multiplier analysis
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New Medit ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  

Nile water availability is one of the major constraints for agricultural development in Egypt. This study conducts a mixed multiplier analysis, under water and land constraints, to identify the seasonal agricultural activities with high output and income multipliers. It uses a 2008/09 SAM for Egypt with detailed representation for Nile-related production factors employed by agricultural activities across irrigation seasons. The results demonstrate the significance of addressing Nile water constraints not only for agriculture, but also for the overall economy. Policies that enhance water productivity, particularly in winter season, generate outstanding increases in output, income, and employment through sizable multiplier effects.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (12) ◽  
pp. 2385
Ratna Komalasari ◽  
Tegar Nuryitmawan ◽  
Sutyastie Soemitro Remi ◽  
Ferry Hadiyanto

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan menganalisa kontribusi sektor industri makanan halal terhadap perekonomian Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan analisis Input-Output, dengan data sektor industri olahan makanan yang berasal dari tabel Input-Output Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) 2010. Sesuai dengan Standarisasi Fatwa Halal Majelis Ulama Indonesia Nomor 4 Tahun 2003, riset ini menggunakan variabel teknis berupa sektor industri makanan yang mengeluarkan sektor non-halal berupa minuman beralkohol. Berdasarkan analisis I-O diketahui bahwa sektor industri makanan halal berkontribusi kepada perekonomian Indonesia melalui multiplier. Sektor primer dari indutri makanan halal adalah sub sektor minyak hewani dan nabati yang akan meningkatkan output seluruh sektor perekonomian sebesar Rp 1,5 Triliun. Sedangkan dari sisi pendapatan masyarakat sub sektor unggulan industry makanan halal adalah minuman tidak beralkohol dengan tingkat income multiplier Rp 0,193.  Dapat disimpulkan bahwa sektor industri makanan halal di Indonesia memiliki potensi yang lebih kuat dari sisi produksi dibandingkan dengan pendapatan masyarakat.Kata Kunci: Industri Halal, Makanan Halal, Input-Output, Analisis Multiplier, Indonesia. ABSTRACTThis research’s objective is to analyze the contribution of halal food industry sector towards the economy of Indonesia. This research uses Input-Output analysis approach, using the data of processed food industry sector originated from the Input-Output table released by The Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) in 2010. Corresponds with Fatwah of Indonesian Ulema Council on Halal Standardization number 4, year 2013, this research uses technical variable in the form of food industry sector which excludes the non-halal sector that is alcoholic beverages. Based on the I-O analysis, it is known that halal food industry sector is contributing to Indonesia’s economic growth through multiplier. Primary sector from halal food industry is subsector of animal and vegetable oil which will increase the whole output of economic sectors as much as 1,5 trillion Rupiah. Wherein from the perspective of national income, leading subsector of halal food industry is non-alcoholic beverages with the increase of income multiplier as much as 0,193 trillion Rupiah. From the findings, it can be concluded that halal food industry sector in Indonesia has a more significant potential, production-wise, compare to the national income.Keywords: Halal Industry, Halal Food, Input-Output, Multiplier analysis, Indonesia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (9) ◽  
Nuntaphong Koondilogpiboon ◽  
Tsuyoshi Inoue

Abstract The effect of bearing length to diameter (L/D) ratio and large disk position on nonlinear vibration of a flexible rotor-bearing system was investigated. The rotor consisted of a shaft modeled by one-dimensional finite elements (FEs) and disks. It was supported by a self-aligning ball bearing (BB) and an axial-groove journal bearing (JB). Two JB's L/D ratios of 0.4 and 0.6, two large disk positions of 340 and 575 mm measured from the BB, and two bearing models that consider both journal's lateral and angular motion (model A) and consider only journal's lateral motion (model B) were investigated. The degrees-of-freedom (DOF) of the equation of motion (EOM) were reduced to those of the boundary DOF by real mode component mode synthesis (CMS) that retains only the first forward and backward modes of the internal DOF. Shooting method and Floquet multiplier analysis were applied to the reduced EOM to obtain limit cycles and their stability, which indicates Hopf bifurcation type. Numerical results indicated that supercritical bifurcation only occurred in the case of L/D = 0.4 and large disk position 575 mm for both bearing models. Otherwise, the subcritical bifurcation occurred except the case of L/D = 0.6 with the large disk position 575 mm that supercritical bifurcation occurred if model B was used. The experiment with the same parameters used in the calculation was conducted as verification. The experimental results showed the same bifurcation type as calculated by using model A.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 41
Eko Siswahto ◽  
Muryani Muryani

The North Sulawesi Tourism Sector is a tourism rising star in Indonesia with a 600% growth of foreign tourists visiting North Sulawesi. The growth of tourists will encourage the growth of tourist expenditure which will have an impact on the economy. Research on the impact of tourism on the economy has been carried out. In general, research on the economic impact of tourism activities uses a sector approach related to tourism economic activities such as hotels, restaurants, transportations, and recreational activities sectors. This study uses an approach by forming the tourism sector independently to obtain the results of a more accurate calculation and analysis of the economic impact of the tourism sector.  Input-Output Analysis is used as an instrument of linking and multiplier analysis of outputs and incomes of the people of North Sulawesi in 2018.  Linkage analysis (forward and backward linkage) shows that the tourism sector in the economy of North Sulawesi is a key sector.  The output multiplier and income multiplier are created by tourist expenditure in 2018 are 1.83 for the multiplier output and 1.88 for the multiplier income. With a tourist expenditure of 4.56 trillion rupiahs in 2018, it will create an economic output of 8.38 trillion rupiahs and create an income of 1.28 trillion rupiah. Keywords: Tourism, Economic Impact, North Sulawesi, Multiplier Analysis, Input-Output AnalysisJEL Classification: C67, R11, Z32

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 341
M. Alejandro Cardenete Flores ◽  
Patricia D. Fuentes Saguar ◽  
Alfredo J. Mainar Causapé

The aim of this paper is to analyze the effects of the current economic crisis on the labor market structure of Andalusia, using a multisectoral model. This is a study of the labor market in terms of industry and occupational groups, determining their evolution, both aggregate and sectoral, in Andalusia, due to economic growth or recession. It presents the contracts as a proxy for job creation, analyzing the relationship between exogenous shocks in sectors of activity and generation of employment contracts, and their distribution among the major occupational groups. The main analysis tool for achieving this goal is the use of a Social Accounting Matrix for Andalusia (2005), applying linear multiplier analysis and extending the study of occupations and contracts.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 315-334
Oscar Tiku ◽  
Tetsuo Shimizu

This study deals with the contribution of visitor expenditure on West Papua’s regional economy. It accomplishes three objectives: (1) to estimate the economic contribution of domestic and inbound visitor expenditure; (2) to measure the economic contribution of tourist spending at various accommodation classes; and (3) to describe the use of local commodities and labor in the regional accommodation industry. To accomplish the first and second objectives, an input-output multiplier analysis was employed. As for the third objective, interviews were conducted with 35 representatives from regional accommodation establishments. Tourism is found to contribute greatly to the regional economy, as shown from the higher overall output multiplier for tourist expenditure as compared to the regional output multiplier. The output multiplier for inbound tourist expenditure is higher than the domestic tourist. Three-star accommodations are found to be the biggest contributor with outstanding inter-sectoral impact on fisheries; food, beverage, and tobacco manufacture; and agriculture. The qualitative analysis suggests the existence of a large leakage (±90%), mainly in produce and chemicals used in daily operations. Fisheries and wood furniture are the exception. Overall, the accommodation sector absorbs a considerable extent of local labor (73%), 23% of which are Indigenous Papuans.

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