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2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 215-236
Sergiu Musteata

After the 1991 separatist region of Transnistria developed its own education system, provided with normative acts, including curriculum and textbooks. History education is part of the official discourse and focuses on Transnistrian interests. In many cases, textbooks are based on Soviet historiography, and Western neighbors are treated as enemies. The author of the present article analyzes, in particular, Chapter IX of the textbook for the ninth grade, which deals with the formation of the separatist republic and the Dniester War of 1992, which is described by the authors of the textbook as “Moldova’s military aggression against the Transnistrian people.” The facts presented in this textbook are unilateral, trying to demonstrate the “aggression of Moldova” on the districts on the left bank of the Dniester. Although, at the end of the topic, the authors consider that this military conflict was “a bloody war”, they insist more on the “sufferings, losses and victims” of the inhabitants of this region. There is a total lack of critical, comparative, and balanced approach to these sensitive events for the recent history of the Republic of Moldova.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1203 (2) ◽  
pp. 022068
Christian Seal ◽  
Patricia Mery ◽  
Patricia Alegría

Abstract Chilean legislation dictates that Municipalities are responsible for household solid waste management, but this doesn’t include the clean-up of illegal dumpsites. These in-city dumpsites usually are located on public roads, parks or abandoned sites; have a wide variety of origins, from household trash to business waste, and feature a high component of construction debris. One of the main problems that municipalities have managing these sites is that when they are cleaned, the dumpsites immediately reappear. Therefore, a site survey and visual characterization was performed for these illegal dumpsites at the Municipality of La Granja, and a cost analysis associated with the constant clean-up costs was performed. La Granja Municipality has an established clean-up program with a frequency that varies from one to three withdrawals a week per dumpsite. Santiago is Chile's capital and is divided into 32 municipalities, the general population of the city is 5.250.565 habitants according to the 2017 census. La Granja is one of Santiago’s municipalities; according to the last census, it has 116.571 inhabitants and a total of 34.423 households divided into 69 neighbourhoods. The social economical income of the municipality corresponds to medium low to lower level. The study detected 35 critical sites that were catalogued as recuring dumpsites. The mayor cause of these dumpsites corresponds to illegal dumping of construction waste, mayor appliance and household waste, and only one dumpsite didn’t present construction debris during the length of the study. The average volume measured in site, for most of the dumpsites varied from 1 to 3 m3 and only 2 sites exceeded 8 m3. The most important characteristics of the dumpsites were the ease accessibility (82,4%), followed by the total lack of public illumination, high vehicular traffic and to or more intersections (67,7%). The equipment and personnel cost were estimated for the clean-up service of the 35 dumpsites. The cost analysis showed that the associated cost of the clean-up corresponds to a 5,8% of the municipal budget for solid waste management. As a result of the study, 4 sites were intervened through the generation of green area or small parks, with an emphasis in the protection or blocking of the access and roadside.

Erik Hertog ◽  
Jan Van Gucht ◽  
Leen De Bontridder

As an applied science, community interpreting research is often tributary to the social sciences for its methods. Indeed, focus groups, interviews, questionnaires and case studies, in other words both quantitative and qualitative surveys and analyses are part and parcel of the social sciences methodology and are becoming increasingly common in CI research as well.But, as is often the case with applied scientific research, when it comes to adopting the methodological orthodoxy of the parent science, it is sometimes found lacking in methodological coherence and rigour. In our view, the most commonly found methodological hiatus in the current empirical CI research literature is the (mis)use of research designs of an essentially exploratory nature to generate broad sweeping conclusions at medium or even grand theory level, typically resulting in a total lack of falsifiability.A second point of concern is a rather generalised lack of validation of the outcomes of field research. That is why this article proposes a critical reflection on empirical research methodology in the field of community based interpreting in the form of a tentative typology of research methodologies, illustrated with an example taken from the authors’ own research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (10) ◽  
pp. e1009969
Mathias Diehl ◽  
Lena Roling ◽  
Lukas Rohland ◽  
Sebastian Weber ◽  
Marek Cyrklaff ◽  

The pathology associated with malaria infection is largely due to the ability of infected human RBCs to adhere to a number of receptors on endothelial cells within tissues and organs. This phenomenon is driven by the export of parasite-encoded proteins to the host cell, the exact function of many of which is still unknown. Here we inactivate the function of one of these exported proteins, PFA66, a member of the J-domain protein family. Although parasites lacking this protein were still able to grow in cell culture, we observed severe defects in normal host cell modification, including aberrant morphology of surface knobs, disrupted presentation of the cytoadherence molecule PfEMP1, and a total lack of cytoadherence, despite the presence of the knob associated protein KAHRP. Complementation assays demonstrate that an intact J-domain is required for recovery to a wild-type phenotype and suggest that PFA66 functions in concert with a HSP70 to carry out host cell modification. Strikingly, this HSP70 is likely to be of host origin. ATPase assays on recombinant protein verify a functional interaction between PFA66 and residual host cell HSP70. Taken together, our data reveal a role for PFA66 in host cell modification, strongly implicate human HSP70s as being essential in this process and uncover a new KAHRP-independent molecular factor required for correct knob biogenesis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 48 ◽  
pp. 2-21
Monica Mărgărit ◽  
Adina Boroneanț

This paper discusses the technological exploitation and transformation of wild boar teeth into tools during the Neolithic and the Chalcolithic north of the Lower Danube. Four main variables were taken into consideration: raw material procurement, blank production, object manufacture, and equipment maintenance. Tool finds from various prehistoric sites in Romania were compared, aiming to identify their impact on the economy of the prehistoric communities, and to determine possible variations in their number/ways of use during early prehistory. Tool typology is poor. The finds studied showed different degrees of use-wear, as well as systematic re-sharpening of the active front. In addition, finished tools are predominant in comparison to the sub-products of the chaîne opératoire. The almost total lack of blanks may suggest no stocking was taking place. The entire tooth was used, resulting at times in several implements. Our experimental program, by following closely the technical transformation schemes indicated by the archaeological specimens, suggests that such tusk tools were used for woodworking.

Alireza Bonyadi

Consecutive interpreting is the most popular type of interpretation work, and its highly cognitively complex nature usually poses challenges for student interpreters (Arumí Ribas, 2012). However, compared with the theoretical issues of translation and interpreting (with which the bulk of the published literature is concerned), the practical aspects of consecutive interpreting have not been paid due attention. As “a response to the almost total lack of published material on consecutive [interpreting] as a whole” (Gillies, 2019, p. 13) and also based on the author’s 20-year experience in reading, practising, and teaching consecutive interpreting, the recently published Consecutive interpreting: A short course has broken down consecutive interpreting pedagogically into its basic components...

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 62-73
Flaminia Saccà ◽  
Luca Massidda

The paper presents and discusses data from the research «STEP – Stereotype and Prejudice. For a Cultural Change in Gender Representation in the Judiciary, Law Enforcement and Media Reporting». The research is coordinated by Professor Flaminia Saccà, and financed by the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers - Department for Equal Opportunities. The analysis conducted on a sample of 283 judgments relating to crimes of violence against women (domestic violence; sexual violence; murder / femicide; human trafficking; stalking) shows how stereotypes and prejudices regarding gender relations, role expectations and women representation are still strongly rooted in our society and, at least partially, in our courtrooms. The paper identifies and describes the main critical elements found in the representation of violence against women proposed by the judgments’ language: the representation of the victim (and the key role of her testimony); the presence of three recurrent biases (family dispute bias, jealousy bias and raptus bias); the almost total lack of references to the main international regulatory sources (CEDAW and the Istanbul Convention).

Rescue Press ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-1

Mountain HEMS Association was born, with a notarial deed of incorporation, in April 2008 following the initiative of 7 autonomous Region /Provinces of the Alps and Apennines: in 2005, Dr. Enrico Visetti, Anesthetist Doctor of the Aosta hospital, organized a helicopter rescue training course aimed at new doctors to be included in the local helicopter rescue. In December 2006, access to the course was offered to all the other operational bases in the Alps. The invitation was extended to the various figures operating within the Service, therefore doctors, nurses, and subsequently the CNSAS Helicopter Rescue Technicians: with the participation of new external experiences, the course objective was also modified. In 2007, 90% of the participants in the training course were Doctors and Nurses who already had experience and actively operated in the helicopter rescue in the bases of origin: the participants themselves had to bring their own ideas and experiences and simultaneously cover the role of speakers. Until now, the main objective, concentrated in the training addressed to new doctors, became, thanks to the support of the various experiences, an exchange of opinions and a training ground for discussion between the various actors. The technical mountaineering part was managed thanks to the support of the mountain rescue, always present in the external activities alongside the staff. In the theoretical part, various lines of common behavior were discussed to be adopted in the interventions of Helicopter Rescue, while in the context of the scientific discussion, the total lack of a database of helicopter rescue services in which to obtain useful information was recognized. During the Courmayer course, in the spring of 2007, the idea of creating a website was born with the aim of developing a data acquisition system from the various operational bases of the Alpine and Apennine arc: from this initiative, the establishment of the Association.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 252-264

Abstract This article aims to analyze the integration of refugees from the global South in the workplace of small and medium enterprises in the city of São Paulo, based on interpersonal relationships between Brazilian employers, refugee workers, and Brazilian workers. The literature focuses on South-South migration, refugees in Brazil, and their stereotypes in the workplace. The research was qualitative, using a case study. Semi-structured individual interviews and non-participant observation were conducted with 28 respondents: 7 refugee workers (2 Haitians, 2 Angolans, 1 Congolese, 1 Nigerian, and 1 Beninese); 7 Brazilian employers (4 owners and 3 managers in the services, commerce, and industry sectors); and 14 Brazilian co-workers. Results show managerial incentive to different forms of communication seeking to break the language barrier as well as explicit racism. The employers only began to worry about the integration of refugees when they had problems with Brazilians, such as disrespect for Halal food of Muslim refugees and the perception that refugees transmit diseases. Brazilian workers and employers stereotype refugees from African countries (including Haiti) as a homogeneous group of “black Africans,” reflecting a total lack of knowledge about their geographical and cultural diversity. This lack of knowledge strongly influences interpersonal relationships and makes it difficult for refugees to integrate into the workplace. This article contributes to the reflection on South-South migration, since the literature usually explores South-North and North-North migration.

Patrick Olabanji Aye

Diabetes is a disorder in which the body becomes unable to control the amount of sugar in the blood. The pancreas (beta-cells) is not functioning normally, resulting in a partial or total lack of insulin which is the key to the mechanism converting sugar to energy. In this study, mathematical model for the dynamics of diabetes mellitus and its complications incorporating control is developed and analyzed. Positive lifestyle, which includes abstinence from alcohol, smoking and glutoning, and effective management of diabetes condition are incorporated as controls. The analytical solution of the model equations is obtained using Homotopy Perturbation Method. Numerical simulation of the model solution was done using Maple 18 Mathematical software. The parameters are varied and their effects on the model dynamics are presented graphically. The results showed that the two control measures can effectively be used to reduce the evolution of incidence of diabetes and occurrence of complications of diabetes thereby reducing the rate of morbidity and mortality due to diabetes complications.

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