artificial tissue
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Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (24) ◽  
pp. 8421
James M May ◽  
Elisa Mejía-Mejía ◽  
Michelle Nomoni ◽  
Karthik Budidha ◽  
Changmok Choi ◽  

With the continued development and rapid growth of wearable technologies, PPG has become increasingly common in everyday consumer devices such as smartphones and watches. There is, however, minimal knowledge on the effect of the contact pressure exerted by the sensor device on the PPG signal and how it might affect its morphology and the parameters being calculated. This study explores a controlled in vitro study to investigate the effect of continually applied contact pressure on PPG signals (signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and 17 morphological PPG features) from an artificial tissue-vessel phantom across a range of simulated blood pressure values. This experiment confirmed that for reflectance PPG signal measurements for a given anatomical model, there exists an optimum sensor contact pressure (between 35.1 mmHg and 48.1 mmHg). Statistical analysis shows that temporal morphological features are less affected by contact pressure, lending credit to the hypothesis that for some physiological parameters, such as heart rate and respiration rate, the contact pressure of the sensor is of little significance, whereas the amplitude and geometric features can show significant change, and care must be taken when using morphological analysis for parameters such as SpO2 and assessing autonomic responses.

2021 ◽  
Alexander T. Murr ◽  
Catherine J. Lumley ◽  
Richard H. Feins ◽  
Trevor G. Hackman

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (11) ◽  
pp. 178
Peter Viktor Hauser ◽  
Hsiao-Min Chang ◽  
Masaki Nishikawa ◽  
Hiroshi Kimura ◽  
Norimoto Yanagawa ◽  

In recent years, tissue engineering has achieved significant advancements towards the repair of damaged tissues. Until this day, the vascularization of engineered tissues remains a challenge to the development of large-scale artificial tissue. Recent breakthroughs in biomaterials and three-dimensional (3D) printing have made it possible to manipulate two or more biomaterials with complementary mechanical and/or biological properties to create hybrid scaffolds that imitate natural tissues. Hydrogels have become essential biomaterials due to their tissue-like physical properties and their ability to include living cells and/or biological molecules. Furthermore, 3D printing, such as dispensing-based bioprinting, has progressed to the point where it can now be utilized to construct hybrid scaffolds with intricate structures. Current bioprinting approaches are still challenged by the need for the necessary biomimetic nano-resolution in combination with bioactive spatiotemporal signals. Moreover, the intricacies of multi-material bioprinting and hydrogel synthesis also pose a challenge to the construction of hybrid scaffolds. This manuscript presents a brief review of scaffold bioprinting to create vascularized tissues, covering the key features of vascular systems, scaffold-based bioprinting methods, and the materials and cell sources used. We will also present examples and discuss current limitations and potential future directions of the technology.

Cells ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (7) ◽  
pp. 1749
Filip Simunovic ◽  
Günter Finkenzeller

Bone is a highly vascularized tissue, and its development, maturation, remodeling, and regeneration are dependent on a tight regulation of blood vessel supply. This condition also has to be taken into consideration in the context of the development of artificial tissue substitutes. In classic tissue engineering, bone-forming cells such as primary osteoblasts or mesenchymal stem cells are introduced into suitable scaffolds and implanted in order to treat critical-size bone defects. However, such tissue substitutes are initially avascular. Because of the occurrence of hypoxic conditions, especially in larger tissue substitutes, this leads to the death of the implanted cells. Therefore, it is necessary to devise vascularization strategies aiming at fast and efficient vascularization of implanted artificial tissues. In this review article, we present and discuss the current vascularization strategies in bone tissue engineering. These are based on the use of angiogenic growth factors, the co-implantation of blood vessel forming cells, the ex vivo microfabrication of blood vessels by means of bioprinting, and surgical methods for creating surgically transferable composite tissues.

2021 ◽  
Vishal Swaminathan ◽  
Grace Bechtel ◽  
Vakhtang Tchantchaleishvili

Polymers ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 2000
Mohammad Mostakhdemin ◽  
Ashveen Nand ◽  
Maziar Ramezani

The design and manufacture of artificial tissue for knee joints have been highlighted recently among researchers which necessitates an apt approach for its assessment. Even though most re-searches have focused on specific mechanical or tribological tests, other aspects have remained underexplored. In this review, elemental keys for design and testing artificial cartilage are dis-cussed and advanced methods addressed. Articular cartilage structure, its compositions in load-bearing and tribological properties of hydrogels, mechanical properties, test approaches and wear mechanisms are discussed. Bilayer hydrogels as a niche in tissue artificialization are presented, and recent gaps are assessed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 30
Shabir Hassan ◽  
Berivan Cecen ◽  
Ramon Peña-Garcia ◽  
Fernanda Roberta Marciano ◽  
Amir K. Miri ◽  

Different strategies have been employed to provide adequate nutrients for engineered living tissues. These have mainly revolved around providing oxygen to alleviate the effects of chronic hypoxia or anoxia that result in necrosis or weak neovascularization, leading to failure of artificial tissue implants and hence poor clinical outcome. While different biomaterials have been used as oxygen generators for in vitro as well as in vivo applications, certain problems have hampered their wide application. Among these are the generation and the rate at which oxygen is produced together with the production of the reaction intermediates in the form of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Both these factors can be detrimental for cell survival and can severely affect the outcome of such studies. Here we present calcium peroxide (CPO) encapsulated in polycaprolactone as oxygen releasing microparticles (OMPs). While CPO releases oxygen upon hydrolysis, PCL encapsulation ensures that hydrolysis takes place slowly, thereby sustaining prolonged release of oxygen without the stress the bulk release can endow on the encapsulated cells. We used gelatin methacryloyl (GelMA) hydrogels containing these OMPs to stimulate survival and proliferation of encapsulated skeletal myoblasts and optimized the OMP concentration for sustained oxygen delivery over more than a week. The oxygen releasing and delivery platform described in this study opens up opportunities for cell-based therapeutic approaches to treat diseases resulting from ischemic conditions and enhance survival of implants under severe hypoxic conditions for successful clinical translation.

Nanomaterials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 813
Mariam Hussain ◽  
Ethan I. L. Jull ◽  
Richard J. Mandle ◽  
Thomas Raistrick ◽  
Peter J. Hine ◽  

The term liquid crystal elastomer (LCE) describes a class of materials that combine the elastic entropy behaviour associated with conventional elastomers with the stimuli responsive properties of anisotropic liquid crystals. LCEs consequently exhibit attributes of both elastomers and liquid crystals, but additionally have unique properties not found in either. Recent developments in LCE synthesis, as well as the understanding of the behaviour of liquid crystal elastomers—namely their mechanical, optical and responsive properties—is of significant relevance to biology and biomedicine. LCEs are abundant in nature, highlighting the potential use of LCEs in biomimetics. Their exceptional tensile properties and biocompatibility have led to research exploring their applications in artificial tissue, biological sensors and cell scaffolds by exploiting their actuation and shock absorption properties. There has also been significant recent interest in using LCEs as a model for morphogenesis. This review provides an overview of some aspects of LCEs which are of relevance in different branches of biology and biomedicine, as well as discussing how recent LCE advances could impact future applications.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 245-258
Mohd Syahir Anwar Hamzah ◽  
Nurul Amira Ab Razak ◽  
Celine Ng ◽  
Akmal Hafiszi Abdul Azize ◽  
Jumadi Abdul Sukor ◽  

:  Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), a piezoelectric material, is commonly used in tissue engineering due to its potential for mimicking the electrical microenvironment of biological conditions for tissue development. In this present research, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) was introduced into electrospun PVDF fabrication through an electrospinning process, aiming to enhance the nanofibrous membrane's biocompatibility properties by improving the hydrophilicity properties to act as an artificial tissue scaffold. The electrospun PVDF/PVA membranes are found to be optimum at a PVDF-to-PVA ratio of 90:10 due to its excellent mechanical, morphological, and hydrophilicity conductivity properties. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy verified strong hydrogen bonding interaction formed between the fluorine group of PVDF with oxygen-containing in the hydroxyl group of PVA. In-vitro cell culture showed that the enhanced hydrophilic property of electrospun PVDF/PVA could significantly enhance the cell growth. These positive results indicated that the scaffold could be implemented as artificial tissue material for tissue engineering applications. ABSTRAK: Polivinilidena fluorida (PVDF) adalah bahan piezoelektrik yang biasa digunakan dalam kejuruteraan tisu kerana potensinya menyerupai keadaan persekitaran mikro-elektrik biologi bagi perkembangan tisu. Dalam penyelidikan ini, polivinil alkohol (PVA) diperkenalkan ke dalam fabrikasi pintalan-elektro PVDF melalui proses pemintalan-elektro, yang bertujuan bagi mengembangkan sifat biokompatibiliti membran nanogentian dengan meningkatkan sifat hidrofilik bagi menjadi perancah tisu tiruan. Membran pintalan-elektro PVDF / PVA didapati optimum pada nisbah PVDF-ke-PVA, 90:10 kerana sifat kekonduksian, mekanikal, morfologi dan hidrofiliknya yang sangat baik. Spektroskopi transformasi inframerah Fourier (FTIR) mengesahkan interaksi ikatan hidrogen yang kuat terbentuk antara kumpulan fluoro PVDF dengan oksigen yang terkandung dalam kumpulan hidroksil PVA. Kultur sel secara in-vitro menunjukkan bahawa sifat hidrofilik pintalan-elektro PVDF / PVA dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan sel secara signifikan. Hasil positif ini menunjukkan bahawa perancah ini dapat digunakan sebagai bahan tisu buatan bagi aplikasi kejuruteraan tisu.

Mohd Syahir Anwar Hamzah ◽  
Nurul Amira Ab Razak ◽  
Muhammad Haziq Ramli ◽  
Celine Ng ◽  

This review focuses on the potential of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) as tissue scaffolding materials. PVDF is defined in terms of the synthesis mechanisms and the method of the β phase formation process. General properties are fundamentally discussed in terms of their wettability and electroactive characteristics, which play an essential role in modifying other potential materials for tissue-based applications. The latest technologies for the replacement of artificial tissue scaffolds are evaluated, and the applications of PVDF-based scaffolds are discussed.

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