symbolic code
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Agata Skała

Poetry by Alfred Marek Wierzbicki emphasises conspicuous travel routes, so poems inspired by particular places are easily extractable. By analysing poetic images showing Spain and Latin American countries, the author discusses the nomadic nature of the works presented and reconstructs the poetic creed of the author of 'Stąd i stamtąd' [From here and there]. Tracing the intertextual relationships inscribed in the works, the researcher explains the symbolic code hidden in the landscapes and spaces of cities. As the author of the fictional figure called “Pan Credo” [Mr Credo], Wierzbicki is a poet focused on the axiological issues connected with the significance of human existence and the sense of one’s own permanence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3D) ◽  
pp. 502-510
Konstantin V. Vodenko ◽  
Ivan F. Denisenko ◽  
Valentina I. Rodionova ◽  
Lyudmila I. Makadei ◽  
Natalia N. Voloskova

The article analyzes historical memory as a source for consolidating the applied linguistic educational space. We concluded that the resource of historical memory in development of regional educational space is a socially consolidating factor, since, regardless of the social and cultural capital, it strengthens the collective spatial identity and awareness of belonging (as a historically established socio-territorial community). We considered the role of historical memory in development of the social investment model of regional management as well and concluded that systematic studies of the problems require the use of a multidimensional sociological construct (which is still waiting to be implemented), but it is clear that historical memory is most constructively interpreted not in the context of tradition, but as a cultural symbolic code of the regional management system (if it does not manifest itself in its pure form and includes selection of historical memory elements for solving managerial tasks).

Queue ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 42-67
Timothy Clem ◽  
Patrick Thomson

The Semantic Code team at GitHub builds and operates a suite of technologies that power symbolic code navigation on We learned that scale is about adoption, user behavior, incremental improvement, and utility. Static analysis in particular is difficult to scale with respect to human behavior; we often think of complex analysis tools working to find potentially problematic patterns in code and then trying to convince the humans to fix them. Our approach took a different tack: use basic analysis techniques to quickly put information that augments our ability to understand programs in front of everyone reading code on GitHub with zero configuration required and almost immediate availability after code changes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 97-117 ◽  
Tae-Sik Kim

This study aimed to demonstrate how South Korean news media routinized and sensationalized the face mask amid two recent public health crises: the fine-dust crisis and the COVID-19 epidemic. News media appropriated the mythologized meaning of the face mask as a symbol of individual safety during the two crises. This study analyses news articles to answer three questions: (1) How was wearing the face mask mythologized as a routinized practice in days of uncertain risk? (2) How was the face mask politicized as a mythologized sign indicating China as an external threat? and (3) How was the face mask politicized as a symbolic code of the government’s responsibility for the crisis? Once signified as the primary means of individual protection in the context of Korean risk society, the face mask became politicized amid the shortage of the face mask. Placed in the context of the recent disastrous crises in Korea, China was identified as the culprit not only in the epidemic but also in the shortage of the face mask. The meaning of China as an external threat was continuously strengthened when the South Korean government opted out of the entry ban on Chinese citizens. The last analytic part presents how news media politicized the epidemic by associating the face mask crisis with the Korean government.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Astrid Veranita Indah ◽  
Awal Muqsith

The development of technology in the contemporary era raises various problems of humanitarian crises. The humanitarian crisis was caused by rapid development of capitalist ideology, technology and science. Mass purchases in a short period of time in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic made subjects consume unnecessary items. The subject has a split in understanding reality. Lacan's psychoanalysis is important in understanding the lifestyle of the consumerist society amid the Covid-19 pandemic. The Lacan trilogy is able to analyze of humans as subjects. The purpose of this study was to determine the background of panic buying behavior in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. This research method is a literature study, aimed at analyzing panic buying behavior as a form of consumerism, with the theoretical framework of Jaques Lacan's psychoanalysis. The result of this research is that the currently present subject is a subject in interaction with pure reality which is translated into a symbolic code. A subject who seeks happiness with the desire to be someone else and to calm his panic in an unstable state. The subject considers consumption to be the answer to anxiety symptoms in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 78-88
Hani Latifah

Karya-karya sastra umumnya memiliki tanda atau simbol yang merepresentasikan makna tertentu yang perlu dipecahkan. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan telaah kode-kode yang terdapat dalam cerpen “Tak Ada yang Gila di Kota Ini” karya Eka Kurniawan dengan menggunakan analisis semiotik yang dikemukakan oleh Roland Barthes yang mencakup beberapa sistem kode yaitu kode aksi, kode teka-teki, kode budaya, kode konotatif, dan kode simbolik. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Data diperoleh dengan mengaplikasikan teknik baca dan catat. Data berupa, kata, frasa, klausa, dan atau kalimat. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kelima kode digunakan dalam cerpen diatas. Ada delapan bagian yang merepresentasikan kode aksi. Sementara itu, kode teka-teki digunakan untuk menggambarkan salah satu tokoh. Kode budaya digunakan untuk menggambarkan nilai-nilai yang dianut dan dipercayai para tokoh dalam cerpen. Dan dua kode terakhir yaitu kode konotatif dan simbolik, merupakan dua kode yang saling melengkapi satu sama lain, dimana kode konotatif menyiratkan suatu makna tertentu yang kemudian di di dalam novel tersebut direpresentasikan dalam bentuk symbol-simbol. A SEMIOTIC ANALYSIS OF THE SHORT STORY ENTITLED “NOTHING IS CRAZY IN THIS CITY”Literary works generally decode signs or symbols that represent certain meanings which need to be interpretated. This study reported the analysis of codes contained in the short story entitled “Nothing is Crazy in This City” written by Eka Kurniawan using a semiotic analysis proposed by Roland Barthes which comprised several code systems, namely code of action, code of puzzle, code of culture, connotative code, and symbolic code. The method used in this research was descriptive qualitative research method. The data were obtained by applying reading and note-taking techniques. Data were in the form of words, phrases, clauses, and or sentences. The analysis results showed that the five codes were all used in the short story. Within the story code of actions could be found in eight sections. Meanwhile, a puzzle code was used to describe one of the characters. Cultural codes were used to describe the values upheld and believed by the characters. Lastly, the connotative and symbolic codes were the two codes that complemented each other. The connotative codes implied certain meanings which were then represented in the form of symbols within the short story.

Sensors ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 107
Salvatore Gaglio ◽  
Giuseppe Lo Re ◽  
Gloria Martorella ◽  
Daniele Peri

We propose a methodology to verify applications developed following programming patterns inspired by natural language that interact with physical environments and run on resource-constrained interconnected devices. Natural language patterns allow for the reduction of intermediate abstraction layers to map physical domain concepts into executable code avoiding the recourse to ontologies, which would need to be shared, kept up to date, and synchronized across a set of devices. Moreover, the computational paradigm we use for effective distributed execution of symbolic code on resource-constrained devices encourages the adoption of such patterns. The methodology is supported by a rule-based system that permits runtime verification of Software Under Test (SUT) on board the target devices through automated oracle and test case generation. Moreover, verification extends from syntactic and semantic checks to the evaluation of the effects of SUT execution on target hardware. Additionally, by exploiting rules tying sensors and actuators to physical quantities, the effects of code execution on the physical environment can be verified. The system is also able to build test code to highlight software issues that may arise during repeated SUT execution on the target hardware.

2020 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 193-211
Joyana Dilam Clement ◽  

This study aims to review the literal meaning of Zahari Affandi’s Manisnya Rambutan Kampung. The focus of this research is the interpretation of the literal meaning presented by the writer through the use of symbols. The objectives of this study are to identify the significance of the literal meaning to the community, to analyze the literal meanings in the text from the symbolic code perspective, as well as to evaluate the extent to which the literal meanings in the text conform to connotative properties from this perspective. This research was carried out using a simple qualitative method. The data collected was each illustration of events that employed signs or symbols. Therefore, the research was performed using the Semiotic Theory of Roland Barthes, which focuses on the use of symbols. The present research uses this theory to explore the meanings of signs in a more detailed way in all instances that contain elements of signifiers and signifieds in the literary work. This is due to the fact that the symbols used by the writer in the work have both a literal and implied meaning. Based on the research, we conclude that Zahari Affandi inserted several symbols with their own meaning in his work to convey certain messages.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 513-532
K. L. Broad

This article details intersectional social movement storytelling produced by a racially mixed group of gay men in the 1980s to articulate, and insist upon, antiracist gay liberation. Based on a larger project of narrative ethnography of the organization Black and White Men Together (BWMT), I describe how BWMT drew upon the movement story of an ideal community from the civil rights movement (Beloved Community) and re-storied it to confront a narrow gay movement and reassert an anti-racist gay liberation critique. I trace how they did so via storytelling strategies using (1) “salience work” and (2) what I call “both/and work”— interpretive processes operating to shift the symbolic code of integration and the emotional code of love to be relevant in the complex political context of the 1980s. I conclude by reiterating how these strategies are bound to their times and assert the potential of social movement storytelling for intersectional scholarship.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 319-338
Sohaimi Abdul Aziz ◽  

The Keris is a short-bladed dagger considered to be the traditional weapon of the Malays. The dagger known as “keris Taming Sari” is the weapon of Hang Tuah in Hikayat Hang Tuah. This keris is not only a traditional Malay weapon but also a symbol of Malay culture. However, there have not been any systematic studies about the keris Taming Sari. Based on the cultural studies of Edgar H. Schein, Taming Sari can be seen as a cultural organization with a layered structure. Each cultural layer has a specific meaning. The first layer is the artifact layer and the second layer is the value layer; both of these are obvious or explicit. However, the third layer is hidden or unseen. For this, it is necessary to use Roland Barthes’s semiotics approach. Two codes have been selected, namely the symbolic code and the cultural code, to interpret the meanings within this third layer. This study finds that in the first layer, keris Taming Sari has a form that consists of the hilt, sheath and blade. In the second layer, the usage value is evident, as keris Taming Sari is a weapon and a gift. By using the symbolic code, this third layer of Taming Sari reveals magical and miraculous values, while the cultural code reveals that the third layer indicates two underlying beliefs: animism and feudalism. The three cultural layers together give keris Taming Sari its own identity as a cultural artifact in Malay culture

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