spatiotemporal mapping
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2022 ◽  
Armen Gharibans ◽  
Tommy Hayes ◽  
Daniel Carson ◽  
Stefan Calder ◽  
Chris Varghese ◽  

Abstract Disorders of gastric function are highly prevalent, but diagnosis often remains symptom-based and inconclusive. Body surface gastric mapping is an emerging diagnostic solution, but current approaches lack scalability and are cumbersome and clinically impractical. We present a novel scalable system for non-invasively mapping gastric electrophysiology in high-resolution (HR) at the body-surface. The system comprises a custom-designed flexible HR sensor array and portable data-logger synchronized to an App, with automated analysis and visualization algorithms. The novel system underwent performance testing then validation in 24 healthy subjects. In all subjects, gastric electrophysiology and meal responses were successfully captured and mapped non-invasively (mean frequency 2.9 ± 0.3 cycles per minute; peak amplitude at mean 60 m postprandially with return to baseline in <4 h). Spatiotemporal mapping showed regular and consistent wave activity of mean direction 182.7°±73 (74.7% antegrade, 7.8% retrograde, 17.5% indeterminate). The presented system is a new diagnostic tool for assessing gastric function that is scalable, validated, and ready for clinical applications, offering several biomarkers that are new to gastroenterology practice.

Marco P. La Manna ◽  
Francesco Dieli ◽  
Nadia Caccamo

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Kourosh Kabir ◽  
Ali Taherinia ◽  
Davoud Ashourloo ◽  
Ahmad Khosravi ◽  
Hossien Karim ◽  

Abstract Background The first confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Iran were reported in Qom city. Subsequently, the neighboring provinces and gradually all 31 provinces of Iran were involved. This study aimed to investigate the case fatility rate, basic reproductive number in different period of epidemic, projection of daily and cumulative incidence cases and also spatiotemporal mapping of SARS-CoV-2 in Alborz province, Iran. Methods A confirmed case of COVID-19 infection was defined as a case with a positive result of viral nucleic acid testing in respiratory specimens. Serial interval (SI) was fitted by gamma distribution and considered the likelihood-based R0 using a branching process with Poisson likelihood. Seven days average of cases, deaths, doubling times and CFRs used to draw smooth charts. kernel density tool in Arc GIS (Esri) software has been employed to compute hot spot area of the study site. Results The maximum-likelihood value of R0 was 2.88 (95%, CI: 2.57–3.23) in the early 14 days of epidemic. The case fatility rate for Alborz province (Iran) on March 10, was 8.33% (95%, CI:6.3–11), and by April 20, it had an increasing trend and reached 12.9% (95%,CI:11.5–14.4). The doubling time has been increasing from about two days and then reached about 97 days on April 20, 2020, which shows the slowdown in the spread rate of the disease. Also, from March 26 to April 2, 2020 the whole Geographical area of Karj city was almost affected by SARS-CoV-2. Conclusions The R0 of COVID-19 in Alborz province was substantially high at the beginning of the epidemic, but with preventive measures and public education and GIS based monitoring of the cases,it has been reduced to 1.19 within two months. This reduction highpoints the attainment of preventive measures in place, however we must be ready for any second epidemic waves during the next months.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (19) ◽  
pp. 9297
Anas El Ouali ◽  
Mohammed El Hafyani ◽  
Allal Roubil ◽  
Abderrahim Lahrach ◽  
Ali Essahlaoui ◽  

With its high water potential, the Ziz basin is one of the most important basins in Morocco. This paper aims to develop a methodology for spatiotemporal monitoring of the water quality of the Hassan Addakhil dam using remote sensing techniques combined with a modeling approach. Firstly, several models were established for the different water quality parameters (nitrate, dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll a) by combining field and satellite data. In a second step, the calibration and validation of the selected models were performed based on the following statistical parameters: compliance index R2, the root mean square error and p-value. Finally, the satellite data were used to carry out spatiotemporal monitoring of the water quality. The field results show excellent quality for most of the samples. In terms of the modeling approach, the selected models for the three parameters (nitrate, dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll a) have shown a good correlation between the measured and estimated values with compliance index values of 0.62, 0.56 and 0.58 and root mean square error values of 0.16 mg/L, 0.65 mg/L and 0.07 µg/L for nitrate, dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll a, respectively. After the calibration, the validation and the selection of the models, the spatiotemporal variation of water quality was determined thanks to the multitemporal satellite data. The results show that this approach is an effective and valid methodology for the modeling and spatiotemporal mapping of water quality in the reservoir of the Hassan Addakhil dam. It can also provide valuable support for decision-makers in water quality monitoring as it can be applied to other regions with similar conditions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 196 (4) ◽  
Ramy Ayoub ◽  
Kaylie Lau ◽  
Nili Yuen ◽  
Darren Fernandes ◽  
Madeline Elder ◽  

NeuroImage ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 118325
Akinori Takeda ◽  
Emi Yamada ◽  
Taira Uehara ◽  
Katsuya Ogata ◽  
Tsuyoshi Okamoto ◽  

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (9) ◽  
pp. 1323
Tariq Judeh ◽  
Hanbing Bian ◽  
Isam Shahrour

This paper aims to assess groundwater potability and palatability in the West Bank, Palestine. It combines the adjusted weighted arithmetic water quality index method (AWAWQIM), a close-ended questionnaire, and step-wise assessment ratio analysis (SWARA) to develop groundwater potability (PoGWQI) and palatability (PaGWQI) indices. Both a geographic information system (GIS) and the kriging interpolation method (KIM) are employed to create spatiotemporal mapping of PoGWQI and PaGWQI. The research is based on data from 79 wells, which were provided by the Palestinian Water Authority (PWA). Data include fecal coliform (FC), nitrate (NO3), pH, chloride (Cl), sulfate (SO4), bicarbonate (HCO3), total dissolved solids (TDS), turbidity, and hardness. Results indicate that 2% and 5% of water samples were unpotable and unpalatable, respectively. Unpotable samples were found in areas with poor sewer networks and intensive use of agrochemicals. All groundwater samples (100%) in the eastern part of the West Bank were unpalatable because of seawater intrusion. Unconfined aquifers were more vulnerable to potability and palatability contamination. It was noticed that PoGWQI is sensitive to FC and NO3, while PaGWQI is sensitive to HCO3, TDS, and Cl. Consequently, these quality parameters should be monitored well. The proposed method is of great interest to water decision-makers in Palestine for establishing strategies to protect water resources.

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