service business
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YMER Digital ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 21 (01) ◽  
pp. 226-240
Sasmita Pattnaik ◽  
Uma Sankar Mishra ◽  

Service providers in Indian telecommunication industry are now facing lots of challenges for their sustainability in tough competition because of varying wants of customers. Provision of quality service, initiatives of public relationship programmes, and generation of timely customer satisfaction are now of major concerns. In addition to these, positioning a proper brand image in customers’ mindset is equally important. The present study investigates all these factors of service business concerns to know the key determinants of achieving appropriate customer loyalty. Around 214 numbers of cell phone users were surveyed through a structured tested questionnaire in the state of Odisha, India and then all collected responses were analyzed through structural equation models. Study results showed that perception on public relation moderated by brand image has no role in creating customer loyalty. Again, after introduction of brand image as moderator, the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction becomes insignificant. However, customer satisfaction plays a major role in the variation of customer loyalty.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 157
Aimee Anindya Putri ◽  
Elke Alexandrina

As the popularity of K-Pop culture increases rapidly in Indonesia, many people started to see this as an opportunity to start a business. The business which started to get popular amongst K-Pop fans community nowadays is an online shopping entrusted goods service business which specialized in providing a service to help K-Pop fans in purchasing their favorite idol merchandises directly from South Korea. The competition for this online shopping entrusted goods service business keeps growing and increases every day, due to the popularity of K-Pop and the customers plays a crucial role in this business. Therefore, maintaining a customer engagement for this business is very necessary. The objective of this research is to reveal the contribution of user generated content created by the customers as a way to build customer engagement of and also to reveal the motivations behind the creation of user generated content by the customers. This research is using a qualitative methodology and guided by using the concept of customer engagement cycle by Sashi (2012). The findings of this research shows that the user generated content plays a role in each stage of the customer engagement cycle and that the customers are mostly motivated by the empowerment motives in creating the user generated content.

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-146
Ragil Pardiyono ◽  
Jaja Suteja ◽  
Hermita Dyah Puspita ◽  
Undang Juju

Higher education institutions, like any business institution, should satisfy their clients (students) for them to survive in the higher education service business market. As a service business, higher education institutions also need to follow marketing principles in their attempt to attract potential students. We investigated the effect of marketing mix dimension on internal and external marketing in universities. The research used primary data from a questionnaire survey of 526 students in West Java Province, Indonesia, and then drew conclusions by a structural equation model (SEM) analysis. The research findings revealed that place, product, price and promotion have a positive effect on external marketing. Whereas physical evidence, people and processes have positive, significant effects on internal marketing. There was also positive, significant correlation between external marketing and internal marketing. The research findings were hopefully beneficial for higher education management, to be made as guidance in implementing their marketing strategy. Higher education leaders may apply the external marketing policy to attract potential student interest and the internal marketing policy to improve the quality of their service and internal marketing. The study delivered a broader picture of the application of marketing mix model on universities. In addition, the discussion presented the implication of the offered theory and practice, the research limitation, and the direction of future researchers.

Informatics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 3
Imad Bani-Hani ◽  
Soumitra Chowdhury ◽  
Arianit Kurti

The current business environment demands the enablement of organization-wide use of analytics to support a fact-based decision making. Such movement within the organization require employees to take advantage of the self-service business analytics tools to independently fulfil their needs. However, assuming independence in data analytics requires employees to make sense of several elements which collectively contribute to the generation of required insights. Building on sense-making, self-service business analytics, and institutions literature, this paper explores the relationship between sense-making and self-service business analytics and how institutions influence and shape such relationship. By adopting a qualitative perspective and using 22 interviews, we have empirically investigated a model developed through our literature review and provided more understanding of the sense-making concept in a self-service business analytics context.

YMER Digital ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (12) ◽  
pp. 618-635
Akankshya Tripathy ◽  
Dr Sapan Kumar Sadual ◽  
Dr Smita Sucharita Mohapatra ◽  

Human resource development is becoming increasingly crucial for the tourism industry. Mobilizing our human resource is required to enable them to participate in the task of hotel operations for development and nation building. The mobilization of human resources requires developing their skills, knowledge, and attitudes so that they can accomplish effectively the pre-determined objectives. The successful development of this sector requires efficient and professional management. Having equal importance, however, is the quality of staff training, which is often relatively neglected during the early stages of development this sector. Hotel business basically being a service business, so there is a need to take the necessary steps to build a pool of efficient trained people to occupy various jobs. There is, therefore, a need to pay special attention to the training and qualification of manpower and personnel for the various hotel professions. A special effort has also been made to ensure that services and facilis are expanded to keep up with the competition. In this study, an attempt has been made to create a better work force through a more effective HR system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 45 (2) ◽  
pp. 120
Aninda Ayu Arizka ◽  
Bambang Purwantana ◽  
Lilik Soetiarso

<p><em>The use of agricultural equipment and machinery is one way to increase the productivity and efficiency of farming. In order to accelerate the adoption of agricultural equipment and machinery as part of the application of agricultural mechanization, one of which is through the agricultural equipment and machinery service business/usaha pelayanan jasa alat dan mesin pertanian (UPJA). This study aims to analyze the application of agricultural mechanization, especially related to the use of equipment and machinery by UPJA for the rice production system in Banyumas, Purbalingga and Banjarnegara Regencies. Data were obtained, including the ownership of the equipment and machinery, the extent of coverage carried out by the UPJA, the cost of renting the equipment and machinery determined by each UPJA, and the costs incurred for the operation of the equipment and machinery in each UPJA. The results of the calculation of the working capacity of the hand tractor obtained an average of 0.07 ha hour<sup>-1</sup>. The lack of ability of equipment and machinery operators as well as the topography of the area and soil conditions are factors that affect the working capacity of the hand tractor in this study. UPJA which has a coverage area of more than the Break Event Point (BEP) value means that the UPJA has met the minimum area that must be processed to break even. The results of the calculation of the B/C ratio are that 9 UPJAs are feasible because the B/C ratio &gt; 1 and 10 UPJAs are not feasible because of the B/C ratio &lt; 1. UPJA whose business is not feasible is expected to improve the managerial and performance of UPJA.</em></p>

Luis Manfron ◽  
Cleverson Mello ◽  
Luciane Scheuer ◽  
Matheus Barcelos

This study aimed to investigate the consequences of the (in)existence of emergency reserve for small non-essential service business in the city of Paranaguá, PR./Brazil. The survey was submitted to the managers of companies with more than 03 (three) years in the market, taking into account 02 (two) categories of analysis: emergency financial reserve and impacts of the Covid 19 pandemic. For data analysis, Bardin content analysis technique was used. The study revealed that during the pandemic period, companies had to adapt their way of working because of the crisis. In addition, the importance of using controls and financial indicators to better manage the business and the use of the emergency financial reserve as a survival strategy was highlighted.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 468-472
Michael Lianwar Antolis ◽  
Ida Ayu Putu Widiati ◽  
I Putu Gede Seputra

Income tax is a tax imposed on individuals/business entities on income earned in the tax year. Promotional service business actors are tax subjects who earn income that exceeds the non-taxable income and the income is obtained from activities promoting goods or services through social media, such as Instagram, YouTube, WhatsApp or other types of social media. The purposes of this study are to examine the regulation of income tax in promotional services business activities through social media as well as the mechanism for collecting income taxes against business actors in promotional services through social media. This study uses normative legal research methods, with legal materials consisting of primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. The collection of legal materials in this study was carried out by the recording method. The legal material analysis method used is argumentative technique. The result of the study shows that the regulation of income tax in promotional service business activities through social media, in this case YouTubers or Celebrities, is subject to income tax for those whose income exceeds Non-Taxable Income (PTKP) based on the Regulation of the Director General of Taxes Number PER-17/PJ/2015.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Moritz Classen ◽  
Thomas Friedli

Purpose The purpose of this study is to explore organizational enablers of frontline employees’ (FLEs) service-sales ambidexterity (SSA) in industrial firms expanding their digital service portfolios. Design/methodology/approach The authors conducted a qualitative study of five industrial firms pursuing digital service growth and, for this purpose, collected and analyzed interview data obtained from 50 service and sales managers and FLEs across three continents. Findings The authors identify and explain eight organizational enablers of digital service-sales ambidexterity (DSSA), operating at the macro, micro and meso levels. Practical implications Service and sales managers should use the identified organizational enablers to exploit the established service business and to explore new digital growth paths. Originality/value The study expands the prior understanding of SSA by advancing the concept of DSSA, unpacking its multilevel dynamics and operationalizing eight organizational enablers.

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