technological waste
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2022 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-107
Juan Manuel Cano Sanchiz

This article proposes some potential contributions of contemporary art to industrial and technological heritage discussions. The paper analyses the relations among art, industrial ruins, technological trash, heritage, and society from an archaeological perspective, although this standpoint is compared to and complemented with those of art and art history. First, the text presents how industrial sites and technological artefacts from the recent past are transformed for/by the artists. In doing so, it offers a preliminary basic typology of art-obsolescence relations illustrated with cases from Europe, Asia and the Americas. Four major kinds of interactions are introduced: the conversion of abandoned industrial buildings into art galleries and museums; the transformation of larger obsolete industrial/technological areas into creative hubs; the intervention of artists in industrial ruins; and the creative recycling of technological waste. Second, the text infers from the examples provided in the typology three possible functions of art regarding heritage: revelation/addition of value; mediation between the public and dark heritages; and recognition in technological and industrial history. In the end, the paper defends the role of art in the making of industrial and technological heritages, as well as in reconnecting them to society.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (4) ◽  
pp. 54-69
Igor' Mizikovskiy

The article is devoted to the problems of building an information space for managing material resources in the flow of value creation by an industrial enterprise in the conditions of implementing a resource-saving strategy. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the choice of a method of information and instrumental support for the implementation of the functions of rationing, budget planning, control of the execution of estimated tasks, analysis of key indicators of the state of material costs in order to make decisions on the rational use and economy of the latter, reduction (elimination) of excess technological waste and losses. The research presented in the article is based on the application of a systematic approach; structural-functional and statistical types of analysis; methods of observation, graphical visualization, grouping and systematization of data; decomposition, aggregation, comparison and economic interpretation. The results of the study showed significant effectiveness of the application in the management practices of enterprises of the real sector of the economy of the author’s proposed set of techniques and methods of information and instrumental support for the functions of rationing, budget planning, control, economic interpretation and analysis of key indicators of material costs involved in the value creation flow, in order to build a transparent space for making managerial decisions to maintain a resource-saving strategy. The article presents the author’s clarification of the concept of resource saving, which served as the methodological basis for the proposed methods and methods for reducing the resources under consideration, reducing (eliminating) excess technological waste and losses. The practical significance of the tools proposed by the author lies in the fact that the proposed tools will ensure an increase in the efficiency of developing and implementing solutions for the rational use and reasonable economy of material resources in all processes of the value stream, reduce technological waste and losses, reduce material consumption and, consequently, the cost of production, increase the profitability and competitiveness of the business of the enterprise of the real sector of the economy. The directions of future research should be integrated management of all types of resources at each stage of the operational cycle, implemented in a digital format using artificial intelligence systems in real time without the direct participation of the user.

2021 ◽  
pp. 34-38

At the textile and sewing and knitting enterprises of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the number of which increases every year, a sufficient amount of technological waste is accumulated, which formed in the processes of sizing yarn, starting and setting up equipment, designing and sewing products. Meanwhile, there is a shortage of warm, comfortable, light, soft lining materials for clothes and shoes based on natural raw materials. With the purpose of rational use of textile waste - shredded, disheveled scraps of fabric and knitwear, a multilayer nonwoven material for details of clothing and footwear has been obtained. The material formed by adhesive bonding on one or both sides of the knitted fabric of the main, voluminous nonwoven layer, consisting of shredded textile waste. The bonding of the layers takes place as a result of their passing between heated rolls. The microstructure of the material studied by Fourier-IR spectroscopy and

Ю.А. Егорова ◽  
В.И. Кичигин ◽  
О.И. Нестеренко ◽  
А.А. Юдин

Осадки городских очистных канализационных сооружений являются самым массовым технологическим отходом, создающим проблемы утилизации для любого города. Рассмотрены возможные методы обработки осадков сточных вод на городских очистных канализационных сооружениях городского округа Самара с целью их последующей утилизации. Обозначены причины и приведены документальные подтверждениянекорректности возложения ответственности за обращение с такими отходами только на организации водопроводно-канализационного хозяйства. Рассмотрен способ захоронения обезвоженного осадка сточных вод в обвалованном полигоне. Установлено, что обработанные на очистных сооружениях осадки относятся к V классу опасности для окружающей среды. Обработанные, стабилизированные, подсушенные, обезвреженные отходы осадков сточных вод (малоопасный осадок с песколовок при очистке хозяйственно-бытовых и смешанных сточных вод, практически не опасный осадок с песколовок при очистке хозяйственно-бытовых и смешанных сточных вод и избыточный ил биологических очистных сооружений в смеси с сырым осадком) могут быть использованы в качестве наполнителей бетонно-цементных смесей и органоминеральных удобрений или переданы для утилизации сторонним организациям. Sludge from the municipal wastewater treatment facilities is the most massive technological waste that causes trouble for any city. Possible methods of wastewater sludge treatment at the municipal wastewater treatment facilities of the Samara Urban District with the purpose of its further utilization are considered. The reasons are indicated and documentary evidence of the incorrectness of assigning the responsibility for processing such wastes only to the water and wastewater utilities is provided. The method of landfilling dewatered wastewater sludge in a ridged landfill is considered. It has been established that the sludge processed at the wastewater treatment facilities is referred to the V class of environmental hazard. Sludge subjected to the treatment, stabilization, drying and neutralization (low hazardous sludge from grit chambers for domestic and mixed wastewater treatment; almost non-hazardous sludge from grit chambers for domestic and mixed wastewater treatment and excess sludge from biological treatment facilities mixed with raw sludge) can be used as fillers for concrete-cement mixtures and organo-mineral fertilizers or transferred for disposal to outside companies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (15) ◽  
pp. 8448
Madhukar Chhimwal ◽  
Saurabh Agrawal ◽  
Girish Kumar

The world is facing economic, as well as social, crisis due totheCOVID-19 pandemic. Implementing sustainable practices is one of the possible ways to address these issues. Adopting circular oriented techniques throughout the supply chain not only guarantees economic profitability, but also provides an edge to the organization in the market of fierce global competition. The concept of implementing circularity in the supply chain is novel and dynamic in nature, and it involves certain risk. In this study, a Bayesian Network methodology is adopted to analyze how the risk propagation takes place in a circular supply chain network of an automobile organization. The circular supply chain network consists of a group of manufacturers, retailers and recyclers, located in the Delhi–NCR region. Economic, environmental, social, technological, waste management, agile vulnerability, and risk of cannibalization are the major risk categories that were identified through an extensive literature review. Further, the impact of risk on the performance of the circular supply chain is analyzed by considering performance parameters such as lost sales, impact on supply chain revenue, and inventory holding cost. Risk exposure index is incorporated into the study to analyze the vulnerability of each node. The findings of the study reveal that the reverse side of the circular supply chain can be a source of risk propagation during the implementation of the circularity concept. This work is carried out under a single industry domain. In the future, risk propagation analysis can be examined in the supply chain of other sectors. The findings of the study can assist the supply chain managers and the risk experts to focus on the areas that are more vulnerable to risk.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
Fidel Alfonso Romero-Toledo ◽  
Dan Florin Teusdea ◽  
Mircea Vodă

This article studies the influence of the tensile speed when testing plastic products used to transport containers that may contain various liquids (drinking water, windshield fluid, cleaning agents, etc.). This case study was conducted on certain parts, generally called "handles", which are basically plastic items obtained largely from recycled technological waste resulting from the injection process of various packaging related to the food industry polyethylene caps and lids more precisely. During the handling and transport process, these parts are subjected to various static stresses, therefore, a minimum mechanical resistance is required. Fatigue stress has not been performed due to a limited number of duty cycles. To determine these quality characteristics, multiple measurements of tensile strength and elongations were performed at different traction speeds, measurements that have been validated on the market for several years. We have observed that testing speed over 500 mm/min is not necessary because the tensile strength values do not vary significantly. These results are very important in determining the constructive form of these products and the methods for validating quality indicators. Also, we have proposed to identify a method able to assess the mechanical performance of the product used in nonstandard conditions. The study can be used for a much wider range of similar applications in the plastics industry.

2021 ◽  
Helder Gabriel da Silva Pereira ◽  
Isabella Natal da Silva ◽  
Sheron Orteney ◽  
Claudio Zarate Sanavria

This paper describes the results of a project whose general objective was to develop an interactive digital booklet with an educational character that addressed aspects related to technological waste and the environment. To achieve the proposed general objective, the following specific objectives were established: 1) To develop material that would bring educational content in line with current discussions and knowledge about electronic waste and its impacts on the environment; 2) To offer an interdisciplinary and interactive environment that would allow the user to go deeper into the themes, according to their interests and according to the level of information consistent with their age and education; 3) Allow the population to have access to the material free of charge and with possibilities to contribute to its constant improvement. The developed product presents informative contents, interspersed with pastimes for its fixation, mediated by mascots specially developed for the material. The results point to an acceptance by the target audience (high school students) and show an interest in the theme from its handling.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (8) ◽  
pp. 4438
Daniel Kalús ◽  
Jozef Gašparík ◽  
Peter Janík ◽  
Matej Kubica ◽  
Patrik Šťastný

The article focuses on the description of an innovative solution and application of active thermal protection of buildings using thermal insulation panels with active regulation of heat transfer in the form of a contact insulation system. The thermal insulation panels are part of a prefabricated lightweight outer shell, which together with the low-temperature heating and high-temperature cooling system creates an indoor environment. The energy source is usually renewable energy sources or technological waste heat. Research and development of an innovative facade system with active thermal protection is in the phase of computer simulations and preparation of laboratory measurements of thermal insulation panels with various combinations of energy functions. In the article we present theoretical assumptions, calculation procedure and parametric study of three basic design solutions of combined energy wall systems in the function of low-temperature radiant heating and high-temperature radiant cooling.

Irina Leonidovna Makarova ◽  
Anna Mikhailovna Ignatenko ◽  
Andrey Sergeevich Kopyrin

Monitoring and analysis of consumption of energy resources in various contexts, as well as measuring of parameters (indicators) in time are of utmost importance for the modern economy. This work is dedicated to examination and interpretation of the anomalies of collecting data on consumption of energy resources (on the example of gas consumption) in the municipal formation. Gas consumption is important for the socioeconomic sphere of cities. Unauthorized connections are the key reason for non-technological waste of the resource. The traditional methods of detection of stealing of gas are ineffective and time-consuming. The modern technologies of data analysis would allow detecting and interpreting the anomalies of consumption, as well as forming the lists for checking the objects for unauthorized connections. The author’s special contribution lies in application of the set of statistical methods aimed at processing and identification of anomalies in energy consumption of a municipal formation. It is worth noting that the use of such technologies requires the development of effective algorithms and implementation of automation and machine learning algorithms. The new perspective upon time-series data facilitates identification of anomalies, optimization of decision-making, etc. These processes can be automated. The presented methodology tested on time-series data that describes the consumption of gas can be used for a broader range of tasks. The research can be combined with the methods of knowledge discovery and deep learning algorithms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-55
Jozef Dobransky ◽  
Martin Pollak ◽  
Marek Kocisko ◽  
Monika Torokova ◽  
Jakub Kascak

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