domestic technology
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2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 12-20
I. Zhuravleva ◽  
Elena Popova

Without the creation of Russian technology for designing SoC, it is impossible to provide a modern level of VLSI development, both for defense and civil applications. This is in line with global development trends. Nevertheless, it is necessary to highlight only those essential processes that are most consistent with Russian realities and can help in solving specific problems of the defense industry and the economy as a whole at the lowest cost and in the shortest possible time. The most important element of the implementation of SoC technology is the organization of a single sign-on to locate the production of microcircuits based on this technology. This will allow to drastically reduce costs, to certify the system of complex functional blocks, to increase the reliability and sustainability of developments. Even in organizational terms, this will allow an organized firm (conditionally - Silicon Gate) to be included as a certified chip manufacturer in any contracts with MO. The article discusses the structuring of programs for the development of domestic technology of SoC systems on a chip, the coordination of the SoC area of developments and complex functional blocks, as well as their information support.

Significance The law underlines the government’s effort to boost the cybersecurity of Chinese networks, especially of critical infrastructure. China presents itself as a major victim of cyberattacks, including from foreign actors, just as it draws growing criticism from Western governments as a leading sponsor of hacks, espionage operations and intrusions. Impacts Foreign cybersecurity services providers will have restricted access to China’s market. Chinese tech indigenisation could weaken its cybersecurity if domestic technology is less secure than its foreign counterpart. Beijing will counter but avoid publicly attributing cyberattacks to specific state-linked actors.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (6) ◽  
pp. e0252669
Jingjing Li ◽  
Gang Liu ◽  
Zihan Ma

Although R&D internationalization plays an important role in enterprises’ globalization, few studies explore the mechanism of R&D internationalization and emerging market companies’ innovation, or the relationship between R&D internationalization, domestic technology alliances and absorptive capacity. How does the R&D internationalization of emerging market enterprises affect the innovation of those enterprises? Under fierce market competition, do absorption capacity and domestic technology alliances have a significant impact on enterprise innovation? From the perspective of the knowledge-based view, this paper studies 185 enterprises undergoing R&D internationalization in China from 2012 to 2017, using high-dimensional Poisson fixed effects model, we use instrumental (HDFE IV) estimation to explain the impact of R&D internationalization on the innovation of the parent company and the mechanism behind it. The study finds that R&D internationalization positively promotes the parent company’s innovation, and domestic technology alliances and absorptive capacity play a partial mediator role in R&D internationalization. In the face of fierce market competition, domestic technical alliances play a significant role in promoting enterprise innovation, while absorptive capacity plays a negative role in promoting enterprise innovation with the moderating effect of market competition.

Randolph Luca Bruno ◽  
Kirill Osaulenko ◽  
Slavo Radosevic

The chapter applies a newly developed approach to technology upgrading to a sample of sixteen economies during 2002–16. The “Index of Technology Upgrading” is based on three complementary, but autonomous components that proxy for three different dimensions of the technology upgrading process: scale or intensity of technology activities (A); breadth or scope of technology upgrading activities (B); and interaction with the economy related to technology exchange (C). The results of our study reveal facets of the technology upgrading process and the relative positions of countries, which conventional mainstream approaches and composite indicators do not make evident. We conduct an econometric exercise, which shows that the index of technology upgrading contributes significantly to explaining changes in both total factor productivity and labor productivity, but that the index of technology exchange has no explanatory power. This latter result suggests that to contribute to increased productivity, openness to technology exchange needs to be complemented by domestic technology accumulation activities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 24
Hongbo Jiang

FDI and human capital flow, as an important path of international technology diffusion, is an important driving force for technological progress in a region. Using panel data of 30 provinces and cities in China, this paper examines the relationship between FDI, human capital flow and technological progress in different regions of China. The empirical results show that the two approaches play an important role in technological progress in different regions of China, but the contribution degree is different. Various regions should implement appropriate policies to make full use of the technology spillover effect of export and human capital flow to accelerate technological progress, and form a smooth domestic technology diffusion mechanism to accelerate the transmission of foreign RESEARCH and development, and finally promote the coordinated development of regional economy.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Dingping Cheng ◽  
Sumei Gan

PurposeThe purpose of this study is mainly to investigate the stimulating effect on technology transactions of trade competition resultant from RMB appreciation.Design/methodology/approachThis study uses Chinese provincial panel data from 1998 to 2015 and utilizes GMM method to estimate the stimulating effect of RMB appreciation on technical transactions through trade competition.FindingsThe results demonstrate that RMB appreciation can encourage enterprises to make use of domestic technology market resources for innovation. Specifically, the increase in imports due to the appreciation of RMB can generate technology spill-over and significantly promote technology trade. The export competition resultant from RMB appreciation can also encourage domestic and foreign enterprises to enhance export competitiveness through increased technology transactions.Originality/valueThe current research investigates the impact of exchange rate on independent innovation, but this study demonstrates the influence of exchange rate on technology transactions. In addition, the data in this study cover 1998–2015 in China and thus contributes to determining the effects of exchange rate appreciation in emerging countries.

2021 ◽  
pp. 81-91
Sergei Petrenko ◽  

Purpose of the article: development of tools for building the cyber resilient platform for Internet of things (IIoT/IoT). The urgency of development the cyber resilient platform for Internet of things (IIoT/IoT) is to provide the required security and resilience of critical information infrastructure of the Russian Federation in the face of rising security threats, and imperfection of the known models, methods and means for data collection and processing in IIoT/IoT networks, based on the wireless technology Sigfox, LoRaWaN, “Strij/”Vaviot” (XNB/Nb-Fi), NBIoT. Research methods: It uses the author’s models and methods of similarity and dimensions theory of the distributed computing, as well as the domestic technology of wireless communication Logic Inter Node Connection (LINC) (http://, as well as the domestic FenixOS operating system (, designed for collecting and processing the telemetry data. Results: Developed tools for building the cyber resilient platform for Internet of things (IIoT/IoT). The article presents the main scientific and technical results of solving this problem. The research was carried out within the framework of the Federal project “Information security” of the national program “Digital economy of the Russian Federation”. It is important to note that the results allowed designing a prototype of the domestic Internet of things (IIoT/IoT) platform with self-healing data reception and transmission paths between smart devices

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Brychan Thomas ◽  
Lyndon Murphy ◽  
Christopher Miller

Purpose – The aim of this paper is to investigate the importance of research and development activity in Health sector small and medium-sized companies in Wales. Design/methodology/approach – The case study approach involved extensive examination of the phenomenon of research and development in the organisations researched. Data for the case studies has been obtained from information relating to the organisations investigated. These have been combined with secondary and internal data sources from the organisations for completeness. Three case studies have been undertaken in the health sector in Wales and these are reported according to the company background, research and development (R&D) activity and the importance of R&D. Findings – The health companies studied reported that they undertook R&D in partnership with other companies, universities and the NHS. In particular universities were considered to be important sources of knowledge and technological expertise. In fact, R&D in universities has the important aim of providing postgraduate students with research skills, and related to this, public R&D creates considerable knowledge spillovers to small health businesses through “tacit” knowledge, training of researchers and collaborative ventures. Originality/value – A significant policy research question regarding the importance of R&D activity for health sector small and medium-sized companies asks to what extent domestic technology progress is influenced by global developments or domestic R&D. The answer appears to be that domestic technology progress is influenced by a combination of both global developments and domestic R&D.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 112-127

The review analyzes the development of domestic technology for manufacturing highly sensitive and stable photoresistors from solid solutions of the CdxHg1-xTe tri-ple system since the 70s of the last century. The volt sensitivity of modern photoresistors made of heteroepitaxial structures n–CdxHg1-xTe, obtained by molecu-lar beam epitaxyon a gallium arsenide substrate, in the spectral range of 8–12 mi-crons with a photosensitive pixelsize of 5050 microns, operating under nonequilibriumcon-ditions of the exclusion of minority charge carriers, reaches a value of Suλmax107V/W with a specific detection capacity D*λmax (1200.1,14o) of more than51011cmGz1/2W-1at liquid nitrogen temperature. The high voltage sensi-tivity and low power output (510-7W) of photoresistors in the design of a with a radialarrangement of contactsallow you to create focal matrices based on them with a number of pixels of106.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 250-265
Hryhorii Luparenko

Based on the source and comparative analysis of the history of creation, design, and production of the Kyiv Motorcycle Works’ motorcycles, the value of the MT10-36 motorcycle as the landmark of science and technology has been determined. It has been shown that the development of a new engine and MT10-36 motorcycle was, first of all, the initiative of the plant’s engineers. Ovcharenko M. completed the development of a 650 cubic capacity boxer engine. The design of new units and a vehicle outpaced the technological capabilities of the plant. This led to a delay in introducing new technology into production. The involvement of the Foundry Department of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute under the leadership of K. Vashchenko made it possible to improve the production technology of the motorcycle engine. The reliability of the engine has increased. The design of the engine of the Kyiv Motorcycle Works was in line with the tendencies of the world motorcycle industry. On the basis of a comparative analysis of the MT10-36 motorcycle design and the Ural motorcycle of the Irbit plant (Russian Federation), the strengths and weaknesses of the vehicle design have been determined. Selected episodes of sales of the Kyiv Motorcycle Plant’s motorcycles within the country and abroad have been highlighted. It has been highlighted that the motorcycle was operated in conditions that did not reveal its speed and transport capabilities. The motorcycle’s design outpaced the pace of development of transport infrastructure (highways). The basic principles of museification of motor vehicles have been considered. It has been noted that one of the valuable qualities of the landmark of technology is the reflection of the peculiarities of the use of the object and its change after leaving the plants’ shop. Some aspects of the principles of technique restoration as a material historical source with the optimal preservation of the landmark and the information reflected in it have been considered. It has been concluded that the MT10-36 motorcycle meets the criteria of the landmark of science and technology in the broad sense of this concept. The motorcycle embodies the original technical solutions of native engineers, reflects the level of development of domestic technology and illustrates the practice of operating motorcycle technology.

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