kartika Kusumaningrum

The density of anthropogenic activity in the port of blue fish leads to the contribution of heavy metals in sediments. The method of leaching is an important method to dissolve all zinc in the sediment precision and accuracy. Research on zinc levels in sediments has been widely practiced, but fractionation and distribution of zinc attachment in Blue Spring sediment using BCR Sonification. The results of the zinc analysis using BCR Sonification method gave precision value of 0.49 percent, and accuracy of 91.20 percent, the results showed that BCR method has high precision and accuracy value. The fractionation of zinc metal in the sediments shows that zinc is dominant in non-resistant (1) fractions comprising an ion exchange fraction, (2) carbonate bound fraction, (3) reduction fraction and (3) an oxidation fraction with a percentage of 10.16 percent; 23.52 percent; 21.25 percent. Whereas in the fraction resistant or residual fraction the concentration of zinc in the sediment was 45.07%. The distribution of zinc levels in sediments at nine locations in Sendang Biru ranged from 36.6 mg/kg - 239,78mg/ kg indicating that the Blue Sendang sediment was partly contaminated from anthropogenic because the zinc levels had exceeded the ereference of 120 mg/ kg. Padatnya kegiatan antropogenik di pelabuhan ikan sendang biru menyebabkan adanya kontribusi seng dalam sedimen. Metode leaching merupakan metode yang penting untuk melarutkan semua seng dalam sedimen secara presisi dan akurasi. Penelitian kadar seng dalam sedimen telah banyak dilakukan, tetapi fraksinasi dan distribusi keterikatan seng dalam sedimen Sendang Biru menggunakan metode BCR Sonifikasi. Hasil penelitian analisis seng menggunakan metode BCR Sonifikasi memberikan nilai presisi sebesar 0,49 persen, dan akurasi sebesar 91,20 persen, hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa metode BCR memiliki nilai presisi dan akurasi yang tinggi. Fraksinasi logam seng dalam sedimen menunjukkan bahwa seng dominan pada fraksi non resisten yang terdiri dari fraksi (1) pertukaran ion, (2) fraksi terikat karbonat, (3) fraksi reduksi, dan (4) fraksi oksidasi dengan presentase sebesar 10,16 persen; 23,52 persen; 21,25 persen, sedangkan pada fraksi resisten atau fraksi residu konsentrasi seng dalam sedimen adalah 45,07 persen. Distribusi kadar seng dalam sedimen pada sembilan lokasi di Sendang Biru berkisar antara 36,6mg/kg - 239,78mg/kg. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa sedimen Sendang Biru sebagian terkontaminasi dari antropogenik dengan kadar melebihi ambang batas yaitu sebesar 120 mg/kg.

Minerals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 584
Adam Łukowski ◽  
Dorota Dec

Total metal content is not representing its availability and thus does not provide the details about potential environmental hazards, including the impact on soil enzyme activities. To understand metal availability, chemical fractions must be considered. The goal of this study was to evaluate the influence of Ni, Cr, and Pb fractions on the enzymatic activity of soils cultivated by the simplified method, which is rare not only in Poland. The percentage of studied metals in fractions was determined according to the Community Bureau of Reference (BCR) method. Four fractions were extracted: acid soluble and exchangeable (F1), reducible (F2), oxidizable (F3), and residual (F4). The highest Ni and Cr percentages were noted in fraction F4, and for Pb, they were noted in fraction F2. The smallest Ni and Pb percentages were observed in fraction F1 (most mobile) and for Cr, they were observed in fraction F2. In soil samples collected in spring, the significant relationship was stated between F1/Ni/dehydrogenase, F2/Pb/dehydrogenase, and F2/Pb/urease. Such dependence occurred between F1/Ni/phosphatase and F4/Ni/urease during summer as well as between F1/Ni/phosphatase and F4/Ni/dehydrogenase in autumn. F1/Pb caused a drop in phosphatase activity, whereas F4/Cr influenced its increase. The study results indicated that metal fractions influenced phosphatase activity the most, while protease activity in the soil was not affected.

Jinxin Zheng ◽  
Chunsheng Qiu ◽  
Chenchen Wang ◽  
Jiaqi Zhao ◽  
Dong Wang ◽  

Abstract In this study, the transformation of chemical speciation of Cr, Mn, As and Cd in the sewage sludge before and after thermal hydrolysis treatment was investigated using modified BCR method. The effect of thermal hydrolysis treatment and chemical speciation change on the subsequent bioleaching behavior was also researched. The results showed that the concentrations of Cr, Mn, As and Cd in oxidizable fraction decreased in the sludge treated by thermal hydrolysis. Meanwhile, the proportions of Cr, Mn and As in the mobile fractions (acid-soluble/exchangeable and reducible fraction) all decreased, while Cd was concentrated in the sludge treated by thermal hydrolysis. The final pH value of bioleached sludge treated by thermal hydrolysis was lower than that in the bioleached raw sewage sludge. And faster increase of oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) was also found in the bioleaching process of the sludge treated by thermal hydrolysis. The removal percentage of Mn and Cd increased in the bioleached sludge treated by thermal hydrolysis. Thermal hydrolysis treatment can promote the bioleaching to some extent. Furthermore, the environmental risk of Cr, Mn, As and Cd in the bioleached sludge treated by thermal hydrolysis was all alleviated according to risk assessment analysis compared with the bioleached raw sewage sludge.

Agronomy ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 1805
Monika Jakubus ◽  
Małgorzata Graczyk

This work presents quantitative changes of nickel in soil and plants under the influence of compost and fly ash. The research was carried out in a 3-year experiment on medium soil fertilised with compost or fly ash. The plants: narrow leaf lupine (Lupinus angustifolius L.), camelina (Camelina sativa L.), and oat (Avena sativa L.) were planted in consecutive years. The soil from the experiment was subjected to extraction by sequential analysis with the Community Bureau of Reference (BCR) method, and single extractions using 1 mol·dm−3 HCl and DTPA solutions, obtaining the amount of nickel in various combinations with the soil solid phase. Total contents of the metal in soil and cultivated plants were determined. On the basis of Ni contents in the soil and cultivated plants, the bioconcentration factors and the risk assessment code were calculated. The type of amendments had a significant impact on the nickel content in lupine, for camelina and oat was the greatest in the control conditions. The differences between the amounts of Ni determined for bioconcentration factors were significant and depended on the amendments and nickel obtained by different methods. Regardless of the experimental conditions, the amount of Ni in the exchangeable bonds (Fr. I) had the greatest impact on the content of Ni in lupine and oat, whereas NiDTPA in the case of camelina.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 28
Meriana Wahyu Nugroho ◽  
Lyya Supriono

The level of society’s awareness on education is very high. The society’s enthusiasm to take a higher education is enormous. Every year the society’s interest in joining Hasyim Asy'ari University of Tebuireng Jombang is increasing. For this reason, Hasyim Asy'ari University of Tebuireng Jombang plans to add the classes by constructing new buildings that can accommodate more students each year. Every construction certainly has a risk. To anticipate this, a feasibility study is carried out at the early stages of construction planning so that later the construction runs well. There are three methods used to analyze investment feasibility, namely, Net Present Value (NPV) method, Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) method and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) method. Besides using those methods, the payback period for the building construction project of Hasyim Asy'ari University of Tebuireng Jombang is also calculated. Based on the results of the analysis conducted, it was found that the construction of Hasyim Asy'ari University of Tebuireng Jombang was feasible to be carried out referring to the NPV and B/C values which were higher than one and the IRR value was higher than MARR and the payback period was for 7 years and 5 months. Thus, the investment project is declared feasible to proceed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 443-451
Wilhman Harywijaya ◽  
Mochammad Afifuddin ◽  
Muhammad Isya

The bridge assesment and checking is an effort to gain well performance and vouch the decline condition of the bridge to ensure the bridges could be restored back under it stability basedits performance. Nowadays, the bridge inspections were carried out independently by the Perencanaan dan Pengawasan Jalan Nasional (P2JN) by using the Bridge Management control System (BMS). Referring to the latest bridge indicators, the bridge checks are carried out by tender system and consultants. The aim of this study is to check the bridge damage by isnpecting the condition value and damage code in the field by using BMS and Bridge Condition Rating (BCR) in order to obtain the accuracy in bridge maintenance. This research was conducted on 4 Bridges on the road Kr. Raya-BTS. Banda Aceh and Lambaro-BTS. Pidie, those are Kr. Angan bridge (STA. 013 + 400), Kr. Inong bridge (STA. 040 + 600), Kr. Geunapet A bridge (STA. 063 + 700), and Kr. Geunapet B bridge (STA. 063 + 700). Based on the BMS method, the writer found that Kr. Angan bridge was in 0 condition value,  the condition value for Kr. Inong bridge was  2,  the condition value for Kr. Geunapet A bridge was 0 and Kr. Geunapet B bridge was 0. Based on the results by using BCR method, it can be seen that the condition value for Kr. Angan bridge was 5.36, 5,52 for Kr. Inong bridge, 5,28 for the Kr. Geunapet A and 5,28 for Kr. Geunapet B. In the method of BMS the assessment of the condition of the bridge from good to bad starts from a small to large values namely from 0 to 5, while in the method of crack the assessment of conditions starting from bad to good is 7 to 1. Furthermore, referring to the  BMS and BCR comparison, it could be concluded that both BMS and BCR needed the same proposed treatment in form of regular and periodic maintenance. For some components of the bridge handling is needed in the form of repairs such as repairing cracks in the concrete, as well as repairs to the expansion joint. While in the BCR method there was no assessment to handle floor drainage systems, backrests and safety building.

2020 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
pp. 124-134

ABSTRACT Vegetable cultivation stands out for intensive use of agricultural inputs due to high nutritional requirements of plants within a short period and their high susceptibility to pests and diseases. This study aimed to identify the main factors responsible for changes in pseudo-total and bioavailable contents of Cd, Cu, Cr, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn in soils under intensive vegetable cultivation. Soil samples were collected from 146 sites in Petrópolis (RJ), Brazil, in 2017. The samples were collected at a depth of 0-20 cm in family farm systems during vegetable production period. Pseudo-total contents of toxic elements were determined by the EPA 3050B method. Geochemical fractionation procedure was used based on the BCR method. Pollution indices were also calculated. In general, vegetable producing areas presented low contamination by Cu, Zn, Pb, Mn, and Ni, except for Cd, which showed severe contamination. In areas with the lowest slopes, most of the toxic elements showed increasing contents, reflecting relief influence. Overall, inadequate soil management, intensive application of phosphate, potassium, and organic fertilization, and relief were the most influencing parameters on the enrichment and bioavailability of toxic elements in the soil.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 01-04
Grimar de Oliveira Paula ◽  
João Emerson de Alencar Santos ◽  
Luiz Carlos de Araújo Souza

Objectives - Analyze the prevalence of biochemical recurrence (BCR) in patients submitted to radical prostatectomy with lymphadenectomy (RP-LD) the most prevalent clinical and pathological staging in the BCR and to correlate the sum of the Gleason score (GS) in the surgical specimen in patients who presented BCR. Method - Analysis of 100 patients diagnosed with prostate adenocarcinoma who performed RP-LD between 2013 to 2017. All subjects underwent transrectal prostate biopsy due to PSA or rectal examination and RP-LD. The lymphadenectomy considered in the study was the iliac-obturator, and the surgical pieces were analyzed to determine the pathological staging and its descriptors. All patients who had two or more PSA measurements >0.2 ng/ml and who had undergone RP-LD were considered postoperative. Results -About 22% of the patients submitted to RP-LD presented BCR. Patients with BCR had a 59-76 age range, mean age of 66.27 years, and median age of 63.50 years. The most prevalent preoperative PSA in patients with BCR was between 10-20 ng/ml (40.90%) and the most prevalent clinical stage was cT2 (59.10%). Regarding the Gleason score, the BCR patients had the most prevalent 6 (36.37%) score in the biopsy and score 7 (4 + 3) (36.37%) in the surgical specimen. All patients (100%) with BCR presented perineural invasion, with pT3 staging (81.81%) and pN0 (77.28%) being the most prevalent in patients with BCR. Patients with BCR presented a correlation (p<0.05) between the increase in the sum of pathological GS and the increase in pTN staging. Conclusion - All these variables were important in the determination of BCR in patients submitted to RP-LD, thus demonstrating the importance of this information in the analysis of the prognosis and in the follow-up of these patients.

2019 ◽  
Vol 70 (1) ◽  
pp. 269-274 ◽  
Lidia Kim ◽  
Gina Alina Catrina (Traistaru) ◽  
Bogdan Stanescu ◽  
Luoana Florentina Pascu ◽  
Tanase Gheorghita ◽  

The paper presents the chemical fractions and leaching of the heavy metals in the bottom and filter ashes from the incineration of medical waste by two comparative methods of sequential extraction and by Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure test (TCLP). The BCR classic method has higher extraction percentages than proposed modified BCR method. In both ashes, the metals are predominantly bounded in F1 (exchangeable) and F2 (iron and manganese oxides) fractions. Due to the high content of metals in filter ash, representing over 17,000 mg/kg dry matter for Zn, 7,000 mg/kg dry matter for Pb, and 1,400 mg/kg dry matter for Cr and Cu in F1 and F2 fractions, a special attention should be given to the management and storage of this waste.

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