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2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 2-20
Brenda Da Silva Soares ◽  
Caroline Souza Vieira Neves ◽  
Ana Clara De Alvarenga Morais ◽  
Anderson Ferreira Vilela ◽  
Eloísa Helena Medeiros Cunha

Introdução: Água de coco é a bebida não diluída, não fermentada, obtida da parte líquida do fruto do coqueiro, por meio de processo tecnológico adequado. O coco é uma das frutas mais populares do Brasil, no país o fruto tem utilização agroindustrial e culinária, através do albúmen sólido e também em sua forma in natura. Objetivos: O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os teores de açúcares, sal (cloreto de sódio) e sódio em amostras de águas de coco in natura e industrializadas e compará-las com o descrito na legislação, assim como, as industrializadas com a rotulagem nutricional.  Metodologia: Foi realizado um estudo analítico do tipo experimental qualitativo e quantitativo. Realizando análises de glicídios redutores em glicose e glicídios não redutores em sacarose, glicídios totais, cloreto de sódio e sódio. Para análise dos dados utilizou-se o software estatístico R versão 3.4.1. Resultados: Verificou-se com o estudo que em relação a legislação, todas as amostras de água de coco (in natura e industrializadas) estavam dentro dos padrões vigentes para todas as análises realizadas, contudo, as rotulagens nutricionais não apresentaram os valores condizentes com os valores das análises e apresentaram quantidade superiores de açúcar em comparação com as águas in natura. Conclusão: Destacando a importância dos rótulos pois eles oferecem informações nutricionais, dos ingredientes utilizados na fabricação, para melhor escolha do produto.   Coconut water is the undiluted, unfermented beverage obtained from the liquid part of the coconut tree fruit, through an appropriate technological process. Coconut is one of the most popular fruits in Brazil, in the country the fruit has agro-industrial and culinary use, through solid albumen and also in its in natura form. The present study aimed to evaluate the contents of sugars, salt (sodium chloride) and sodium in samples of fresh and industrialized coconut waters and compare them with those described in the legislation, as well as those industrialized with nutritional labeling. An analytical study of qualitative and quantitative experimental type was carried out. Performing analyses of reducing glycides in glucose and non-reducing glycides in sucrose, total glycides, sodium chloride and sodium. Statistical software R version 3.4.1 was used for data analysis. It was verified with the study that in relation to the legislation, all samples of coconut water (fresh and industrialized) were within the current standards for all analyses performed, however, nutritional labels did not present the values consistent with the values of the analyses and presented higher amounts of sugar compared to fresh waters. Highlighting the importance of labels because they offer nutritional information, of the ingredients used in manufacturing, for better product choice.

K.S. Zhogolev ◽  
Y.V. Bayborodov ◽  

At present, it is believed that the detachment of the vitreous body occurs due to the contraction and liquefaction of the vitreous body, while the exit of the liquid part of the vitreum into the retrovitreal space passes passively through the formed prepapillary opening, after which the vitreous body collapses, however, more precise mechanisms have not been described. Purpose. Substantiate a hypothesis of influence of intravitreal hydrodynamics in inducing detachment of the posterior hyaloid membrane based on the analysis of OCT data. Material and methods. An OCT study was performed in 30 patients with initial detachment of the posterior hyaloid membrane (PHM) with macular adhesion, macular traction, and macular hole. The features of the location of the PHM in the region of the macula, foveola and the place of attachment of the PHM to the optic nerve were studied. Results and discussion. As a result of the analysis of OCT images, it was found that with macular holes, macular adhesion and macular traction, a closed space is formed between the posterior hyaloid membrane and the retina (subbursal space) in the form of a dome, which indirectly indicates an increase in pressure within this space. In 28 patients, the zone of dissection or thinning of the PHM was found parapapillary, through which the intraocular fluid is likely to be injected into the subbursal space. Conclusions: This study suggests the leading role of intravitreal hydrodynamics and the formation of an area of increased pressure in the subbursal space in the induction of the detachment of the PHM, the pathogenesis of vitreomacular adhesion, vitreomacular traction and macular hole. The topic requires more detailed study. Key words: posterior hyaloid membrane, OCT, vitreous body, macular hole.

Sibel Soycan Önenç ◽  
Damla Yayla

This research was planned to determine the effects of the addition of waste jam mixture on the fermentation and in vitro digestibility of alfalfa silage. Alfalfa was harvested at the beginning of flowering in October and withered. The waste jam mixture is first divided into two parts as solid and liquid by means of a filter. To the control group was added 20 ml / kg alfalfa pure water. Liquid part; Jam-I silage (RI), 50 mg liquid jam + 20 ml pure water / kg alfalfa; Jam-II silage (RII) was added as 100 mg liquid jam + 20 ml pure water / kg alfalfa. The solid part is; Jam Particle-I silage (RPI), 30 mg jam particles + 30 ml pure water / kg alfalfa; Jam Particle-II silage (RPII) was prepared so that 60 mg jam particles +60 ml pure water / kg alfalfa. The silages were allowed to fermented in a closed storage for 60 days. The addition of jam and jam particles reduced the pH and neutral detergent fiber contents of alfalfa silage. In the study, the highest lactic acid content was found to be 100.28 g/kg dry matter (DM) in the RII group and the lowest was 23.07 g/kg DM in the control group. The addition of jam and jam particles to the alfalfa resulted in a significant increase in the enzimatic solubility of organic matter compared to the control group. The study showed that high quality alfalfa silages can be prepared by adding the liquid part of the jam at the level of 100 mg/kg, especially in the spring or autumn where the rainfall is abundant and there is no possibility of drying.


На основе предложенных авторами экспериментальной установки для создания виброцентрифугированных элементов с вариатропной структурой и способа их изготовления были выделены технологические параметры, оказывающие наиболее значимое влияние на характеристики виброцентрифугированного бетона и конструкций из него. В опытах варьировались следующие технологические факторы: высота и форма технологических выступов хомутов. Исследовалась задача оценки их влияния на интегральные (общие, усредненные по сечению) характеристики бетона: предельные деформации при осевом сжатии и растяжении, модуль упругости. Приведены результаты экспериментальных исследований влияния рассмотренных технологических факторов на интегральные деформативные характеристики виброцентрифугированного бетона. Наиболее высокие (модуль упругости) и наименьшие (деформации) значения характерны для бетонов, изготовленных с использованием технологических выступов хомутов прямоугольной формы высотой 5 мм методом виброцентрифугирования; наименее же рациональные значения интегральных деформативных характеристик наблюдались у виброцентрифугированных бетонов, изготовленных с использованием выступов любой рассматриваемой формы высотой 2,5 мм. Полученные результаты демонстрируют целесообразность внедрения установленных рациональных технологических параметров виброцентрифугирования в практику производства для улучшения характеристик бетона получаемых конструкций. Усовершенствованные виброцентрифугированные изделия позволят более полно использовать резервы несущей способности строительных конструкций. Ключевые слова: центрифугирование, виброцентрифугирование, интегральные деформативные характеристики, технологические факторы вибрирования, железобетонные изделия To improve the quality of concrete mixture compaction, it is appropriate to use the centrifugation process in conjunction with vibration, which can be referred to as vibrocentrifugation. When doing so, the initial water content in the cement slurry can be reduced, and the compaction process will proceed without sludge delamination due to redistribution liquid part and other factors. Within the framework of the proposed experimental setup for creating vibrocentrifuged elements with a variatropic structure and a method for their manufacture, technological parameters were identified that cause the most significant effect on the characteristics of vibrocentrifuged concrete and structures made from it. In the experiments, the following technological factors were varied: height and shape of the technological protrusions of the clamps. The problem of assessing the influence of these factors on the integral (general, cross-section-averaged) characteristics of concrete: ultimate deformations under axial compression and tension, as well as the modulus of elasticity, was investigated. The results of experimental studies of the influence of the considered technological factors on the integral deformative characteristics of vibrocentrifuged concrete are presented. The highest values of the modulus of elasticity and the smallest deformations are characteristic of concretes made using technological protrusions of rectangular collars with a height of 5 mm by vibrocentrifugation; the least rational values of integral deformative characteristics are observed in vibrocentrifuged concretes obtained using protrusions of any considered shape with a height of 2.5 mm. Keywords: vibrocentrifugation, integral deformation characteristics, technological factors of vibration, reinforced concrete products, deformation, elastic modulus

N.A. Alekseeva

The article considers trends and problems of renewal of fixed assets in agriculture, starting in 2010. The problems of updating the least liquid part of fixed assets - buildings, structures, machines, equipment, vehicles are highlighted. Comparative statistics are given on the amounts of state support for fixed and working capital in agriculture on the example of the Udmurt Republic. It was revealed that the rate of renewal of fixed assets is quite long - about 10 years. The role of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 2018 on the procedure for subsidizing the costs incurred for the creation and modernization of production capacities of agro-industrial facilities due to other inter-budget transfers was disclosed. Statistical reporting on form No. 11-AIC for 2018-2019 in the republic on the state of production capacities of AIC facilities was analyzed. The structure of the existing agro-industrial complex facilities in the republic was revealed, their total initial cost, depreciation, the amounts of fixed assets introduced were determined, depreciation and update factors of fixed assets were calculated. The report on receiving subsidies for reimbursement of part of the incurred costs in the republic is presented, the reasons for lack of funding are revealed. It was concluded that it is necessary to establish regular statistical reporting on form No. 11-AIC for all Russian users, to submit an application to the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia for this type of subsidies.

B. Zh. Kyrykbaev ◽  
B. T. Shingisov ◽  
N. K. Utelieva ◽  

An article is available on the problem associated with the presence of a completely isolated or partially liquid part, for example, oil, gasoline or in a loose way, for example, with grain. The tank, located on a non-deformable foundation, is a thin elastic closed end shell.

2020 ◽  
Vol 69 (3) ◽  
pp. 59-75
Jarosław Juda ◽  
Tadeusz Kałdoński ◽  
Krzysztof Gocman ◽  
Tomasz Jan Kałdoński ◽  
Czesław Pakowski

The article presents the results of in situ microscopic observations of quasihomogenic mixtures of hydrocarbon oils containing ionic liquids. Observations were made using NIKON ECLIPSE LV 100 D optical microscope. The mechanism of generating the ER effect in two mixtures was observed, i.e., in silicone damping liquid GP-1, which is polimethylsiloksane mixture containing 2% (v/v) of ionic liquid CJ 001, i.e., tetrafluoroboran 1-methyl-3-octyloxymethylimidazolium and base polialfaolefine oil PAO-6 which containing 2% (v/v) of ionic liquid CJ 008, i.e., trihexyltertradecylfosfonium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl) imide as well as in the two-component standard liquid LID3354s. The ob-servations carried out showed that the prepared mixtures had generated the ER effect. At the threshold value E = 0.3 kV·mm–1, the ER effect disappeared. Photographs, presented in the paper, show changes in the structure of mixtures containing ionic liquids that occur under the influence of an external elec-tric field, consisting in the formation of „fibril chains and/or fibril streams” and then, their destruction and accumulation of ionic liquid particles at the electrodes. Keywords: electrorheological effect (ER), lubricating oils, ionic liquids, microscopy.

Antonio Dos santos ◽  
Dinalva Schein ◽  
Mauro Cesar Marchetti ◽  
Estela Bresolin Pereira ◽  
Arthur Rolim Stasiak

The electro and electronic industry has been increasing gradually, causing an increase in the generation of waste of electrical and electronic equipment, which have several components that have added value such as - for example - gold. Aiming at environmental protection, measures are sought for the recovery of these metals, through tests with several technologies such as leaching. This consists in separating the component from the solid part, transferring it to the liquid part, using acids. It is necessary to study acids that are less harmful to the environment. Thus, microprocessors of obsolete computers were collected, their characterization was carried out and the elements present in the pins were identified. After the characterization, the leaching stage was carried out, firstly with aqua regia; then with acetic and citric acids. The leaching results presented about 10 mg / L of gold with aqua regia and about 0.5 mg / L with citric acid.

Foods ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (8) ◽  
pp. 1025
Athina Tsirivakou ◽  
Eleni Melliou ◽  
Prokopios Magiatis

The main objectives of the current work were to investigate differences among flours from traditionally preserved Greek varieties of cereals, and especially those of wheat, and in parallel, to correlate those potential differences with the presence of bioactive natural ingredients. In this context, we developed a new, fast, and simple method for the measurement of total 5-alkylresorcinols in cereals and related foods by qNMR. Several types of flour (white or whole-grain) coming from wheat, i.e., Triticum dicoccum, T. monococcum, T. aestivum, T. durum and T. turgidum, corn, barley, rye and oat from a certified producer in Greece were used either as raw materials or for the production of bread, pasta and flakes. A small portion of the flour or the corresponding product was extracted with DMSO-d6. The liquid part was directly analyzed by NMR (400 MHz). The simplicity of the NMR spectrum of the total extract and the lack of overlapping peaks permitted the development of a high throughput quantitative method for the measurement of total bioactive alkylresorcinols in less than 15 min. Grains, whole grain flours and breads from old varieties of T. dicoccum and T.monococcum showed high contents of alkylresorcinols (455–1148 mg/Kg), while the same compounds were completely absent from white flour and the corresponding bread. The term high-phenolic flour is proposed to distinguish among flour types.

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