interface displacement
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2021 ◽  
Vol 49 (3) ◽  
pp. 773-779
Alexander S. Greenstein ◽  
Raymond E. Chen ◽  
Emma Knapp ◽  
Alexander M. Brown ◽  
Aaron Roberts ◽  

Background: Previous studies comparing stability between single- and double-row arthroscopic bony Bankart repair techniques focused only on the measurements of tensile forces on the bony fragment without re-creating a more physiologic testing environment. Purpose: To compare dynamic stability and displacement between single- and double-row arthroscopic repair techniques for acute bony Bankart lesions in a concavity-compression cadaveric model simulating physiologic conditions. Study Design: Controlled laboratory study. Methods: Testing was performed on 13 matched pairs of cadaveric glenoids with simulated bony Bankart fractures with a defect width of 25% of the inferior glenoid diameter. Half of the fractures were repaired with a double-row technique, and the contralateral glenoids were repaired with a single-row technique. To determine dynamic biomechanical stability and ultimate step-off of the repairs, a 150-N load and 2000 cycles of internal-external rotation at 1 Hz were applied to specimens to simulate early rehabilitation. Toggle was quantified throughout cycling with a coordinate measuring machine. Three-dimensional spatial measurements were calculated. After cyclic loading, the fracture displacement was measured. Results: The bony Bankart fragment–glenoid initial step-off was found to be significantly greater ( P < .001) for the single-row technique (mean, 896 µm; SD, 282 µm) compared with the double-row technique (mean, 436 µm; SD, 313 µm). The motion toggle was found to be significantly greater ( P = .017) for the single-row technique (mean, 994 µm; SD, 711 µm) compared with the double-row technique (mean, 408 µm; SD, 384 µm). The ultimate interface displacement was found to be significantly greater ( P = .029) for the single-row technique (mean, 1265 µm; SD, 606 µm) compared with the double-row technique (mean, 795 µm; SD, 398 µm). Conclusion: Using a concavity-compression glenohumeral cadaveric model, we found that the double-row arthroscopic fixation technique for bony Bankart repair resulted in superior stability and decreased displacement during simulated rehabilitation when compared with the single-row repair technique. Clinical Relevance: The findings from this study may help guide surgical decision-making by demonstrating superior biomechanical properties (improved initial step-off, motion toggle, and interface displacement) of the double-row bony Bankart repair technique when compared with single-row fixation. The double-row repair construct demonstrated increased stability of the bony Bankart fragment, which may improve bony Bankart healing.

Yanan Zhu ◽  
Shuqing Zhang ◽  
Siqi Yu ◽  
Yingdong Wei ◽  
Jinfeng Zhang ◽  

RSC Advances ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (53) ◽  
pp. 30441-30447 ◽  
Le Hoang Phu Pham ◽  
Luis Bautista ◽  
Deyvid C. Vargas ◽  
Xiaolong Luo

Fluid viscosity proportional to pressure drop in a capillary (L) was reflected by the air–fluid interface displacement (ΔL) to enclosed air.

Luigi Carassale ◽  
Mirko Maurici

The component mode synthesis (CMS) based on the Craig–Bampton (CB) method has two strong limitations that appear when the number of the interface degrees-of-freedom (DOFs) is large. First, the reduced-order model (ROM) obtained is overweighed by many unnecessary DOF. Second, the reduction step may become extremely time consuming. Several interface reduction (IR) techniques addressed successfully the former problem, while the latter remains open. In this paper, we tackle this latter problem through a simple IR technique based on an a-priory choice of the interface modes. An efficient representation of the interface displacement field is achieved adopting a set of orthogonal basis functions determined by the interface geometry. The proposed method is compared with other existing IR methods on a case study regarding a rotor blade of an axial compressor.

Luigi Carassale ◽  
Mirko Maurici

The component mode synthesis based on the Craig-Bampton method has two strong limitations that appear when the number of the interface degrees of freedom is large. First, the reduced-order model obtained is overweighed by many unnecessary degrees of freedom. Second, the reduction step may become extremely time consuming. Several interface reduction techniques addressed successfully the former problem, while the latter remains open. In this paper we tackle this latter problem through a simple interface-reduction technique based on an a-priory choice of the interface modes. An efficient representation of the interface displacement field is achieved adopting a set of orthogonal basis functions determined by the interface geometry. The proposed method is compared with other existing interface reduction methods on a case study regarding a rotor blade of an axial compressor.

Isaac Perez-Raya ◽  
Satish G. Kandlikar

In developing numerical code for interfacial evaporation problems, 1st Stefan problem is generally used for validation. In this paper, both 1st and 2nd Stefan problems are used for validating a numerical code that utilizes volume of fluid method and is based on ANSYS-Fluent along with user defined functions (UDFs) to account for the mass and energy transfer at the interface. The 2nd Stefan problem incorporates heat transfer in both phases and provides a more realistic representation of an evaporating interface. Emphasis is put on the vapor-liquid heat transfer, which takes into account the sensible heat transfer in the liquid phase where liquid conduction effects are important. The mass transfer model takes into account the temperature gradients in both phases at the interface. Analytical solutions for the two Stefan problems are reported and used for validation purposes. Results show that the interface displacement and temperature distributions are simulated accurately. The current approach utilizes the robust platform of ANSYS-Fluent while allowing an accurate representation of the phase change processes at the interface.

2015 ◽  
Vol 775 ◽  
pp. 304-327 ◽  
B. R. Sutherland ◽  
S. Keating ◽  
I. Shrivastava

We report upon laboratory experiments and numerical simulations examining the evolution of an interfacial internal solitary wave incident upon a triangular ridge whose peak lies below the interface. If the ridge is moderately large, the wave is observed to shoal and break similar to solitary waves shoaling upon a constant slope, but interfacial waves are also observed to transmit over and reflect from the ridge. In laboratory experiments, by measuring the interface displacement as it evolves in time, we measure the relative transmission and reflection of available potential energy after the incident wave has interacted with the ridge. The numerical simulations of laboratory- and ocean-scale waves measure both the available potential and kinetic energy to determine the partition of incident energy into that which is transmitted and reflected. From shallow-water theory, we define a critical amplitude, $A_{c}$, above which interfacial waves are unstable. The transmission is found to decrease from one to zero as the ratio of the incident wave amplitude to $A_{c}$ increases from less than to greater than one. Empirical fits are made to analytic curves through measurements of the transmission and reflection coefficients.

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