soviet scientist
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2021 ◽  
Vol 82 (6) ◽  
pp. 92-100
O. A. Voloshina

Abstract. The paper analyses two episodes of the Russian and Soviet scientist Evgeny Dmitrievich Polivanov’s versatile activity: his opposition to N. Ya. Marr’s ‘science of language’ and attempts to standardise the nomenclature of the linguistics of the beginning of the XXth century in a dictionary of linguistic terms. The research presents E. D. Polivanov’s arguments made against the erroneous doctrine which dominated Soviet linguistics in the 1930–40s. At that time, N. Ya. Marr’s theory was advanced as the only correct direction of scientific development in national linguistics. E. D. Polivanov’s pioneering work to organise national science resulted in the compilation of a new dictionary of linguistic and literary criticism terms. This book was not published and only came out at the end of the XXth century. The paper analyses the definitions of several terms obtained from the edition. Additionally, it is suggested that in E. D. Polivanov’s dictionary one can see a ‘snapshot’ of the evolution of the national linguistics at the beginning of the XXth century.

A.S. Sirenko

The article is devoted to the collection of Ivan Mikhailovich Sarkizov-Serazini, a famous Soviet scientist, the founder of national sports medicine and physiotherapy exercises in the USSR. The results of the research are presented as a methodological basis which became a comprehensive analysis of published and unpublished materials related to the formation of the collection. The archival materials stored in the Historical and Sports Museum of the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism became the source base for the study. It tells about the personality of the scientist, his creative hobbies, provides a list of paintings and books received by museums from the collection of I.M. Sarkizov-Serazini. The list of heir museums where the works donated by the collector are kept, is being specified. Статья посвящена коллекции известного советского ученого, основоположника отечественной спортивной медицины и лечебной физкультуры в СССР Ивана Михайловича Саркизова-Серазини. Приведены итоги исследования, основой которого стал комплексный анализ опубликованных и неопубликованных материалов, касающихся формирования собрания. Источниковедческой базой стали архивные материалы, хранящиеся в Историко-спортивном музее Российского государственного университета физической культуры, спорта, молодежи и туризма. Рассказывается о личности ученого, его творческих увлечениях, приводится список картин и книг, полученных музеями из собрания И.М. Саркизова-Серазини. Уточняется перечень музеев-наследников, где хранятся произведения, подаренные коллекционером.

Istoriya ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (11 (109)) ◽  
pp. 0
Vitaliy Ananiev

The article analyzes the scientific dialogue between the leading Soviet and world representatives of museological thought, in particular between F. I. Schmitt and J. Hilaire. The basis for the publication was the correspondence of Schmitt and Hilaire on the publication of an article by the Soviet scientist in the 1931 issue of the “Les Cahiers de la République des lettres, des sciences et des arts” on the reform of world museums. The USSR did not stand aside from radical transformations in world museum activity, for this reason the leading world publication showed a strong interest in the participation of the Soviet scientist in the preparation of this volume.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Nadezhda Gennadievna Afendikova ◽  
Andrey Nikolaevich Bogdanov

The preprint is devoted to the life and scientific work of the outstanding Soviet scientist in the field of applied mathematics Konstantin Semendyaev (1908–1988). As a recognized authority on carrying out massive computational work on the basis of manual counting, he was involved in the numerical calculations of the tasks of creating atomic weapons. Based on documentary materials, the significant contribution of K.A. Semendyaev to the creation of methods for numerical solution and the necessary calculations in the Atomic Project is shown.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 207-214
T.L. Kryukova ◽  
A.G. Samokhvalova

October 29th, 2021 marks the 100th anniversary since the birth of Lev Ilyich Umansky (1921— 1983), a Soviet scientist, social psychologist, mental teacher and a leader who left behind a scientific school of social psychology in Kursk and Kostroma in the 60—80s XX century. The article examines the stage of formation of the scientific social psychology school in Kostroma, associated, first of all, with the activities of the famous researcher L.I. Umansky. The main directions of scientific research of Kostroma psychologists in the XX century, as well as the current state of the scientific psychological school, chang¬ing in connection with the new challenges of our time, are shown.

O. M. Melnikova ◽  
T. I. Ostanina

The authors publish the memories of the famous Soviet archaeologist, doctor of Historical Sciences K. A. Smirnov about his father, Alexey Petrovich Smirnov. A. P. Smirnov is an outstanding Soviet scientist, representative of the first generation of Soviet archaeologists. He is known for his numerous studies on Finno-Ugric and Bulgar archaeology. From the second half of the 1920s to the 1930s, A. P. Smirnov conducted archaeological research into the territory of Udmurtia. His research, as well as the research of many other scientists, was interrupted by the Great Patriotic War. In the 1990s, the scientist’s son, K. A. Smirnov, compiled memoirs about his father, in which he describes the scientist's attitude to the war, and gives the facts of the archaeologist’s biography in connection with military events. These memoirs are supplemented by the letter from A. P. Smirnov to Kazan archaeologist A. M. Efimova. The documents allow to reveal the facts of A. P. Smirnov’s personal biography, and have an important social significance, reflecting the tragic events of the wartime through personal history.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (5) ◽  
pp. 684-689
F.I. Suleimanov ◽  
A.S. Migachev ◽  

Embryology (from the Greek embryon – embryo, logos – doctrine) is not just a biological discipline, but a science that studies the formation, development, and also the formation of embryos of living beings from the moment of the appearance of germ cells and their fusion until the birth of the world a new organism. One of the largest embryologists who studied the development of avian embryos, Hamilton, considering it amazing how the beginning of the functioning of one organ correlates with the functioning of other organs and systems of the body, writes: "It is not surprising that there are certain sensitive periods when the embryo is susceptible to disturbances both in the internal and and in the external environment". Quite a lot of literature is devoted to the issues of periods of hypersensitivity, or, as they are usually called, critical periods in the embryogenesis of various animals (invertebrates and vertebrates). The position of critical periods of development was first put forward by the English physician-scientist K. Stockard in the 20s. XX century And later it was deepened and expanded by the Soviet scientist-embryologist PG Svetlov. Periods of increased sensitivity to damaging influences in the embryonic development of fish are named. Omitting a large number of works, let us inform that Korovina, recognizing the stages of development and formation of a new quality at each stage, denies the existence of periods of increased sensitivity to the action of all environmental factors without exception. The author acknowledges that there are periods in embryonic development when embryos are equally sensitive to several influences, but considers it necessary to emphasize the specificity of the response to various environmental factors.

2019 ◽  
Vol 951 (9) ◽  
pp. 55-64
A.V. Nikonov

The author describes the life of Konstantin Leontyevich Provorov (1909–1992), an outstanding Soviet scientist, teacher and production worker, who made a significant contribution to the geodetic works carried out in Siberia and training highly qualified personnel for the industry. Being the chief engineer of Novosibirsk aerial survey enterprise, the largest one in the country (1944–1953), K. L. Provorov carried out technical management of constructing the astronomic-and-geodetic network, laying out vast leveling networks, and after the thesis protection concerning to constructing continuous networks of triangulation, started working in NIIGAiK which he soon headed. The years of his management the institution (1956–1970) were a period of its active development

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