parental magma
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2021 ◽  
Vol 59 (6) ◽  
pp. 1627-1660
Dejan Milidragovic ◽  
Graham T. Nixon ◽  
James S. Scoates ◽  
James A. Nott ◽  
Dylan W. Spence

ABSTRACT The Early Jurassic Polaris Alaskan-type intrusion in the Quesnel accreted arc terrane of the North American Cordillera is a zoned, mafic-ultramafic intrusive body that contains two main styles of magmatic mineralization of petrologic and potential economic significance: (1) chromitite-associated platinum group element (PGE) mineralization hosted by dunite (±wehrlite); and (2) sulfide-associated Cu-PGE-Au mineralization hosted by olivine (±magnetite) clinopyroxenite, hornblendite, and gabbro-diorite. Dunite-hosted PGE mineralization is spatially associated with thin discontinuous layers and schlieren of chromitite and chromitiferous dunite and is characterized by marked enrichments in iridium-subgroup PGE (IPGE) relative to palladium-subgroup PGE (PPGE). Discrete grains of platinum group minerals (PGM) are exceedingly rare, and the bulk of the PGE are inferred to reside in solid solution within chromite±olivine. The absence of Pt-Fe alloys in dunite of the Polaris intrusion is atypical, as Pt-enrichment of dunite-hosted chromitite is widely regarded as a characteristic feature of Alaskan-type intrusions. This discrepancy appears to be consistent with the strong positive dependence of Pt solubility on the oxidation state of sulfide-undersaturated magmas. Through comparison with experimentally determined PGE solubilities, we infer that the earliest (highest temperature) olivine-chromite cumulates of the Polaris intrusion crystallized from a strongly oxidized ultramafic parental magma with an estimated log f(O2) > FMQ+2. Parental magmas with oxygen fugacities more typical of volcanic arc settings [log f(O2) ∼ FMQ to ∼ FMQ+2] are, in turn, considered more favorable for co-precipitation of Pt-Fe alloys with olivine and chromite. More evolved clinopyroxene- and hornblende-rich cumulates of the Polaris intrusion contain low abundances of disseminated magmatic sulfides, consisting of pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite with minor pentlandite, pyrite, and rare bornite (≤12 wt.% total sulfides), which occur interstitially or as polyphase inclusions in silicates and oxides. The sulfide-bearing rocks are characterized by strong primitive mantle-normalized depletions in IPGE and enrichments in Cu-PPGE-Au, patterns that resemble those of other Alaskan-type intrusions and primitive arc lavas. The absolute abundances and sulfur-normalized whole-rock concentrations (Ci/S, serving as proxy for sulfide metal tenor) of chalcophile elements, including Cu/S, in sulfide-bearing rocks are highest in olivine clinopyroxenite. Sulfide saturation in the relatively evolved magmas of the Polaris intrusion, and Alaskan-type intrusions in general, appears to be intimately tied to the appearance of magnetite. Fractional crystallization of magnetite during the formation of olivine clinopyroxenite at Polaris resulted in reduction of the residual magma to log f(O2) ≤ FMQ+2, leading to segregation of an immiscible sulfide melt with high Cu/Fe and Cu/S, and high PGE and Au tenors. Continued fractionation resulted in sulfide melts that were progressively more depleted in precious and base chalcophile metals. The two styles of PGE mineralization in the Polaris Alaskan-type intrusion are interpreted to reflect the evolution of strongly oxidized, hydrous ultramafic parental magma(s) through intrinsic magmatic fractionation processes that potentially promote sulfide saturation in the absence of wallrock assimilation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Katharina A. Unger Moreno ◽  
Janis Thal ◽  
Wolfgang Bach ◽  
Christoph Beier ◽  
Karsten M. Haase

The formation of isolated seamounts distant from active plate boundaries and mantle plumes remains unsolved. The solitary intraplate volcano Vesteris Seamount is located in the Central Greenland Basin and rises ∼3,000 m above the seafloor with a total eruptive volume of ∼800 km3. Here, we present a new high-resolution bathymetry of Vesteris Seamount and a detailed raster terrain analysis, distinguishing cones, irregular volcanic ridges, volcanic debris fans, U-shaped channels and lava flows. The slope angles, ruggedness index and slope direction were combined with backscatter images to aid geologic interpretation. The new data show that the entire structure is a northeast to southwest elongated stellar-shaped seamount with an elongated, narrow summit surrounded by irregular volcanic ridges, separated by volcanic debris fans. Whole-rock geochemical data of 78 lava samples form tight liquid lines of descent with MgO concentrations ranging from 12.6 to 0.1 wt%, implying that all lavas evolved from a similar parental magma composition. Video footage from Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) dives shows abundant pyroclastic and hyaloclastite deposits on the summit and on the upper flanks, whereas lavas are restricted to flank cones. The seamount likely formed above a weak zone of the lithosphere possibly related to initial rifting parallel to the nearby Mohns Ridge, but the local stress field increasingly affected the structure of the volcano as it grew larger. Thus, we conclude that the evolution of Vesteris Seamount reflects the transition from deep, regional lithospheric stresses in the older structures to shallower, local stresses within the younger volcanic structures similar to other oceanic intraplate volcanoes. Our study shows how the combination of bathymetric, visual and geochemical data can be used to decipher the geological evolution of oceanic intraplate volcanoes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Shuo Zheng ◽  
Yanfei An ◽  
Chunkit Lai ◽  
Hongzhi Wang ◽  
Yunfeng Li

In the eastern North China Craton (NCC), Mesozoic tectonics was dominated by the Paleo-Pacific subduction rollback and the Tanlu crustal-scale fault movement. The regional transtension had generated extensive adakitic magmatism, some Cu-Au ore-forming but others not. To establish the geodynamic setting and any metallogenic link for the adakites from the southeastern NCC margin, we analyzed the ore-barren adakitic rocks from underground mines in the Huaibei-Linhuan coalfield (where surface igneous outcrops are scarce), and compared their ages and geochemistry with other mineralized and ore-barren adakites across Eastern China. Zircon U-Pb dating reveals two magmatic episodes in the Huaibei-Linhuan coalfield: 1) early-Early Cretaceous (ca. 130–129 Ma) (quartz-)diorite and granodiorite, and 2) late-Early Cretaceous (ca. 115.8 and 105.8 Ma) microgabbro and dolerite. Whole-rock geochemistry indicates that the (quartz-)diorite and granodiorite are high-Mg adakitic, featured by low K2O/Na2O (avg. 0.33), high Sr/La (avg. 44.3), and lack of correlation between SiO2 (fractionation index) and Sr/Y (avg. 56.55) and MREE/HREE (avg. 1.09), resembling typical adakites derived from oceanic-slab partial melting. Geochronological correlation with the regional tectonic events suggests that the slab-melting may have been caused by the Paleo-Pacific subduction rollback. Further extension and crustal thinning in the late-Early Cretaceous along the southern Tanlu fault may have formed the gabbro-dolerite in the coalfield. Geochemical comparison suggests that parental magma of the Huaibei-Linhuan adakites may have had similar water content [similar zircon 10,000*(Eu/Eu*)/Y and Eu/Eu* ratios] to typical porphyry Cu-Au ore-forming magmas, yet the former may have been considerably more reduced (lower zircon Ce/Nd and whole-rock V/Sc ratios). We considered that the assimilation of Carboniferous-Permian coal seams in the area may have further lowered the magma fO2 and thus its potential to form Cu-Au mineralization.

Minerals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 1081
Daria Zaccaria ◽  
Noemi Vicentini ◽  
Maria Grazia Perna ◽  
Gianluigi Rosatelli ◽  
Victor V. Sharygin ◽  

Discrete zircons, up to 9 mm in length, occur in alluvial deposits from the Veneto area. They are likely derived from the disaggregation of lamprophyric rocks belonging to a regional, pervasive dyke-swarm. Zircon and REE phases occur in both alkaline lamprophyres and connate calcite-bearing felsic lithics and their debris in lamprophyre breccia. We present 36 new complete U–Pb and trace element analyses of zircons and associated inclusions. We used a statistical approach on a larger dataset using new and literature data to evaluate the confidence figure to give an estimation of age of zircons. Inclusions suggest a genetic link with an S–CO2–ZrO–BaO–SrO–CaO-rich fluid/melt possibly associated with carbonate-rich alkaline parental magma and a metasomatised mantle source. This paper confirms the importance of calcite–syenite and lamprophyre genetic link and zircon magmatic origin, in contrast with hydrothermal and metamorphic zircons. U–Pb dating by LA-ICP-MS provides time constrains (40.5–48.4 Ma, Lutetian), consistent with the age of the alkaline magmatic event. Trace element data indicate a link to anorogenic magmatism associated with mantle upwelling. Complex zoning is highlighted by cathodoluminescence images. The Veneto zircons are helpful for regional geological information and may have commercial potential as a critical resource for green technologies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Ivan F. Chayka ◽  
Vadim S. Kamenetsky ◽  
Nikolay V. Vladykin ◽  
Alkiviadis Kontonikas-Charos ◽  
Ilya R. Prokopyev ◽  

AbstractThe discrepancy between Na-rich compositions of modern carbonatitic lavas (Oldoinyo Lengai volcano) and alkali-poor ancient carbonatites remains a topical problem in petrology. Although both are supposedly considered to originate via fractional crystallization of a “common parent” alkali-bearing Ca-carbonatitic magma, there is a significant compositional gap between the Oldoinyo Lengai carbonatites and all other natural compositions reported (including melt inclusions in carbonatitic minerals). In an attempt to resolve this, we investigate the petrogenesis of Ca-carbonatites from two occurrences (Guli, Northern Siberia and Tagna, Southern Siberia), focusing on mineral textures and alkali-rich multiphase primary inclusions hosted within apatite and magnetite. Apatite-hosted inclusions are interpreted as trapped melts at an early magmatic stage, whereas inclusions in magnetite represent proxies for the intercumulus environment. Melts obtained by heating and quenching the inclusions, show a progressive increase in alkali concentrations transitioning from moderately alkaline Ca-carbonatites through to the “calcite CaCO3 + melt = nyerereite (Na,K)2Ca2(CO3)3” peritectic, and finally towards Oldoinyo Lengai lava compositions. These results give novel empirical evidence supporting the view that Na-carbonatitic melts, similar to those of the Oldoinyo Lengai, may form via fractionation of a moderately alkaline Ca-carbonatitic melt, and therefore provide the “missing piece” in the puzzle of the Na-carbonatite’s origin. In addition, we conclude that the compositions of the Guli and Tagna carbonatites had alkali-rich primary magmatic compositions, but were subsequently altered by replacement of alkaline assemblages by calcite and dolomite.

2021 ◽  
Robert Nicklas ◽  
Rachel Hahn ◽  
Lori Willhite ◽  
Matthew Jackson ◽  
Vittorio Zanon ◽  

Oxygen fugacity (fO2) is a fundamental variable in igneous petrology with utility as a potential tracer of recycled surficial materials in the sources of mantle-derived lavas. It has been postulated that ocean island basalts (OIB) have elevated fO2 relative to mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) owing to more oxidized source regions. To clarify this issue, trace-element systematics of olivine grains are reported from OIB lavas with HIMU (high-; Mangaia, Canary Islands), enriched mantle (EM; Samoa; São Miguel, Azores Islands) and depleted MORB mantle (DMM; Pico, Azores) Sr-Nd-Pb-Os isotopic signatures, to constrain the fO2 of each magmatic system. Despite sampling distinct mantle reservoirs based on radiogenic isotope systematics, these OIB suites show similar fO2, ranging from +1.5 to +2.9 FMQ, with an average of 2.0 ± 0.7 FMQ, significantly higher than MORB at +0.6 ± 0.2 FMQ using the same oxybarometer. OIBs show no correlation between fO2 and bulk rock isotopic ratios or parental magma compositions. The lack of correlations with isotopic signatures likely results from radiogenic isotope signatures being hosted in volumetrically minor trace element enriched mantle lithologies, while fO2 reflects the volumetrically dominant mantle component. Higher fO2 in OIB relative to MORB implies a uniformly oxidizing plume source mantle that may be the result of either a common oxidized oceanic crust-rich reservoir parental to all modern plume lavas, or preservation of un-degassed and oxidized mantle domains formed early in Earth history.

2021 ◽  
Valentina Taranovic ◽  
Stephen J. Barnes ◽  
Steve Beresford ◽  
Morgan Williams ◽  
Colin MacRae ◽  

Abstract The Nova-Bollinger Ni-Cu sulfide ore deposit is the first economic Ni-Cu-Co sulfide deposit to have been discovered in the Albany-Fraser orogen in Western Australia. The host rocks are mafic-ultramafic intrusive cumulates subdivided into two connected intrusions, designated Upper and Lower. The Upper Intrusion is bowl-shaped and modally layered with alternating peridotite and norite mesocumulate layers, with a Basal Series of dominantly orthocumulate mafic lithologies. The Lower Intrusion is a much thinner, semiconformable chonolith (flattened tube-shaped intrusion) consisting of mostly unlayered mafic to ultramafic orthocumulates. The Lower Intrusion hosts all the high-grade mineralization and most of the disseminated ores. A distinctive plagioclase-bearing lherzolite containing both orthopyroxene and olivine as cumulus phases is a characteristic of the Lower Intrusion and the Basal Series of the Upper. The intrusions differ slightly in olivine and spinel chemistry, the differences being largely attributable to the more orthocumulate character of the Lower Intrusion. Sector zoning in Cr content of pyroxenes is observed in the Lower Intrusion and in the lower marginal zone of the Upper and is attributed to crystallization under supercooled conditions. Symplectite pyroxene-spinel-amphibole coronas at olivine-plagioclase contacts are ubiquitous and are attributed to near-solidus peritectic reaction between olivine, plagioclase, and liquid during and after high-pressure emplacement, consistent with high Al contents in igneous pyroxenes and estimates of the peak regional metamorphism. Original cumulus olivines had compositions around Fo86 and were variably Ni depleted, interpreted as the result of preintrusion equilibration with sulfide liquid. The Upper and Lower Intrusion rocks represent cumulates from a similar parental magma, a high-Al tholeiite with MgO between 10 and 12%, low TiO2 (0.5–0.6%), and high Al2O3 (14–17%). Modeling using alphaMELTS indicates a primary water content of around 2 wt %. The cumulates of both intrusions were derived via multiple magma pulses of liquid-olivine-sulfide slurries with variable amounts of orthopyroxene, emplaced into the deep crust at pressures of around 0.7 GPa during the peak of regional metamorphism. The intrusions developed initially as a bifurcating sill, the lower arm developing into the ore-bearing Lower Intrusion chonolith and the upper arm inflating into the cyclically layered Upper Intrusion.

Minerals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 819
Nadezhda Krivolutskaya ◽  
Sheida Makvandi ◽  
Bronislav Gongalsky ◽  
Irina Kubrakova ◽  
Natalia Svirskaya

The composition of the parental magmas of Cu–Ni deposits is crucial for the elucidation of their genesis. In order to estimate the role of magma in ore formation, it is necessary to compare the compositions of silicate rock intrusions with different mineralization patterns, as observed in the Norilsk region. The rock geochemistry of two massifs located in the same Devonian carbonate rocks—the Kharaelakh intrusion, with its world-class platinum-group element (PGE)–Cu–Ni deposit, and the Pyasinsky–Vologochansky intrusion, with its large deposit—was studied. Along with these massifs, the Norilsk 2 massif with noneconomic mineralization intruded in the Ivakinskaya–Nadezhdinskaya basalts was studied as well. Their settings allow the estimation of the parental magma composition, taking into account the possible assimilation of host rocks. Analyses of 39 elements in 97 samples demonstrated the similarity of the intrusions in terms of their major components. The Pyasinsky–Vologochansky intrusion contains the highest trace element contents compared with the Kharaelakh and Norilsk 2 massifs, evidencing its crystallization from evolved parental magma. No influence of host rocks on the silicate rock compositions was found, except for narrow (1–2 m) endo-contact zones. There is no correlation between the mineralization volume and the rock compositions of the studied intrusions. It is assumed that the intrusions were formed from one magma crustal source irregularly rich in sulfur (S). This source inhomogeneity in terms of the sulfur distribution resulted in deposits of varying sizes. The magmas served as a transporting agent for sulfides from deep zones to the surface.

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