finite borel measure
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2020 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 217
Fariba Zeinal Zadeh Farhadi ◽  
Mohammad Sadegh Asgari ◽  
Mohammad Reza Mardanbeigi ◽  
Mahdi Azhini

Considering a finite Borel measure $ \mu $ on $ \mathbb{R}^d $, a pair of conjugate exponents $ p, q $, and a compatible semi-inner product on $ L^p(\mu) $, we have introduced $ (p,q) $-Bessel and $ (p,q) $-frame measures as a generalization of the concepts of Bessel and frame measures. In addition, we have defined the notions of $ q $-Bessel sequence and $ q$-frame in the semi-inner product space $ L^p(\mu) $. Every finite Borel measure $\nu$ is a $(p,q)$-Bessel measure for a finite measure $ \mu $. We have constructed a large number of examples of finite measures $ \mu $ which admit infinite $ (p,q) $-Bessel measures $ \nu $. We have showed that if $ \nu $ is a $ (p,q) $-Bessel/frame measure for $ \mu $, then $ \nu $ is $ \sigma $-finite and it is not unique. In fact, by using the convolutions of probability measures, one can obtain other $ (p,q) $-Bessel/frame measures for $ \mu $. We have presented a general way of constructing a $ (p,q) $-Bessel/frame measure for a given measure.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 (750) ◽  
pp. 241-297 ◽  
Enrico Le Donne ◽  
Séverine Rigot

Abstract We give a complete answer to which homogeneous groups admit homogeneous distances for which the Besicovitch Covering Property (BCP) holds. In particular, we prove that a stratified group admits homogeneous distances for which BCP holds if and only if the group has step 1 or 2. These results are obtained as consequences of a more general study of homogeneous quasi-distances on graded groups. Namely, we prove that a positively graded group admits continuous homogeneous quasi-distances satisfying BCP if and only if any two different layers of the associated positive grading of its Lie algebra commute. The validity of BCP has several consequences. Its connections with the theory of differentiation of measures is one of the main motivations of the present paper. As a consequence of our results, we get for instance that a stratified group can be equipped with some homogeneous distance so that the differentiation theorem holds for each locally finite Borel measure if and only if the group has step 1 or 2. The techniques developed in this paper allow also us to prove that sub-Riemannian distances on stratified groups of step 2 or higher never satisfy BCP. Using blow-up techniques this is shown to imply that on a sub-Riemannian manifold the differentiation theorem does not hold for some locally finite Borel measure.

2019 ◽  
Vol 62 (02) ◽  
pp. 247-257 ◽  
Y. Elmadani ◽  
I. Labghail

AbstractLet $\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}$ be a positive finite Borel measure on the unit circle and ${\mathcal{D}}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D707})$ the associated harmonically weighted Dirichlet space. In this paper we show that for each closed subset $E$ of the unit circle with zero $c_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}}$ -capacity, there exists a function $f\in {\mathcal{D}}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D707})$ such that $f$ is cyclic (i.e., $\{pf:p\text{ is a polynomial}\}$ is dense in ${\mathcal{D}}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D707})$ ), $f$ vanishes on $E$ , and $f$ is uniformly continuous. Next, we provide a sufficient condition for a continuous function on the closed unit disk to be cyclic in ${\mathcal{D}}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D707})$ .

2017 ◽  
Vol 82 (1) ◽  
pp. 208-223 ◽  

AbstractGiven a metric space (X , d), equipped with a locally finite Borel measure, a measurable set $A \subseteq X$ is a density set if the points where A has density 1 are exactly the points of A. We study the topological complexity of the density sets of the real line with Lebesgue measure, with the tools—and from the point of view—of descriptive set theory. In this context a density set is always in $\Pi _3^0$. We single out a family of true $\Pi _3^0$ density sets, an example of true $\Sigma _2^0$ density set and finally one of true $\Pi _2^0$ density set.

2014 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
Boris Rubin

AbstractWe review some basic facts about the λ-cosine transforms with odd kernel on the unit sphere S n−1 in ℝn. These transforms are represented by the spherical fractional integrals arising as a result of evaluation of the Fourier transform of homogeneous functions. The related topic is the hemispherical transform which assigns to every finite Borel measure on S n−1 its values for all hemispheres. We revisit the known facts about this transform and obtain new results. In particular, we show that the classical Funk- Radon-Helgason inversion method of spherical means is applicable to the hemispherical transform of L p-functions.


Given a right-continuous Markov process (Xt)t ≥ 0 on a second countable metrizable space E with transition semigroup (pt)t ≥ 0, we prove that there exists a σ-finite Borel measure μ with full support on E, and a closed and densely defined linear operator [Formula: see text] generating (pt)t ≥ 0 on Lp (E; μ). In particular, we solve the corresponding Cauchy problem in Lp (E; μ) for any initial condition [Formula: see text]. Furthermore, for any real β > 0 we show that there exists a generalized Dirichlet form which is associated to (e-βt pt)t ≥ 0. If the β-subprocess of (Xt)t ≥ 0 corresponding to (e-βt pt)t ≥ 0, β > 0, is μ-special standard then all results from generalized Dirichlet form theory become available, and Fukushima's decomposition holds for [Formula: see text]. If (Xt)t ≥ 0 is transient, then β can be chosen to be zero.

2005 ◽  
Vol 48 (1) ◽  
pp. 133-146 ◽  
Erik Talvila

AbstractIf f is a real-valued function on [−π, π] that is Henstock-Kurzweil integrable, let ur(θ) be its Poisson integral. It is shown that ∥ur∥p = o(1/(1 − r)) as r → 1 and this estimate is sharp for 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞. If μ is a finite Borel measure and ur(θ) is its Poisson integral then for each 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞ the estimate ∥ur∥p = O((1−r)1/p−1) as r → 1 is sharp. The Alexiewicz norm estimates ∥ur∥ ≤ ∥f ∥ (0 ≤ r < 1) and ∥ur − f∥ → 0 (r → 1) hold. These estimates lead to two uniqueness theorems for the Dirichlet problem in the unit disc with Henstock-Kurzweil integrable boundary data. There are similar growth estimates when u is in the harmonic Hardy space associated with the Alexiewicz norm and when f is of bounded variation.

2001 ◽  
Vol 38 (1-4) ◽  
pp. 177-190 ◽  
Imre Csiszár ◽  
F. Matúš

We define the convex core of a finite Borel measure Q on R d as the intersection of all convex Borel sets C with Q(C) =Q(R d). It consists exactly of means of probability measures dominated by Q. Geometric and measure-theoretic properties of convex cores are studied, including behaviour under certain operations on measures. Convex cores are characterized as those convex sets that have at most countable number of faces.

2000 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-35 ◽  
Takahiko Nakazi ◽  
Rikio Yoneda

Let L^2_a (D, d\sigma d\theta /2\pi ) be a complete weighted Bergman space on the open unit disc D, where d\sigma is a positive finite Borel measure on [0, 1). We show the following : when \phi is a continuous function on the closed unit disc \bar {D}, T_\phi is compact if and only if \phi = 0 on \partial D.1991 Mathematics Subject Classification 47B35, 47B07.

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