earth radiation budget
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
Wenying Su ◽  
Lusheng Liang ◽  
David P. Duda ◽  
Konstantin Khlopenkov ◽  
Mandana M. Thieman

One of the most crucial tasks of measuring top-of-atmosphere (TOA) radiative flux is to understand the relationships between radiances and fluxes, particularly for the reflected shortwave (SW) fluxes. The radiance-to-flux conversion is accomplished by constructing angular distribution models (ADMs). This conversion depends on solar-viewing geometries as well as the scene types within the field of view. To date, the most comprehensive observation-based ADMs are developed using the Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES) observations. These ADMs are used to derive TOA SW fluxes from CERES and other Earth radiation budget instruments which observe the Earth mostly from side-scattering angles. The Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC) onboard Deep Space Climate Observatory observes the Earth at the Lagrange-1 point in the near-backscattering directions and offers a testbed for the CERES ADMs. As the EPIC relative azimuth angles change from 168◦ to 178◦, the global daytime mean SW radiances can increase by as much as 10% though no notable cloud changes are observed. The global daytime mean SW fluxes derived after considering the radiance anisotropies at relative azimuth angles of 168◦ and 178◦ show much smaller differences (<1%), indicating increases in EPIC SW radiances are due mostly to changes in viewing geometries. Furthermore, annual global daytime mean SW fluxes from EPIC agree with the CERES equivalents to within 0.5 Wm−2 with root-mean-square errors less than 3.0 Wm−2. Consistency between SW fluxes from EPIC and CERES inverted from very different viewing geometries indicates that the CERES ADMs accurately quantify the radiance anisotropy and can be used for flux inversion from different viewing perspectives.

G. Matthews

AbstractBetter predictions of global warming can be enabled by tuning legacy and current computer simulations to Earth Radiation Budget (ERB) measurements. Since the 1970’s, such orbital results exist, and the next generation instruments called “Libera” are in design. Climate communities have requested that ERB observing system calibration accuracy obtain significantly better SI traceability and stability improvements. This is to prevent untracked instrument calibration drifts, that could lead to false conclusions on climate change. Based on experience from previous ERB missions, the concept presented here utilizes solar calibration for cloud size Earth measurement resolution, at ≪1% accuracy. However it neglects shown to be unsuccessful calibration technology like solar diffusers and on-board lights, as used by ERBE, ScaRaB, CERES, GERB & other Libera designs etc. New spectral characterizing concepts are therefore introduced. This allows in-flight wavelength dependent calibration of Earth observing Libera telescopes using direct solar views, through narrow-band filters continuously characterized on-orbit.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (13) ◽  
pp. 2640
Jake J. Gristey ◽  
Wenying Su ◽  
Norman G. Loeb ◽  
Thomas H. Vonder Haar ◽  
Florian Tornow ◽  

Observing the Earth radiation budget (ERB) from satellites is crucial for monitoring and understanding Earth’s climate. One of the major challenges for ERB observations, particularly for reflected shortwave radiation, is the conversion of the measured radiance to the more energetically relevant quantity of radiative flux, or irradiance. This conversion depends on the solar-viewing geometry and the scene composition associated with each instantaneous observation. We first outline the theoretical basis for algorithms to convert shortwave radiance to irradiance, most commonly known as empirical angular distribution models (ADMs). We then review the progression from early ERB satellite observations that applied relatively simple ADMs, to current ERB satellite observations that apply highly sophisticated ADMs. A notable development is the dramatic increase in the number of scene types, made possible by both the extended observational record and the enhanced scene information now available from collocated imager information. Compared with their predecessors, current shortwave ADMs result in a more consistent average albedo as a function of viewing zenith angle and lead to more accurate instantaneous and mean regional irradiance estimates. One implication of the increased complexity is that the algorithms may not be directly applicable to observations with insufficient accompanying imager information, or for existing or new satellite instruments where detailed scene information is not available. Recent advances that complement and build on the base of current approaches, including machine learning applications and semi-physical calculations, are highlighted.

2021 ◽  
Margit Haberreiter ◽  
Wolfgang Finsterle ◽  
Jean-Philippe Montillet ◽  
Benjamin Walter ◽  
Bo Andersen ◽  

<p>Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) is one of the Essential Climate Variables (ECV) identified by the World Meteorological Organization's Global Climate System (GCOS). The Compact Lightweight Absolute RAdiometer (CLARA) experiment onboard the Norwegian micro satellite NorSat-1 is a SI traceable radiometer and was launched July 14, 2017 with the primary science goal to measure TSI from space. We present the latest status of the data and degradation correction obtained with this SI-traceable radiometer. Besides TSI, CLARA also measures the total outgoing radiation (TOR) at the top of the Earth atmosphere on the night side of Earth, which is extremely important to understand the Earth Radiation Budget. It is to our knowledge the first time that TSI and the emitted radiation from Earth are measured simultaneously with one SI-traceable absolute radiometer. We will compare the CLARA TSI and TOR time series with other available datasets. Ultimately, we aim towards determining the Earth Energy Imbalance from space. We will discuss the achievements and limitations in direction of this goal.</p>

2021 ◽  
Peter Pilewskie ◽  
Maria Hakuba ◽  

<p>The NASA Libera Mission, named for the daughter of Ceres in Roman mythology, will provide continuity of the Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES) Earth radiation budget (ERB) observations from space. Libera’s  attributes enable a seamless extension of the ERB climate data record. Libera will acquire integrated radiance over the CERES FM6-heritage broad spectral bands in the shortwave (0.3 to 5 μm), longwave (5 to 50 μm) and total (0.3 to beyond 100 μm) and adds a split-shortwave band (0.7 to 5 μm) to provide deeper insight into shortwave energy deposition. Libera leverages advanced detector technologies using vertically aligned black-carbon nanotubes with closed-loop electrical substitution radiometry to achieve radiometric uncertainty of approximately 0.2%. Libera will also employ a wide field-of-view camera to provide scene context and explore pathways for separating future ERB missions from complex imagers.</p><p>The Libera science objectives associated with continuity and extension of the ERB data record are to identify and quantify processes responsible for ERB variability on various time scales. Beyond data continuity, Libera’s new and enhanced observational capabilities will advance our understanding of spatiotemporal variations of radiative energy flow in the visible and and near-infrared spectral regions. They will also enable the rapid development of angular distribution models to facilitate near-IR and visible radiance-to-irradiance conversion.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (20) ◽  
pp. 3379
Steven Dewitte

The Earth Radiation Budget (ERB) at the top of the atmosphere describes how the Earth gains energy from the Sun and loses energy to space through the reflection of solar radiation and the emission of thermal radiation. The ERB is measured from space with dedicated remote sensing instruments. Its long-term monitoring is of fundamental importance for understanding climate change. This Special Issue contains contributions focusing on ERB remote sensing instruments for either (1) the establishment of past and current ERB Climate Data Records (CDRs), (2) insights in climate change gained from the analysis of ERB CDRs, and 3) the outlook for continued or improved future ERB monitoring.

Luca Schifano ◽  
Lien Smeesters ◽  
Wendy Meulebroeck ◽  
Francis Berghmans ◽  
Steven Dewitte

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