mesodinium rubrum
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2021 ◽  
Andreas Altenburger ◽  
Huimin Cai ◽  
Qiye Li ◽  
Kirstine Drumm ◽  
Miran Kim ◽  

2020 ◽  
Andreas Altenburger ◽  
Huimin Cai ◽  
Qiye Li ◽  
Kirstine Drumm ◽  
Miran Kim ◽  

2020 ◽  
Andreas Altenburger ◽  
Huimin Cai ◽  
Qiye Li ◽  
Kirstine Drumm ◽  
Miran Kim ◽  

AbstractThe marine ciliate Mesodinium rubrum is famous for its ability to acquire and exploit chloroplasts and other cell organelles from some cryptophyte algal species. We sequenced genomes and transcriptomes of free-swimming Teleaulax amphioxeia, as well as well-fed and starved M. rubrum in order to understand cellular processes upon sequestration under different prey and light conditions. From its prey, the ciliate acquires the ability to photosynthesize as well as the potential to metabolize several essential compounds including lysine, glycan, and vitamins that elucidate its specific prey dependency. M. rubrum does not express photosynthesis related genes itself, but elicits considerable transcriptional control of the acquired cryptophyte organelles. This control is limited as light dependent transcriptional changes found in free-swimming T. amphioxeia got lost after sequestration. We found strong transcriptional rewiring of the cryptophyte nucleus upon sequestration, where 35% of the T. amphioxeia genes were significantly differentially expressed within well-fed M. rubrum. Qualitatively, 68% of all genes expressed within well-fed M. rubrum originated from T. amphioxeia. Quantitatively, these genes contributed up to 48% to the global transcriptome in well-fed M. rubrum and down to 11% in starved M. rubrum. This tertiary endosymbiosis system functions for several weeks, when deprived of prey. After this point in time, the ciliate dies if not supplied with fresh prey cells. M. rubrum represents one evolutionary way of acquiring photosystems from its algal prey, and might represent a step on the evolutionary way towards a permanent tertiary endosymbiosis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 56 (3) ◽  
pp. 775-783
Sylvain Gaillard ◽  
Aurélie Charrier ◽  
Florent Malo ◽  
Liliane Carpentier ◽  
Gaël Bougaran ◽  

Diversity ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 136 ◽  
Genitsaris ◽  
Stefanidou ◽  
Sommer ◽  

We investigated the plankton community composition and abundance in the urban marine environment of Thessaloniki Bay. We collected water samples weekly from March 2017 to February 2018 at the coastal front of Thessaloniki city center and monthly samples from three other inshore sites along the urban front of the bay. During the study period, conspicuous and successive phytoplankton blooms, dominated by known mucilage-producing diatoms alternated with red tide events formed by the dinoflagellates Noctiluca scintillans and Spatulodinium pseudonoctiluca, and an extensive mucilage aggregate phenomenon, which appeared in late June 2017. At least 11 known harmful algae were identified throughout the study, with the increase in the abundance of the known harmful dinoflagellate Dinophysis cf. acuminata occurring in October and November 2017. Finally, a red tide caused by the photosynthetic ciliate Mesodinium rubrum on December 2017 was conspicuous throughout the sampling sites. The above-mentioned harmful blooms and red tides were linked to high nutrient concentrations and eutrophication. This paper provides an overview of eutrophication impacts on the response of the unicellular eukaryotic plankton organisms and their impact on water quality and ecosystem services.

Toxins ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 505 ◽  
Jorge Hernández-Urcera ◽  
Pilar Rial ◽  
María García-Portela ◽  
Patricia Lourés ◽  
Jane Kilcoyne ◽  

Kleptoplastic mixotrophic species of the genus Dinophysis are cultured by feeding with the ciliate Mesodinium rubrum, itself a kleptoplastic mixotroph, that in turn feeds on cryptophytes of the Teleaulax/Plagioselmis/Geminigera (TPG) clade. Optimal culture media for phototrophic growth of D. acuminata and D. acuta from the Galician Rías (northwest Spain) and culture media and cryptophyte prey for M. rubrum from Huelva (southwest Spain) used to feed Dinophysis, were investigated. Phototrophic growth rates and yields were maximal when D. acuminata and D. acuta were grown in ammonia-containing K(-Si) medium versus f/2(-Si) or L1(-Si) media. Dinophysis acuminata cultures were scaled up to 18 L in a photobioreactor. Large differences in cell toxin quota were observed in the same Dinophysis strains under different experimental conditions. Yields and duration of exponential growth were maximal for M. rubrum from Huelva when fed Teleaulax amphioxeia from the same region, versus T. amphioxeia from the Galician Rías or T. minuta and Plagioselmis prolonga. Limitations for mass cultivation of northern Dinophysis strains with southern M. rubrum were overcome using more favorable (1:20) Dinophysis: Mesodinium ratios. These subtleties highlight the ciliate strain-specific response to prey and its importance to mass production of M. rubrum and Dinophysis cultures.

Toxins ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 443 ◽  
Han Gao ◽  
Chenfeng Hua ◽  
Mengmeng Tong

The development of Dinophysis populations, producers of diarrhetic shellfish toxins, has been attributed to both abiotic (e.g., water column stratification) and biotic (prey availability) factors. An important process to consider is mixotrophy of the Dinophysis species, which is an intensive feeding of the Mesodinium species for nutrients and a benefit from kleptochloroplasts. During the feeding process, the nutritional status in the environment changes due to the preference of Mesodinium and/or Dinophysis for different nutrients, prey cell debris generated by sloppy feeding, and their degradation by micro-organisms changes. However, there is little knowledge about the role of the bacterial community during the co-occurrence of Mesodinium and Dinophysis and how they directly or indirectly interact with the mixotrophs. In this study, laboratory experiments were performed to characterize the environmental changes including those of the prey present, the bacterial communities, and the ambient dissolved nutrients during the co-occurrence of Mesodinium rubrum and Dinophysis acuminata. The results showed that, during the incubation of the ciliate prey Mesodinium with its predator Dinophysis, available dissolved nitrogen significantly shifted from nitrate to ammonium especially when the population of M. rubrum decayed. Growth phases of Dinophysis and Mesodinium greatly affected the structure and composition of the bacterial community. These changes could be mainly explained by both the changes of the nutrient status and the activity of Dinophysis cells. Dinophysis feeding activity also accelerated the decline of M. rubrum and contamination of cultures with okadaic acid, dinophysistoxin-1, and pectenotoxin-2, but their influence on the prokaryotic communities was limited to the rare taxa (<0.1%) fraction. This suggests that the interaction between D. acuminata and bacteria is species-specific and takes place intracellularly or in the phycosphere. Moreover, a majority of the dominant bacterial taxa in our cultures may also exhibit a metabolic flexibility and, thus, be unaffected taxonomically by changes within the Mesodinium-Dinophysis culture system.

2018 ◽  
Vol 61 (10) ◽  
pp. 1384-1396 ◽  
Yafeng Zhang ◽  
Xiuxian Song ◽  
Paul J. Harrison ◽  
Sheng Liu ◽  
Zhiming Yu ◽  

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