experimental type
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2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
Georgios Kalantzis ◽  
Charilaos Tsihouridis ◽  
Marianthi Batsila ◽  
Dennis Vavougios

The present paper explores issues concerning Senior High School students’ teaching and understanding of concepts and laws, related to the rotation of a solid body around a fixed axis of rotation, through a properly designed experimental type of teaching intervention, that incorporates custom-made educational material and utilizes ICT. Through an interdisciplinary-exploratory approach of teaching, the alternative ideas of 143 high school students, aged 16-17, were initially identified. The students were divided into a control group and an experimental one and completed a suitably designed questionnaire before and after the didactic interventions. The interventions aimed at investigating the extent to which the experimental student group alternative ideas, taught through an experimental scientific approach, changed compared to the ideas of the students of the control group, who were taught the same subjects in a conventional way. The results, obtained from a quantitative and qualitative analysis of questionnaires and interviews, indicate an improvement of the experimental student group understanding, in relation to the concepts of rotational movement. Additionally, they indicate the development of a positive attitude towards the experimental procedure, applied throughout the intervention, as opposed to that of the control group, where the teaching was carried out in a conventional way.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 429-448
Doha A. Mohamed ◽  
Hoda S. El-Sayed ◽  
Mona A. M. Abd El-Gawad ◽  
Sherein S. Abdelgayed ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 429-448
Doha A. Mohamed ◽  
Hoda S. El-Sayed ◽  
Mona A. M. Abd El-Gawad ◽  
Sherein S. Abdelgayed ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 101-118
Milagros Castillo-Fuerman ◽  
Herbert Robles Mori

The purpose of this research was to identify the advantages of technical assistance in continuous training processes and its effects on the performance of health professionals who care for children under 3 years of age in the Growth and Development Control (CRED). The research showed that by incorporating the Technical Assistance (TA) variable, continuous training programs are more efficient, that is, when capacities are strengthened in the field of professional action. The study design was quantitative, according to its depth it is explanatory of a quasi-experimental type, aimed at identifying the causal relationship or effect of technical assistance on professional performance, comparing an experimental group and a control group. The general results show significant differences, the experimental group, reaching an average of 51.67, while the control group only reached 26.53, applying the non-parametric Mann Whitney U test: p≤.01. Although continuous training generates progress in both groups, when incorporating the AT variable, a significant jump is evidenced compared to the control group, concluding that technical assistance improves the performance of the health personnel who attend to the CRED Control, strengthening and increasing their capabilities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 2-20
Brenda Da Silva Soares ◽  
Caroline Souza Vieira Neves ◽  
Ana Clara De Alvarenga Morais ◽  
Anderson Ferreira Vilela ◽  
Eloísa Helena Medeiros Cunha

Introdução: Água de coco é a bebida não diluída, não fermentada, obtida da parte líquida do fruto do coqueiro, por meio de processo tecnológico adequado. O coco é uma das frutas mais populares do Brasil, no país o fruto tem utilização agroindustrial e culinária, através do albúmen sólido e também em sua forma in natura. Objetivos: O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os teores de açúcares, sal (cloreto de sódio) e sódio em amostras de águas de coco in natura e industrializadas e compará-las com o descrito na legislação, assim como, as industrializadas com a rotulagem nutricional.  Metodologia: Foi realizado um estudo analítico do tipo experimental qualitativo e quantitativo. Realizando análises de glicídios redutores em glicose e glicídios não redutores em sacarose, glicídios totais, cloreto de sódio e sódio. Para análise dos dados utilizou-se o software estatístico R versão 3.4.1. Resultados: Verificou-se com o estudo que em relação a legislação, todas as amostras de água de coco (in natura e industrializadas) estavam dentro dos padrões vigentes para todas as análises realizadas, contudo, as rotulagens nutricionais não apresentaram os valores condizentes com os valores das análises e apresentaram quantidade superiores de açúcar em comparação com as águas in natura. Conclusão: Destacando a importância dos rótulos pois eles oferecem informações nutricionais, dos ingredientes utilizados na fabricação, para melhor escolha do produto.   Coconut water is the undiluted, unfermented beverage obtained from the liquid part of the coconut tree fruit, through an appropriate technological process. Coconut is one of the most popular fruits in Brazil, in the country the fruit has agro-industrial and culinary use, through solid albumen and also in its in natura form. The present study aimed to evaluate the contents of sugars, salt (sodium chloride) and sodium in samples of fresh and industrialized coconut waters and compare them with those described in the legislation, as well as those industrialized with nutritional labeling. An analytical study of qualitative and quantitative experimental type was carried out. Performing analyses of reducing glycides in glucose and non-reducing glycides in sucrose, total glycides, sodium chloride and sodium. Statistical software R version 3.4.1 was used for data analysis. It was verified with the study that in relation to the legislation, all samples of coconut water (fresh and industrialized) were within the current standards for all analyses performed, however, nutritional labels did not present the values consistent with the values of the analyses and presented higher amounts of sugar compared to fresh waters. Highlighting the importance of labels because they offer nutritional information, of the ingredients used in manufacturing, for better product choice.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (01) ◽  
pp. 47-55
Rian Akbari ◽  
Herli Pardilla ◽  
Zulfah Zulfah

The  purpose  of  the study. The purpose of this study was to describe the increase in extracurricular spint abilities of male students at SMP Negeri 03. The research method was this study using an experiment with a quasi-experimental type of research and the research pattern used in this study was a nonequivalent control group design. Materials and methods. This design involves two groups, namely the experimental group and the control group, and the time of the study was carried out in June 2021. The subjects of this research were 10 extracurricular students of SMP Negeri 03 Bangkinang, Kampar Regency. Results. The results of this study can be concluded that the results of the 100 meter sprint ability of male extracurricular students at SMP Negeri 03 Bangkinang Kampar Regency with an average sprint ability of 100 meters 0.933, thus it can be concluded that by using the hollow sprint method on acceleration can improve the ability to run 100 sprints. Conclusions. Based on the results of data analysis, description, testing of research results and discussion, conclusions can be drawn based on the results of calculations that have been carried out, a significant value of 1.080 1.054 is obtained. Thus, the hypothesis states that there is a significant difference between the hollow sprint and accelerating sprint exercises on the 100-meter running speed of male students of SMP Negeri 3 Bangkinang in the 2020/2021 academic year, which is acceptable.

Sri Ayu ◽  
Erlani Rappe

ABSTRACT In the content contained in milkfish such as protein and fat is a suitable medium for the growth of spoilage bacteria or other microorganisms. One way to maintain its quality by providing preservatives to inhibit bacterial growth is to provide natural preservatives such as turmeric.The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of turmeric as a preservative for milkfish (chanos chanos). This research is a quasi-experimental type of research, namely the treatment of the use of turmeric grater and solution as a preservative in milkfish (chanos chanos) to determine the physical durability of milkfish.The results of the physical condition examination were seen from the appearance of the eyes, surface mucus, meat, body texture in the preservation of milkfish using 65 grams of turmeric solution, showing contact time 1 hour, 8 hours, 16 hours, 21 hours organoleptic value did not exceed the minimum limit of 7, but contact time 22 hours shelf life has been damaged. The results of physical condition examination on milkfish preservation samples using 65 gr turmeric grated effectively preserved at the contact time of 23 hours while the contact time of 24 hours has been damaged. While the milkfish without treatment have suffered damage in the span of 8 hours.The conclusion obtained is that grated turmeric is better able to preserve milkfish in a long time compared to using turmeric solution. Suggestion We recommend using turmeric natural preservatives with grated turmeric to preserve milkfish because the durability of using turmeric grated is longer compared to the turmeric solution seen from physical conditions.

2021 ◽  
pp. 112361
Isabel González-Mariscal ◽  
Macarena Pozo Morales ◽  
Silvana Y. Romero-Zerbo ◽  
Vanesa Espinosa-Jimenez ◽  
Alejandro Escamilla-Sánchez ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (68) ◽  
Omar Gonzalez ◽  
Elisabeth Ramos Rodríguez ◽  
Patricia Vásquez Saldías

Las aplicaciones tecnológicas ofrecidas para la educación son variadas, brindando nuevas posibilidades de aprendizaje. Se debe estar en constante vigilancia de las propuestas de gamificación para el aula, dado que su desarrollo y uso no asegura un éxito en la enseñanza. Estudiamos el impacto de la gamificación en la enseñanza de la matemática, analizando su papel en el tratamiento de las figuras geométricas cono y cilindro con estudiantes de 13 y 14 años. Desde un enfoque cuantitativo descriptivo de tipo cuasi-experimental, con grupo control y piloto y aplicación de test, se realiza un análisis estadístico clásico e implicativo, evidenciando un mayor porcentaje de respuestas correctas del grupo piloto, en el ítem sobre la relación entre el volumen del cono y el cilindro, con un 96,3%, en contraste un 73,08% que obtuvo el grupo control. Además, se muestra un comportamiento con alto nivel de similaridad (84,4%) entre el uso del videojuego y responder satisfactoriamente los ítems. Esto nos sugiere que este medio educativo puede provocar mejoras en los aprendizajes del alumnado, quien parece ser proclive a su uso. The technological applications offered for education are varied, providing new learning possibilities. Gamification proposals for the classroom must be constantly monitored, since their development and use does not ensure success in teaching. We study the impact of gamification in the teaching of mathematics, analyzing its role in the treatment of geometric cone and cylinder figures with 13 and 14 years old students. From a descriptive quantitative approach of quasi-experimental type, with a control and pilot group and test application, a classical and implicative statistical analysis is carried out, showing a higher percentage of correct answers from the pilot group, in the item on the relationship between the volume of the cone and the cylinder, with 96.3%, in contrast to 73.08% obtained by the control group. In addition, a behavior with a high level of similarity (84.4%) is shown between the use of virtual games and satisfactorily answering the items. This suggests that this educational medium can cause improvements in the learning of students who seem to be prone to its use.

Retos ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 44 ◽  
pp. 252-263
Ruth Narciza Zambrano Pintado ◽  
Hugo Luis Moncayo Cueva ◽  
Soraya Nathaly López Arcos ◽  
Diego Mauricio Bonilla Jurado

La estimulación temprana son técnicas educativas, empleadas en niños/as en etapa infantil (0-10 años) para corregir cognitiva, social y emocionalmente; trastornos psicomotrices para estimular capacidades compensadoras. El objetivo de la investigación es, demostrar la importancia de la estimulación temprana como respuesta ante la necesidad de emplear actividades educativas que le permitan al niño/a contrarrestar habilidades y destrezas psicomotrices y lenguaje cognoscitivo, que coadyuve a una incorporación beneficiosa en la sociedad. El paradigma de la investigación es positivista de enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo no experimental de fuente documental y empírica. Considerando el espacio del estudio es de campo y longitudinal y, el nivel, es explicativo. La población la integran 200 niños de educación inicial II de Unidades Educativas ecuatorianas ubicadas en el cantón Ambato, Ecuador; en edades comprendidas entre los tres y cinco años. Los instrumentos de medición empleados fueron la Escala Abreviada de Desarrollo de Ortiz y el Test ELA-Albor. Los resultados indican que una vez empleado y analizado los valores de los instrumentos en sus fases I y II (pretest y post-test), en un espacio de tiempo entre cada uno de 6 meses, se observaron mejoras en los participantes en cuanto al desarrollo psicomotriz y lingüístico, evidenciando que las repeticiones y los reforzamientos entre el tridente (niños, educadores y padres), son efectivos para la evolución de los menores evaluados. Las conclusiones indican, que un adecuado uso de programas de estimulación temprana, garantizan el fortalecimiento de actividades de neurodesarrollo, que ayudan a la estabilidad emocional del niño/a, para desenvolverse socialmente.  Abstract. Early stimulation are educational techniques, used in children in the infant stage (0-10 years) to correct cognitively, socially and emotionally; psychomotor disorders to stimulate compensatory capacities. The objective of the research is to demonstrate the importance of early stimulation as a response to the need to use educational activities that allow the child to counteract psychomotor skills and abilities and cognitive language, which contributes to a beneficial incorporation into society. The research paradigm is positivist with a quantitative approach, a non-experimental type with a documentary and empirical source. Considering the study space is field and longitudinal, and the level is explanatory. The population is made up of 200 children of initial education II from Ecuadorian Educational Units located in the canton of Ambato, Ecuador; in ages between three and five years. The measurement instruments used were the Ortiz Abbreviated Development Scale and the ELA-Albor Test. The results indicate that once the values of the instruments were used and analyzed in their phases I and II (pretest and post-test), in a period of time between each one of 6 months, improvements were observed in the participants in terms of development psychomotor and linguistic, showing that repetitions and reinforcements between the trident (children, educators and parents) are effective for the evolution of the minors evaluated. The conclusions indicate that an adequate use of early stimulation programs guarantees the strengthening of neurodevelopmental activities, which help the emotional stability of the child, to function socially.

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