range rate
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2022 ◽  
Kristen R. Kita

Detection, classification, localization, and tracking (DCLT) of unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs) in the presence of shipping traffic is a critical task for passive acoustic harbor security systems. In general, vessels can be tracked by their unique acoustic signature due to machinery vibration and cavitation noise. However, cavitation noise of UUVs is considerably quieter than ships and boats, making detection significantly more challenging. In this thesis, I demonstrated that it is possible to passively track a UUV from its highfrequency motor noise using a stationary array in shallow-water experiments with passing boats. First, causes of high frequency tones were determined through direct measurements of two UUVs at a range of speeds. From this analysis, common and dominant features of noise were established: strong tones at the motor’s pulse-width modulated frequency and its harmonics. From the unique acoustic signature of the motor, I derived a high-precision, remote sensing method for estimating propeller rotation rate. In shallow-water UUV field experiments, I demonstrated that detecting a UUV from motor noise, in comparison to broadband noise from the vehicle, reduces false alarms from 45% to 8.4% for 90% true detections. Beamforming on the motor noise, in comparison to broadband noise, improved the bearing accuracy by a factor of 3.2×. Because the signal is also high-frequency, the Doppler effect on motor noise is observable and I demonstrate that range rate can be measured. Furthermore, measuring motor noise was a superior method to the “detection of envelope modulation on noise” algorithm for estimating the propeller rotation rate. Extrapolating multiple measurements from the motor signature is significant because Bearing-Doppler-RPM measurements outperform traditional bearing-Doppler target motion analysis. In the unscented Kalman filter implementation, the tracking solution accuracy for bearing, bearing rate, range, and range rate improved by a factor 2.2×, 15.8×, 3.1×, and 6.2× respectively. These findings are significant for improving UUV localization and tracking, and for informing the next-generation of quiet UUV propulsion systems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 126
Fan Yang ◽  
Lei Liang ◽  
Changqing Wang ◽  
Zhicai Luo

The satellite gravity mission GRACE(-FO) has not yet reached its designed baseline accuracy. Previous studies demonstrated that the deficiency in the sensor system or the related signal processing might be responsible, which in turn motivates us to keep revising the sensor data processing, typically the spacecraft’s attitude. Many efforts in the past have been made to enhance the attitude modeling for GRACE, for instance, the latest release reprocesses the attitude by fusing the angular acceleration with the star camera/tracker (SC) measurements, which helps to reduce the error in Level-2 temporal gravity fields. Therefore, in addition to GRACE, revising GRACE-FO attitude determination might make sense as well. This study starts with the most original raw GRACE-FO Level-1A data including those from three SCs and one IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) sensors, and manage to generate a new publicly available Level-1B attitude product called HUGG-01 covering from June 2018 to December 2020, using our independently-developed software. The detailed treatment of individual payload is present in this study, and an indirect Kalman filter method is introduced to fuse the multiple sensors to acquire a relatively stable and precise attitude estimation. Unlike the direct SC combination method with a predefined weight as recommended in previous work, we propose an involvement of each SC measurement in the Kalman filter to enable a dynamic weight adjustment. Intensive experiments are further carried out to assess the HUGG-01, which demonstrate that the error level of HUGG-01 is entirely within the design requirement, i.e., the resulting KBR pointing variations are well controlled within 1 mrad (pitch), 5 mrad (roll) and 1 mrad (yaw). Moreover, comparisons with the official JPL-V04 attitude product demonstrate an equivalent performance in the low-to-middle spectrum, with even a slightly lower noise level (in the high spectrum) than JPL-V04. Further analysis on KBR range-rate residuals and gravity recovery on Jan 2019 indicates that, i.e., RMS of the difference (HUGG-01 minus JPL-V04) for the range rate is less than 3.234×10−8 m/s, and the amplitude of geoid height difference is approximately 0.5 cm. Both differences are below the sensitivity of the state-of-the-art satellite gravity mission, demonstrating a good agreement between HUGG-01 and JPL-V04.

Shan He ◽  
Panlong Wu ◽  
Peng Yun ◽  
Xingxiu Li ◽  
Jimin Li

Abstract In this paper, an expectation maximization based sequential modified unbiased converted measurement Kalman filter is proposed for target tracking with an unknown correlation coefficient of measurement noise between the range and the range rate. Firstly, a pseudo measurement is constructed by multiplying the range and the range rate to reduce the strong nonlinearity between the measurement and the target state. The mean and covariance of converted errors are subsequentlsubsequently derived by modified unbiased converted measurement to weaken the error caused by the linearization of the measurement equation, which is effectively to improve the dynamic accuracy of target tracking. Then, the converted errors of the position and the pseudo measurement are decorrelated by the Cholesky factorization and thus to obtain the posterior probability distribution of the state by using the sequential filtering in the Bayesian framework. Finally, the expectation maximization is introduced in the updating procedure of the pseudo measurement to jointly estimate the target state and the correlation coefficient. The target tracking scenario with an unknown correlation coefficient is built to demonstrate the validness and feasibility of the proposed algorithm. Simultaneously, the results of the normalized error squared validate the consistency of the modified unbiased converted measurement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (16) ◽  
pp. 3134
Yara Mohajerani ◽  
David Shean ◽  
Anthony Arendt ◽  
Tyler C. Sutterley

Commonly used mass-concentration (mascon) solutions estimated from Level-1B Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) and GRACE Follow-On data, provided by processing centers such as the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) or the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), do not give users control over the placement of mascons or inversion assumptions, such as regularization. While a few studies have focused on regional or global mascon optimization from spherical harmonics data, a global optimization based on the geometry of geophysical signal as a standardized product with user-defined points has not been addressed. Finding the optimal configuration with enough coverage to account for far-field leakage is not a trivial task and is often approached in an ad-hoc manner, if at all. Here, we present an automated approach to defining non-uniform, global mascon solutions that focus on a region of interest specified by the user, while maintaining few global degrees of freedom to minimize noise and leakage. We showcase our approach in High Mountain Asia (HMA) and Alaska, and compare the results with global uniform mascon solutions from range-rate data. We show that the custom mascon solutions can lead to improved regional trends due to a more careful sampling of geophysically distinct regions. In addition, the custom mascon solutions exhibit different seasonal variation compared to the regularized solutions. Our open-source pipeline will allow the community to quickly and efficiently develop optimized global mascon solutions for an arbitrary point or polygon anywhere on the surface of the Earth.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (14) ◽  
pp. 4883
Xiaoliang Wang ◽  
Shufan Wu ◽  
Deren Gong ◽  
Qiang Shen ◽  
Dengfeng Wang ◽  

In this study, submillimeter level accuracy K-band microwave ranging (MWR) equipment is demonstrated, aiming to verify the detection of the Earth’s gravity field (EGF) and digital elevation models (DEM), through spacecraft formation flying (SFF) in low Earth orbit (LEO).In particular, this paper introduces in detail an integrated BeiDou III B1C/B2a dual frequency receiver we designed and developed, including signal processing scheme, gain allocation, and frequency planning. The receiver matched the 0.1 ns precise synchronize time-frequency benchmark for the MWR system, verified by a static and dynamic test, compared with a time interval counter synchronization solution. Moreover, MWR equipment ranging accuracy is explored in-depth by using different ranging techniques. The test results show that MWR achieved 40 μm and 1.6 μm/s accuracy for ranging and range rate during tests, using synchronous dual one-way ranging (DOWR) microwave phase accumulation frame, and 6 μm/s range rate accuracy obtained through a one-way ranging experiment. The ranging error sources of the whole MWR system in-orbit are analyzed, while the relative orbit dynamic models, for formation scenes, and adaptive Kalman filter algorithms, for SFF relative navigation designs, are introduced. The performance of SFF relative navigation using MWR are tested in a hardware in loop (HIL) simulation system within a high precision six degree of freedom (6-DOF) moving platform. The final estimation error from adaptive relative navigation system using MWR are about 0.42 mm (range/RMS) and 0.87 μm/s (range rate/RMS), which demonstrated the promising accuracy for future applications of EGF and DEM formation missions in space.

Aerospace ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
pp. 124
Kai Chen ◽  
Sensen Pei ◽  
Fuqiang Shen ◽  
Shangbo Liu

According to the trajectory characteristics of hypersonic boost-glide vehicles, a tightly coupled integrated navigation algorithm for hypersonic vehicles based on the launch-centered Earth-fixed (LCEF) frame is proposed. First, the strapdown inertial navigation mechanization algorithm and discrete update algorithm in the LCEF frame are introduced. Subsequently, the attitude, velocity, and position error equations of strapdown inertial navigation in the LCEF frame are introduced. The strapdown inertial navigation system/global positioning system (SINS/GPS) pseudo-range and pseudo-range rate measurement equations in the LCEF frame are derived. Further, the tightly coupled SINS/GPS integrated navigation filter state equation and the measurement equation are presented. Finally, the tightly coupled SINS/GPS integrated navigation algorithm is verified in the hardware-in-the-loop (HWIL) simulation environment. The simulation results indicate that the precision of tightly coupled integrated navigation is better than that of loosely coupled integrated navigation. Moreover, even when the number of effective satellites is less than four, tightly coupled integrated navigation functions well, thus verifying the effectiveness and feasibility of the algorithm.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (6) ◽  
pp. 1118
Lei Liang ◽  
Jinhai Yu ◽  
Changqing Wang ◽  
Min Zhong ◽  
Wei Feng ◽  

When using the dynamic approach to recover the time-variable gravity field, the reference orbit generated by the perturbation model and the non-conservative force observed from the accelerometer should be introduced at first, and then the observation equations of the residual orbit and the residual range rate are established. This introduces a perturbation model error and instrument noise. Thus, there are low-frequency errors in the residual orbit and the residual range rate. Currently, most studies only focus on the low-frequency error of the residual range rate, neglecting the influence of the low-frequency error in the residual orbit. Therefore, under the condition of the perturbation model error and instrument noise including the constant term and 1CPR term, the low-frequency error formulas of the residual orbit and residual range rate are derived according to the characteristics of the solution of the Hill equation. Then, the influence of the low-frequency error on the residuals is analyzed by using the simulation and the real data processing respectively. In the simulation and real data processing, the accuracy of the recovered gravity field can maintain a good consistency for different arc lengths by removing the low-frequency error in the residual orbit. Finally, the time-variable gravity field model UCAS-IGG (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences-Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics) was solved from January 2005 to February 2010 by removing the low-frequency error of the residual orbit and residual range rate. Compared with the official institutions, the UCAS-IGG presents a good consistency in the estimating time-variable gravity field signal. This study demonstrates how the effect of the low-frequency error of the residual orbit should be taken into consideration when the longer arc length is used to recover a time-variable gravity field. Using a long arc length can reduce the variables of the initial state and recover the influence of the small force.

2021 ◽  
William Desprats ◽  
Daniel Arnold ◽  
Michel Blanc ◽  
Adrian Jäggi ◽  
Mingtao Li ◽  

<p>The exploration of Callisto is part of the extensive interest in the icy moons characterization. Indeed, Callisto is the Galilean moon with the best-preserved records of the Jovian system formation. Led by the National Space Science Center (NSSC), Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), the planned Gan De mission aims to send an orbiter around Callisto in order to characterize its surface and interior. Potential orbit configurations are currently under study for the Gan De mission proposal.</p><p>As part of a global characterization of Callisto, its gravity field can be inferred using radio tracking data from an orbiter. Mission characteristics such as orbit type, Earth beta angle and solar elongation will have a direct influence on the recoverability of its gravity field parameters. In this study, we will analyse this influence from closed-loop simulations using the planetary extension of the Bernese GNSS Softwareai.</p><p>A number of reference orbits with different orbital characteristics will be selected for the Gan De mission and, using an extended force model, will be propagated from different starting dates and different initial Earth beta angles. Realistic Doppler tracking data (2-way X-band Doppler range rate) will be simulated as measurements from ground stations, with a dedicated noise model. These observations will then be used to reconstruct the orbit along with dynamical parameters. The focus of this presentation will be on the quality of the retrieved gravity field parameters and tidal Love number k2.</p>

2021 ◽  
Paolo Tortora ◽  
Marco Zannoni ◽  
Edoardo Gramigna ◽  
Riccardo Lasagni Manghi ◽  
Sebastien Le Maistre ◽  

<p>The Asteroid Impact and Deflection Assessment (AIDA) is an international collaboration supported by ESA and NASA to assess the feasibility of the kinetic impactor technique to deflect an asteroid, combining data obtained from NASA’s DART and ESA’s Hera missions. Together the missions represent the first humankind’s investigations of a planetary defense technique. In 2022, DART will impact Dimorphos, the secondary of the binary near-Earth asteroid (65803) Didymos.  After 4 years, Hera will follow-up with a detailed post-impact survey of Didymos, to fully characterize and validate this planetary defense technique. In addition, Hera will deploy two CubeSats around Didymos once the Early Characterization Phase has completed, to augment the observations of the mother spacecraft. Juventas, the first Cubesat, will complete a low-frequency radar survey of the secondary, to unveil its interior. Milani, the second Cubesat, will perform a global mapping of Didymos and Dimorphos, with a focus on their compositional difference and their surface properties. One of the main objectives of Hera is to determine the binary system’s mass, gravity field, and dynamical state using radio tracking data in combination with imaging data. The gravity science experiment includes classical ground-based radiometric measurements between Hera and ground stations on Earth by means of a standard two-way X-band link, onboard images of Didymos, and spacecraft-to-spacecraft inter-satellite (ISL) radiometric tracking between Hera and the Cubesats. The satellite-to-satellite link is a crucial add-on to the gravity estimation of low-gravity bodies by exploiting the Cubesats’ proximity to the binary, as the range-rate measurements carried out by the inter-satellite link contain information on the dynamics of the system, i.e., masses and gravity field of Didymos primary and secondary.</p><p>We will describe the updated mission scenario for the Hera radio science experiment to be jointly carried out by the three mission elements, i.e., Hera, Juventas and Milani. To conclude, our updated analysis and latest results, as well as the achievable accuracy for the estimation of the mass and gravity field of Didymos and Dimorphos, are presented.</p>

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