ischia island
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Linda Daniele ◽  
Daniele Tardani ◽  
Diego Schmidlin ◽  
Ignacio Quiroga ◽  
Claudia Cannatelli ◽  

Quaternary ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 44
Gemma Aiello ◽  
Mauro Caccavale

This study discusses the siliciclastic to bioclastic deposits (in particular, the rhodolith deposits) in the Gulf of Naples based on sedimentological and seismo-stratigraphic data. The selected areas are offshore Ischia Island (offshore Casamicciola, Ischia Channel), where a dense network of sea-bottom samples has been collected, coupled with Sparker Multi-tip seismic lines, and offshore Procida–Pozzuoli (Procida Channel), where sea-bottom samples are available, in addition to Sparker seismic profiles. The basic methods applied in this research include sedimentological analysis, processing sedimentological data, and assessing seismo-stratigraphic criteria and techniques. In the Gulf of Naples, and particularly offshore Ischia, bioclastic sedimentation has been controlled by seafloor topography coupled with the oceanographic setting. Wide seismo-stratigraphic units include the bioclastic deposits in their uppermost part. Offshore Procida–Pozzuoli, siliciclastic deposits appear to prevail, coupled with pyroclastic units, and no significant bioclastic or rhodolith deposits have been outlined based on sedimentological and seismo-stratigraphic data. The occurrence of mixed siliciclastic–carbonate depositional systems is highlighted in this section of the Gulf of Naples based on the obtained results, which can be compared with similar systems recognized in the central Tyrrhenian Sea (Pontine Islands).

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (22) ◽  
pp. 4648
Alessandro Galvani ◽  
Giuseppe Pezzo ◽  
Vincenzo Sepe ◽  
Guido Ventura

The identification of the mechanisms responsible for the deformation of calderas is of primary importance for our understanding of the dynamics of magmatic systems and the evaluation of volcanic hazards. We analyze twenty years (1997–2018) of geodetic measurements on Ischia Island (Italy), which include the Mt. Epomeo resurgent block, and is affected by hydrothermal manifestations and shallow seismicity. The data from the GPS Network and the leveling route show a constant subsidence with values up to −15 ± 2.0 mm/yr and a centripetal displacement rate with the largest deformations on the southern flank of Mt. Epomeo. The joint inversion of GPS and levelling data is consistent with a 4 km deep source deflating by degassing and magma cooling below the southern flank of Mt. Epomeo. The depth of the source is supported by independent geophysical data. The Ischia deformation field is not related to the instability of the resurgent block or extensive gravity or tectonic processes. The seismicity reflects the dynamics of the shallow hydrothermal system being neither temporally nor spatially related to the deflation.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (10) ◽  
pp. e0257368
Melania Gigante ◽  
Alessia Nava ◽  
Robert R. Paine ◽  
Ivana Fiore ◽  
Francesca Alhaique ◽  

Cremation 168 from the second half of the 8th century BCE (Pithekoussai’s necropolis, Ischia Island, Italy), better known as the Tomb of Nestor’s Cup, is widely considered as one of the most intriguing discoveries in the Mediterranean Pre-Classic archaeology. A drinking cup, from which the Tomb’s name derives, bears one of the earliest surviving examples of written Greek, representing the oldest Homeric poetry ever recovered. According to previous osteological analyses, the Cup is associated with the cremated remains of a juvenile, aged approximately 10–14 years at death. Since then, a vast body of literature has attempted to explain the unique association between the exceptionality of the grave good complex, the symposiac and erotic evocation of the Nestor’s Cup inscription with the young age of the individual buried with it. This paper reconsiders previous assessments of the remains by combining gross morphology with qualitative histology and histomorphometric analyses of the burnt bone fragments. This work reveals the commingled nature of the bone assemblage, identifying for the first time, more than one human individual mixed with faunal remains. These outcomes dramatically change previous reconstructions of the cremation deposit, rewriting the answer to the question: who was buried with Nestor’s Cup?.

2021 ◽  
Vol 140 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-26
Marco Mancini ◽  
Maria Chiara Caciolli ◽  
Iolanda Gaudiosi ◽  
Giorgio Andrea Alleanza ◽  
Giuseppe Cavuoto ◽  

Minerals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (9) ◽  
pp. 955
Massimo D’Antonio ◽  
Ilenia Arienzo ◽  
Richard J. Brown ◽  
Paola Petrosino ◽  
Carlo Pelullo ◽  

The 56 ka Monte Epomeo Green Tuff (MEGT) resulted from the largest volume explosive eruption from Ischia island (south Italy). Its tephra is one of the main stratigraphic markers of the central Mediterranean area. Despite its importance, a detailed characterisation of the petrography and mineral chemistry of MEGT is lacking. To fill this gap, we present detailed petrographic description and electron microprobe mineral chemistry data on samples collected on-land from the MEGT. Juvenile clasts include pumice, scoria, and obsidian fragments with porphyritic/glomeroporphyritic, vitrophyric, and fragmental textures. The porphyritic index is 13–40 vol.%, and phenocryst phases include alkali-feldspar, plagioclase, clinopyroxene, ferrian phlogopite, and titano-magnetite, in order of decreasing abundance; accessory phases include sphene, hydroxy-fluor-apatite, and rare edenite. Plagioclase varies from predominant andesine to subordinate oligoclase, whereas alkali-feldspar is more variable from sanidine to anorthoclase; quasi-pure sanidine commonly occurs as either rim or recrystallisation overgrowth of large phenocrysts due to hydrothermal alteration. Secondary minerals include veins and patches of carbonate minerals, Fe-Mn oxyhydroxides, clay minerals, and zeolites. Clinopyroxene is ferroan diopside (En45–29Fs7–27) and never reaches Na-rich compositions. This feature allows the discrimination of MEGT from aegirine-bearing, distal tephra layers erroneously attributed to MEGT, with implications for the areal distribution of Ischia explosive deposits.

Lisa Beccaro ◽  
Cristiano Tolomei ◽  
Claudia Spinetti ◽  
Marina Bisson ◽  
Laura Colini ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (14) ◽  
pp. 2725
Prospero De Martino ◽  
Mario Dolce ◽  
Giuseppe Brandi ◽  
Giovanni Scarpato ◽  
Umberto Tammaro

The Neapolitan volcanic area includes three active and high-risk volcanoes: Campi Flegrei caldera, Somma–Vesuvius, and Ischia island. The Campi Flegrei volcanic area is a typical example of a resurgent caldera, characterized by intense uplift periods followed by subsidence phases (bradyseism). After about 21 years of subsidence following the 1982–1984 unrest, a new inflation period started in 2005 and, with increasing rates over time, is ongoing. The overall uplift from 2005 to December 2019 is about 65 cm. This paper provides the history of the recent Campi Flegrei caldera unrest and an overview of the ground deformation patterns of the Somma–Vesuvius and Ischia volcanoes from continuous GPS observations. In the 2000–2019 time span, the GPS time series allowed the continuous and accurate tracking of ground and seafloor deformation of the whole volcanic area. With the aim of improving the research on volcano dynamics and hazard assessment, the full dataset of the GPS time series from the Neapolitan volcanic area from January 2000 to December 2019 is presented and made available to the scientific community.

2021 ◽  
pp. SP519-2020-128
Filippo Zaniboni ◽  
Gianluca Pagnoni ◽  
Glauco Gallotti ◽  
Stefano Tinti ◽  
Alberto Armigliato

AbstractIschia Island has been repeatedly affected by mass collapses, which are mainly caused by the steepness of the main peak (Mt. Epomeo) and by phenomena related to its volcanic activity.The most relevant cases of mass failure studied in the literature and postulated to be tsunamigenic cover a wide spectrum of sizes, from sector collapse to small-volume mass transports. Tsunamis generated by landslides in Ischia may affect the coast of the Campania mainland, including the Gulf of Naples.The focus of this work is the evaluation of the pattern of the maximum tsunami energy. To this purpose, we perform a series of numerical simulations by moving the same landslide source in different hypothetical positions around the island. The landslide dynamics is computed through the code UBO-BLOCK, and the tsunami propagation by employing the code UBO-TSUFD, both in-house developed. The final goal is to characterize the coastal areas of the Campania mainland most exposed to tsunami attack from Ischia sources.It is found that the position of the landslide influences deeply the distribution of the tsunami elevation in the coastal stretch north of the Procida Mount, while, remarkably, it is irrelevant inside the Gulf of Naples where the bathymetric effect prevails.

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