ideal cipher
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Tetsu Iwata ◽  
Mustafa Khairallah ◽  
Kazuhiko Minematsu ◽  
Thomas Peyrin

In this article, we propose two new families of very lightweight and efficient authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD) modes, Romulus and Remus, that provide security beyond the birthday bound with respect to the block-length n. The former uses a tweakable block cipher (TBC) as internal primitive and can be proven secure in the standard model. The later uses a block cipher (BC) as internal primitive and can be proven secure in the ideal cipher model. Both our modes allow to switch very easily from the nonce-respecting to the nonce-misuse scenario.Previous constructions, such as ΘCB3, are quite computationally efficient, yet needing a large memory for implementation, which makes them unsuitable for platforms where lightweight cryptography should play a key role. Romulus and Remus break this barrier by introducing a new architecture evolved from a BC mode COFB. They achieve the best of what can be possible with TBC – the optimal computational efficiency (rate-1 operation) and the minimum state size of a TBC mode (i.e., (n + t)-bit for n-bit block, t-bit tweak TBC), with almost equivalent provable security as ΘCB3. Actually, our comparisons show that both our designs present superior performances when compared to all other recent lightweight AEAD modes, being BC-based, TBC-based or sponge-based, in the nonce-respecting or nonce-misuse scenario. We eventually describe how to instantiate Romulus and Remus modes using the Skinny lightweight tweakable block cipher proposed at CRYPTO 2016, including the hardware implementation results

Symmetry ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 1485
Yasir Nawaz ◽  
Lei Wang

Designing a secure construction has always been a fascinating area for the researchers in the field of symmetric key cryptography. This research aimed to make contributions to the design of secure block cipher in the ideal cipher model whose underlying primitive is a family of n − b i t to n − b i t random permutations indexed by secret key. Our target construction of a secure block ciphers denoted as E [ s ] is built on a simple XOR operation and two block cipher invocations, under the assumptions that the block cipher in use is a pseudorandom permutation. One out of these two block cipher invocations produce a subkey that is derived from the secret key. It has been accepted that at least two block cipher invocations with XOR operations are required to achieve beyond birthday bound security. In this paper, we investigated the E [ s ] instances with the advanced proof technique and efficient block cipher constructions that bypass the birthday-bound up to 2 n provable security was achieved. Our study provided new insights to the block cipher that is beyond birthday bound security.

Aisling Connolly ◽  
Pooya Farshim ◽  
Georg Fuchsbauer

We study the security of symmetric primitives against key-correlated attacks (KCA), whereby an adversary can arbitrarily correlate keys, messages, and ciphertexts. Security against KCA is required whenever a primitive should securely encrypt key-dependent data, even when it is used under related keys. KCA is a strengthening of the previously considered notions of related-key attack (RKA) and key-dependent message (KDM) security. This strengthening is strict, as we show that 2-round Even–Mansour fails to be KCA secure even though it is both RKA and KDM secure. We provide feasibility results in the ideal-cipher model for KCAs and show that 3-round Even–Mansour is KCA secure under key offsets in the random-permutation model. We also give a natural transformation that converts any authenticated encryption scheme to a KCA-secure one in the random-oracle model. Conceptually, our results allow for a unified treatment of RKA and KDM security in idealized models of computation.

Cryptography ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 37
Megha Agrawal ◽  
Donghoon Chang ◽  
Jinkeon Kang

A technique of authenticated encryption for memory constrained devices called sp-AELM was proposed by Agrawal et al. at ACISP 2015. The sp-ALEM construction utilizes a sponge-based primitive to support online encryption and decryption functionalities. Online encryption in the construction is achieved in the standard manner by processing plaintext blocks as they arrive to produce ciphertext blocks. However, decryption is achieved by storing only one intermediate state and releasing it to the user upon correct verification. This intermediate state allows a legitimate user to generate the plaintext herself. However, the scheme is nonce-respecting, i.e., the scheme is insecure if the nonce is repeated. Implementation of a nonce is non-trivial in practice, and reuse of a nonce in an AE scheme is often devastating. In this paper, we propose a new AE scheme called dAELM, which stands for deterministic authenticated encryption (DAE) scheme for low memory devices. DAE is used in domains such as the key wrap, where the available message entropy omits the overhead of a nonce. For limiting memory usage, our idea is to use a session key to encrypt a message and share the session key with the user depending upon the verification of a tag. We provide the security proof of the proposed construction in the ideal cipher model.

Pooya Farshim ◽  
Louiza Khati ◽  
Damien Vergnaud

The iterated Even–Mansour (EM) ciphers form the basis of many blockcipher designs. Several results have established their security in the CPA/CCA models, under related-key attacks, and in the indifferentiability framework. In this work, we study the Even–Mansour ciphers under key-dependent message (KDM) attacks. KDM security is particularly relevant for blockciphers since non-expanding mechanisms are convenient in setting such as full disk encryption (where various forms of key-dependency might exist). We formalize the folklore result that the ideal cipher is KDM secure. We then show that EM ciphers meet varying levels of KDM security depending on the number of rounds and permutations used. One-round EM achieves some form of KDM security, but this excludes security against offsets of keys. With two rounds we obtain KDM security against offsets, and using different round permutations we achieve KDM security against all permutation-independent claw-free functions. As a contribution of independent interest, we present a modular framework that can facilitate the security treatment of symmetric constructions in models that allow for correlated inputs.

Benoît Cogliati ◽  
Jooyoung Lee ◽  
Yannick Seurin

We propose new constructions of Message Authentication Codes (MACs) from tweakable or conventional block ciphers. Our new schemes are either stateless and deterministic, nonce-based, or randomized, and provably secure either in the standard model for tweakable block cipher-based ones, or in the ideal cipher model for block cipher-based ones. All our constructions are very efficient, requiring only one call to the underlying (tweakable) block cipher in addition to universally hashing the message. Moreover, the security bounds we obtain are quite strong: they are beyond the birthday bound, and nonce-based/randomized variants provide graceful security degradation in case of misuse, i.e., the security bound degrades linearly with the maximal number of repetitions of nonces/random values.

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