work enjoyment
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Retos ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 44 ◽  
pp. 739-748
Beatriz Rodríguez Martín ◽  
Gonzalo Flores Aguilar ◽  
Javier Fernández Río

  Esta investigación valoró los efectos de un programa didáctico gamificado sobre la ansiedad ante el fracaso en Educación Física. Además, pudimos reconocer las posibles causas al analizar las impresiones del alumnado sobre la experiencia. Participaron 143 estudiantes de 5º y 6º de primaria. Se siguió un diseño pre-experimental, pre-test, post-test de un solo grupo, cuantitativo-cualitativo. Se administró la subescala Ansiedad y Agobio ante el Fracaso del Test de Motivación del Logro para el Aprendizaje en Educación Física (versión validada por Ruiz-Pérez et al. (2015) del Achievement Motivation in Physical Education Test, AMPET, de Nishida (1988)) y un cuestionario ad hoc con cuatro preguntas abiertas. Los datos cuantitativos mostraron que, tras la intervención didáctica, la ansiedad disminuyó de manera significativa. Los resultados cualitativos desvelaron aspectos positivos que pudieron promover dicha disminución, como: la superación de pruebas, el trabajo cooperativo, el disfrute de los elementos de la gamificación, la superación personal, el aprendizaje y la mejora de aspectos curriculares. Sin embargo, también se reconocieron otros aspectos negativos, como el trabajo de la resistencia y los grupos estables, lo cual deja entrever algunos aspectos de mejora en este planteamiento gamificado. Abstract: This research assessed the effects of a gamified project on anxiety about failure in Physical Education, perceiving the possible causes through the impressions of the students. 143 students from 5th and 6th grade participated. A pre-experimental, pre-test, post-test single-group, quantitative-qualitative design was followed. The Anxiety and Stress subscale was administered before the Failure of the Motivation Test of Achievement for Learning in Physical Education and open questions were used after the experience (version validated by Ruiz-Pérez et al. (2015) of the Achievement Motivation in Physical Education Test, AMPET, by Nishida (1988)) and an ad hoc questionnaire with four open questions. The quantitative data showed that anxiety decreased significantly after the intervention. The qualitative results revealed positive aspects that could promote said decrease: passing tests, cooperative work, enjoyment of the elements of gamification, personal improvement, learning and improvement of curricular aspects. However, other negative aspects were also recognized, such as resistance work and stable groups, which suggests some aspects of improvement in this gamified approach.

2021 ◽  
Amanda Lea Smith

<p>The aim of this study was to examine gender's impact on Workaholism and, in particular, the correlates of 'Workaholism' characteristics (Work Involvement, Drive and Work Enjoyment). The Literature review draws attention to the various definitions developed, providing the source and foundation of the definition used in this study. This thesis defines Workaholism as the tendency towards heavy work investment and involvement (the behavioural dimension) with considerable allocation of time to work-related activities and work-related thoughts and the combination of high-drive with low-enjoyment (the cognitive dimension), which manifests itself in working compulsively and being obsessed with work for reasons that are not derived from external necessity. A sample of 331 New Zealand academic employees from the eight different universities completed a web-based survey measuring 'Workaholism', Workaholism perceptions, hours worked and gender perceptions. Results show that there are differences in the degree of Workaholism and Workaholism-related variables between genders in academics in New Zealand. Furthermore, it was found that there was a statistically significant difference between genders in Work Involvement and Drive – females were found to exhibit more of both characteristics. No significant difference between genders in Work Enjoyment was found. Again, there is no significant difference between genders in Workaholism perceptions. There was, however, a significant difference between genders in the proportion of overworkers. These findings provide insight into possible directions for future research as well as potentially influencing treatment for work addiction. In order for this knowledge to directly contribute towards benefiting practitioners further study is needed, leading to the ability to allow actions taken to reduce/prevent Workaholism to be tailored to the specific needs of employees. By understanding gender differences and the individual's perception of their own Workaholism, treatment could be tailored specifically for the individual. The current study suggests that blanket policies designed to promote work-life balance are unlikely to benefit all employees.</p>

2021 ◽  
Amanda Lea Smith

<p>The aim of this study was to examine gender's impact on Workaholism and, in particular, the correlates of 'Workaholism' characteristics (Work Involvement, Drive and Work Enjoyment). The Literature review draws attention to the various definitions developed, providing the source and foundation of the definition used in this study. This thesis defines Workaholism as the tendency towards heavy work investment and involvement (the behavioural dimension) with considerable allocation of time to work-related activities and work-related thoughts and the combination of high-drive with low-enjoyment (the cognitive dimension), which manifests itself in working compulsively and being obsessed with work for reasons that are not derived from external necessity. A sample of 331 New Zealand academic employees from the eight different universities completed a web-based survey measuring 'Workaholism', Workaholism perceptions, hours worked and gender perceptions. Results show that there are differences in the degree of Workaholism and Workaholism-related variables between genders in academics in New Zealand. Furthermore, it was found that there was a statistically significant difference between genders in Work Involvement and Drive – females were found to exhibit more of both characteristics. No significant difference between genders in Work Enjoyment was found. Again, there is no significant difference between genders in Workaholism perceptions. There was, however, a significant difference between genders in the proportion of overworkers. These findings provide insight into possible directions for future research as well as potentially influencing treatment for work addiction. In order for this knowledge to directly contribute towards benefiting practitioners further study is needed, leading to the ability to allow actions taken to reduce/prevent Workaholism to be tailored to the specific needs of employees. By understanding gender differences and the individual's perception of their own Workaholism, treatment could be tailored specifically for the individual. The current study suggests that blanket policies designed to promote work-life balance are unlikely to benefit all employees.</p>

Religions ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (10) ◽  
pp. 852
Lisete S. Mónico ◽  
Clara Margaça

Workaholism phenomenon affects a quarter of the employed world population. The concept has been used to describe hardworking employees, which is not resulting from external requirements. Considering that organizations with well-developed workplace spirituality have employees more committed to achieving self-development, but also to serve the company, the relationship between workaholism and workplace spirituality is not straightforward, remaining unclear. The principal aim of this research is to analyze the workaholism phenomenon, considering patterns of workaholic and non-workaholic workers and their relationships with dimensions of workplace spirituality. The sample is comprised of a heterogeneous group of 306 Portuguese employees, who were surveyed by the Workaholism Battery, five dimensions of Workplace Spirituality, and a socio-demographic questionnaire. Cluster analysis defined three workaholic profiles (24% of the sample), and five non-workaholic profiles. Workplace spirituality dimensions differed according to worker profile and associations with work involvement, work enjoyment, and compulsive work addiction. Enthusiastic addicts and work enthusiasts showed the highest workplace spirituality, contrasting mainly with Reluctant hard worker, Disenchanted workers, and Unengaged workers, but also with work addicts. Workaholism is a complex and multidimensional phenomenon, whose dimensions are distinctly related to workplace spirituality. Workplace spirituality development can promote a more balanced and healthy relationship with work.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Marek Bartzik ◽  
Andreas Bentrup ◽  
Susanne Hill ◽  
Maria Bley ◽  
Eckart von Hirschhausen ◽  

The media increasingly speak of a care crisis. Systematic support is needed to prepare nursing apprentices for the high demands of their profession and to reduce the number of nurses who finally quit. Particularly in stressful jobs like nursing, humor as a coping strategy can have a beneficial effect on perceived stress and overall work enjoyment. In this study, we used a humor intervention among nursing staff in training and evaluated its effects on humor, stress, work enjoyment, the meaningfulness of work, and flow experience. The sample consists of 104 nurses in training. The intervention group received a 3-h humor intervention, while the control group received no intervention. Positive and negative affect were measured immediately before and after the intervention. Humor was measured before the intervention (t0) and again 6 months later (t1); at t1, we again measured humor and also stress, work meaningfulness, work enjoyment, and flow experience. Our analyses showed a beneficial change in positive and negative affect right after the intervention. By means of repeated measures ANOVA we could further confirm an effect of the intervention on reported humor 6 months later. Humor mediated positive effects of the humor intervention on perceived meaningfulness of work, work enjoyment, and on the frequency of flow at work. Also, we found a significant negative relationship between humor and stress measured at t1. The results of this study confirm the effectiveness of humor interventions in promoting humor, and, through this, the meaningfulness of work, work enjoyment, and the frequency of flow experience. Implications of the use of humor interventions in the nursing profession are discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 474-482
Dalila BEDRANE ◽  
Ouard BERROUIS ◽  

This article aims to focus on the upbringing and education of the child in light of globalization, especially with the changes brought about by the latter at various levels, including the changes that affected the family, especially the psychological aspect of women after leaving for work, enjoyment of economic independence, and their participation in cultural life and others. All this led her to double her efforts. This reflected negatively on the woman’s psyche and thus also its reflection on the upbringing of her children, especially that women play the main role in forming the personality of their child, as they gain behaviors and habits as well as instill values in line with the society in which they live, but the process of socialization seemed more difficult and more complex. In an era in the light of globalization and technology, especially that there are changes that touched the psychology of the mother and the role of the family, which has a responsibility to teach the inculcation of values and the development of trends and have become contested by cultural media.

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (11) ◽  
pp. 2517-2522
Saqib Bajwa ◽  
Aysha Butt ◽  
Nauman Mazhar ◽  
Shahid Warris ◽  
Muhammad Tariq ◽  

Medical profession due to its vast diversity and sensitivity can exert great stress and exhaustion among working professionals. Objectives: The present research was aimed to explore the relationship between Work Flow and Burnout in medical professionals. Study Design: Correlational Research Design was used with convenient sampling strategy. Setting: Rashid Latif Medical Collage. Period: July to October 2019. Material & Methods: Work related Flow13 and Copenhagen Burnout Inventory15 were used to measure the variables. Correlation and Regression were used. Result: Significant inverse relationship between work flow and burnout. Similarly, Work enjoyment subscale of Work Flow come out to be the significant predictor of burnout and its subscale. Conclusion: research indicates that professionals who enjoy their work and keep their self-engaged in while working does not get easily exhausted.

2020 ◽  
Vol 33 (4) ◽  
pp. 603-623
Panagiotis Gkorezis

AbstractSupervisor humor has been shown to be related to various employee outcomes. In this vein, prior research has demonstrated the positive role of supervisor humor in increasing employee job performance. However, little is known about the mediating and moderating mechanisms that explain this relationship. Addressing this gap, the present study develops and tests a moderated mediation model by highlighting work enjoyment as a mediator and suspicion about the supervisor as a moderator. Results from a sample of 190 employees working in a large retail organization showed that work enjoyment mediates the relationship between supervisor humor and subordinates’ job performance and, further, that this indirect effect is dependent upon suspicion of the supervisor.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (14) ◽  
pp. 5647 ◽  
Mitja Ruzzier ◽  
Evan J. Douglas ◽  
Maja Konečnik Ruzzier ◽  
Jana Hojnik

This paper presents a conceptual model of international entrepreneurial intention (IEI) through the lens of planned behavior and expectancy-valence theories. Extending the entrepreneurial intentions literature, where attitude to sustainability has started to have an increasingly important influence, to post-launch decisions, we provide an improved theoretical rationale for new venture internationalization, clarify the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and IEI, and more closely align the international entrepreneurship literature with mainstream entrepreneurship literature. In this model, IEI is influenced by the entrepreneur’s attitudes to sustainability, learning, risk, work enjoyment, and work effort, moderated by entrepreneur’s perceived feasibility to act entrepreneurially, and determines the firm-level EO, which may culminate in the internationalization of a new or existing venture.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 111-119
Rudy Pramono ◽  
Siti Amalia

Teacher is one of several professions that is quite popular in Indonesia. Like many other profession, many factors are involved to determine the success of a teacher, one of which is job satisfaction. This study was aimed to provide information about the teachers' job satisfaction at the State Junior High School. The phenomenology approach was used to explore the teachers’ experience. The data were obtained from interviews and observations on the teachers. All primary and secondary data from the results of interviews and observations were collected and analyzed through four stages of analysis (analysis, horizontalization, meaning classification, and essence description). The subjects of this study were 15 main respondents and 2 supporting of one of state junior high school in Bogor. This study reveals that teachers’ job satisfaction was based on peers, altruism, and work enjoyment. Besides, it was found that worship, merit, and reward were some of the essences obtained from the teachers’ job satisfaction. The researchers assumed that these phenomena contained the essence of a sense of religiosity. This study recommends the whole stakeholders to pay more attention on the teachers' job satisfaction to supoort the learning success at schools.

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