electromagnetic emission
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2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 574
Emiliia Iakovleva ◽  
Margarita Belova ◽  
Amilcar Soares ◽  
Anton Rassõlkin

This paper examines the possibility of the spatial modelling of the Earth’s natural pulsed-electromagnetic-field measured values, which form a closed profile without the data inside. This geophysical method allows us to map active tectonic movement which breaches the integrity of pipes. During the experiment, 4.5 km of profiles were measured in the Admiralteysky district of St. Petersburg, Russia. Regular electromotive force (EMF) values and anomalous EMF values were obtained, ranging from 0 to 900 µV and above 900 µV, respectively. The anomalous values are associated with tectonic faults in the bedrock. The data obtained are characterized by complex spatial anisotropy associated with the development of two groups of tectonic faults of different orientations. The authors have considered the problems of the spatial modeling of the data obtained. The main problems, the solutions to which should allow the obtaining of adequate models, have been identified. Based on the analysis of the measurement results, geological features of the studied areas, as well as variography, the following possible solutions were proposed: changing the measurement technique; dividing the data array according to the main directions of anisotropy; the need to introduce additional correction coefficients. The problem revealed in this article requires further research on the basis of the obtained results, which will reduce the cost and timing of such studies, and, as a result, give an opportunity to take into account active tectonic disturbances during the construction and scheduled maintenance of underground utilities, which is especially important within the framework of the concept of sustainable development.

Aleksandr A. KVASHNIN ◽  
Valery I. LOGACHEV ◽  
Maksim V. PHILIPPOV ◽  
Vladimir S. MAKHMUTOV ◽  
Osman MAKSUMOV ◽  

The objectives and scientific tasks of the planned space experiment “Solntse-Terahertz” to be performed onboard the ISS Russian Segment are briefly described in the paper. In particular, the aim of the experiment is to study uninvestigated solar electromagnetic emission in the terahertz domain, in ~ 1012 – 1013 Hz (300-30 µm) frequency range. It is expected to obtain new data on solar active region emission including solar flare emission. These data are necessary to clarify the nature of solar activity and construct physical model of charged particle acceleration in active regions during solar flares and other astrophysical objects. We focus on the telescope optical system design and evaluation of main characteristics of this system. Results of simulations and comparison with the experimental verification of obtained characteristics are presented. A close correlation of the estimations and experimental results was obtained. As a result, main parameters of the telescope optical system of experimental hardware “Solntse-Terahertz” were determined. Key words: Sun, solar flares, terahertz emission, optical system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (23) ◽  
pp. 4895
Alexey V. Shindin ◽  
Evgeny N. Sergeev ◽  
Savely M. Grach ◽  
Gennady M. Milikh ◽  
Paul Bernhardt ◽  

We discuss results on plasma density profile modifications in the F-region ionosphere that are caused by HF heating with the frequency f0 in the range [(−150 kHz)–(+75 kHz)] around the fourth electron gyroharmonic 4fc. The experiments were conducted at the HAARP facility in June 2014. A multi-frequency Doppler sounder (MDS), which measures the phase and amplitude of reflected sounding radio waves, complemented by the observations of the stimulated electromagnetic emission (SEE) were used for the diagnostics of the plasma perturbations. We detected noticeable plasma expulsion from the reflection region of the pumping wave and from the upper hybrid region, where the expulsion from the latter was strongly suppressed for f0 ≈ 4fc. The plasma expulsion from the upper hybrid region was accompanied by the sounding wave’s anomalous absorption (AA) slower development for f0 ≈ 4fc. Furthermore, slower development and weaker expulsion were detected for the height region between the pump wave reflection and upper hybrid altitudes. The combined MDS and SEE allowed for establishing an interconnection between different manifestations of the HF-induced ionospheric turbulence and determining the altitude of the most effective pump wave energy input to ionospheric plasma by using the dependence on the offset between f0 and 4fc.

2021 ◽  
Vol 938 (1) ◽  
pp. 012003
A G Ryazanov ◽  
G G Mikhailov ◽  
O V Khmeleva ◽  
Y D Savina ◽  
D M Galimov ◽  

Abstract The technological development of the world community makes it necessary to resolve the issues of the produced industrial residues utilization. Worn-out galvanized metal cars, ceilings and other metal structures require orderly utilization. Utilization of galvanized scrap may be carried out in Electric Arc Furnaces (EAF) to obtain intermediate steel and EAF dust. Electric Arc Furnaces dus contains zinc, so it is used as a secondary raw material for the production of metallic zinc. Waelz oxides are formed in Waelz kilns, after the primary processing of EAF dust. Waelz oxide contains halides that must be removed first. Halides may be removed by heating to temperatures of about 1000°C. Dielectric (microwave) heating is a promising and environmentally friendly method for material processing. Microwave heating is carried out without burning natural gas, which leads to decrease of waste gases volume. The work experimentally confirmed the possibility of zinc-containing materials heating at electromagnetic emission exposure. The duration of products heating up to the temperature of 1000°C was 128 - 188 s. The residual content of chloride ions in the calcined products is less than 0.05 wt%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 929 (1) ◽  
pp. 012013
V N Klyuchkin ◽  
V A Novikov ◽  
V I Okunev ◽  
V A Zeigarnik

Abstract Comparative analysis of acoustic and electromagnetic emissions recorded during the intact rock samples deformation and dynamic rupture of simulated crustal fault is presented. Specialized machines for uniaxial compression and shear tests of rock samples with identical data acquisition systems for both test cases were employed. Increase of acoustic emission was observed accompanied by significant rise of intensity and amplitude of electromagnetic signals at high stress of the rock samples under the uniaxial compression or dynamic failure in the spring-block model. Such correlation is consistent with the previous conclusions that an increase of electromagnetic emission may be considered as a rock failure precursor. Any specific characteristics of the detected electromagnetic signals to be used for prediction of impending rock failure or the earthquake fault rupture were not found. The similarity of electromagnetic signals and their spectra obtained at the press equipment and the spring-block model suggests that in both cases, the signals observed are generated by the crack formations and shear. The electromagnetic emission appeared only in dry samples. The samples saturated by water with the salinity of over 0.1% demonstrated no electromagnetic emission.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Adama Ouedraogo ◽  
Boubacar Soro ◽  
Ramatou Konate ◽  
Fati Amadou Oumarou ◽  
Dieudonné Joseph Bathiebo

This manuscript is about the electric output of the silicon (Si) photovoltaic (PV) cell versus the electromagnetic field of a radio wave and a monochromatic illumination in three-dimensional (3D) assumptions. The polarisation direction of the electromagnetic wave and power density are fixed. The electromagnetic wave is provided by electromagnetic emission sources such as the telecommunication, radio, or TV antennas. A PV system is installed in the vicinity of an electromagnetic emission source. The current produced by the PV cell is sensitive to electromagnetic field increase more than the electric voltage. The electromagnetic field causes the decomposition of the current into two components which are a transferred current and a leakage current. The transferred component provides the transmitted current to the external load while the leakage component gives the loss of the carrier charge into the junction. Consequently, this decomposition of the current shares the electric power in transferred electric power and leakage electric power. The transferred electric power is obtained only in the intermediate circuit, and the maximum power point (MPP) shifts to the short circuit situation as the junction dynamic velocity becomes the greatest. However, the leakage electric power corresponds to a loss of the minority carrier’s charge in the junction during the crossing of the junction. This loss causes a Joule heating effect of the junction. The heating of the junction causes the quality degradation of the PV cell mainly due to the electric component. The solar illumination wavelength is presenting the inversion phenomenon with the maximum of the electrical outputs of the silicon PV cell of around 0.70 μm which provides the greatest conversion efficiency. This value has been chosen for the modelling of the radio wave influence. Hence, the conversion efficiency increases when the PV system is far away from the electromagnetic emission source. PV system installation in the vicinity of an electromagnetic emission source is not advised.

2021 ◽  
pp. 114333
Estevan L. Lara ◽  
Allan A. Constante ◽  
Juliano Benfica ◽  
Fabian Vargas ◽  
Alexandre Boyer ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 44-53
А.А. Беспалько ◽  
Д.Д. Данн ◽  
М.В. Петров ◽  
Е.К. Помишин ◽  
Г.Е. Уцын ◽  

Mechanical-electrical and acoustic-electrical complex methods of testing cracking while changing the stress-strain state in dielectrics are discussed on the example of rock samples. The paper discusses the results of numerical and experimental studies of changes in the electromagnetic responses parameters under the pulse deterministic acoustic excitation of rock samples with different composition and texture. Also the results of mathematical calculations of the stress concentration on cracks located along the sample axis are presented, perpendicular to which deterministic acoustic pulses were introduced. The experimental studies results of sample electromagnetic emission with containing calcite and magnetite under uniaxial compression to fracture are shown. Regularities in the electromagnetic signals amplitudes changes during acoustic sounding in the process of «stepwise» uniaxial loading by compression to destruction are given.

2021 ◽  
Koh Watanabe ◽  
Mai Aoi ◽  
Misaki Komatsu ◽  
Satoshi Tanaka ◽  
Makoto Nagata

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