division rule
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2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Vi Cao

Abstract For a dynamic partnership with adverse selection and moral hazard, we design a direct profit division mechanism that satisfies ϵ-efficiency, periodic Bayesian incentive compatibility, interim individual rationality, and ex-post budget balance. In addition, we design a voting mechanism that implements the profit division rule associated with this direct mechanism in perfect Bayesian equilibrium. For establishing these possibility results, we assume that the partnership exhibits intertemporal complementarities instead of contemporaneous complementarities; equivalently, an agent’s current effort affects other agents’ future optimal efforts instead of current optimal efforts. This modelling assumption fits a wide range of economic settings.

Burra Shivaram

The underground cable system is a common practice followed in many urban areas. While a fault occurs for some reason, at that time the repairing process related to that particular cable is difficult due to not knowing the exact location of the cable fault. Hence, the main objective of this project is to determine the distance of underground cable fault from base station in kilometers using an Arduino board and GSM. The project uses the standard concept of Ohms law and voltage division rule to detect and locate the fault. The fault occurring at a particular distance and the respective phase is displayed on a LCD interfaced to the Arduino board and information regarding fault occurrence is sent to control areas using GSM modules.

2020 ◽  
pp. 58-68 ◽  
Roman F. Nalewajski

Classical issues of local continuities and density partition in molecular quantum mechanics are reexamined. An effective velocity of the probability current is identified as the current-per-particle and its properties are explored. The local probability acceleration and the associated force concept are introduced. They are shown to identically vanish in the stationary electronic states. This acceleration measure also determines the associated productions of physical currents, e.g., the local source of the resultant content of electronic gradient information. The probability partitioning between reactants is revisited and illustrated using the stockholder division rule of Hirshfeld. A simple orbital model is used to describe the polarized (disentangled) and equilibrium (entangled) molecular fragments containing the distinguishable and indistinguishable groups of electrons, respectively, and their mixed quantum character is emphasized. The fragment density matrix is shown to determine the subsystem internal electron communications.

Robin Wilson

‘Multiplying and dividing’ looks at multiples and divisors, focusing on the least common multiple and greatest common divisor of two numbers. We use Euclid’s algorithm as a method for computing the greatest common divisor of two numbers by using the division rule repeatedly. Perfect squares (integers that are the product of two equal integers) feature throughout number theory. Tests are given for divisibility by certain small numbers. An ancient method called ‘casting out nines’, was developed in India in around the year 1000, based on the argument that a number and its digital sum leave the same remainder when divided by 9. We can still use this method to verify the accuracy (or otherwise) of arithmetical calculations.

2020 ◽  
pp. 25-30 ◽  
Roman F. Nalewajski

The molecular density-partition problem is reexamined and the information-theoretic (IT) justification of the stockholder division rule is summarized. The ensemble representations of the promolecular and molecular mixed states of constituent atoms are identified and the electron probabilities in the isoelectronic stockholder atoms-in-molecules (AIM) are used to define the molecular-orbital ensembles for the bonded Hirshfeld atoms. In the pure quantum state of the whole molecular system its interacting (entangled) fragments are described by the subsystem density operators, with the subsystem physical properties being generated by the partial traces involving the fragment density matrices.

2020 ◽  
Vol 34 (02) ◽  
pp. 2184-2191 ◽  
Marcin Michorzewski ◽  
Dominik Peters ◽  
Piotr Skowron

A group of agents needs to divide a divisible common resource (such as a monetary budget) among several uses or projects. We assume that agents have approval preferences over projects, and their utility is the fraction of the budget spent on approved projects. If we maximize utilitarian social welfare, the entire budget will be spent on a single popular project, even if a substantial fraction of the agents disapprove it. This violates the individual fair share axiom (IFS) which requires that for each agent, at least 1/n of the budget is spent on approved projects. We study the price of imposing such fairness axioms on utilitarian social welfare. We show that no division rule satisfying IFS can guarantee to achieve more than an O(1/√m) fraction of maximum utilitarian welfare, in the worst case. However, imposing stronger group fairness conditions (such as the core) does not come with an increased price, since both the conditional utilitarian rule and the Nash rule match this bound and guarantee an Ώ(1/√m) fraction. The same guarantee is attained by the rule under which the spending on a project is proportional to its approval score. We also study a family of rules interpolating between the utilitarian and the Nash rule, quantifying a trade-off between welfare and group fairness. An experimental analysis by sampling using several probabilistic models shows that the conditional utilitarian rule achieves very high welfare on average.

Stephan Gocht ◽  
Jakob Nordström ◽  
Amir Yehudayoff

The conflict-driven clause learning (CDCL) paradigm has revolutionized SAT solving over the last two decades. Extending this approach to pseudo-Boolean (PB) solvers doing 0-1 linear programming holds the promise of further exponential improvements in theory, but intriguingly such gains have not materialized in practice. Also intriguingly, most PB extensions of CDCL use not the division rule in cutting planes as defined in [Cook et al., '87] but instead the so-called saturation rule. To the best of our knowledge, there has been no study comparing the strengths of division and saturation in the context of conflict-driven PB learning, when all linear combinations of inequalities are required to cancel variables. We show that PB solvers with division instead of saturation can be exponentially stronger. In the other direction, we prove that simulating a single saturation step can require an exponential number of divisions. We also perform some experiments to see whether these phenomena can be observed in actual solvers. Our conclusion is that a careful combination of division and saturation seems to be crucial to harness more of the power of cutting planes.

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