critical graph
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Viachaslau I. Murashka

A Schmidt [Formula: see text]-group is a non-nilpotent [Formula: see text]-group whose proper subgroups are nilpotent and which has the normal Sylow [Formula: see text]-subgroup. The [Formula: see text]-critical graph [Formula: see text] of a finite group [Formula: see text] is a directed graph on the vertex set [Formula: see text] of all prime divisors of [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] is an edge of [Formula: see text] if and only if [Formula: see text] has a Schmidt [Formula: see text]-subgroup. The bounds of the nilpotent length of a soluble group are obtained in terms of its [Formula: see text]-critical graph. The structure of a soluble group with given [Formula: see text]-critical graph is obtained in terms of commutators. The connections between [Formula: see text]-critical and other graphs (Sylow, soluble, prime, commuting) of finite groups are found.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (20) ◽  
pp. 2568
Norah Almalki ◽  
Pawaton Kaemawichanurat

A graph G is said to be k-γc-critical if the connected domination number γc(G) is equal to k and γc(G+uv)<k for any pair of non-adjacent vertices u and v of G. Let ζ be the number of cut vertices of G and let ζ0 be the maximum number of cut vertices that can be contained in one block. For an integer ℓ≥0, a graph G is ℓ-factor critical if G−S has a perfect matching for any subset S of vertices of size ℓ. It was proved by Ananchuen in 2007 for k=3, Kaemawichanurat and Ananchuen in 2010 for k=4 and by Kaemawichanurat and Ananchuen in 2020 for k≥5 that every k-γc-critical graph has at most k−2 cut vertices and the graphs with maximum number of cut vertices were characterized. In 2020, Kaemawichanurat and Ananchuen proved further that, for k≥4, every k-γc-critical graphs satisfies the inequality ζ0(G)≤mink+23,ζ. In this paper, we characterize all k-γc-critical graphs having k−3 cut vertices. Further, we establish realizability that, for given k≥4, 2≤ζ≤k−2 and 2≤ζ0≤mink+23,ζ, there exists a k-γc-critical graph with ζ cut vertices having a block which contains ζ0 cut vertices. Finally, we proved that every k-γc-critical graph of odd order with minimum degree two is 1-factor critical if and only if 1≤k≤2. Further, we proved that every k-γc-critical K1,3-free graph of even order with minimum degree three is 2-factor critical if and only if 1≤k≤2.

10.37236/8857 ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
Zi-Xia Song ◽  
Jingmei Zhang

Given an integer $r\geqslant 1$ and graphs $G, H_1, \ldots, H_r$, we write $G \rightarrow ({H}_1, \ldots, {H}_r)$ if every $r$-coloring of the edges of $G$ contains a monochromatic copy of $H_i$ in color $i$ for some $i\in\{1, \ldots, r\}$. A non-complete graph $G$ is $(H_1, \ldots, H_r)$-co-critical if $G \nrightarrow ({H}_1, \ldots, {H}_r)$, but $G+e\rightarrow ({H}_1, \ldots, {H}_r)$ for every edge $e$ in $\overline{G}$. In this paper, motivated by Hanson and Toft's conjecture [Edge-colored saturated graphs, J Graph Theory 11(1987), 191–196], we study the minimum number of edges over all $(K_t, \mathcal{T}_k)$-co-critical graphs on $n$ vertices, where $\mathcal{T}_k$ denotes the family of all trees on $k$ vertices. Following Day [Saturated graphs of prescribed minimum degree, Combin. Probab. Comput. 26 (2017), 201–207], we apply graph bootstrap percolation on a not necessarily $K_t$-saturated graph to prove that for all $t\geqslant4 $ and $k\geqslant\max\{6, t\}$, there exists a constant $c(t, k)$ such that, for all $n \ge (t-1)(k-1)+1$, if $G$ is a $(K_t, \mathcal{T}_k)$-co-critical graph on $n$ vertices, then $$ e(G)\geqslant \left(\frac{4t-9}{2}+\frac{1}{2}\left\lceil \frac{k}{2} \right\rceil\right)n-c(t, k).$$ Furthermore, this linear bound is asymptotically best possible when $t\in\{4,5\}$ and $k\geqslant6$. The method we develop in this paper may shed some light on attacking Hanson and Toft's conjecture.

Antje Klopp ◽  
Eckhard Steffen

AbstractThe first part of the paper studies star-cycle factors of graphs. It characterizes star-cycle factors of a graph G and proves upper bounds for the minimum number of $$K_{1,2}$$ K 1 , 2 -components in a $$\{K_{1,1}, K_{1,2}, C_n:n\ge 3\}$$ { K 1 , 1 , K 1 , 2 , C n : n ≥ 3 } -factor of a graph G. Furthermore, it shows where these components are located with respect to the Gallai–Edmonds decomposition of G and it characterizes the edges which are not contained in any $$\{K_{1,1}, K_{1,2}, C_n:n\ge 3\}$$ { K 1 , 1 , K 1 , 2 , C n : n ≥ 3 } -factor of G. The second part of the paper proves that every edge-chromatic critical graph G has a $$\{K_{1,1}, K_{1,2}, C_n:n\ge 3\}$$ { K 1 , 1 , K 1 , 2 , C n : n ≥ 3 } -factor, and the number of $$K_{1,2}$$ K 1 , 2 -components is bounded in terms of its fractional matching number. Furthermore, it shows that for every edge e of G, there is a $$\{K_{1,1}, K_{1,2}, C_n:n\ge 3\}$$ { K 1 , 1 , K 1 , 2 , C n : n ≥ 3 } -factor F with $$e \in E(F)$$ e ∈ E ( F ) . Consequences of these results for Vizing’s critical graph conjectures are discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (11) ◽  
pp. 12460-12470
Sizhong Zhou ◽  
Jiang Xu ◽  
Lan Xu ◽  

<abstract><p>Let $ G $ be a graph. For a set $ \mathcal{H} $ of connected graphs, an $ \mathcal{H} $-factor of a graph $ G $ is a spanning subgraph $ H $ of $ G $ such that every component of $ H $ is isomorphic to a member of $ \mathcal{H} $. A graph $ G $ is called an $ (\mathcal{H}, m) $-factor deleted graph if for every $ E'\subseteq E(G) $ with $ |E'| = m $, $ G-E' $ admits an $ \mathcal{H} $-factor. A graph $ G $ is called an $ (\mathcal{H}, n) $-factor critical graph if for every $ N\subseteq V(G) $ with $ |N| = n $, $ G-N $ admits an $ \mathcal{H} $-factor. Let $ m $, $ n $ and $ k $ be three nonnegative integers with $ k\geq2 $, and write $ \mathcal{F} = \{P_2, C_3, P_5, \mathcal{T}(3)\} $ and $ \mathcal{H} = \{K_{1, 1}, K_{1, 2}, \cdots, K_{1, k}, \mathcal{T}(2k+1)\} $, where $ \mathcal{T}(3) $ and $ \mathcal{T}(2k+1) $ are two special families of trees. In this article, we verify that (i) a $ (2m+1) $-connected graph $ G $ is an $ (\mathcal{F}, m) $-factor deleted graph if its binding number $ bind(G)\geq\frac{4m+2}{2m+3} $; (ii) an $ (n+2) $-connected graph $ G $ is an $ (\mathcal{F}, n) $-factor critical graph if its binding number $ bind(G)\geq\frac{2+n}{3} $; (iii) a $ (2m+1) $-connected graph $ G $ is an $ (\mathcal{H}, m) $-factor deleted graph if its binding number $ bind(G)\geq\frac{2}{2k-1} $; (iv) an $ (n+2) $-connected graph $ G $ is an $ (\mathcal{H}, n) $-factor critical graph if its binding number $ bind(G)\geq\frac{2+n}{2k+1} $.</p></abstract>

2020 ◽  
Vol 54 (6) ◽  
pp. 1827-1834 ◽  
Sizhong Zhou

A spanning subgraph of a graph is defined as a path factor of the graph if its component are paths. A P≥n-factor means a path factor with each component having at least n vertices. A graph G is defined as a (P≥n, m)-factor deleted graph if G–E′ has a P≥n-factor for every E′ ⊆ E(G) with |E′| = m. A graph G is defined as a (P≥n, k)-factor critical graph if after deleting any k vertices of G the remaining graph of G admits a P≥n-factor. In this paper, we demonstrate that (i) a graph G is (P≥3, m)-factor deleted if κ(G) ≥ 2m + 1 and bind(G) ≥  2/3 - $ \frac{3}{2}-\frac{1}{4m+4}$; (ii) a graph G is (P≥3, k)-factor critical if κ(G) ≥ k + 2 and bind(G) ≥ $ \frac{5+k}{4}$.

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-63
Girish V R ◽  
Usha P

A dominating set D of a graph G = (V;E) is a split dominating set ifthe induced graph hV 􀀀 Di is disconnected. The split domination number s(G)is the minimum cardinality of a split domination set. A graph G is called vertexsplit domination critical if s(G􀀀v) s(G) for every vertex v 2 G. A graph G iscalled edge split domination critical if s(G + e) s(G) for every edge e in G. Inthis paper, whether for some standard graphs are split domination vertex critical ornot are investigated and then characterized 2- ns-critical and 3- ns-critical graphswith respect to the diameter of a graph G with vertex removal. Further, it is shownthat there is no existence of s-critical graph for edge addition.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Bin Wang ◽  
Lang Zou

In this paper, by the branching process and the martingale method, we prove that the size of the largest component in the critical random intersection graph Gn,n5/3,p is asymptotically of order n2/3 and the width of scaling window is n−1/3.

2019 ◽  
Vol 92 (4) ◽  
pp. 488-490
Douglas R. Woodall

10.37236/7353 ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
Jinko Kanno ◽  
Songling Shan

Let $G$ be a simple graph, and let $\Delta(G)$ and $\chi'(G)$ denote the maximum degree and chromatic index of $G$, respectively. Vizing proved that $\chi'(G)=\Delta(G)$ or $\chi'(G)=\Delta(G)+1$. We say $G$ is $\Delta$-critical if $\chi'(G)=\Delta(G)+1$ and $\chi'(H)<\chi'(G)$ for every proper subgraph $H$ of $G$. In 1968, Vizing conjectured that if $G$ is a $\Delta$-critical graph, then  $G$ has a 2-factor. Let $G$ be an $n$-vertex $\Delta$-critical graph. It was proved that if $\Delta(G)\ge n/2$, then $G$ has a 2-factor; and that if $\Delta(G)\ge 2n/3+13$, then $G$  has a hamiltonian cycle, and thus a 2-factor. It is well known that every 2-tough graph with at least three vertices has a 2-factor. We investigate the existence of a 2-factor in a $\Delta$-critical graph under "moderate" given toughness and  maximum degree conditions. In particular, we show that  if $G$ is an  $n$-vertex $\Delta$-critical graph with toughness at least 3/2 and with maximum degree at least $n/3$, then $G$ has a 2-factor. We also construct a family of graphs that have order $n$, maximum degree $n-1$, toughness at least $3/2$, but have no 2-factor. This implies that the $\Delta$-criticality in the result is needed. In addition, we develop new techniques in proving the existence of 2-factors in graphs.

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