jovian magnetosphere
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2021 ◽  
R. E. Tolba ◽  
M E Yahia ◽  
Waleed Moslem

Abstract Different types of waves and their nature in the Jovian middle magnetosphere are still not clear or specified. For this purpose, a generalized hydrodynamic model for an arbitrary amplitude dust-acoustic waves is built for true Jovian magnetosphere. The plasma system consists of positive dust grains, Maxwellian ions and electrons. An evolution equation containing a Sagdeev potential is derived, and its numerical analysis is presented. Unexpectedly, the given data yielded cnoidal waves only with positive potential. The effect of the external magnetic field, Mach number, and directional cosine parameters are studied and manipulated. We think that the present results are important in realizing the main waves in the Jovian magnetosphere, and the possible correlation to its particlesístability and pole acoustic waves.

2021 ◽  
Mika Holmberg ◽  
Fabrice Cipriani ◽  
Gregoire Déprez ◽  
Christian Imhof ◽  
Olivier Witasse ◽  

<p>Ganymede is the only moon in our Solar System known to have its own global magnetic field, which generates a miniature moon magnetosphere inside the Jovian magnetosphere. Due to this unique characteristic of Ganymede, its auroral zone is also of particular scientific interest, as it is the only known example of this specific kind of interaction. The JUICE spacecraft will orbit Ganymede for almost a year, with a high inclination orbit with multiple auroral zone crossings. JUICE will study the auroral zone of Ganymede in more detail than ever before, providing both in-situ and remote sensing observations.</p> <p>In this work, we use Spacecraft Plasma Interaction Software (SPIS) simulations to study the spacecraft charging of JUICE in the auroral zone. Hubble Space Telescope observations of the aurora of Ganymede show localized regions of bright spots superimposed on a continuous background emission (e.g. Feldman et al. 2000, Eviatar et al. 2001). In order to produce bright auroras, the electron population needs to be accelerated up to hundreds of eV (Eviatar et al. 2001). Preliminary simulation results, using an auroral electron population with temperature T<sub>e</sub> = 200 eV and density n<sub>e</sub> = 300 cm<sup>-3</sup>, shows frame charging (i.e. spacecraft ground) of around 10 V and differential charging of around 30 V. High frame and differential potentials can cause disturbances in both particle and electric field measurements and prevent accurate characterization of the environment. Since the auroral zone of Ganymede is of particular scientific interest, it is important to study and prepare for this kind of disturbances.</p> <p> </p> <p>References</p> <p>D. Feldman et al., HST/STIS ultraviolet imaging of polar aurora on Ganymede, The Astrophysical Journal, 535(2), 2000</p> <p>A. Eviatar et al., Excitation of the Ganymede ultraviolet aurora, The Astrophysical Journal, 555(2), 2001</p>

2021 ◽  
Aneesah Kamran ◽  
Emma Bunce ◽  
Stanley Cowley ◽  
Jonathan Nichols ◽  
Gabrielle Provan

<p>We present a comparison of magnetic field data collected by the NASA Juno spacecraft, with the magnetosphere-ionosphere (MI) coupling model for the Jovian system developed by the University of Leicester. We study the magnetic field of Jupiter, in the Northern Hemisphere, for Perijoves 1-13. By virtue of the offset of the magnetic field to the rotation axis and the subsequent “wobble” of the Juno trajectory in magnetic coordinates, these northern hemisphere portions of PJs 1-13 see the spacecraft traversing the magnetic field lines connecting to the inner, middle, outer and tail regions of the magnetosphere. As such, even away from the close Perijove period, the observations contain evidence of the expected magnetic field perturbations associated with field-aligned currents associated with this fundamental MI coupling. In this study, therefore, we focus on investigating the nature of the field-aligned current signatures evident in the residual azimuthal field (having subtracted the Connerney et al 2018 JRM09 internal magnetic field model) along the magnetic field lines outside of the close periapsides. We map the residual azimuthal field signatures into the ionosphere, and calculate the corresponding ionospheric Pedersen current on an orbit by orbit basis. We compare the magnitude and distribution of these field-aligned current signatures to those expected from the Leicester model, and consider the observed orbit-by-orbit variation as a function of ionospheric colatitude and longitude. We deduce estimates for the field-aligned current densities on auroral field lines for each observation using the Pedersen currents and their distribution in co-latitude, and compare to the previous work of Kotsiaros et al [2019]. We discuss possible reasons for the variations we see, and present the next steps of our broader analysis.</p>

2021 ◽  
Sariah Al Saati ◽  
Noé Clément ◽  
Michel Blanc ◽  
Yuxian Wang ◽  
Nicolas André ◽  

<p class="western" lang="en-US" align="justify">The dynamics of the Jovian magnetosphere is controlled by the complex interplay of the planet’s fast rotation, its solar-wind interaction and its main plasma source at the Io torus. At the ionospheric level, these MIT coupling processes can be characterized by a set of key parameters which include ionospheric conductances, currents and electric fields, exchanges of particles along field lines and auroral emissions. Knowledge of these key parameters in turn makes it possible to estimate the net deposition/extraction of momentum and energy into/out of the Jovian upper atmosphere. In this talk we will extend to the first thirty Juno science orbits the method described in Wang et al. (JGR 2021, under review) which combines Juno multi-instrument data (MAG, JADE, JEDI, UVS, JIRAM and WAVES), adequate modelling tools and data bases to retrieve these key parameters along the Juno magnetic footprint and across the north and south auroral ovals. We will present preliminary distributions of conductances, electric currents and electric fields obtained from these orbits and will compare them with model predictions.</p>

2021 ◽  
Hans Huybrighs ◽  
Aljona Blöcker ◽  
Elias Roussos ◽  
Christiaan Van Buchem ◽  
Yoshifumi Futaana ◽  

<p>We investigate energetic proton depletions during Europa flybys E17 and E25A* by the Galileo mission. Energetic ion observations along trajectories like those of E17 & E25A are suitable for isolating the characteristics of the global configuration of the interaction region of Europa (or any Galilean moon) with the Jovian magnetosphere. Both of these flybys passed through Europa’s Alfvén wings further away from the moon, where ionospheric effects are small.</p> <p>We simulate the measured flux with a Monte Carlo particle tracing code and investigate the effect of the following factors: inhomogeneous electromagnetic fields, Europa's induced dipole, atmospheric charge exchange and plumes.</p> <p>We find that the homogeneous fields do not explain the Galileo data. We propose that the perturbed fields associated with the Alfvén wings affect the proton depletions. The inhomogeneous fields and induced dipole alter the pitch angle distribution of the depletion along the trajectory. The plumes that are investigated in this study have a minor effect on the proton depletions compared to the inhomogeneous fields and Alfvén wings. The contribution of atmospheric charge exchange to the depletion is negligible for these flybys. Finally, we compare the simulations to the measured proton flux and discuss the contribution of the effects we have considered.</p> <p>* E25A is a segment of the Io flyby I25</p>

2021 ◽  
William Kurth ◽  
George Hospodarsky ◽  
Ali Sulaiman ◽  
Sadie Elliott ◽  
John D. Menietti ◽  

<p>Juno's highly eccentric polar orbit was designed to provide the first measurements at low altitudes over the poles to explore Jupiter’s polar magnetosphere and auroras.  Orbit precession moves the initially equatorial perijove to higher northern latitudes at a rate of about one degree per orbit.  One result of the precession is that Juno crosses the equator at decreasing radial distances during the inbound portion of the orbit. Recently, Juno has crossed the magnetic equator at distances of 10 Jovian radii (R<sub>J</sub>) and less.  Voyager and Galileo observations have shown the magnetic equator inside of 10 R<sub>J</sub> to be the site of numerous plasma wave phenomena including whistler-mode hiss, chorus, electron cyclotron harmonics and upper hybrid bands.  In addition, this is the location of the plasma sheet at the outer edge of the Io and Europa torii.  The Juno orbit, with its near-polar inclination carries the spacecraft through this intriguing region to higher latitudes.  This paper examines the evolution of whistler-mode chorus and hiss as well as electron cyclotron waves from the magnetic equator to higher latitudes.  While there are now statistical studies of electromagnetic waves at intermediate latitudes based on Galileo and Juno observations, this paper is designed to show details of these wave phenomena utilizing the Juno Waves instrument’s burst mode for high resolution.  Each of these wave phenomena has the potential to interact with the electrons in the inner magnetosphere and cause pitch-angle scattering and/or acceleration, so they are important in the flow of mass and energy through the Jovian system.</p>

2021 ◽  
Štěpán Štverák ◽  
Pavel Trávníček ◽  
Ondřej Šebek ◽  
David Herčík

Abstract. We tackle the Io's aurora source and topology by carrying out a set of global hybrid simulations of Io's interaction with the plasma torus under different model geometry and background conditions. Based on the simulated results, we compute the photon emission rates above the Io's surface and present the resulting images from a virtual telescope and topological maps showing the distribution of the emission sources across the moon's surface. This allows us to compare the structure of the aurora with the real observations and conclude on the different assumptions. We found a reasonable agreement with the real observations in the case of non-collisional background electron populations. From the comparison of the local magnetic field topology with model aurora structures, we also infer that an induced dipole feature is more probable to play a role in the interaction of Io with the Jovian magnetosphere. In addition we also examine the potential contribution of energetic electron beams, being observed in the Io's wake region, to the overall auroral emissions.

Eos ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 101 ◽  
Morgan Rehnberg

Updating a model developed during the Voyager flybys will enable better mission planning and a deeper understanding of Juno data.

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