psychological resource
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Polina Y. Udachina ◽  
Manushak A. Egikyan

The article discusses the importance of personal psychological resource in the context of cancer. As such an internal resource, we have identified the vital and existential meanings, and we also determined the difference between these two concepts. The analysis of the literature has shown that one of the main problems of psychological science is search for psychological reasons for its loss and the possibility of finding meaning of life again and again rather than understanding it. We also found that a significant role in the acquisition and loss of meanings can be played by the personal qualities, personal attitude towards oneself, towards the world around, the ability to self-responsibility and to responsibility for own life.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 94-103
Iveta Smane ◽  
Guna Svence

The issue of parents’ psychological well-being, parents’ ability to recognize their physical and emotional resources, ability to avoid exhaustion of those resources has become increasingly important. In this context parents’ self-compassion could be psychological resource for parents to implement positive parenting approaches and encourage positive contact with the child. The aim of this research was to examine whether there is an association between parents’ self-compassion and their perceptions of child rearing practices. Data were collected from 203 respondents in 2019. The results showed a statistically significant positive correlation (rs= .268 p < .01) between self-compassion and the Positive parenting indicators; statistically significant negative correlation (rs= -.214 p < .01) between self-compassion and Psychological control; statistically significant negative correlation (rs= -.192, p < .01) between self-compassion and Physical control. Keywords: psychological well-being, self-compassion, perceptions of child rearing

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Noémie Niveau ◽  
Boris New ◽  
Marine Beaudoin

Numerous studies showed that cancer significantly increases the risk of developing depressive and anxious symptoms. It has been shown that self-esteem is an important psychological resource and is associated with many health behaviors. Furthermore, the vulnerability model of low self-esteem, which has received strong empirical support, highlights that low self-esteem is a real risk factor in the development of depressive disorders. This article aims at providing an overview of the involvement of self-esteem in the psychological adjustment to cancer. After briefly reviewing the literature, we suggest that its implication in the development of depressive disorders and its association with coping strategies and social support in cancer patients justify the consideration of self-esteem in oncology psychological care, especially in young adult patients and those with significant physical impairment following treatment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Svitlana Yalanska ◽  

Today, the latest technologies, interactive forms of the work with students, which would promote their interest, creativity, skills of teamwork, self-organization, successful time distribution, should be used in the educational process. The modern young people are constantly in the information environment of social networks, the virtual space, which causes a lack of «live» communication with other persons and on the whole with the natural environment. Therefore, there is a necessity to strengthen this communication, which contributes to both physical and mental health. The purpose of the article is to reveal the psychological resource of the art-eco-practices using in the educational process of higher education, and, in particular, on the campus of the university – «green audience». The theoretical analysis of literature sources, surveys of the participants in the educational process (research methods), the personal experience have helped to find that such a tool promotes a sense of inner harmony, psychological well-being, activates the creative activity, the coordinated teamwork. The results: according to a survey of students of the National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic» (76 persons), the following answers are: the question «Is it relevant to use the art practices in the educational process?» was answered as «yes» – 91.0%, as «it is relevant while they are studying the social, behavioral, and human sciences» – 8.0%, as «no» – 1.0%; the question «Which methods, forms of the work used in studying of subjects «Psychology» and «Psychology of Health and Healthy Lifestyle» have you remembered the most?» is answered by 97.0% respondents as «the art practices». The chair has a psychological workshop «The Way to Success», where during the open meetings the training sessions are held, the art exercises are performed, which are focused on the development of creativity of modern young people. Based on the own experience, students survey, there are conclusions that in the process of studying subjects «Psychology» and «Psychology of Health and Healthy Lifestyle» it is advisable to use the art-eco-practices to promote the communication with nature, the creativity development and model skills of teamwork, self-organization, successful time distribution, studying and improvement of own «I».

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. 3531-3542
Changyou Ye ◽  
Xiaowei Song ◽  
Zhen Fang ◽  
Ke Gao

Objectives: Psychological capital is the core element that represents individual initiative, which lays an important foundation for individual to gain competitive advantage. In the team organization, the employee’s active psychological resource is the main source of the organizational innovation power. Therefore, the factors that influence the organization innovation based on the team creativity of QCA analysis are analyzed in this paper. Methods: Based on the analysis of the basic principle of psychological capital and the atmosphere, motivation and performance of team innovation, the mechanism of interaction between mental capital and team innovation, it is found out that innovation is the embodiment of employee psychological capital are explored in this paper. Results: And a model of innovation power based on psychological capital is proposed. The validity and reliability of the model are validated by QCA analysis. Conclusion: The simulation results show that the research has found out the mechanism of team creativity on organizational innovation, and it has a good reference meaning and application value to improve the creative power of team innovation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 194855062110418
Xinyue Zhou ◽  
Constantine Sedikides ◽  
Tiantian Mo ◽  
Wanyue Li ◽  
Emily K. Hong ◽  

Lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic increased the risk for loneliness. We tested whether nostalgia counteracts loneliness via rises in happiness. We conducted surveys in China ( N = 1,546), the United States ( N = 1,572), and the United Kingdom ( N = 603). Although feeling lonely was associated with unhappiness, it was also associated with nostalgia, which in turn conduced to increased happiness. We complemented these findings with three experiments testing MTurk workers (Study 4, N = 209; Study 5, N = 196; Study 6, N = 190), where we manipulated nostalgia and assessed happiness. Nostalgia increased happiness immediately after the manipulation (Studies 4–6) and, following an induction booster, up to 2 days later (Studies 4–5). Nostalgia is a psychological resource that can be harnessed to raise happiness and help combat loneliness.

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (3) ◽  
pp. 177-200
Vikramsing Gungah

This study, which was conducted in the context of a Small Island Developing state economy, adopts exploratory, meta-theoretical, and inter-disciplinary stances to examine determinants of internal psychological resources for entrepreneurs. It contributes to existing literature and methodology through its innovative interdisciplinary theoretical framework and the use of Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) in the field of entrepreneurship. Questionnaires were randomly distributed among 711 entrepreneurs, of which 539 were deemed useful for analytical purposes. EFA was used to identify factors that determine fundamental internal psychological resources for entrepreneurs. The Kaiser-Meyer Olkin coefficient of 0.85 justified the sample size for the use of EFA. The highly significant Barlett’s test (p<0.0001) showed the presence of adequately correlated items to form clusters. A coefficient of 0.00033 on the inverse of correlation matrix ruled out the possibility of multicollinearity issues among the six key EFA constructs of internal psychological resources for entrepreneurs. Inner Strength which originates from the field of medicine is surprisingly revealed as the leading internal psychological resource valued by entrepreneurs, followed by Entrepreneurial Aspirations, Entrepreneurial Alertness, Entrepreneurial Orientation, Self-leadership, and Risk Orientation. Two other concepts (Psychological capital and Sense of Coherence) which were initially included in the theoretical framework were eliminated during the EFA because the Scree plot did not support their retention and contributed to multicollinearity issues. This study has several practical and policy implications which will enable governments and entrepreneurs to contribute more effectively and more accurately to the entrepreneurial process.

2021 ◽  
Ketevan Inasaridze

Different types of mental problems are observed with individuals involved in the educational space, with school pupils, university students, teachers/lecturers and other staff involved in the field. These problems include cognitive, emotional, motivational, behavioral, personal, and social aspects. The existing psychological resource requires additional forces, in particular the addition of a telephone psychological counseling service. Psychological counseling is an interactive process between a qualified counselor and a client. To implement it at a qualified level requires training of psychologist consultants, equipping them with the appropriate knowledge and methods, that is a purpose of the presented article.

2021 ◽  
pp. 216769682110192
Claudia Recksiedler ◽  
Monique Landberg

The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting emerging adults during a crucial developmental period, which may have long-lasting effects on their developmental task progression and psychosocial adjustment. Because self-efficacy is a well-researched psychological resource to deal with substantial challenges, the present study examined the link between emerging adults’ life- and domain-specific satisfaction during the pandemic and self-efficacy before the pandemic. Drawing on a sample of 377 German emerging adults (56.5% female), we found that self-efficacy prior to the pandemic was not associated with life or domain-specific satisfaction during the pandemic. However, results revealed that associations between domain-specific satisfaction during the pandemic and self-efficacy varied by educational attainment. Results are discussed in light of specific circumstances related to the progression of the pandemic in Germany, possible non-response bias, as well as implications for social policy and future research.

Garrett Kafka ◽  
Arne Stinchcombe ◽  
Nadia Mullen ◽  
Bruce Weaver ◽  
Michel Bédard

Abstract Psychological resources can help individuals adjust to changes associated with aging. In this study, we examined the effect of demographic, health, and psychological resource variables in explaining driving status among adults 55 years and older. A convenience sample of 222 adults between the ages of 55 and 91 years (mean = 72.20 years) completed questionnaires that included measures of driving status, self-rated health, and psychological resources (e.g., life control, life purpose, and locus of control). Multiple logistic regression models that controlled for confounders were constructed with driver status (i.e., current driver or former driver) as the outcome. Former drivers were older, reported being in poorer health, and reported more depression symptoms. After controlling for age and health, current drivers reported higher levels of life control and life purpose and a more internal locus of control. Results highlight the importance of considering psychological resources when examining driving cessation.

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