flood hazard map
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2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (23) ◽  
pp. 4761
Saeid Parsian ◽  
Meisam Amani ◽  
Armin Moghimi ◽  
Arsalan Ghorbanian ◽  
Sahel Mahdavi

Iran is among the driest countries in the world, where many natural hazards, such as floods, frequently occur. This study introduces a straightforward flood hazard assessment approach using remote sensing datasets and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) environment in an area located in the western part of Iran. Multiple GIS and remote sensing datasets, including Digital Elevation Model (DEM), slope, rainfall, distance from the main rivers, Topographic Wetness Index (TWI), Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) maps, soil type map, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), and erosion rate were initially produced. Then, all datasets were converted into fuzzy values using a linear fuzzy membership function. Subsequently, the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique was applied to determine the weight of each dataset, and the relevant weight values were then multiplied to fuzzy values. Finally, all the processed parameters were integrated using a fuzzy analysis to produce the flood hazard map with five classes of susceptible zones. The bi-temporal Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images, acquired before and on the day of the flood event, were used to evaluate the accuracy of the produced flood hazard map. The results indicated that 95.16% of the actual flooded areas were classified as very high and high flood hazard classes, demonstrating the high potential of this approach for flood hazard mapping.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (21) ◽  
pp. 142-149
Văn Trần Đức

Tuyen Quang is one of the provinces at high risk of flash floods in the Northern Midlands and Mountains of Vietnam. In the rainy season, like other localities in the region, Tuyen Quang has a long, concentrated rainfall combined with steep hills and mountains, large divisions, many rivers, and streams; In addition, the thinning of the vegetation cover due to excessive exploitation of the forest by the local people causes flash floods to appear more and more. Applying GIS and remote sensing to establish a map of flash flood risk is a quantitative approach and high reliability. This article has established a flash flood hazard map at a scale of 1/100,000 in Tuyen Quang province. In the map database, districts with a high risk of flash flood were identified, including Na Hang, Chiem Hoa, Ham Yen, and Lam Binh, the average flash flood hazard level included districts: Yen Son, Son Duong; Tuyen Quang city has a low risk of flash floods.

2021 ◽  
pp. 127594
Mahfuzur Rahman ◽  
Chen Ningsheng ◽  
Md Monirul Islam ◽  
Golam Iftekhar Mahmud ◽  
Hamid Reza Pourghasemi ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 1090 (1) ◽  
pp. 012122
Tabarak W Mahdi ◽  
Ali N Hillo ◽  
Ali A Abdul-Sahib

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 01-26
Derya Ozturk ◽  
Ilknur Yilmaz ◽  
Ufuk Kirbas ◽  

In this study, the flood hazard of Corum province (Turkey) was investigated using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), which is one of the most popular Multi-criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) methods, based on Geographic Information System (GIS). As a result of the AHP process, Corum province was categorized into five flood hazard classes: very high, high, medium, low, and very low. It was determined that 3% of the total area is under a very high flood hazard, and 25% is considered a high flood hazard. To assess the validity of the flood hazard map, the results were compared with the historical flood inventory. Our hazard map was compatible with the historical flood inventory, and our hazard map can now be used to estimate the areas that are threatened by possible floods. When the existing structural measures are overlapped with the hazard map in Corum, it is understood that a large part of the structural measures carried out to date have focused on the areas of very high and high flood hazard in the flood hazard map. Future structural measures and detailed studies should now address other areas identified as under threat in the flood hazard map. Our results suggest that the hazard assessment based on MCDA is suitable for flood hazard mapping.

2021 ◽  
Vol 328 ◽  
pp. 04019
Nani Nagu ◽  
A. Latif Lita ◽  
H Bebi ◽  
Nurhalis Wahiddin

The objectives of this study are to mapping the hazard-prone area and to analyse the flood vulnerability index in Kobe Watershed, Central Halmahera District. In order to determine the optimal selection of weights for the factors that contribute to flood risk, GIS and multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) were used in conjunction with the application of the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) method to create the flood hazard map. The flood hazard map was generated by using selected hazard factors including land use, topography, slope, and rainfall pattern. The result shows that the Kobe River basin is a flood-prone area, with 77.46 percent of its land classified as less prone to flooding and 21.41 percent classified as flood-prone. However, only 21.41 percent of its land is classified as flood-prone. Only 1.13 percent of the land is protected from the danger of floods, compared to the whole country. The altitude factor is the most important element influencing flood susceptibility in Weda District, where the majority of the land (16.34 percent) is located at or below sea level, making it particularly vulnerable to flooding.

2020 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Chhuonvuoch Koem ◽  
Sarintip Tantanee

Purpose Cambodia is considered one of the countries that are most vulnerable to adverse effects of climate change, particularly floods and droughts. Kampong Speu Province is a frequent site of calamitous flash floods. Reliable sources of flash flood information and analysis are critical in efforts to minimize the impact of flooding. Unfortunately, Cambodia does not yet have a comprehensive program for flash flood hazard mapping, with many places such as Kampong Speu Province having no such information resources available. The purpose of this paper is, therefore, to determine flash flood hazard levels across all of Kampong Speu Province using analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and geographical information system (GIS) with satellite information. Design/methodology/approach The integrated AHP–GIS analysis in this study encompasses ten parameters in the assessment of flash flood hazard levels across the province: rainfall, geology, soil, elevation, slope, stream order, flow direction, distance from drainage, drainage density and land use. The study uses a 10 × 10 pairwise matrix in AHP to compare the relative importance of each parameter and find each parameter’s weight. Finally, a flash flood hazard map is developed displaying all areas of Kampong Speu Province classified into five levels, with Level 5 being the most hazardous. Findings This study reveals that high and very high flash flood hazard levels are identified in the northwest part of Kampong Speu Province, particularly in Aoral, Phnum Srouch and Thpong districts and along Prek Thnot River and streams. Originality/value The flash flood hazard map developed here provides a wealth of information that can be invaluable for implementing effective disaster mitigation, improving disaster preparedness and optimizing land use.

Water ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (6) ◽  
pp. 1702 ◽  
Ashraf Abdelkarim ◽  
Seham S. Al-Alola ◽  
Haya M. Alogayell ◽  
Soha A. Mohamed ◽  
Ibtesam I. Alkadi ◽  

Understanding the dynamics of floods in dry environments and predicting an accurate flood hazard map considering multiple standards and conflicting objectives is of great political and planning importance in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s vision for the year 2030, in order to reduce losses in lives, property, and infrastructure. The objectives of this study are (1) to develop a flood vulnerability map identifying flood-prone areas along the Al-Shamal train railway pathway; (2) to forecast the vulnerability of urban areas, agricultural land, and infrastructure to possible future floods hazard; and (3) to introduce strategic solutions and recommendations to mitigate and protect such areas from the negative impacts of floods. In order to achieve these objectives, multicriteria decision analysis based on geographic information systems (GIS-MCDA) is used to build a flood hazard map of the study area. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is applied to extract the weights of eight criteria which affect the areas which are prone to flooding hazards, including flow accumulation, distance from the wadi network, slope, rainfall density, drainage density, and rainfall speed. Furthermore, the receiver operating characteristic (ROC Curve) method is used to validate the presented flood hazard model. The results of the study reveal that there are five degrees of flooding hazard along the Al-Shamal train path, ranging from very high to very low. The high and very high hazard zones comprise 19.2 km along the path, which constitutes about 26.45% of the total path length, and are concentrated at the intersections of the Al-Shamal train pathway with the Bayer and Al-Makhrouk wadis. Moderate, low, and very low flood severity areas constitute nearly 53.39 km, representing 73.55% of the total length (72.59 km) of the track. These areas are concentrated at the intersection of the Al-Shamal train track with the Haseidah Al-Gharbiyeh and Hsaidah Umm Al-Nakhleh wadis. Urban and agricultural areas that are vulnerable to high and very high flooding hazards are shown to have areas of 29.23 km2 (22.12%) and 59.87 km2 (46.39%), respectively.

2020 ◽  
Kiran Kezhkepurath Gangadhara ◽  
Srinivas Venkata Vemavarapu

<p>Flood hazard maps are essential for development and assessment of flood risk management strategies. Conventionally, flood hazard assessment is based on deterministic approach which involves deriving inundation maps considering hydrologic and hydraulic models. A flood hydrograph corresponding to a specified return period is derived using a hydrologic model, which is then routed through flood plain of the study area to estimate water surface elevations and inundation extent with the aid of a hydraulic model. A more informative way of representing flood risk is through probabilistic hazard maps, which additionally provide information on the uncertainty associated with the extent of inundation. To arrive at a probabilistic flood hazard map, several flood hydrographs are generated, representing possible scenarios for flood events over a long period of time (e.g., 500 to 1000 years). Each of those hydrographs is routed through the flood plain and probability of inundation for all locations in the plain is estimated to derive the probabilistic flood hazard map. For gauged catchments, historical streamflow and/or rainfall data may be used to determine design flood hydrographs and the corresponding hazard maps using various strategies. In the case of ungauged catchments, however, there is a dearth of procedures for prediction of flood hazard maps. To address this, a novel multivariate regional frequency analysis (MRFA) approach is proposed. It involves (i) use of a newly proposed clustering methodology for regionalization of catchments, which accounts for uncertainty arising from ambiguity in choice of various potential clustering algorithms (which differ in underlying clustering strategies) and their initialization, (ii) fitting of a multivariate extremes model to information pooled from catchments in homogeneous region to generate synthetic flood hydrographs at ungauged target location(s), and (iii) routing of the hydrographs through the flood plain using LISFLOOD-FP model to derive probabilistic flood hazard map. The MRFA approach is designed to predict flood hydrograph related characteristics (peak flow, volume and duration of flood) at target locations in ungauged basins by considering watershed related characteristics as predictor/explanatory variables. An advantage of the proposed approach is its ability to account for uncertainty in catchment regionalization and dependency between all the flood hydrograph related characteristics reliably. Thus, the synthetic flood hydrographs generated in river basins appear more realistic depicting the observed dependence structure among flood hydrograph characteristics. The approach alleviates several uncertainties found in conventional methods (based on conceptual, probabilistic or geomorphological approaches) which affect estimation of flood hazard. Potential of the proposed approach is demonstrated through a case study on catchments in Mahanadi river basin of India, which extends over 141,600 km<sup>2</sup> and is frequently prone to floods. Comparison is shown between flood hazard map obtained based on true at-site data and that derived based on the proposed MRFA approach by considering the respective sites to be pseudo-ungauged. Coefficient of correlation and root mean squared error considered for performance evaluation indicated that the proposed approach is promising.</p>

2020 ◽  
Changhee Lee ◽  
Myeong Jun Nam ◽  
Jae Young Lee

<p>Flood damages caused by abnormal climate changes occur frequently every year. Systems to predict and respond to disasters are required to prepare for flood damages. The embankment overflow and collapse mechanism due to the rapid increase of river water level in flood are quite complex, varied, and uncertain. In this study, changes of river embankment collapse widths and flood inflows were calculated. In this case, the MCS-based probability flood levels were used based on th hydrologcal scenario, which takes into account the uncertainty of the parameters of extreme precipitation through the abnormal frequency analysis. In addition, two-dimensional inundation analysis was performed to estimate flood depth and flood area, and to produce a probabilistic flood hazard map. By quantitatively evaluating the uncertainty of the parameters in consideration of the overall mechanism of flood occurrence, we obtained more reliable predictions of flood depth than conventional deterministic analyses.</p><div> </div>

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