transition speed
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2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (18) ◽  
pp. 10202
Karina Nicolle Esbeih ◽  
Valentín Molina-Moreno ◽  
Pedro Núñez-Cacho ◽  
Bruna Silva-Santos

Society is increasingly concerned about aspects of work related to sustainability. This leads organizations to reflect on the economic, environmental, and social problems that affect both current and future generations. When companies identify an environmental problem, they try to respond to it through changes in their environmental policies, aiming at the transition towards sustainability. In this context, the circular economy appears as a regenerative industrial system that replaces the concept of “end of life” with that of “restoration”. It is oriented to the use of renewable energies, eliminating the use of toxic chemicals, which are harmful to reuse. The theory of socio-emotional wealth describes the behavior patterns of family businesses in response to the environmental changes that occur and the reasons derived from the family character that make them move towards the circular economy model. This article studies the case of the Spanish textile manufacturing and distribution multinational Inditex, analyzing the information collected in its environmental balances in the period 2013–2018. The analysis allows us to observe the speed of Inditex’s transition to the circular economy. For this, transition speed indicators were formed in each of the dimensions of the circular economy model. The results of the study indicate areas in which the company is moving faster and those in which more effort is needed. Finally, a collection of good practices related to the CE used by Inditex is provided.

Geofluids ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-13
Xiao Li ◽  
Yongkui Shi ◽  
Zaiyong Wang ◽  
Wenquan Zhang

The coal mine accidents seriously affect the safety and efficiency of mining for coal mining enterprises. The reliable emergency rescue (ER) processes are explored to minimize the loss of accidents. This paper introduces the stochastic Petri net (SPN) and Markov chain (MC) models based on the system structure flow to analyze the ER processes of coal mine accidents. In addition, a triangle fuzzy strategy is presented to optimize the SPN model. The “9·28” major water inrush accident in Shanxi Fenxi Zhengsheng Coal Company of China is adopted to evaluate the time performance and accident data of the ER process. The MC model-based steady-state probabilities of the system under various states are used to calculate the average delay time of this system. The triangular fuzzy strategy is used to analyze the change value of the total time in the ER system at the unit transition speed when the firing rate of each transition is changed, which finds the most time-consuming key activities in the ER process. The results show that SPN and MC can reflect the dynamic behaviors of ER process, which provides a reference for the rescue operations of other coal mine accidents. The triangular fuzzy strategy can quickly find out the key activities affecting the ER time, which greatly decreases the calculations generated by analyzing the total time of the system changed at the unit transition speed.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Ming Lou ◽  
Ahmet T. Alpas

Purpose This paper aims to study the effectiveness of using thermal spray (TS) coated bores in reducing friction under the mixed lubrication (ML) and elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL) regimes. Design/methodology/approach A reciprocating tribometer with a stroke length of 100 mm, was built to measure the coefficient of friction (COF) at the mid-stroke and ring reversal positions and to conduct sliding tests at a speed range of 0.31–3.14 m/s. Samples taken from fine-honed TS coated bores and also from cast iron (CI) liners that underwent a standard-honing process were tested against ring segments coated with chromium nitride (CrN) and diamond-like carbon. Findings Construction of Stribeck curves demonstrated that TS coatings showed a transition from ML to EHL at a lower speed (0.94 m/s) compared with CI (1.26 m/s) regardless of the counterfaces used. Lower COFs of 0.05–0.08 in ML was measured for TS coatings compared with those of 0.06–0.09 for CI in ML. Once EHL was reached, the COF of TS coatings decreased to 0.02–0.03 similar to those of CI. Examination of wear patterns suggested that the low roughness combined with high oil retention capability might be responsible for the reduced transition speed and the expanded EHL region for the TS coated surfaces. Originality/value With the EHL friction captured in a bidirectional sliding mode using a long-stroke tribometer, this work contributes to the understanding of the low-friction behaviour of TS coatings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 94-98
Delgermaa Lkhagvasuren ◽  
Nuuts Yadamsuren ◽  
Otgonkhuyag Balgan ◽  
Byambadorj Chagnaa

The water consumption through the nozzle or water pressure through the nozzle at the given water thickness (У,min) the two technological parameters, the pressure of  the nozzle (X1, PSI) and the rotational speed of the nozzle (X2, m/min) are used to determine the state of the impact at 8 mm nozzle. The experiment was determined under laboratory conditions on a Low Energy Nozzle (LEN). The experiment was conducted in the ‘’ Irrigation machinery and  equipment design’’ laboratory of the School of Engineering and Technology of the MULS using the ‘’Low pressure nozzle distribution radius and rain intensity measuring equipment’’.  The maximum intensity of water supplied by the nozzle is 1.727 mm / min or the maximum pressure is 30 PSI and the minimum flow rate is 0.313 mm / min. The pressure regulator at 20 min was at a value of 20 PSI, and the transition speed was at a maximum of 3 m / min. Бороожуулах эрчимд машины ажиллах горим нөлөөлөх байдлыг тодорхойлсон дүн Бороожуулах хошуугаар өгч байгаа усны зарцуулгын хэмжээ буюу өгсөн усны зузаанд (Y, мм) хошуугаар гарах усны даралт , машины тойрох хурд   гэсэн технологийн хоёр параметр дангаараа болон хавсран үзүүлэх нөлөөллийн төлвийг  тодорхойлох туршилтыг 8 мм голчтой бороожуулах хошуун дээр лабораторийн нөхцөлд тодорхойлов. ХААИС-ийн ИТС-ийн “ Усалгааны машин, тоног төхөөрөмжийн хийц “лабораторт 2019 онд “Бороожуулах хошууны борооны эрчим, усны жигд тархалт тодорхойлох төхөөрөмж”- ийг ашиглан туршилтыг хийж гүйцэтгэв. Нам даралтат бороожуулах хошууны борооны эрчмийг  тодорхойлж, үр дүнг математик статистикийн аргаар боловсруулахад бороожуулах хошуугаар өгч буй усны хамгийн их хэмжээ 1.727 мм/мин нь даралт хамгийн их 30 PSI, шилжих хурд хамгийн бага 1м/мин үед байгаа бол хамгийн бага хэмжээ  0.313 мм/мин нь даралт тохируулагч 20 PSI утга дээр, шилжих хурд хамгийн их буюу 3 м/мин байв.  Түлхүүр үг: Даралт тохируулагч, бороожуулах хошууны жигд тархалт, нам даралтат бороожуулах хошуу   

2021 ◽  
pp. 0961463X2110167
Raymond LM Lee

Zygmunt Bauman addressed spatiotemporal compression as a critical aspect of the transition from solid to liquid modernity. In this transition, speed and flexibility came to define the conditions of social life which no longer relied on spatiotemporal separation as the basis of all power relations. But digitization of these conditions raises the question of whether the present phase of modernity depicts a resolidification of capital and power that exploits the fluidity of a densely intermediated world. By treating databases as the new localities of power, the digital operations inherent to their utility and productivity render the systemic nature of intermediation as solid as the power relations of the pre-digital era. The example of mass surveillance demonstrates the solidity of a new power derived from surreptitious data gathering and collation in populations attuned to intermediation as a way of life. A new mass culture is emerging through spaces of power that have reset speed in the service of datafication. This is not simply a culture of mobility and choice but one prefabricated and utilized for advancing the redesigned solidity of a digitized modernity.

2021 ◽  
pp. bmjmilitary-2020-001645
Niamh Gill ◽  
A Roberts ◽  
T J O'Leary ◽  
A Liu ◽  
K Hollands ◽  

Load carriage and marching ‘in-step’ are routine military activities associated with lower limb injury risk in service personnel. The fixed pace and stride length of marching typically vary from the preferred walking gait and may result in overstriding. Overstriding increases ground reaction forces and muscle forces. Women are more likely to overstride than men due to their shorter stature. These biomechanical responses to overstriding may be most pronounced when marching close to the preferred walk-to-run transition speed. Load carriage also affects walking gait and increases ground reaction forces, joint moments and the demands on the muscles. Few studies have examined the effects of sex and stature on the biomechanics of marching and load carriage; this evidence is required to inform injury prevention strategies, particularly with the full integration of women in some defence forces. This narrative review explores the effects of sex and stature on the biomechanics of unloaded and loaded marching at a fixed pace and evaluates the implications for injury risk. The knowledge gaps in the literature, and distinct lack of studies on women, are highlighted, and areas that need more research to support evidence-based injury prevention measures, especially for women in arduous military roles, are identified.

2021 ◽  
pp. jeb.233056
Jackson W. Brill ◽  
Rodger Kram

Humans prefer to walk at slow speeds and to run at fast speeds. In between, there is a speed at which people choose to transition between gaits, the Preferred Transition Speed (PTS). At slow speeds, it is energetically cheaper to walk and at faster speeds, it is cheaper to run. Thus, there is an intermediate speed, the Energetically Optimal Transition Speed (EOTS). Our goals were to determine: 1) how PTS and EOTS compare across a wide range of inclines and 2) if the EOTS can be predicted by the heart rate optimal transition speed (HROTS). Ten healthy, high-caliber, male trail/mountain runners participated. On day 1, subjects completed 0° and 15° trials and on day 2, 5° and 10°. We calculated PTS as the average of the walk-to-run transition speed (WRTS) and the run-to-walk transition speed (RWTS) determined with an incremental protocol. We calculated EOTS and HROTS from energetic cost and heart rate data for walking and running near the expected EOTS for each incline. The intersection of the walking and running linear regression equations defined EOTS and HROTS. We found that PTS, EOTS, and HROTS all were slower on steeper inclines. PTS was slower than EOTS at 0°, 5°, and 10°, but the two converged at 15°. Across all inclines, PTS and EOTS were only moderately correlated. Although EOTS correlated with HROTS, EOTS was not predicted accurately by heart rate on an individual basis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (7) ◽  
pp. 645-652
Kiyoshi Nagai ◽  
Kairi Nishimura ◽  
Takeshi Sakurada ◽  
Hiroki Dobashi ◽  
Tsuneo Yoshikawa

2020 ◽  
Vol 32 (4) ◽  
pp. 227-232
Stacey M. Kung ◽  
Philip W. Fink ◽  
Stephen J. Legg ◽  
Ajmol Ali ◽  
Sarah P. Shultz

Purpose: To investigate whether youth and adults can perceive differences in exertion between walking and running at speeds near the preferred transition speed (PTS) and if there are age-related differences in these perceptions. Methods: A total of 49 youth (10–12 y, n = 21; 13–14 y, n = 10; 15–17 y, n = 18) and 13 adults (19–29 y) completed a walk-to-run transition protocol to determine PTS and peak oxygen uptake. The participants walked and ran on a treadmill at 5 speeds (PTS–0.28 m·s−1, PTS–0.14 m·s−1, PTS, PTS+0.14 m·s−1, PTS+0.28 m·s−1) and rated perceived exertion using the OMNI Perceived Exertion (OMNI-RPE) scale. Oxygen consumption was measured during the walk-to-run transition protocol to obtain the relative intensity (percentage of peak oxygen uptake) at PTS. OMNI-RPE scores at all speeds and percentage of peak oxygen uptake at PTS were compared between age groups. Results: The 10- to 12-year-olds transitioned at a higher percentage of peak oxygen uptake than adults (64.54 [10.18] vs 52.22 [11.40], respectively; P = .035). The 10- to 14-year-olds generally reported higher OMNI-RPE scores than the 15- to 17-year-olds and adults (P < .050). In addition, the 10- to 14-year-olds failed to distinguish differences in OMNI-RPE between walking and running at PTS and PTS+0.14 m·s−1. Conclusions: Children aged 10–14 years are less able to distinguish whether walking or running requires less effort at speeds near the PTS compared with adults. The inability to judge which gait mode is less demanding could hinder the ability to minimize locomotive demands.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 398-414
Naga Venkata Rakesh Nimmagadda ◽  
Lokeswara Rao Polisetty ◽  
Anantha Subramanian Vaidyanatha Iyer

Abstract High-speed planing crafts have successfully evolved through developments in the last several decades. Classical approaches such as inviscid potential flow–based methods and the empirically based Savitsky method provide general understanding for practical design. However, sometimes such analyses suffer inaccuracies since the air–water interface effects, especially in the transition phase, are not fully accounted for. Hence, understanding the behaviour at the transition speed is of fundamental importance for the designer. The fluid forces in planing hulls are dominated by phenomena such as flow separation at various discontinuities viz., knuckles, chines and transom, with resultant spray generation. In such cases, the application of potential theory at high speeds introduces limitations. This paper investigates the simulation of modelling of the pre-planing behaviour with a view to capturing the air–water interface effects, with validations through experiments to compare the drag, dynamic trim and wetted surface area. The paper also brings out the merits of gridding strategies to obtain reliable results especially with regard to spray generation due to the air–water interface effects. The verification and validation studies serve to authenticate the use of the multi-gridding strategies on the basis of comparisons with simulations using model tests. It emerges from the study that overset/chimera grids give better results compared with single unstructured hexahedral grids. Two overset methods are investigated to obtain reliable estimation of the dynamic trim and drag, and their ability to capture the spray resulting from the air–water interaction. The results demonstrate very close simulation of the actual flow kinematics at steady-speed conditions in terms of spray at the air–water interface, drag at the pre-planing and full planing range and dynamic trim angles.

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