warm cloud
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2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (24) ◽  
pp. 5179
Chiao-Wei Chang ◽  
Wei-Ting Chen ◽  
Yi-Chun Chen

We constructed the A-Train co-located aerosol and marine warm cloud data from 2006 to 2010 winter and spring over East Asia and investigated the sensitivities of single-layer warm cloud properties to aerosols under different precipitation statuses and environmental regimes. The near-surface stability (NSS), modulated by cold air on top of a warm surface, and the estimated inversion strength (EIS) controlled by the subsidence are critical environmental parameters affecting the marine warm cloud structure over East Asia and, thus, the aerosols–cloud interactions. Based on our analysis, precipitating clouds revealed higher cloud susceptibility to aerosols as compared to non-precipitating clouds. The cloud liquid water path (LWP) increased with aerosols for precipitating clouds, yet decreased with aerosols for non-precipitating clouds, consistent with previous studies. For precipitating clouds, the cloud LWP and albedo increased more under higher NSS as unstable air promotes more moisture flux from the ocean. Under stronger EIS, the cloud albedo response to aerosols was lower than that under weaker EIS, indicating that stronger subsidence weakens the cloud susceptibility due to more entrainment drying. Our study suggests that the critical environmental factors governing the aerosol–cloud interactions may vary for different oceanic regions, depending on the thermodynamic conditions.

Nature ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 593 (7858) ◽  
pp. 233-237
B. Franco ◽  
T. Blumenstock ◽  
C. Cho ◽  
L. Clarisse ◽  
C. Clerbaux ◽  

AbstractAtmospheric acidity is increasingly determined by carbon dioxide and organic acids1–3. Among the latter, formic acid facilitates the nucleation of cloud droplets4 and contributes to the acidity of clouds and rainwater1,5. At present, chemistry–climate models greatly underestimate the atmospheric burden of formic acid, because key processes related to its sources and sinks remain poorly understood2,6–9. Here we present atmospheric chamber experiments that show that formaldehyde is efficiently converted to gaseous formic acid via a multiphase pathway that involves its hydrated form, methanediol. In warm cloud droplets, methanediol undergoes fast outgassing but slow dehydration. Using a chemistry–climate model, we estimate that the gas-phase oxidation of methanediol produces up to four times more formic acid than all other known chemical sources combined. Our findings reconcile model predictions and measurements of formic acid abundance. The additional formic acid burden increases atmospheric acidity by reducing the pH of clouds and rainwater by up to 0.3. The diol mechanism presented here probably applies to other aldehydes and may help to explain the high atmospheric levels of other organic acids that affect aerosol growth and cloud evolution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 253 ◽  
pp. 105470
Qiong Liu ◽  
Shengyang Duan ◽  
Qianshan He ◽  
Yonghang Chen ◽  
Hua Zhang ◽  

Vishnu Nair ◽  
Thijs Heus ◽  
Maarten van Reeuwijk

AbstractInterfaces at the edge of an idealised, non-precipitating, warm cloud are studied using Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) complemented with a Lagrangian particle tracking routine. Once a shell has formed, four zones can be distinguished: the cloud core, visible shell, invisible shell and the environment. The union of the visible and invisible regions is the shell commonly referred to in literature. The boundary between the invisible shell and the environment is the Turbulent-NonTurbulent Interface (TNTI) which is typically not considered in cloud studies. Three million particles were seeded homogeneously across the domain and properties were recorded along individual trajectories. The results demonstrate that the traditional cloud boundary (separating cloudy and non-cloudy regions using thresholds applied on liquid condensate or updraft velocity) are some distance away from the TNTI. Furthermore, there is no dynamic difference between the traditional liquid-condensate boundary and the region extending to the TNTI. However, particles crossing the TNTI exhibit a sharp jump in enstrophy and a smooth increase in buoyancy. The traditional cloud boundary coincides with the location of minimum buoyancy in the shell. The shell pre-mixes the entraining and detraining air and analysis reveals a highly skewed picture of entrainment and detrainment at the traditional cloud boundary. A preferential entrainment of particles with velocity and specific humidity higher than the mean values in the shell is observed. Large-eddy simulation of a more realistic setup detects an interface with similar properties using the same thresholds as in the DNS, indicating that the DNS results extrapolate beyond their idealised conditions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (6) ◽  
pp. 4487-4502
Ying-Chieh Chen ◽  
Sheng-Hsiang Wang ◽  
Qilong Min ◽  
Sarah Lu ◽  
Pay-Liam Lin ◽  

Abstract. Climate is critically affected by aerosols, which alter cloud lifecycles and precipitation distribution through radiative and microphysical effects. In this study, aerosol and cloud property datasets from MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer), onboard the Aqua satellite, and surface observations, including aerosol concentrations, raindrop size distribution, and meteorological parameters, were used to statistically quantify the effects of aerosols on low-level warm-cloud microphysics and drizzle over northern Taiwan during multiple fall seasons (from 15 October to 30 November of 2005–2017). Our results indicated that northwestern Taiwan, which has several densely populated cities, is dominated by low-level clouds (e.g., warm, thin, and broken clouds) during the fall season. The observed effects of aerosols on warm clouds indicated aerosol indirect effects (i.e., increased aerosol loading caused a decrease in cloud effective radius (CER)), an increase in cloud optical thickness, an increase in cloud fraction, and a decrease in cloud-top temperature under a fixed cloud water path. Quantitatively, aerosol–cloud interactions (ACI=-∂ln⁡CER∂ln⁡α|CWP, changes in CER relative to changes in aerosol amounts) were 0.07 for our research domain and varied between 0.09 and 0.06 in the surrounding remote (i.e., ocean) and polluted (i.e., land) areas, respectively, indicating aerosol indirect effects were stronger in the remote area. From the raindrop size distribution analysis, high aerosol loading resulted in a decreased frequency of drizzle events, redistribution of cloud water to more numerous and smaller droplets, and reduced collision–coalescence rates. However, during light rain (≤1 mm h−1), high aerosol concentrations drove raindrops towards smaller droplet sizes and increased the appearance of drizzle drops. This study used long-term surface and satellite data to determine aerosol variations in northern Taiwan, effects on clouds and precipitation, and observational strategies for future research on aerosol–cloud–precipitation interactions.

2021 ◽  
Jihu Liu ◽  
Minghuai Wang ◽  
Daniel Rosenfeld ◽  
Yannian Zhu

<p>Proper observation of global warm rain and understanding of its formation processes can significantly advance our understanding on aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions. Previous study shows that due to smaller cloud effective radii (Re), rain from liquid clouds over land is sharply reduced compared to oceans (Mülmenstädt, 2015). However, in our study, we use A-Train satellite observations to show that there should be smaller land-sea difference on probability of precipitation (POP) of warm clouds between land and oceans. The discrepancy is probably because the algorithm bias in CloudSat precipitation flag products over land, which may mistakenly treat drizzle as no rain. We also find that if Re is smaller than 14 mm, no matter how thick the warm cloud is it can hardly produce significant precipitation (here defined as radar reflectivity factor lager than 0dBZ), which can generate dynamic feedback on the development of clouds.</p>

J. Christine Chiu ◽  
C. Kevin Yang ◽  
Peter J. van Leeuwen ◽  
Graham Feingold ◽  
Robert Wood ◽  

2020 ◽  
Ying-Chieh Chen ◽  
Sheng-Hsiang Wang ◽  
Qilong Min ◽  
Sarah Lu ◽  
Pay-Liam Lin ◽  

Abstract. Climate is critically affected by aerosols, which can alter cloud lifecycles and precipitation distribution through radiative and microphysical effects. In this study, aerosol and cloud properties datasets from MODIS onboard Aqua satellite and surface observations, including aerosol concentrations, raindrop size distribution, and meteorological parameters, were used to statistically quantify the effects of aerosols on low-level warm cloud microphysics and drizzle over northern Taiwan during fall seasons (from October 15 to November 30 of 2005–2017). Results indicated that clouds in northwestern Taiwan, which with active human activity is dominated by low-level clouds (e.g. warm, thin, and broken clouds). The observed effects of aerosols on warm clouds indicated aerosol indirect effects; increasing aerosol loading caused a decrease in cloud effective radius (CER), an increase in cloud optical thickness, an increase in cloud fraction, and a decrease in cloud top temperature under a fixed cloud water path. A quantitative value of aerosol–cloud interactions (ACI = (δ ln⁡ CER)/(δ  ln⁡ α), changes in CER depend on changes in aerosols) were calculated to be 0.07 for our research domain. ACI values varied between 0.09 and 0.06 in surrounding clean and heavily polluted areas, respectively, which indicated that aerosol indirect effects were more sensitive in the clean area. Analysis of raindrop size distribution observations during high aerosol loading resulted in a decreased frequency of drizzle events, redistributed cloud water to more numerous and smaller droplets, and reduced collision–coalescence rates. However, in the scenario of light precipitation (≤ 1 mm h−1), high aerosol concentrations drive raindrops towards smaller droplet sizes and increase the appearance of drizzle drops. This study used long-term surface and satellite data to determine aerosol variations in northern Taiwan, effects on the clouds and precipitations, and applications to observational strategy planning for future research on aerosol–cloud–precipitation interactions.

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