software vendor
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2021 ◽  
Mike Linn ◽  

The latest release of ISO/IEC-17025 requires that calibrations laboratories must take their measurement uncertainty into account when making a statement of conformity to a specified requirement. The standard further requires the laboratory to take the risks (both consumer and producer risk) into consideration when employing these “decision rules”. While 17025 does not specify exactly what your laboratory decision rules must be, there are numerous documents that can offer guidance on the subject. Each method has its pros and cons relating to complexity, statistical rigor, and tradeoffs between the two sides of the risk equation. The modern calibration laboratory struggles to offer affordable services to customers who demand increased accuracy in their equipment. The old 4:1 TAR rule of thumb is long gone and with the customer shop floor equipment reaching the accuracies of the laboratory standards of just a few years ago, the challenge of maintaining an appropriate ratio of uncertainty is becoming progressively more difficult. This paper looks at the most common methods of taking that measurement uncertainty into account and how our software is configured and structured to allow the laboratory to apply several different methods depending on their individual customer requirements. These approaches are not fixed, one size fits all, but are customizable by the laboratory, to fit their customers exact requirements, even if their customers have widely different demands.

IEEE Access ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-1
Abdul Wahid Khan ◽  
Maseeh Ullah Khan ◽  
Javed Ali Khan ◽  
Arshad Ahmad ◽  
Khalil Khan ◽  

The cloud computing has utilization of pervasive or distributed models on demand access to highly configurable computing devices for fast provision and less management efforts. The complex architecture, multitenant and virtual environment in cloud infrastructure asks for risks identification and mitigation. The cloud computing model business needs reassurances so it’s prime consideration for testing the cloud services. This research primarily identifies various risks, threats, testing models and vulnerabilities in cloud computing environment. This research has implemented the risk assessment and cloud readiness for PaaS environment by scanning its code with a software vendor. The research makes an emphasis on risk minimization strategies and trust evaluation in cloud computing environment.

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
Xiao Xiao ◽  
Jonas Hedman

2019 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-57 ◽  
Jianping Peng ◽  
Meiwen Guo ◽  
Jing Quan

This research investigates the software vendor-based relationships between software vulnerability and application security risk. The data is obtained from the China National Vulnerability Database of Information Security (CNNVD). At first, we use the latent class model to classify the software vendors into three categories, and then employ regression models to estimate relationships between software vulnerability and application security risk for each of the three categories of the software vendors. The results show the relationships vary across the software vendors. The findings suggest that an IT vendor should learn specific vulnerability features according to its type to effectively avoid vulnerability generation on their products.

2017 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 270-282 ◽  
Ricky Cooper ◽  
Jonathan Seddon ◽  
Ben Van Vliet

The last few decades has seen an ever-increasing growth in the way activities are productized and associated with a financial cost. This phenomenon, termed financialization, spans all areas including government, finance, health and manufacturing. Recent developments within finance over that past decade have radically altered the way trading occurs. This paper analyses high-frequency trading (HFT) as a necessary component of the infrastructure that makes financialization possible. Through interviews with HFT firms, a software vendor, regulators and banks, the effects of HFT on market efficiency, and its impact on costs to long-term investors are explored. This paper contributes to the literature by exploring the conflict that exists between HFT and traditional market makers in today's fragmented markets. This paper argues that society should be unconcerned with this conflict and should instead focus on the effects these participants have on the long-term investors, for whom the markets ultimately exist. In order to facilitate the best outcomes, regulation should be simple, aimed at keeping participants’ behavior stable, and the interactions among them transparent and straightforward. Financialization and HFT are inextricably linked, and society is best served by ensuring that the creative energy of these market participants is directed on providing liquidity and removing inefficiencies.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 39
Muhammad Wali ◽  
Lukman Ahmad

a b s t r a c tof reference codes on a programming language and software evaluation. Today, most Source code library for the purposes of learning software developers in the form of documentation of the use of a programming language that can be accessed through the official website developer programming languages, forum and various blogs. Because of the complexity of the features most web-based Source code library can only be accessed through the website and some others have provided documentation on each software vendor from the developers company the device. This research tries to construct a model of the application Source code library that can be used as a form of documentation for learning the use of various programming languages flexibly both in online and offline. The application allows the renewal of data/content Source code library at a time when the Internet is still available or at the time of the user's area does not have a network the Internet. In the implementation of this research will be divided in three stages, namely data collection pre development, development and implementation, and data collection of post-war development. Data collection pre development intended to get a preliminary study about the provision the core issue at hand, while the development and implementation phase focuses on model software design into diagrams and make the programming code to implement the design that has been created. While the data collection stage of the post-war development was for revamping the application made in conclusion, withdrawal, and suggestions for further research topics.Keywords:Application, Source code library, software development a b s t r a kSource code library memungkinkan pengajar, programer maupun pelajar dan pengembang perangkat lunak untuk mendapatkan berbagai referensi kode-kode pada sebuah bahasa pemrograman perangkat lunak dan memberikan evaluasi. Saat ini, kebanyakan Source code library untuk keperluan pembelajaran pengembang perangkat lunak berupa dokumentasi penggunaan suatu bahasa pemrograman yang dapat diakses melalui website resmi pengembang bahasa pemrograman, forum dan berbagai blog. Karena kompleksitas fiturnya kebanyakan web-based Source code library hanya dapat diakses melalui website dan sebagian lainnya telah disediakan dokumentasi pada setiap software vendor dari perusahaan pengembang perangkat. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk membangun model aplikasi Source code library yang dapat digunakan sebagai bentuk dokumentasi pembelajaran penggunaan berbagai bahasa pemrograman secara fleksibel baik dalam kondisi online maupun offline. Aplikasi tersebut memungkinkan pembaharuan data/konten Source code library pada saat Internet masih tersedia atau pada saat pengguna pada area tidak memiliki jaringan Internet. Dalam pelaksanaannya penelitian ini akan dibagi dalam tiga tahapan, yaitu pengumpulan data pra pengembangan, pengembangan serta implementasi, dan pengumpulan data pasca pengembangan. Pengumpulan data pra pengembangan dimaksudkan untuk mendapatkan bekal studi pendahuluan tentang inti masalah yang sedang dihadapi, sedangkan tahap pengembangan dan implementasi berfokus pada memodelkan perancangan perangkat lunak ke dalam diagram dan membuat kode pemrograman untuk mengimplementasikan perancangan yang telah dibuat. Sedangkan tahapan pengumpulan data pasca pengembangan adalah untuk pembenahan aplikasi yang dibuat, penarikan kesimpulan, dan saran untuk topik penelitian selanjutnya.Kata Kunci:Aplikasi, Source code library, pengembangan perangkat lunak

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