radioactive decay
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2022 ◽  
Jonathan Schonfeld

Abstract Using publicly available video of a diffusion cloud chamber with a very smallradioactive source, I measure the spatial distribution of where tracks start, and consider possibleimplications. This is directly relevant to the quantum measurement problem and its possibleresolution, and appears never to have been done before. The raw data are relatively uncontrolled,leading to caveats that should guide future, more tailored experiments. Results may suggest amodification to Born’s rule at very small wavefunction, with possibly profound implications forthe detection of extremely rare events such as proton decay. I introduce two candidate smallwavefunctionBorn rule modifications, a hard cutoff and an offset model; the data may favor theoffset model, which has a stronger underlying physical rationale. Track distributions from decaysin cloud chambers represent a previously unappreciated way to probe the foundations of quantummechanics, and a novel case of wavefunctions with macroscopic signatures.

2022 ◽  
Vol 924 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Liping Li ◽  
Jujia Zhang ◽  
Benzhong Dai ◽  
Wenxiong Li ◽  
Xiaofeng Wang ◽  

Abstract We present optical and ultraviolet (UV) observations of a luminous type Ia supernova (SN Ia) SN 2015bq characterized by early flux excess. This SN reaches a B-band absolute magnitude at M B = −19.68 ± 0.41 mag and a peak bolometric luminosity at L = (1.75 ± 0.37) × 1043 erg s−1, with a relatively small post-maximum decline rate [Δm 15(B) = 0.82 ± 0.05 mag]. The flux excess observed in the light curves of SN 2015bq a few days after the explosion, especially seen in the UV bands, might be due to the radioactive decay of 56Ni mixed into the surface. The radiation from the decay of the surface 56Ni heats the outer layer of this SN. It produces blue U − B color followed by monotonically reddening in the early phase, dominated iron-group lines, and weak intermediate-mass element absorption features in the early spectra. The scenario of enhanced 56Ni in the surface is consistent with a large amount of 56Ni ( M 56 Ni = 0.97 ± 0.20 M ☉) synthesized during the explosion. The properties of SN 2015bq are found to locate between SN 1991T and SN 1999aa, suggesting the latter two subclasses of SNe Ia may have a common origin.

2021 ◽  
Ian Moffat

Isotope geochemistry is an important scientific technique that has made a significant contribution to archaeological research. Isotope techniques measure the relative abundance of a number of nuclides of the same (or derivative) element as a means of investigating a variety of natural processes. Both stable (H, O, C, N, Ca, Sr, Cu, Pb, S) and unstable (U, Th, K, Ar) isotope systems are analyzed as part of archaeological investigations.Isotopes (often referred to as a nuclide in the singular) are variants of a particular element, which share the same number of protons but have varying numbers of neutrons. Isotopes are referred to as stable or unstable, depending on whether they undergo radioactive decay. Some nuclides are primordial, meaning they have existed since the beginning of the universe, while others are the product of the decay of other elements. Isotopes of the same element generally share the same chemical behavior.Stable isotopes can be applied to studying a variety of processes with their applicability to specific problems depending on the mechanism by which one nuclide becomes naturally enriched or depleted. The basis of the application of some stable isotopes is that the variation in their atomic mass leads them to behave differently during processes such as evaporation, precipitation, freezing, photosynthesis, and incorporation into the body. Another approach is based on taking advantage of the varying abundance of some stable isotopes within different geological units to allow proveniencing of various materials. This can only be achieved if the isotope ratios remain unchanged after incorporation into the sample.Unstable isotopes are most commonly used as a geochronological tool for establishing the age of materials such as organics, calcium carbonates, and igneous rocks. Unstable nuclides that have either too many or too few neutrons spontaneously transform by beta decay, alpha decay, or spontaneous nuclear fission. The decay speed can be calibrated to time and is usually expressed as a “half-life.” On the basis of a known decay rate and original abundance ratio, the comparison of the relative abundance of a stable nuclide to an unstable nuclide can provide an age estimation of the material studied. In the case of radiocarbon dating, the abundance of 14C in the sample is compared to modern levels of 14C.Isotope analysis can be performed directly on archaeological materials or on geological materials to provide a context for archaeological sites. A particular advantage of using isotopic methods in archaeological investigations is that it provides quantifiable information that can be compared to the material culture record.

2021 ◽  
pp. 0271678X2110652
Joseph B Mandeville ◽  
Michael A Levine ◽  
John T Arsenault ◽  
Wim Vanduffel ◽  
Bruce R Rosen ◽  

We report a novel forward-model implementation of the full reference tissue model (fFTRM) that addresses the fast-exchange approximation employed by the simplified reference tissue model (SRTM) by incorporating a non-zero dissociation time constant from the specifically bound compartment. The forward computational approach avoided errors associated with noisy and nonorthogonal basis functions using an inverse linear model. Compared to analysis by a multilinear single-compartment reference tissue model (MRTM), fFTRM provided improved accuracy for estimation of binding potentials at early times in the scan, with no worse reproducibility across sessions. To test the model’s ability to identify small focal changes in binding potential using a within-scan challenge, we employed a nonhuman primate model of focal dopamine release elicited by deep brain microstimulation remote to ventral striatum (VST) during imaging by simultaneous PET and fMRI. The new model reported an unambiguously lateralized response in VST consistent with fMRI, whereas the MRTM-derived response was not lateralized and was consistent with simulations of model bias. The proposed model enabled better accuracy in PET [11C]raclopride displacement studies and may also facilitate challenges sooner after injection, thereby recovering some sensitivity lost to radioactive decay of the PET tracer.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
Hasan Hüseyin Erbil

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Tetsuya Sakashita ◽  
Shojiro Matsumoto ◽  
Shigeki Watanabe ◽  
Hirofumi Hanaoka ◽  
Yasuhiro Ohshima ◽  

Abstract Background We recently reported a new absorbed dose conversion method, RAP (RAtio of Pharmacokinetics), for 211At-meta-astatobenzylguanidine (211At-MABG) using a single biodistribution measurement, the percent injected dose/g. However, there were some mathematical ambiguities in determining the optimal timing of a single measurement of the percent injected dose/g. Thus, we aimed to mathematically reconstruct the RAP method and to examine the optimal timing of a single measurement. Methods We derived a new formalism of the RAP dose conversion method at time t. In addition, we acquired a formula to determine the optimal timing of a single measurement of the percent injected dose/g, assuming the one-compartment model for biological clearance. Results We investigated the new formalism’s performance using a representative RAP coefficient with radioactive decay weighting. Dose conversions by representative RAP coefficients predicted the true [211At]MABG absorbed doses with an error of 10% or less. The inverses of the representative RAP coefficients plotted at 4 h post-injection, which was the optimal timing reported in the previous work, were very close to the new inverses of the RAP coefficients 4 h post-injection. Next, the behavior of the optimal timing was analyzed by radiolabeled compounds with physical half-lives of 7.2 h and 10 d on various biological clearance half-lives. Behavior maps of optimal timing showed a tendency to converge to a constant value as the biological clearance half-life of a target increased. The areas of optimal timing for both compounds within a 5% or 10% prediction error were distributed around the optimal timing when the biological clearance half-life of a target was equal to that of the reference. Finally, an example of RAP dose conversion was demonstrated for [211At]MABG. Conclusions The RAP dose conversion method renovated by the new formalism was able to estimate the [211At]MABG absorbed dose using a similar pharmacokinetics, such as [131I]MIBG. The present formalism revealed optimizing imaging time points on absorbed dose conversion between two radiopharmaceuticals. Further analysis and clinical data will be needed to elucidate the validity of a behavior map of the optimal timing of a single measurement for targeted alpha-nuclide therapy.

2021 ◽  
Yiran Wang ◽  
Michael E. Oskin

Abstract. We introduce a set of methods for analyzing cosmogenic-nuclide depth profiles that formally integrates surface erosion and muogenic production, while retaining the advantages of the linear inversion. For surfaces with erosion, we present solutions for both erosion rate and total eroded thickness, each with their own advantages. For practical applications, erosion must be constrained from external information, such as soil-profile analysis. By combining linear inversion with Monte Carlo simulation of error propagation, our method jointly assesses uncertainty arising from measurement error and erosion constraints. Using example depth profile data sets from the Beida River, northwest China and Lees Ferry, Arizona, we show that our methods robustly produce comparable ages for surfaces with different erosion rates and inheritance. Through hypothetical examples, we further show that both the erosion rate and eroded-thickness approaches produce reasonable age estimates so long as the total erosion less than twice the nucleon attenuation length. Overall, lack of precise constraints for erosion rate tends to be the largest contributor of age uncertainty, compared to the error from omitting muogenic production or radioactive decay.

Alireza Khalili Golmankhaneh ◽  
Cemil Tunç ◽  
Hamdullah Şevli

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (11) ◽  
G. Baccolo ◽  
A. Barresi ◽  
M. Beretta ◽  
D. Chiesa ◽  
M. Nastasi ◽  

AbstractIn the framework of rare event searches, the identification of radioactive contaminants in ultra-pure samples is a challenging task, because the signal is often at the same level of the instrumental background. This is a rather common situation for $$\alpha $$ α -spectrometers and other detectors used for low-activity measurements. In order to obtain the target sensitivity without extending the data taking live-time, analysis strategies that highlight the presence of the signal sought should be developed. In this paper, we show how to improve the contaminant tagging capability relying on the time-correlation of radioactive decay sequences. We validate the proposed technique by measuring the impurity level of both contaminated and ultra-pure copper samples, demonstrating the potential of this analysis tool in disentangling different background sources and providing an effective way to mitigate their impact in rare event searches.

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