flavour physics
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2022 ◽  
Vol 258 ◽  
pp. 06001
Matteo Di Carlo ◽  
Maxwell T. Hansen ◽  
Nils Hermansson-Truedsson ◽  
Antonin Portelli

We present a model-independent and relativistic approach to analytically derive electromagnetic finite-size effects beyond the point-like approximation. The key element is the use of electromagnetic Ward identities to constrain vertex functions, and structure-dependence appears via physical form-factors and their derivatives. We apply our general method to study the leading finitesize structure-dependence in the pseudoscalar mass (at order 1/L3) as well as in the leptonic decay amplitudes of pions and kaons (at order 1/L2). Knowledge of the latter is essential for Standard Model precision tests in the flavour physics sector from lattice simulations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (9) ◽  
Ulrich Haisch ◽  
Gabriël Koole

Abstract In the context of the Standard Model effective field theory we derive direct and indirect bounds on chromodipole operators involving the bottom and charm quark. We find that the experimental upper limit on the neutron electric dipole moment puts severe constraints on the imaginary parts of the Wilson coefficients of both chromodipole operators. The magnitudes of the Wilson coefficients are instead only weakly constrained by dijet searches and Z-boson production in association with bottom-quark jets. Flavour physics does not provide meaningful bounds.

2021 ◽  
Vol 136 (8) ◽  
Stéphane Monteil ◽  
Guy Wilkinson

AbstractThe abundant production of beauty and charm hadrons in the $$5 \times 10^{12}$$ 5 × 10 12 $$Z^0$$ Z 0 decays expected at FCC-ee offers outstanding opportunities in flavour physics that in general exceed those available at Belle II and are complementary to the heavy-flavour programme of the LHC. A wide range of measurements will be possible in heavy-flavour spectroscopy, rare decays of heavy-flavoured particles and $$C\!P$$ C P -violation studies, which will benefit from the low-background experimental environment, the high Lorentz boost and the availability of the full spectrum of hadron species. This essay first surveys the important questions in heavy-flavour physics and assesses the likely theoretical and experimental landscape at the turn-on of FCC-ee. From this certain, measurements are identified where the impact of FCC-ee will be particularly important. A full exploitation of the heavy-flavour potential of FCC-ee places specific constraints and challenges on detector design, which in some cases are in tension with those imposed by the other physics goals of the facility. These requirements and conflicts are discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 136 (8) ◽  
Guy Wilkinson

AbstractEquipping an experiment at FCC-ee with particle identification (PID) capabilities, in particular the ability to distinguish between hadron species, would bring great benefits to the physics programme. Good PID is essential for precise studies in quark flavour physics and is also a great asset for many measurements in tau, top, and Higgs physics. The requirements placed by flavour physics and these other applications are surveyed, with an emphasis on the momentum range over which PID is necessary. Possible solutions are discussed, including classical RICH counters, time-of-flight systems, and dE/dx and cluster counting. Attention is paid to the impact on the global detector design that including PID capabilities would imply.

2021 ◽  
Siavash Neshatpour ◽  
Farvah Mahmoudi

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (4) ◽  
Amit Adhikary ◽  
Biplob Bhattacherjee ◽  
Rohini M. Godbole ◽  
Najimuddin Khan ◽  
Suchita Kulkarni

Abstract In this work, we analyse and demonstrate possible strategies to explore extended Higgs sector of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). In particular we concentrate on heavy Higgs decays to electroweakinos. We analyse the Higgs to electroweakino decays in the allowed MSSM parameter space after taking into account 13 TeV LHC searches for supersymmetric particles and phenomenological constraints such as flavour physics, Higgs measurements and dark matter constraints. We explore some novel aspects of these Higgs decays. The final states resulting from Higgs to electroweakino decays will have backgrounds arising from the Standard Model as well as direct electroweakino production at the LHC. We demonstrate explicit kinematical differences between Higgs to electroweakino decays and associated backgrounds. Furthermore, we demonstrate for a few specific example points, optimised analysis search strategies at the high luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) run. Finally, we comment on possible search strategies for heavy Higgs decays to exotic final states, where the lightest chargino is long lived and leads to a disappearing track at the LHC.

2021 ◽  
Nairit Sur ◽  
Leonardo Cristella ◽  
Adriano Di Florio ◽  
Vincenzo Mastrapasqua

Abstract The demand for computational resources is steadily increasing in experimental high energy physics as the current collider experiments continue to accumulate huge amounts of data and physicists indulge in more complex and ambitious analysis strategies. This is especially true in the fields of hadron spectroscopy and flavour physics where the analyses often depend on complex multidimensional unbinned maximum-likelihood fits, with several dozens of free parameters, with an aim to study the internal structure of hadrons.Graphics processing units (GPUs) represent one of the most sophisticated and versatile parallel computing architectures that are becoming popular toolkits for high energy physicists to meet their computational demands. GooFit is an upcoming open-source tool interfacing ROOT/RooFit to the CUDA platform on NVIDIA GPUs that acts as a bridge between the MINUIT minimization algorithm and a parallel processor, allowing probability density functions to be estimated on multiple cores simultaneously.In this article, a full-fledged amplitude analysis framework developed using GooFit is tested for its speed and reliability. The four-dimensional fitter framework, one of the firsts of its kind to be built on GooFit, is geared towards the search for exotic tetraquark states in the B0 → J/ψKπ decays and can also be seamlessly adapted for other similar analyses. The GooFit fitter, running on GPUs, shows a remarkable improvement in the computing speed compared to a ROOT/RooFit implementation of the same analysis running on multi-core CPU clusters. Furthermore, it shows sensitivity to components with small contributions to the overall fit. It has the potential to be a powerful tool for sensitive and computationally intensive physics analyses.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (1) ◽  
Monika Blanke ◽  
Priscilla Pani ◽  
Giacomo Polesello ◽  
Giulia Rovelli

Abstract Models incorporating flavoured dark matter provide an elegant solution to the dark matter problem, evading the tight LHC and direct direction constraints on simple WIMP models. In Dark Minimal Flavour Violation, a simple framework of flavoured dark matter with new sources of flavour violation, the constraints from thermal freeze-out, direct detection experiments, and flavour physics create well-defined benchmark scenarios for these models. We study the LHC phenomenology of four such scenarios, focusing on final states where a single top quark is produced accompanied by no jets, one jet from the fragmentation of light quarks or a b-tagged jet. For each of these signatures we develop a realistic LHC analysis, and we show that the proposed analyses would increase the parameter space coverage for the four benchmarks, compared to existing flavour-conserving LHC analyses. Finally we show the projected discovery potential of the considered signatures for the full LHC statistics at 14 TeV, and for the High Luminosity LHC.

2021 ◽  
Vol 52 (6) ◽  
pp. 789
R. Barbieri

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