alkaline reaction
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Agronomy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 2422
Jadwiga Stanek-Tarkowska ◽  
Małgorzata Szostek ◽  
Mateusz Rybak

The aim of the study was to determine the effect of fertilization with various doses of ash from biomass combustion (balanced to the amount of K2O introduced into the soil) on the growth of representatives of soil microorganisms, i.e., diatoms. In a one-factor field experiment (control, NPK, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 kg/ha), soil samples were collected from the 0–5 cm layer of podzolic soil under the cultivation of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L. var. napus) at the end of August 2019 and 2020. The biomass combustion ash used for soil fertilization was characterized by an alkaline reaction (pH = 12.83 ± 0.68) and high levels of basic macroelements required for proper plant growth and development. The particle size distribution in each plot was identified as loamy silt (pgl). Before the experiment (autumn 2018), the soil exhibited an acidic reaction (pHH2O = 5.8), low conductivity (EC = 68 µS), and 19.09% moisture at the 0–5 cm level. In total, 23 diatom species were identified in the material collected from the topsoil in all variants of the experiment. Hantzschia amphioxys, Mayamaea atomus, Mayamaea permitis, Nitzschia pusilla, Pinnularia obscura, Pinnularia schoenfelderi, and Stauroneis thermicola were the most abundant populations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 159 ◽  
pp. 110710
Mohamed Magdi Ahmed ◽  
Jakub Hrůza ◽  
Martin Stuchlík ◽  
Vojtěch Antoš ◽  
Jana Müllerová ◽  

Sanjoy De ◽  
Souvik Mallik ◽  
Sabuj Kumar Bhattacharya ◽  
Shibam Acharya ◽  
Partha Sarathi Mondal ◽  

Iontophoresis is one of the most widely studied active techniques for enhancing transdermal delivery of drugs. However, its ability to enhance the delivery of highly lipophilic compounds is poor due to lack of any charge and poor water solubility of molecules. The skin has been used as a port for systemic delivery of therapeutic agents since several decades. The composition of stratum corneum renders it a daunting barrier to the topical and transdermal administration of therapeutic agents. The number of drug molecules for transdermal delivery is limited owing to the physicochemical restrictions. The delivery of drugs into systemic circulation via skin has generated much attention during the last decade. Transdermal therapeutic systems propound controlled release of active ingredients through the skin and into the systemic circulation in a predictive manner. Drugs administered through these systems escape first-pass metabolism and maintain a steady state scenario similar to a continuous intravenous infusion for up to several days. Keywords: Iontophoresis, non-invasive, stratum corneum, acid-alkaline reaction, chemical permeation enhancer, reverse iontophoresis.

2021 ◽  
pp. 110605
Mohamed Magdi Ahmed ◽  
Jakub Hrůza ◽  
Martin Stuchlík ◽  
Vojtěch Antoš ◽  
Jana Müllerová ◽  

Minerals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 559
Magdalena Tarnawczyk ◽  
Łukasz Uzarowicz ◽  
Katarzyna Perkowska-Pióro ◽  
Artur Pędziwiatr ◽  
Wojciech Kwasowski

Land reclamation is a common practice leading to the restoration of areas affected by industrial activity. Soil studies in reclaimed areas are very useful to determine the effectiveness of reclamation works. The goal of the study was to investigate soil properties, mineral composition, total concentrations of Zn, Pb, Cd and As and chemical forms of these elements in order to assess the success of land reclamation of the abandoned mine tailing disposal site of the “Trzebionka” Zn-Pb mine in Trzebinia, southern Poland. The disposal site was reclaimed by covering tailings with a layer of inert material with a thickness up to 25 cm. The topsoil of the studied soil profiles was comprised of sandy loamy/loamy materials and the subsoil was comprised of sandy tailing materials. The soils were characterized by a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction due to the high content of carbonates. The dominant mineral in the subsoil was dolomite. The studied soils were considerably contaminated with Zn, Pb, Cd and As. A high load of mobile Zn, Pb and Cd was typical of the subsoil material. The reclamation layer does not provide sufficient isolation of toxic tailings from the environment and there is still a high risk of element uptake by plants.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 107-112
Maria Viktorovna Mantrova

The paper is devoted to the study of biostability of polyethylene, polypropylene and polycarbonate in the conditions of Surgut after their presence within a year in different types of soils swamp-podzolic soil, culturosem and urbanozem. The studied types of soils differ in their chemical composition urbanozems are saturated with bases, have a slightly alkaline reaction, they also contain an excess of lead content due to their close location to highways. In the studied soils bacterial microflora prevails over mycoflora, the amount of heterotrophic and lithoautotrophic microflora in urbanozems is especially high, which is due to the high anthropogenic load on these soils. For seeds and seedlings of wheat and radish the stimulating effect of these soils was revealed. Micromycetes isolated from the surface of polypropylene and polyethylene pipes are typical soil saprotrophs that can act as biodestructors of polymers. In the field experiment all the materials under study are biostable, and there was a slight change in the color of the cross-linked polyethylene sample. In the laboratory experiment certain instability of all the materials under study was revealed; their gradation in terms of mushroom resistance (from resistant to unstable) is as follows: low-density polyethylene, polypropylene random-heat-resistant copolymer, polycarbonate, cross-linked polyethylene. The nature of damage to low-density polyethylene (polyethylene film) is superficial, which corresponds to the literature data.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-20
E.V. Gaevaya ◽  
S.S. Tarasova

The technology of utilization of drilling waste in the framework of pilot tests at an oil field is considered. The technology is based on a physicochemical method of disposal of drilling waste by introducing natural environmentally friendly components aimed at improving the water-physical and chemical properties of drilling waste. The basic technological scheme of utilization of drilling waste by pitless drilling is presented. The man-made soil obtained in the process of utilization of drilling waste is suitable for reclamation of adjacent (adjoining) industrial and auxiliary infrastructure, disturbed lands of temporary and permanent allotment of oil fields. The hydrogen index in the technogenic soil corresponded to the alkaline reaction of the medium and amounted to 8.8 pH. The content of oil products was at the level of 956 mg/kg. In terms of salinity, the technogenic soil was classified as non-saline soil (<0.5%).

Martin Schon ◽  
Oliver Calderon ◽  
Nick Randell ◽  
Santiago Jimenez Villegas ◽  
Katelynn M. Daly ◽  

Amorphous nickel-iron mixed metal oxides have been shown to be extremely efficient oxygen evolution reaction (OER) electrocatalysts with good stability in alkaline reaction conditions. Thus, they offer an economical alternative...

E. R. Khadeeva ◽  
O. G. Lopatovskaya ◽  
L. I. Saraeva ◽  
T. E. Tkachuk ◽  

The paper presents the study of soil cover of the steppe areas on the territory of the Daursky State Nature Biosphere Reserve in Transbaikalia (East Siberia). We determined the types of soils in the area surrounding the currently dry Barun-Torey lake according to the modern classification: Chestnut typical and saline, Saline gleyed typical and sulfide (sor) typical. Typical chestnut soils are formed on the tops of lake terraces and form complexes with saline soils. Salted chestnut soils occupy transit landforms. Saline soils are confined to low relief forms of the shoreline and the bottom of the lake, where the accumulation of readily soluble salts occurs. Typical Chestnut and saline soils are characterized by a light granulometric composition and a low humus content. Sulphide and typical gleyed saline soils have a heavier granulometric composition, a highly alkaline reaction of the soil solution, a very low humus content and a high content of readily soluble salts. The natural factors of soil formation are: slightly dissected relief; arid and cryoarid climate; groundwater level; steppe and halophytic meadow vegetation. Chestnut soils that form at the tops of lake terraces are the most common. Solonchaks occupy low relief forms of the lake shoreline and lake bottom.

2020 ◽  
Vol 75 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-104

The goal of the study was to determine the effect of sonication of different potato seed material cultivars on physicochemical properties. Tuber samples from a field experiment conducted in Parczew (51°38'N, 22°54'E) in 2015–2017 were used for the study. The experiment was carried out by the method of randomized sub-blocks, in a split-plot dependent system. The first order factor were pre-planting treatments: 1) the use of ultrasounds, 2) control object without ultrasounds. The second order factor consisted of 10 potato cultivars of all earliness groups. Seed material was a subject to immerse sonication using an ultrasonic device. Following parameters were evaluated: dry matter of tubers, starch content, textural features, acidity (pH) of potato juice. Sonication contributed to the increase in dry matter and starch contents in tubers, the change in pH towards alkaline reaction, and textural parameters of raw and cooked tubers were increased.

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