<p>Extensive magmatic activities were developed in &#160;Central and Western Anatolia,&#160; since middle miocene to quaternary times,&#160;&#160; the most primitive lavas are situated in eastern end of Central (Sivas) and also western (Kula) Anatolia, besides Kula basalts are&#160; one of the most recent basaltic rocks together with&#160; basalts&#160; from south-central Anatolia.&#160; &#160;Although the magmatism is generally&#160;&#160; observed at several different&#160; locations, the recent&#160;&#160; basaltic rocks in both of the regions &#160;&#160;seem to be derived from&#160; the melting&#160; of the peridotite and pyroxenite &#160;source &#160;domains and the latter one&#160; was ignored in previous studies as source component.</p><p>&#160;The previous studies indicate that many of the basaltic rocks from Central and Western Anatolia&#160; are related with spinel-garnet transition, but typical Tb/Yb(N) (>1.8; [1]) and Zn/Fe&#160; &#160;(separates peridotite-derived (Zn/Fe <12; [2]) and pyroxenite-derived (Zn/Fe 13-20); [2] melts)&#160; Co/Fe&#160; ratios of the basaltic rocks from&#160; several volcanic centers from Central and Western Anatolia&#160; reveal that&#160;&#160; melting from the single&#160; source component&#160; are not solely capable of&#160; the producing&#160; basaltic &#160;rocks.&#160;</p><p>&#160;Sr-Nd and Pb isotopic &#160;compositions &#160;clearly display the distinction &#160;of samples which are&#160; linked to&#160; &#160;&#160;asthenospheric source. The lead isotopic systematic &#160;shows&#160; no siginificant differences&#160; among the Central and Western Anatolian basalts,&#160; of all the samples are above the NHRL line and close to EM II&#160; mantle component, &#160;Sr- Nd&#160; isotopes&#160; also display similar compositions as well, the majority of the samples are in and close to mantle array,&#160;&#160; but the &#160;Sr isotopic composition &#160;&#160;of&#160; Miocene aged &#160;Gediz and Simav lavas have high radiogenic values.&#160;</p><p>Tb/Yb(N),&#160; Zn/Fe ratios&#160; and &#160;&#160;as well as the Pb isotopic&#160; compositions and REE-based melting model reveal &#160;that Sivas, Erciyes Hasanda&#287;, and Develida&#287; samples in central Anatolia,&#160; and Kula, Gediz basalt in western Anatolia&#160; seem to be&#160; derived from the amalgamated melting of&#160; pyroxenite and peridotite sources, &#160;&#160;besides, &#160;the sources melting is capable of &#160;the producing&#160; &#160; &#160;elemental variations in &#160;basaltic rocks related with either lithospheric delamination or lithospheric&#160; unstability</p><ul><li>1.Wang et al., 2002, J.Geophys.Res.vol:107,ECV 5 1-21</li>
<li>2 .Le Roux, et al.,2011,EPSL, vol:307, 395-408</li>
</ul><p>This study is financially supported by Hacettepe University, BAB project no: FHD-2018-17283</p><p>&#160;</p>