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2022 ◽  
Carolina Pletti ◽  
Jean Decety ◽  
Markus Paulus

Sergei R. Chedgemov ◽  
Rashid K. Kuliev ◽  
Alexey B. Tmenov

Relevance lies in the fact that the problems of education in modern social and political conditions acquire special importance and especially in the conditions of increasing phenomena of moral and spiritual impoverishment. National literature plays a major role in overcoming this phenomenon. Prominent representatives of it, and in the conditions of Ossetia-Alania to them can rightly include N.G. Dzhusoyty (1925-2017), left a rich creative heritage that can and should be used in the cause of popular education. The history of the people is revealed in the activities of specific people and this activity is conditioned not only by the makings of man but also by the social background on which he has to act. People define the times and times that correct people, their thoughts, actions, desires. The purpose of this publication is to analyze the psychological and educational aspect of the creative heritage of N.G. Dzhusoyty, of course, without a claim to the full disclosure of this problem of the study. The greatness of his creative potential lies in the fact that the analysis of the works of his creative heritage reveals not only the facets of his talent, wisdom and beauty of his syllable, rich moral content, but also the possibility of their use in educational and educational activities. inference. The article highlights and analyzes such aspects of the creative heritage of the aforementioned prominent figure of Ossetian-Alan culture as ethnopedagogue. The image of the mother, the main educator in human life, folk poetry, prominent representatives of culture, who managed to present moral role models to the world and create a spiritual outlook and human character are highlighted. The article substantiates the idea that it is expedient to introduce in all educational institutions of North and South Ossetia a special course “Teaching motives of N.G. Dzhusoyty’s work”. Its materials will contribute not only to the analysis of the effectiveness of forms and means of improving the educational level of students, but also their general education.

2021 ◽  
pp. 119-120
Martin Wight

In this note Wight critically analyses Morton Kaplan’s System and Process in International Politics. While ‘positivist theorists’ aspiring to scientific rigour have belittled philosophical works on topics such as the just war or natural law as ‘tautologous or platitudinous’, these theorists have themselves constructed ‘new edifices of tautology and platitude’. Kaplan, for example, restates ‘simple and obvious truths, in the impressive special language of his theory’. Wight lists other shortcomings. Kaplan’s ‘historical limitedness’ reflects his ‘small range of historical reference’. Kaplan’s reliance on the abstractions of game theory leads to ‘the unintentional effect’ of ‘trivialization’ of ‘the awful issues of peace and war’. Furthermore, Kaplan’s ‘analytical jargon atomises and disintegrates reality’, and this results in ‘dehumanization’ and ‘hypostatization’ of the abstractions. Finally, ‘Objectivity becomes moral neutrality’, with ‘moral content … drained off, and then added again to the stew in pinches of recognition as “parameters” or “values”’.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 01-14
Gabriela Nemțoi

Human dignity is a component that is part of the quality of existing as a human being even if the latter is the product of creationism or evolutionism. In its content, dignity is the carrier of complex scientific valences, combining the philosophical-religious paradigm with the legal one. In this context, the literature presents human dignity as an aspect traditionally associated with the division of public law, which evokes a super-positive reality, synthesizing elements of religion, ethics and morals located in a position superior to positive law, orienting the latter. The modern meaning given to human dignity oscillates between the illustrative character and the prescriptive character being constituted, in a complex sense, by the fusion between the moral content and the coercive right (Habermas, 2010, pp. 464-480) and, from another perspective, a stable notion that presupposes an objective moral principle that makes possible the legal recognition of human rights. The inability to include human dignity as a right in a unitary conceptualization leads, first of all, to the vast philosophical hermeneutics that is implicit in the discourse on dignity.

2021 ◽  
Елена Владимировна Скуднякова

В статье рассматриваются особенности раскрытия духовно-нравственного содержания в «таинственных повестях» И. С. Тургенева (на примере повести «Фауст»). Отмечается, что в «таинственном» цикле присутствует особое поэтологическое средство ̶ категория фантастического. В ходе анализа, выявляется содержание данной категории (фантастические образы и мотивы, особый тип персонажа) и ее роль в высвечивании духовно-нравственного аспекта повести «Фауст». The article discusses the peculiarities of the disclosure of spiritual and moral content in the "mysterious stories" by I. S. Turgenev (using the example of the story "Faust"). It is noted that in the "mysterious" cycle there is a special poetological means of the category of the fantastic. During the analysis, the content of this category (fantastic images and motives, a special type of character) and its role in highlighting the spiritual and moral aspect of the story "Faust" are revealed.

2021 ◽  
pp. 002200942110395
Emma Barron

In 1960s Italy, mass culture played an important role in the circulation of ideas as tens-of-millions of people read magazines, listened to music, and watched television. In 1963, Mina – one of Italy’s most popular singers and a variety television star – had an illegitimate child. Despite this public moral lapse, her records continued to sell, magazines reported on her situation, and advertisers continued to use her to promote products. While the Italian state and the Catholic Church sought to guide the public and slow the pace of social change by restricting mass culture, Mina’s case reveals cracks in the mediation of moral content by the state broadcaster and demonstrates the growing influence of middle-class audiences by the end of Italy’s economic ‘miracle’. The article uses magazine and television content, market research, and viewer surveys to argue that Mina’s case shows the importance of mass culture in social change and new limits to church and state control over audiences. Mina’s career recovery would have been unthinkable a few years earlier. Her return to television variety in 1965 demonstrated the importance of mass culture in social change, and a new role for audiences, advertisers and enterprises in setting Italy’s moral codes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (Extra-E) ◽  
pp. 414-418
Sergey Valentinovich Arkhipov ◽  
Svetlana Aleksandrovna Gorkina ◽  
Stanislav Ivanovich Kirillov ◽  
Alexandra Andreevna Orlova ◽  
Irina Yurievna Rozhkova

The article discusses the features and various aspects of the philosophical, legal, socio-political, and moral content of the functions of legal consciousness. Based on a comprehensive analysis of these phenomena, the author substantiates the opinion that, in general, the essential functions of legal consciousness accumulate, generalize and concentrate the content and goals of the implementation of the law, as well as the forms and methods of this activity. Therewith, a function is not just a potential, abstract possibility, but also the very activity of the subject of the implementation of the right, subject to specific goals that are objectively conditioned and aimed at achieving a certain result.

Lex Russica ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 15-31
V D. Mazayev

Amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 2020 introduced many new meanings and concepts into the constitutional matter. Most of them have great ideological potential. The paper analyzes the worldview aspect of the amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the political message of their adoption, methodological approaches to identifying their content.The paper highlights amendments with the greatest spiritual and moral content, such as succession, historical truth, patriotism. The author elucidates the prerequisites for their adoption, including the historical inevitability of changing the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 1993 and the defeat of imitative constitutionalism in the majority of post-socialist countries. It is shown that the ideological content of the amendments was used to adjust the liberal-democratic model from the standpoint of strengthening the state sovereignty. Particular attention is paid to the expansion of national identity in constitutional norms as a natural process of protection from global constitutionalism, universal democratic values, including the case study of Eastern European states. There is a worldwide crisis tendency for the market-type democracy, the search for more modern approaches to its renewal.As a conclusion, it is noted that the worldview turn towards a reassessment of the liberal democratic doctrine is contradictory and not completely clear. It can be assumed that the amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation are the first step not only towards the modification of constitutional institutions, but also towards a qualitative renewal of the philosophical and legal meanings of the Russian constitutional identity.As methodological tools of scientific research, it is proposed to use the potential of the integrative function of philosophy of law and the concept of system-wide contradictions of the society. This concept allows us to critically assess the universality of the traditional values of democracy, to form their own competitive models of the constitutional structure. It aims at finding a balance between the opposites in the society, the state, at the mechanism of dialogue and proportionality in decision-making.

2021 ◽  
pp. 83-106
Robert Alexy

Alexy’s thesis that law has an ideal dimension is essentially based on the argument that law necessarily raises a claim to correctness that includes a claim to moral correctness. John Finnis has contested the necessity of this connection between law and a claim with moral content. One implication of the claim to correctness is the Radbruch Formula, which says that extreme injustice is no law. Finnis also criticizes this formula. In this chapter arguments against Finnis’s two critical points are presented. This is further elaborated into a system of the institutionalization of reason that comprises not only the Radbruch Formula but also the special case thesis, human rights, democracy, and principles theory.

I.Yu. Kirillova

This article is devoted to the analysis of Chuvash plays dedicated to the Great Patriotic War; reveals the peculiarities of their poetics and problems, shows conflict situations that reveal heroic characters. The main attention is paid to the analysis of the plays by N. Aizman, N. Terentyev, M. Yuhma, A. Vasiliev, M. Belov, N. Sidorov, and others. They are united by the themes of courage, heroism, the feat of Soviet people on the battlefield and in the rear. Whereas in the early decades dramatists focused their attention directly on combat events, modern war plays are filled with deep moral content, their plots are distinguished by the sharpness of moral choices, revealing the moral and ethical aspects of the individual.

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