test management
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2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 144-162
Dinar Roudhotul Lailia ◽  
Eni Fariyatul Fahyuni ◽  
Moch. Bahak Udin By Arifin

Management of education information systems is the management and utilization of information and communication technology (ICT) in education or e-Education. The management of the education information system has contributed to facilitating the tasks carried out by all teaching staff during the pandemic that occurred in Indonesia. This research is a quantitative study where this study aims to determine whether implementing education information system management on the professionalism and pedagogic competence of teachers in MI Muslimat NU Pucang and SD Muhammadiyah 1 Pucanganom Sidoarjo. In the process, this study conducted data collection techniques in questionnaires, interviews, and observations. Data management obtained from data collection results is managed using quantitative techniques through statistical test management using SPSS version 19. It is known from the results of the regression test from the analysis of the research results showing that the t value in the table is 1.993, for professional competence t count is 4.540 then ( 4,540> 1,993), and the pedagogic competence t count is 4,030 then (4,030> 1,993). So it concluded that Ho is rejected. It states that the education information system's management affects teachers' professionalism and pedagogic competence at MI Muslimat NU Pucang and SD Muhammaidyah 1 Pucanganom Sidoarjo

2021 ◽  
Massimo Micocci ◽  
Adam L Gordon ◽  
A Joy Allen ◽  
Timothy Hicks ◽  
Patrick Kierkegaard ◽  

Abstract Introduction Care home residents are at high risk of dying from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Regular testing, producing rapid and reliable results is important in this population because infections spread quickly, and presentations are often atypical or asymptomatic. This study evaluated current testing pathways in care homes to explore the role of point-of-care tests (POCTs). Methods A total of 10 staff from eight care homes, purposively sampled to reflect care organisational attributes that influence outbreak severity, underwent a semi-structured remote videoconference interview. Transcripts were analysed using process mapping tools and framework analysis focussing on perceptions about, gaps within and needs arising from current pathways. Results Four main steps were identified in testing: infection prevention, preparatory steps, swabbing procedure and management of residents. Infection prevention was particularly challenging for mobile residents with cognitive impairment. Swabbing and preparatory steps were resource-intensive, requiring additional staff resource. Swabbing required flexibility and staff who were familiar to the resident. Frequent approaches to residents were needed to ensure they would participate at a suitable time. After-test management varied between sites. Several homes reported deviating from government guidance to take more cautious approaches, which they perceived to be more robust. Conclusion Swab-based testing is organisationally complex and resource-intensive in care homes. It needs to be flexible to meet the needs of residents and provide care homes with rapid information to support care decisions. POCT could help address gaps but the complexity of the setting means that each technology must be evaluated in context before widespread adoption in care homes.

2021 ◽  
pp. 113-141
Manfred Baumgartner ◽  
Martin Klonk ◽  
Christian Mastnak ◽  
Helmut Pichler ◽  
Richard Seidl ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 40 (4) ◽  
pp. 262-269
Rahmad Budianto ◽  
Tri Wahju Astuti

Occupational asthma is defined as an adult onset of asthma triggered by specific exposures or combinations from the workplace. Occupational asthma is classified into a sensitizer-induced occupational asthma or allergic occupational asthma caused by exposure or sensitization by a causative agents induced by immunological reactions; and irritant-induced occupational asthma or non-allergic occupational asthma caused by agents that are irritative to the airway. Occupational asthma can occur in health workers at hospitals. In the hospital there are various exposure of agents, medicines, and health equipments which can induce the asthma symptoms for health workers. The diagnosis of occupational asthma established by history taking, physical examination, supporting examination (spirometry, bronchial hyper-responsiveness test, exhaled nitric oxide, and immunological tests), and biomarker test. Management of occupational asthma includes principle management by avoiding exposure, pharmacological therapy, and immunotherapy. Precautions taken by primary, secondary (medical surveilance) and tertiary prevention (prevention of disability through worker’s compensation system).

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 59-64
Ramdhani M Natsir

Introduction. Exam management is crucial in the implementation of evaluation in educational institutions. This isbecause the test implementation process is one of the determinants of the quality of an institution. This study aims toassess the optimization of examination management in the health analyst department of the Health Polytechnic of theMinistry of Health in Maluku. Methods. This study used a descriptive research design. This research was conducted inthe health analyst department of the Maluku Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health in July - August 2019. The samplein this study were all employees and students in the Maluku Health Poltekkes Department of Health analyst with thesampling technique using total sampling. A Likert scale questionnaire was used as an instrument in the study. Results.There are respondents with more job distribution, namely 45 students (80.4%). Respondents who rated theapplication and website development category as very satisfied were 30 respondents (53.5%), and satisfied were 26respondents (46.5%). Respondents who assessed the optimal management of the examination category were verysatisfied with 38 respondents (67.8%), and satisfied with 18 respondents (32.2%). Conclusion. There is no relationshipbetween the implementation of the SOP for exam management with optimal exam management, and there is arelationship between making applications and websites with optimal exam management.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. e000926
Olivia Barratt ◽  
Melanie Simms ◽  
Miriam John ◽  
Michael Lewis ◽  
Phil Atkin

Histological, haematological and microbiological investigations are essential in the field of oral medicine and are a crucial adjunct to clinical findings, often being relied on to obtain a definitive diagnosis. Importantly, in some cases, these investigations can help exclude or confirm the presence of malignancy. This project highlighted some problems regarding labelling and recording of specimens in an oral medicine department and a lack of clear specimen management processes. It aimed to improve specimen management by reducing reported incidents surrounding diagnostic tests. Quality improvement methods such as process mapping were key to understanding the journey of specimens and the departments involved at each stage of the system. Initiatives included a recording log book, staff training, information signage around the clinic and delegation of responsibilities, all of which were implemented over multiple plan, do, study, act (PDSA) cycles. The project was extremely successful and since implementation there has been a clear and sustained reduction in reported incidents. The small number of incidents which did occur all involved transportation of specimens and none involved labelling or recording. One can conclude that the change in test management systems in terms of recording and labelling of specimens in the department has been sustained. Ongoing engagement with stakeholders and senior leaders is the priority to ensure further reduction in incidents in the future and that the improvements are maintained. This project demonstrates how simple, realistic, cost-effective, quality improvement initiatives can have a significant positive impact on patient care and hospital management systems.

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