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2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 145
Moh Toriqul Chaer ◽  
Elfi Yuliani Rochmah ◽  
Sukatin Sukatin

This article aims to examine the power of local wisdom in education. Local knowledge will only last if local learning is applied concretely in everyday life. Efforts to represent the concept of education are not merely normative; only stated and explained, but attempted performative form. For example, local wisdom in education policies by the State is implementing character education policies based on local knowledge, culture, and culture. This research is library research by making library materials the primary data source. The research data were obtained from several pieces of literature related to the general description of education in Indonesia, educational problems and character education strategies. The research data were analysed using descriptive-analytical techniques with an inductive mindset. Implementing efforts to conserve various elements of local wisdom, traditions and local institutions, including norms, customs and culture, can function effectively in education. The goals of education are based on local strengths and characteristics that can advocate for disparities and social-cultural discrimination in society and contribute to better cultural education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 794-805
Almash Turalbayeva ◽  
Akgul Zhubandykova ◽  
Roza Nabuova ◽  
Klara Buzaubakova ◽  
Gulmira Mailybaeva ◽  

The aim of this research is to evaluate the formation of students' knowledge culture through information technology with student views. In the research, qualitative methods were used to collect the data, and the content analysis method was used for the analysis of the data. The data were collected by the researcher through semi-structured interview forms prepared for the teacher and the students. The participants of the research consisted of 40 primary school 4th grade students studying in Almaty, Kazakhstan in the 2020-2021 academic year. The results of the research reveal that students sometimes benefit from information technologies while doing research for information purposes and for doing their school homework. At the same time, as a result of the research, it was determined that the students always benefited from information technologies for activity purposes. The results obtained from the research reveal that education systems, teachers and parents have great duties in the effective use of information technologies by students. Keywords: information culture, information Technologies, information technology; student competencies, student opinions

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 18
Mikihiro Moriyama

The indigenous book publishing business for Sundanese-speaking communities started in the early 20th century, when the nationalist movement was set in motion. The modern school system had continued to spread in colonial society from the mid–19th century. The more education spread, the more literate people there were among the indigenous population. The indigenous book publishing business responded to the demands of this newly-emerging readership. Book publishing finally turned into a business by the 1920s. It seems to have provided distinctive readings from those provided by Balai Poestaka. The indigenous publishers played a supplemental role in nurturing print culture in the colonial context. Both government and private indigenous publishers contributed to promote modern readership and a colonial print culture. The book publishing and print culture in regional languages like Sundanese were nurtured in the colonial period and grew to constitute a medium to decolonize knowledge and knowledge culture.

2021 ◽  
Jean-Philippe Béland

This presentation is to present the "Atikamekw Project" led in Canada with the Atikamekw First Nation to create the Wikipetcia Atikamekw Nehiromowin, the Wikipedia in Atikamekw language, as well as improving the presence of the Atikamekw knowledge, culture and language on Wikimedia projects by uploading photographs, archives, and videos on Wikimedia Commons, using Lingua Libre to add Atikamekw words in the Wiktionaries, etc. This project is led by the Atikamekw community with the support of Wikimedia Canada. The Metapeckeka WikiClub, the WikiClub of the Atikamekw Community of Manawan, is one of the most active WikiClubs in Canada despite being in a remote location and having a small population. We will share how Wikimedia Canada is supporting the project to empower the Atikamekw community in creating and growing the Wikipedia in their language.

Asma’ Wardah Surtahman ◽  
Noor Aziera Mohammad Rohana ◽  
Izzah Nur Aida Zur Raffar

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
pp. 43-51
Elaine Khoo ◽  
Bronwen Cowie ◽  
Craig Hight ◽  
Rob Torrens

Today’s modern societies are increasingly dependent on digital technologies and the software underpinning these technologies in almost every sphere of professional and personal life. These technologies and software are poorly understood as tools that shape our engagement with knowledge, culture and society in the 21st century. None of these tools are ‘neutral.’ They embody social and cultural assumptions about their use and all have particular values embedded in their interfaces and affordances. This paper draws from a funded research project investigating the notion of software literacy (Khoo, Hight, Torrens, & Cowie, 2017). In the project software literacy is defined as the expertise involved in understanding, applying, problem solving and critiquing software when it is used to achieve particular goals. The project team hypothesised there exists three progressive tiers of development towards software literacy in professional contexts. We conducted case studies of engineering and media studies students’ learning of an ubiquitous software such as PowerPoint as well as proprietary discipline-specific software to examine how software literacy is understood, developed and applied in a tertiary teaching-learning context. In this contribution we outline the project findings then use the notion of software literacy as the lens to unpack and illustrate through three everyday examples how software literacy would seem to be an essential part of learning and living in the 21st century.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Arum Dewi Pusparini ◽  
Gatut Hardianto ◽  
Nila Kurniasari

AbstrakLatar Belakang: Kanker serviks atau kanker leher rahim merupakan kanker pembunuh nomor dua di dunia. Pemerintah telah berupaya untuk mengatasi kanker serviks dengan metode inspeksi visual asam asetat (IVA). Faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi seseorang untuk melakukan IVA antara lain pengetahuan, sikap, budaya dan dukungan petugas kesehatan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbedaan faktor yang mempengaruhi wanita usia subur (WUS) yang pernah melakukan pemeriksaan IVA dan belum pernah tes IVA. Metode: mengguanakan analitik  observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 108 wanita usia subur dengan teknik purposive sampling yang memnuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Untuk mengetahui tingkat signifikan, data yang terkumpul akan diuji statistik Chi-Square dan Fisher Exact Test pada tingkat kemaknaan 0,05. Hasil: faktor yang memiliki perbedaan yang bermakna antara wanita usia subur yang pernah melakukan dan belum pernah melakukan pemeriksaan IVA antara lain pengetahuan (p= 0,002), Budaya (p= 0,021), dukungan petugas kesehatan (p= 0,010). Sedangkan sikap (p= 1,000) tidak terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna. Kesimpulan: perbedaan faktor yang mempengaruhi WUS yang pernah dan belum pernah tes IVA di wilayah puskesmas Sidotopo adalah pengetahuan, budaya dan dukungan petugas kesehatan. AbstractBackground: Cervical cancer is the second leading deathly woman disease in the world. The Indonesian government has been trying through visual inspection of the cervix with acetic acid (VIA). There are some factors influencing women to undergo VIA such as knowledge, behaviour, culture and the support of medical workers. Thus, this research was aimed at finding significance differences among reproductive women undergoing and not undergoing. Method: This research employed Observational Analytic using cross sectional approach. The sample of this research was 108 women of reproductive age. Purposive sampling was employed as a technique which met inclusion and eksclusion criteria. To be able to find out the significance, the data collected was tested in the statistical test chi square of 0.05 significance level. Result: Factors like knowledge (p= 0,002), culture (p= 0,021), and support of medical workers (p= 0,010) showed significance difference among reproductive women undergoing and not undergoing VIA while behaviour (p= 1,000) showed no significance difference. Conclusion:the differences among reproductive women undergoing and not undergoingVIA in region of puskesmas Sidotopo was knowledge, culture and the support of medical workers. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 375-389
Sohaib Alam ◽  
Sadaf Khalid ◽  
Farhan Ahmad ◽  
Muhammed Salim Keezhatta

Aim. The present study aims at foregrounding the importance of language and discourses advanced to suppress the voices of dissent and minorities. The subtle art of stimulating a psychologically suppressed identity or subjective violence is either through making or mocking historical facts, cultures, and human activities manifesting the concept of authoritarian democracy. Further, the aim of the study is to grasp the sense of constraints between universality and particularity that denounces the ‘reassertion of identity,’ among Indian Muslims. Moreover, the study judiciously examines disguised ‘mechanisms’ employed under authoritarian politics, tech-populism and journalism intending to promote businesses, dissemination of misinformation and contributes to creating an apocryphal human history, social alienation, and to discrediting an individual’s spontaneity.Concept. The innate unity in a democratic society can be actualised either by envisaging or by translating the texts, thoughts, language and actions, which are altogether conceiving distinctive meanings to morality, ethnicity and culture having its relevance in the contemporary context. The paper features multiple trends/cases of how a single-party monologue has weakened pluralism along with the domination of othering the ‘Others’ under racial, cultural, and national particularism. The paper qualitatively investigates different incidents of transcreation of discourse in establishing or reclaiming the identity contextualised in Frantz Fanon’s declaration of ‘reclaiming the past.’Results and conclusion. An ingenious discussion on dynamic languages, cultures and action enriches with time and individual incidents are discussed in the study. It re-evaluates the significance of revisiting the history to reclaim, reform, and reconstruct malleable identity and ideologies that take years to build, improvise and restore diversityabove majoritarian dogmatism in India.  Originality. An inquiry into how thoughts, languages, and human action intertwined are to build a complaisant or contemptuous human identity is the idea behind the article. Indeed, the study’s originality depends on sorting and revisiting numerous dimensions of translation and transcreation of languages, linguistic structure, ideology,and political intent in recent times, either subjugating or falsifying facts against the marginalized in India. The attempt is based on analyzing how the shift in knowledge, culture and social identity construction supersede the less powerful. It is practiced through utilizing tech support, popular mass culture and evolves a discourse to manipulate andmobilize human consciousness for commercial and political gains.

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