performance matrix
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K. M. Vanitha ◽  
Viswanath Talasila

In this study tremor data of 25 subjects (Senile tremor = 5, Alcohol induced tremor = 9, Healthy individuals = 11) were collected using a wearable device consisting of five Inertial Measuring Units (IMUs) and an embedded optical sensor. The subjects were made to draw the Archimedes spiral under the influence of external stressors. Features were extracted from measured acceleration data and also from an optical sensor. Using the selected features few supervised machined learning algorithms were explored for automatic classification of tremor. Performance matrix used to evaluate the classifier was accuracy, recall, and precision. It is observed that the algorithms are able to accurately classify healthy, senile tremor and alcohol induced tremor.

2021 ◽  
ravgul not provided

VigorNow male Performance Matrix is a natural male performance dietary supplement. It is composed of potent ingredients that aim to enhance the sex life of men, increase libido and sex drive, increase penis girth and length, and harden erections, leading to improved sensitivity of orgasms and longer sexual persistence

2021 ◽  
Julie Dragon

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Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (19) ◽  
pp. 5817
Cristin Umbach ◽  
Alexander Wetzel ◽  
Bernhard Middendorf

It is important to ensure the durability and safety of structures. In the case of newly developed materials that are outside the current rules, it is important to investigate all aspects of structural safety. The material studied in the following is a structural lightweight concrete with an ultra-high-performance matrix and expanded glass as a lightweight aggregate. The material, with a compressive strength of 60–100 MPa and a bulk density of 1.5–1.9 kg/dm3, showed high capillary porosities of 12 vol% (ultra-high-performance concretes (UHPC) < 5 vol%). Since the capillary porosity basically enables transport processes into the concrete, the material had to be examined more closely from the aspect of durability. Freeze-thaw resistance (68 g/m2) and chemical attack with sulfate at pH 3.5 for 12 weeks (16 g/m2) showed no increase in concrete corrosion. Targeted carbonation (0.53 mm/year0.5) and chloride penetration resistance (6.0 × 10−13 to 12.6 × 10−13 m2/s) also showed good results against reinforcement corrosion. The results show that most of the measured capillary pores resulted from the lightweight aggregate and were not all present as a pore system. Thus, the durability was only slightly affected and the concrete can be compared to an UHPC. Only the abrasion resistance showed an increased value (22,000 mm3/5000 mm2), which, however, only matters if the material is used as a screed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 40-63
Richa Misra ◽  
Shalini Srivastava

The way a person orders his food is the next big thing that technology aims to change. The purpose of the study is to empirically examine the factors determining the behavioral intention of customers towards online food delivery services with food delivery aggregators in India. The study has segmented the online food delivery (OFD) dimension into two domains, namely performance and experience factors. Performance factor includes technical attributes like website quality including features like ease of navigation, information quality, and interaction and control over order. Experience factor includes constructs like convenience, price value, and perceived credibility. Three hundred four questionnaires were collected to empirically test the research model using PLS path modeling and important performance matrix approach. The data was collected during pandemic period when people needed to be ensured by the service provider of the hygiene and safety protocols followed by them, ensuring credibility.

Redwan Ahamed Kabir ◽  
Khalid Helal

Purpose of the study: This study aims to examine the causes of seaport congestion at Chittagong seaport. Seaports are vital instruments of international trade and a key to the economic growth of any country. Seaport congestion is a significant issue faced by most of the seaport. Shipping lines carry the cargo from one seaport to another; seaport congestion faced at the one port has a detrimental effect on the economy and trade of the country. Methodology: This study used the survey-based data collected design through convenience sampling from the port employees. The collected data were analysed with SmartPLS 3.2.1. Main Findings: The results of importance-performance matrix analysis (IPMA) reveals that the three most important factors causing the congestion at seaport are information technology, equipment, and time. Research implications: The study findings advocate that seaport authorities need to improve the information technology use at the seaport as well as the equipment utilised for handling the cargo. However, congestion issues can only be resolved by taking a holistic approach and involving all the stakeholders to improve the Chittagong port efficiency as well as bringing trade growth for the country. The novelty of the study: Current work is that the data was collected from one seaport only but the analysis supported the arguments that the seaport equipment, labour, and customs significantly contributing to the seaport congestion. However, the impact of the infrastructure and information technology is insignificant on the seaport congestion as perceived by the study respondents.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (13) ◽  
pp. 4514
Muhammad Fahad Khan ◽  
Muqaddas Bibi ◽  
Farhan Aadil ◽  
Jong-Weon Lee

Monitoring of an underwater environment and communication is essential for many applications, such as sea habitat monitoring, offshore investigation and mineral exploration, but due to underwater current, low bandwidth, high water pressure, propagation delay and error probability, underwater communication is challenging. In this paper, we proposed a sensor node clustering technique for UWSNs named as adaptive node clustering technique (ANC-UWSNs). It uses a dragonfly optimization (DFO) algorithm for selecting ideal measure of clusters needed for routing. The DFO algorithm is inspired by the swarming behavior of dragons. The proposed methodology correlates with other algorithms, for example the ant colony optimizer (ACO), comprehensive learning particle swarm optimizer (CLPSO), gray wolf optimizer (GWO) and moth flame optimizer (MFO). Grid size, transmission range and nodes density are used in a performance matrix, which varies during simulation. Results show that DFO outperform the other algorithms. It produces a higher optimized number of clusters as compared to other algorithms and hence optimizes overall routing and increases the life span of a network.

Paris Johannes Ginting ◽  
Fendi Wijaya ◽  
Calvin Jung

Gojek is a social-minded company that is leading the online-based transportation industry revolution that can be accessed through an application on a smartphone. Gojek also provides various other services such as GoRide, GoCar, GoFood, GoMart, GoBox, and GoSend. There are various kinds of services provided by Gojek which are expected to be able to maintain and improve service quality. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of satisfaction of Universitas Prima Indonesia students with gojek online transportation services. This type of research is a research using survey method. The minimum number of samples that must be taken is 60 people so that the sample can represent the total population. This research uses importance performance analysis (IPA). Importance performance analysis (IPA) is a method used to measure the level of service satisfaction that is included in the quadrants on the importance performance matrix map. The results of the study show that the service quality and facilities provided by Gojek exceed the expected expectations and are sufficient to consumer satisfaction hearts because the services provided by Gojek can be carried out well by Gojek drivers to consumers and the application made by Gojek is very easy to use.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (02) ◽  
pp. 109-139
Djimesah Isaac Edem ◽  
Hongjiang Zhao ◽  
Okine Agnes Naa Dedei ◽  
Duah Elijah

The success rate of crowdfunding has boosted SME growth in developed countries, while the developing nations have not taken advantage of it. This study formulated five hypotheses from some determinants of crowdfunding success, and the outcome demonstrated that all the constructs were supported. The results provided R2 values of the constructs with repercussions on the research proposed model signifying 84.1% variance of crowdfunding success rate for SMEs in the West Africa Region. Using the Important-Performance Matrix Analysis to examine further revealed crowdfunding platform availability had the highest total effect value of 0.890. However, SMEs’ initial capital requirement and duration involved in raising the required funds also affect crowdfunding success rate in terms of performance with an index value of 72.692.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 209-218
Sulistyandari ◽  
M. Arna Ramadhan

Pertumbuhan aset perbankan syariah di Indonesia terus mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat mempunyai intensi yang baik untuk menabung di Bank Syariah. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang berperan dalam mempengaruhi intensi menabung di Bank Syariah, di antaranya religiusitas, kualitas layanan, dan kepercayaan. Penelitian melalui survei terhadap 250 responden dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan importance-performance matrix analysis (IPMA). Hasil penelitian menyajikan tingkat kepentingan (importance) dan performa (performance) untuk setiap variabel dan indikator-indikatornya. Kualitas layanan menjadi variabel yang paling berperan dalam mempengaruhi intensi menabung di Bank Syariah, namun mempunyai performa yang masih rendah. Aspek-aspek kualitas layanan yang perlu untuk diperhatikan agar dapat meningkatkan intensi menabung masyarakat, yaitu penerapan hukum dan prinsip Islam pada Bank Syariah secara utuh, meniadakan bunga  bank (riba), adanya kerjasama dan dukungan dari pihak lain dengan Bank Syariah, biaya layanan yang lebih rendah, aset dan modal Bank Syariah yang semakin besar, dan kemudahan dalam pengajuan pinjaman/pembiayaan dengan persyaratan yang tidak memberatkan nasabah.

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