goddard space flight center
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2022 ◽  
Vol 2149 (1) ◽  
pp. 012012
Georgi T. Georgiev ◽  
James J. Butler ◽  
Ron Shiri ◽  
Christine A. Jhabvala

Abstract This paper describes the initial work of characterizing the transmissive and reflective properties of black silicon diffusers. The diffusers were fabricated from a 100 mm diameter black silicon sample at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). The directional hemispherical reflectance from 250 nm to 2500 nm and BRDF/BTDF measurements at 632.8 nm, 1064 nm, and 1550 nm were measured using the GSFC Diffuser Calibration Laboratory’s (DCL) spectrophotometer and optical scatterometer. The diffusers exhibit a low level of specular reflection up to ~1100 nm with no evidence of retroscatter. The measurements are traceable to those made at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (7/8) ◽  
pp. 11-16
Yeon-Han KIM ◽  
Kyungsuk CHO ◽  
Seonghwan CHOI ◽  
Su-Chan BONG ◽  
Coronagraph Team

The Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI), in collaboration with the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), has been developing a diagnostic coronagraph to be deployed in 2023 on the International Space Station (ISS). The mission is known as “Coronal Diagnostic Experiment (CODEX)”, which is designed to obtain simultaneous measurements of the electron density, temperature, and velocity in the 2.5- to 10-Rs range by using multiple filters. The coronagraph will be installed and operated on the ISS to understand the physical conditions in the solar wind acceleration region and to enable and validate the next generation space weather models.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (16) ◽  
pp. 3134
Yara Mohajerani ◽  
David Shean ◽  
Anthony Arendt ◽  
Tyler C. Sutterley

Commonly used mass-concentration (mascon) solutions estimated from Level-1B Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) and GRACE Follow-On data, provided by processing centers such as the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) or the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), do not give users control over the placement of mascons or inversion assumptions, such as regularization. While a few studies have focused on regional or global mascon optimization from spherical harmonics data, a global optimization based on the geometry of geophysical signal as a standardized product with user-defined points has not been addressed. Finding the optimal configuration with enough coverage to account for far-field leakage is not a trivial task and is often approached in an ad-hoc manner, if at all. Here, we present an automated approach to defining non-uniform, global mascon solutions that focus on a region of interest specified by the user, while maintaining few global degrees of freedom to minimize noise and leakage. We showcase our approach in High Mountain Asia (HMA) and Alaska, and compare the results with global uniform mascon solutions from range-rate data. We show that the custom mascon solutions can lead to improved regional trends due to a more careful sampling of geophysically distinct regions. In addition, the custom mascon solutions exhibit different seasonal variation compared to the regularized solutions. Our open-source pipeline will allow the community to quickly and efficiently develop optimized global mascon solutions for an arbitrary point or polygon anywhere on the surface of the Earth.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (5) ◽  
pp. 3773-3794
Robin Wing ◽  
Sophie Godin-Beekmann ◽  
Wolfgang Steinbrecht ◽  
Thomas J. McGee ◽  
John T. Sullivan ◽  

Abstract. A newly upgraded German Weather Service (DWD) ozone and temperature lidar (HOH) located at the Hohenpeißenberg Meteorological Observatory (47.8∘ N, 11.0∘ E) has been evaluated through comparison with the travelling standard lidar operated by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (NASA GSFC Stratospheric Ozone (STROZ) lidar), satellite overpasses from the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS), the Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry (SABER), the Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS), meteorological radiosondes launched from Munich (65 km northeast), and locally launched ozonesondes. The “blind” evaluation was conducted under the framework of the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC) using 10 clear nights of measurements in 2018 and 2019. The campaign, referred to as the Hohenpeißenberg Ozone Profiling Study (HOPS), was conducted within the larger context of NDACC validation activities for European lidar stations. There was good agreement between all ozone lidar measurements in the range of 15 to 41 km with relative differences between co-located ozone profiles of less than ±10 %. Differences in the measured ozone number densities between the lidars and the locally launched ozone sondes were also generally less than 5 % below 30 km. The satellite ozone profiles demonstrated some differences with respect to the ground-based lidars which are due to sampling differences and geophysical variation. Both the original and new DWD lidars continue to meet the NDACC standard for lidar ozone profiles by exceeding 3 % accuracy between 16.5 and 43 km. Temperature differences for all instruments were less than ±5 K below 60 km, with larger differences present in the lidar–satellite comparisons above this region. Temperature differences between the DWD lidars met the NDACC accuracy requirements of ±1 K between 17 and 78 km. A unique cross-comparison between the HOPS campaign and a similar, recent campaign at Observatoire de Haute-Provence (Lidar Validation NDACC Experiment; LAVANDE) allowed for an investigation into potential biases in the NASA-STROZ reference lidar. The reference lidar may slightly underestimate ozone number densities above 43 km with respect to the French and German NDACC lidars. Below 20 km, the reference lidar temperatures profiles are 5 to 10 K cooler than the temperatures which are reported by the other instruments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (6) ◽  
pp. 1152
Justyna Śliwińska ◽  
Małgorzata Wińska ◽  
Jolanta Nastula

In this study, we calculate the hydrological plus cryospheric excitation of polar motion (hydrological plus cryospheric angular momentum, HAM/CAM) using mascon solutions based on observations from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) and GRACE Follow-On (GRACE-FO) missions. We compare and evaluate HAM/CAM computed from GRACE and GRACE-FO mascon data provided by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), the Center for Space Research (CSR), and the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). A comparison with HAM obtained from the Land Surface Discharge Model is also provided. An analysis of HAM/CAM and HAM is performed for overall variability, trends, and seasonal and non-seasonal variations. The HAM/CAM and HAM estimates are validated using the geodetic residual time series (GAO), which is an estimation of the hydrological plus cryospheric signal in geodetically observed polar motion excitation. In general, all mascon datasets are found to be equally suitable for the determination of overall, seasonal, and non-seasonal HAM/CAM oscillations, but some differences in trends remain. The use of an ellipsoidal correction, implemented in the newest solution from CSR, does not noticeably affect the consistency between HAM/CAM and GAO. Analysis of the data from the first two years of the GRACE-FO mission indicates that the current accuracy of HAM/CAM from GRACE-FO mascon data meets expectations, and the root mean square deviation of HAM/CAM components are between 5 and 6 milliarcseconds. The findings from this study can be helpful in assessing the role of satellite gravimetry in polar motion studies and may contribute towards future improvements to GRACE-FO data processing.

Robert E. Lafon ◽  
Armen Caroglanian ◽  
Haleh Safavi ◽  
Nikki Desch ◽  
Victoria C. Wu ◽  

Solar Physics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 296 (1) ◽  
N. Gopalswamy ◽  
J. Newmark ◽  
S. Yashiro ◽  
P. Mäkelä ◽  
N. Reginald ◽  

AbstractWe report on the Balloon-borne Investigation of Temperature and Speed of Electrons in the corona (BITSE) mission launched recently to observe the solar corona from $\approx 3$ ≈ 3  Rs to 15 Rs at four wavelengths (393.5, 405.0, 398.7, and 423.4 nm). The BITSE instrument is an externally occulted single stage coronagraph developed at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in collaboration with the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI). BITSE used a polarization camera that provided polarization and total brightness images of size $1024 \times 1024$ 1024 × 1024 pixels. The Wallops Arc Second Pointer (WASP) system developed at NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility (WFF) was used for Sun pointing. The coronagraph and WASP were mounted on a gondola provided by WFF and launched from the Fort Sumner, New Mexico station of Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility (CSBF) on September 18, 2019. BITSE obtained 17,060 coronal images at a float altitude of $\approx \mbox{128,000}$ ≈ 128,000 feet ($\approx 39$ ≈ 39  km) over a period of $\approx 4$ ≈ 4  hrs. BITSE flight software was based on NASA’s core Flight System, which was designed to help develop flight quality software. We used EVTM (Ethernet Via Telemetry) to download science data during operations; all images were stored on board using flash storage. At the end of the mission, all data were recovered and analyzed. Preliminary analysis shows that BITSE imaged the solar minimum corona with the equatorial streamers on the east and west limbs. The narrow streamers observed by BITSE are in good agreement with the geometric properties obtained by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) coronagraphs in the overlapping physical domain. In spite of the small signal-to-noise ratio ($\approx 14$ ≈ 14 ) we were able to obtain the temperature and flow speed of the western steamer. In the heliocentric distance range 4 – 7 Rs on the western streamer, we obtained a temperature of $\approx 1.0\pm 0.3$ ≈ 1.0 ± 0.3  MK and a flow speed of $\approx 260$ ≈ 260  km s−1 with a large uncertainty interval.

2020 ◽  
Robin Wing ◽  
Sophie Godin-Beekmann ◽  
Wolfgang Steinbrecht ◽  
Thomas J. McGee ◽  
John T. Sullivan ◽  

Abstract. A newly upgraded German Weather Service (DWD) ozone and temperature lidar (HOH) located at the Hohenpeißenberg Meteorological Observatory (47.8° N, 11.0° E) has been evaluated through comparison with the travelling standard lidar operated by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (NASA STROZ), satellite overpasses from the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS), the Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry (SABER), the Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS), meteorological radiosondes launched from München (65 km north-east), and locally launched ozonesondes. The blind evaluation was conducted under the framework of the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC) using 10 clear nights of measurements in 2018 and 2019. This campaign was conducted within the larger context of NDACC validation activities for European lidar stations. The previous 2017–2018 validation campaign took place at the French Observatoire de Haute Provence and and showed a high degree of fidelity between participating instruments. The results are reported in the companion article (Wing et al., 2020). There was good agreement between all ozone lidar measurements in the range of 15 to 41 km with relative differences between co-located ozone profiles of less than ±10 %. Differences in the measured ozone numbers densities between the lidars and the locally launched ozone sondes were also generally less than 5 % below 30 km. The satellite ozone profiles demonstrated some differences with respect to the ground based lidars which are due to sampling differences and geophysical variation. Temperatures differences for all instruments were less than ±5 K below 60 km, with larger differences present in the lidar-satellite comparisons above this region. Temperature differences between the lidars met the NDACC accuracy requirements of ±1 K between 17 and 78 km. The NASA lidar exhibited slightly colder temperatures, between 5 and 10 K, than the other instruments below 20 km and slightly warmer temperatures, 5 to 10 K, above 70 km. These differences are likely due to algorithm initialisation choices and photon count saturation corrections.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (19) ◽  
pp. 3197 ◽  
Vagner G. Ferreira ◽  
Bin Yong ◽  
Kurt Seitz ◽  
Bernhard Heck ◽  
Thomas Grombein

In the so-called point-mass modeling, surface densities are represented by point masses, providing only an approximated solution of the surface integral for the gravitational potential. Here, we propose a refinement for the point-mass modeling based on Taylor series expansion in which the zeroth-order approximation is equivalent to the point-mass solution. Simulations show that adding higher-order terms neglected in the point-mass modeling reduces the error of inverted mass changes of up to 90% on global and Antarctica scales. The method provides an alternative to the processing of the Level-2 data from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission. While the evaluation of the surface densities based on improved point-mass modeling using ITSG-Grace2018 Level-2 data as observations reveals noise level of approximately 5.77 mm, this figure is 5.02, 6.05, and 5.81 mm for Center for Space Research (CSR), Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), and Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) mascon solutions, respectively. Statistical tests demonstrate that the four solutions are not significant different (95% confidence) over Antarctica Ice Sheet (AIS), despite the slight differences seen in the noises. Therefore, the estimated noise level for the four solutions indicates the quality of GRACE mass changes over AIS. Overall, AIS shows a mass loss of −7.58 mm/year during 2003–2015 based on the improved point-mass solution, which agrees with the values derived from mascon solutions.

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