marginal sea
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2022 ◽  
Vol 804 ◽  
pp. 150138
Xiaohui Wang ◽  
Lixin Zhu ◽  
Kai Liu ◽  
Daoji Li

2022 ◽  
pp. 100578
Xi Zhao ◽  
Yue Liu ◽  
Xiaoping Pang ◽  
Qing Ji ◽  
Alfred Stein ◽  

Ji-Hoon Oh ◽  
Kyung Min Noh ◽  
Hyung-Gyu Lim ◽  
Emilia Kyung Jin ◽  
Sang-Yoon Jun ◽  

Abstract IIt has been suggested that the freshwater flux due to the recent melting of the Antarctic ice-sheet/shelf will suppress ventilation in the Southern Ocean. In this study, we performed idealized earth system simulations to examine the impacts of Antarctic meltwater on surface phytoplankton biomass in the Antarctic Ocean. The enhanced stratification due to the meltwater leads to a decrease in the surface nitrate concentration but an increase in the surface dissolved iron concentration. These changes are associated with the reduced upwelling of nitrate-rich deep water and the trapped iron exported from the terrestrial sediment. Because of the limited iron availability in the Southern Ocean, the trapped iron in surface water enhances the chlorophyll concentration in the open ocean. However, in the marginal sea along the Antarctic coastline where the iron is relatively sufficient, a nitrate reduction induces a chlorophyll decrease, indicating a regime shift from iron-limited to nitrate-limited conditions.

2021 ◽  
Sebastian Becker ◽  
André Ehrlich ◽  
Evelyn Jäkel ◽  
Tim Carlsen ◽  
Michael Schäfer ◽  

Abstract. The directional reflection of solar radiation by the Arctic Ocean is dominated by two main surface types: sea ice (often snow-covered) and ice-free (open) ocean. However, in the transitional marginal sea ice zone (MIZ), the reflection properties of both surface types are mixed, which might cause uncertainties in the results of retrieval methods of atmospheric parameters over the MIZ using airborne and satellite measurements. To quantify these uncertainties, respective measurements of reflection properties of the MIZ are needed. Therefore, in this study, an averaged hemispherical-directional reflectance factor (HDRF) of the inhomogeneous surface (mixture of sea ice and open ocean surfaces) in the MIZ is derived using airborne measurements collected with a digital fish-eye camera. For this purpose, a sea ice mask was constructed to separate the reflectivity measurements from sea ice and open ocean pixels. The separated data sets were accumulated and averaged to provide separate HDRFs for sea ice and open ocean surfaces. The respective results were compared with simulations and independent measurements available from the literature. Using the sea ice fraction derived in parallel from the digital camera images, the mixed HDRF describing the directional reflectivity of the inhomogeneous surface of the MIZ was reconstructed by a linear weighting procedure. The result was compared with the original measurements of directional reflectivity over the MIZ. It is concluded that the HDRF of the MIZ can be well reconstructed by linear combination of the HDRFs of homogeneous sea ice and open ocean surfaces, accounting for the special conditions present in the MIZ compared to homogeneous surfaces.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 2445
Huatao Yuan ◽  
Tangcheng Li ◽  
Hongfei Li ◽  
Cong Wang ◽  
Ling Li ◽  

Free-living (FL) and particle-associated (PA) bacterioplankton communities play critical roles in biogeochemical cycles in the ocean. However, their community composition, assembly process and functions in the continental shelf and slope regions are poorly understood. Based on 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing, we investigated bacterial communities’ driving factors, assembly processes and functional potentials at a subtropical marginal sea. The bacterioplankton community showed specific distribution patterns with respect to lifestyle (free living vs. particle associated), habitat (slope vs. shelf) and depth (surface vs. DCM and Bottom). Salinity and water temperature were the key factors modulating turnover in the FL community, whereas nitrite, silicate and phosphate were the key factors for the PA community. Model analyses revealed that stochastic processes outweighed deterministic processes and had stronger influences on PA than FL. Homogeneous selection (Hos) was more responsible for the assembly and turnover of FL, while drift and dispersal limitation contributed more to the assembly of PA. Importantly, the primary contributor to Hos in PA was Gammaproteobacteria:Others, whereas that in FL was Cyanobacteria:Bin6. Finally, the PICRUSt2 analysis indicated that the potential metabolisms of carbohydrates, cofactors, amino acids, terpenoids, polyketides, lipids and antibiotic resistance were markedly enriched in PA than FL.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 ◽  
pp. 131-145
Helmut M. Winkler

Ragnar Kinzelbach hat das langjährige Projekt der zoologisch-botanischen Austauschpraktika der Moskauer und der Rostocker Universität mit der ihm eigenen Vehemenz tatkräftig unterstützt und begleitet. Zweimal nahm er am Feldpraktikum in Russland am Weißen Meer teil. In diesem Beitrag wird dieses Randmeer vorgestellt und mit der Ostsee verglichen, einschließlich der postglazialen Entwicklung. Ein bis heute noch nicht endgültig entschiedenes Thema ist die Diskussion um Glazialrelikte der Ostseefauna, die zum Teil mit dem Weißen Meer in Verbindung stehen. Es wird eine Übersicht der Fischgemeinschaft des bis in die Arktis reichenden Weißen Meeres gegeben und auf Besonderheiten verwiesen. Mit weniger als 50 marinen Fischarten, von denen nur 32 etabliert sind, ist es sehr artenarm. 23 Fischarten konnten als Belege für die Zoologische Sammlung der Rostocker Universität gesammelt werden. Zoological and botanical excursions to the White Sea – its fish community and historical connections to the Baltic Sea Abstract: With his characteristic vehemence, Ragnar Kinzelbach actively supported and accompanied the longstanding zoological-botanical students exchange project between the universities of Moscow and Rostock. Twice he participated in the field courses in Russia at the White Sea. This paper presents this marginal sea in comparison with the Baltic Sea, including the postglacial development. A topic that has not yet been conclusively resolved is the discussion of glacial relicts of the Baltic fauna, some of which are associated with the White Sea. An overview of the fish community of the White Sea, which extends into the Arctic, is given and special features are pointed out. It is a very species-poor sea, with fewer than 50 marine fish species, of which only 32 are established. 23 fish species were collected for the zoological collection of the Rostock University

2021 ◽  
Vol 130 ◽  
pp. 108094
Haoran Liu ◽  
Yuyuan Xie ◽  
Yong Qiu ◽  
Lei Wang ◽  
Feipeng Wang ◽  

Zhigang Yao ◽  
Ke Chen ◽  
Yang Ding ◽  
Xiaopei Lin ◽  
Xianwen Bao ◽  

2021 ◽  
Oguz Yigiterhan ◽  
Jassem Abdulaziz Al-Thani ◽  
Samah Dib ◽  
Hamood Abdulla Alsaadi ◽  
Ebrahim Mohd Al-Ansari

The Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of Qatar is affected by extreme dust and extensive industrialization, making it an ideal location to examine influences of coastal processes on biological activity, which greatly affects marine biogeochemical cycling. In this study, the influence of dust on the trace element composition of plankton and how distance from shore effects elemental concentrations in marine plankton was investigated. Samples were collected using net tows with mesh sizes of 50 (bulkplankton) and 200 (zooplankton) mm size-fractions in 2012 and 2014 to examine temporal and spatial variabilities. The samples were strong acid digested and analyzed using ICP-OES. Trace metal clean techniques were used. The biogenic concentrations of trace metals were determined by correcting the bulk analyses for the lithogenic contribution using aluminum content of Qatari dust as a lithogenic tracer. The relative trace metal composition of plankton from EEZ of Qatar is Fe > Zn ≈ Cu > V ≈ Ni ≈ Cr ≈ As ≈ Mo > Cd ≈ Co. Small and large size planktonic compositions were similar, except for Ba, Mn, Pb, Mo which were higher in zooplankton than bulkplankton. It was not clear if the variability was due to differences in biology, proximity to the coast or interannual effects. The geochemical and statistical analysis suggested that the concentrations of Al, Fe, Cr, Co, Mn, Ni, Pb, Li in net-tow plankton samples were mostly of lithogenic (dust) and Cd, Cu, Mo, Zn, Ca are most likely of biogenic/anthropogenic origin. The excess concentrations relative to average dust from Qatar for most elements (except Cd) decreased with distance from shore. This may be due to contamination or uncertainties with the lithogenic correction or due to our sampling locations in a marginal sea, dominated by dust input. This is an aspect of this study that warrants more research.

Haihong Guo ◽  
Michael A. Spall

AbstractThe wind-driven exchange through complex ridges and islands between marginal seas and the open ocean is studied using both numerical and analytical models. The models are forced by a steady, spatially uniform northward wind stress intended to represent the large-scale, low-frequency wind patterns typical of the seasonal monsoons in the western Pacific Ocean. There is an eastward surface Ekman transport out of the marginal sea and westward geostrophic inflows into the marginal sea. The interaction between the Ekman transport and an island chain produces strong baroclinic flows along the island boundaries with a vertical depth that scales with the ratio of the inertial boundary layer thickness to the baroclinic deformation radius. The throughflows in the gaps are characterized by maximum transport in the center gap and decreasing transports towards the southern and northern tips of the island chain. An extended island rule theory demonstrates that throughflows are determined by the collective balance between viscosity on the meridional boundaries and the eastern side boundary of the islands. The outflowing transport is balanced primarily by a shallow current that enters the marginal sea along its equatorward boundary. The islands can block some direct exchange and result in a wind-driven overturning cell within the marginal sea, but this is compensated for by eastward zonal jets around the southern and northern tips of the island chain. Topography in the form of a deep slope, a ridge, or shallow shelves around the islands alters the current pathways but ultimately is unable to limit the total wind-driven exchange between the marginal sea and the open ocean.

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