buccal smear
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2021 ◽  
pp. 43-45
M Hema Radhika ◽  
G. Krupa Elena

BACKGROUND: Barr body (or) X- chromatin is a heterochromatin mass seen in all somatic cells of females species. They account to nearly 80-90% in females and 1-3% of cells of normal males. Primary Amenorrhea a clinical condition is of varied aetiology, however Genetic factors being the major cause. Either a structural or a numerical anomaly like X- monosomy of a female results in failure of commencement of menstruation. Identication of chromatin negative condition in patients of primary amenorrhoea constitutes my study. The study i METHODOLOGY: s conducted on 58 patients who visited Obstetrics Gynaecology clinics Visakhapatnam district with presenting complaint of primary amenorrhea. Buccal smear examination is done to all the patients and observed under the microscope for Barr bodies. Photographs were taken and the observations were tabulated and analysed. Absence of Barr Body was ob RESULTS: served in 28 cases (chromatin negative) and 26 cases were chromatin positive and 4 cases showed mosaicism. Primary CONCLUSION: Amenorrhea due to chromosomal aberrations is a serious condition as it is associated with intense psychological trauma along with physical. In Turner's syndrome single X-chromosome is present (45XO), the subject is female in phenotype, but the ovaries are rudimentary (Streak Gonads) and absence of development of secondary sexual characters. So buccal smear is a simple, rapid test that will enable us to decide which patients are to be referred for further investigations to conrm the diagnosis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (01) ◽  
pp. 513-517
S. Prasanna ◽  
Srikant. N

Proper histopathological grading and typing of a tumour plays a significant role in evaluating and assessing the clinical management and prognosis of the tumour. Microscopically sometimes it is difficult in categorizing a tumour into benign or malignant as histopathology does not depict all the features which are of diagnostic and prognostic value. The present study aims :To evaluate the proliferative index of the oral epithelial cells taken from a buccal smear. Materials and method : A total of 90 subjects were included with 30 subjects in each category of normal, smokers and tobacco chewers. The smears were collected from buccal mucosa and applied on the glass slides followed by fixation with alcohol for 30 min and staining of the slides with AgNOR staining as proposed by Bukhari et al (2007). Results: The AgNOR number where more in smokers when compared to normal subjects and was statistically significant. Similarly in chewers it was also comparatively higher when compared to normal and statistically significant. But the AgNOR counts between smoker and tobacco chewer, showed a mean difference of 0.6 and was not statistically significant.

А.А. Тарлычева ◽  
Ж.Г. Маркова ◽  
Т.Б. Волкова ◽  
Н.В. Шилова

Для установления уровня тканеспецифичного гоносомного мозаицизма у здоровых женщин репродуктивного возраста проведено молекулярно-цитогенетическое исследование культивированных лимфоцитов периферической венозной крови (КЛ), некультивированных лимфоцитов периферической венозной крови (НКЛ) и клеток буккального эпителия (БЭ). Установлено, что в КЛ присутствует низкоуровневый гоносомный мозаицизм с тенденцией к повышению частоты клеток с Х-анеуплоидией с увеличением возраста женщины. Средняя частота клеток с моносомией и трисомией по X хромосоме составляет соответственно 1,83% и 0,66% в группе женщин в возрасте 20-29 лет; 2,23% и 0,86% - в возрасте 30-39 лет и 5,88% и 1,95% - в возрасте 40-49 лет. Средняя частота анеуплоидных клеток в НКЛ статистически значимо не отличалась от таковой в КЛ. В БЭ средняя частота мозаичной Х-анеуплоидии во всех возрастных группах составляет 4,01%. Таким образом, нами определён уровень гоносомного мозаицизма в лимфоцитах и БЭ здоровых фертильных женщин и разработан протокол обследования пациентов при обнаружении низкоуровневого мозацизма по хромосоме X. The aim of study was to evaluate X-chromosome mosaicism in health fertile women from different age groups. We found physiological low-level gonosomal mosaicism in peripheral blood lymphocytes with a clear trend in increased proportion of X-aneuploidic cells associated with the increasing age to 1.83%, 2.23% and 5.88% for 20-29, 30-39 and 40-49 years, respectively. The buccal smear also exhibited physiological pattern of a low-level X-chromosome mosaicism, however, the level of gonosomal mosaicism with no statistically significant difference between groups, average level was 4.01%. The obtained data allow to developed diagnostic protocol of low-level X-chromosome mosaicism in fertile women.


Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate nuclear changes in the buccal epithelial cells of commercial bus drivers using tobacco in Nnewi. Tobacco use constitutes a major risk factor of oral lesions, due to its genotoxic and mutagenic effects on the buccal cavity epithelial cells. Methods: One hundred and twenty-three subjects, consisting of 83 tobacco users (test group) and 40 tobacco and alcohol non-users (control group) were recruited for this cross-sectional study. Buccal smear was obtained from each participant, processed, and stained with the Papanicolaou staining method. Two hundred cells were counted for each stained slide and the percentage of various nuclear changes determined, and the repair index calculated. Comparisons of nuclear changes between and within groups were carried out using the Kruskal–Wallis H-test with p<0.05 considered significant. Results: Micronuclei were the most prevalent nuclear changes (100%) while broken egg nuclei were the least (15.2%). Nuclear changes were most prevalent among snuffers (33.42%). A statistically significant difference (p˂0.05) was observed when the median values of nuclear changes were compared in different study groups and control subjects. Similarly, the prevalence of nuclear changes increased with the age of subjects and the duration of tobacco use, whereas the repair index decreased with increased prevalence. Conclusion: Increased nuclear changes were observed in the buccal epithelial cells of tobacco users, with snuff inhalation slightly impacting more severe effects than cigarette smoking. Buccal smear cytology may constitute an effective screening method for precancerous lesions amongst tobacco users.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 1197
R. Hannah ◽  
Pratibha Ramani ◽  
M.P. Brundha ◽  
Herald. J. Sherlin ◽  
Gheena Ranjith ◽  

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 41-45
Koel Mukherjee ◽  
Diptendu Chatterjee ◽  
Arup Ratan Bandyopadhyay

Background: Menopause being a physiologic event and eventually the prime time to perform risk assessment of chronic diseases and initiate preventive health measures. Previous studies reported, later menopause is independently associated to increased risk of breast and endometrial cancer. The menopausal status is determined and influenced by intrinsic factors. Majority of the studies on menopause from Indian context, especially on Bengalee Hindu Caste population confined to socio demographic issues, attitudes, problems and quality of life. However, relatively little work is attempted to unravel the complex interplay of genetics and epigenetic mechanisms, the effect on menopause. In this background it seems to be an urgent need to understand menopause status objectively, to approach the interplay of genetics and epigenetic mechanisms of menopausal status by X chromatin inactivation.Aims and Objective: Best of the knowledge it is the first attempt to evaluate the prevalence of X chromatin inactivation in menopausal women among Bengalee Hindu Caste population.Materials and Methods: Sex chromatin inactivation was evaluated from 100 each pre and post menopausal women from the buccal smear of each individuals. After fixation and staining of altogether 20000 (twenty thousand) cells were scanned from the Bengalee Hindu Caste for a comparison of menopausal women and their menarcheal counterparts.Results: Result demonstrated significantly decreased (P<0.001) prevalence of X chromatin inactivation sites among the menopausal females in comparison to their menarcheal women counterpart.Conclusion: The present study vindicated possible association between the presence of sex hormone receptors and the prevalence of sex chromatin and also envisaged the role of X chromatin inactivation for early prognosis of menopause.Asian Journal of Medical Sciences Vol.9(3) 2018 41-45

2017 ◽  
Vol 08 (04) ◽  
pp. 16339-16340
Sherin Singnarpi ◽  
Pratibha Ramani ◽  
Brundha M.P ◽  
Anuja N ◽  

Lindsay Parks Pieper

This chapter discusses how the international tensions that surfaced during the Cold War played a large role in the initial institution of sex verification at the 1968 Olympics. To remove the “wrong” athletes from competition, the International Olympic Committee's Medical Commission mandated a chromosomal test for female participants in the 1968 Olympics. The commission adopted the buccal smear test or Barr body test, which identified chromosomal composition. Chromosomal tests bolstered a false demarcation of binary sex and promoted a gendered hierarchy in sport. Through scientific regulations, the medical commission shaped Olympic womanhood along Western lines of gender and sexuality.

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