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2021 ◽  
Timothy Duignan

Accurately reproducing the structure of liquid water with ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulation is a crucial first step on the path towards accurately predicting the properties of liquid solutions without relying on experiment. Density functional theory (DFT) is normally used to approximate the forces in these simulations. However, no DFT functional has been shown to give an entirely satisfactory description of the structure of liquid water. Here, I propose a simple correction to the strongly constrained and appropriately normalised (SCAN) DFT functional, that corrects the strength of the hydrogen bonding interaction with a simple exponential potential fitted to dimer energy calculations. The resulting SCAN-CH functional provides an excellent description of the structure of liquid water. Long time scale NPT simulations are enabled by the use of neural network potentials, which demonstrate that the simulations are well converged and that the density of water is also more accurately reproduced with this method.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (10) ◽  
Wolfgang Altmannshofer ◽  
Peter Stangl

AbstractThe anomalies in rare B decays endure. We present results of an updated global analysis that takes into account the latest experimental input – in particular the recent results on $$R_K$$ R K and BR$$(B_s \rightarrow \mu ^+\mu ^-)$$ ( B s → μ + μ - ) – and that qualitatively improves the treatment of theory uncertainties. Fit results are presented for the Wilson coefficients of four-fermion contact interactions. We find that muon specific Wilson coefficients $$C_9 \simeq -0.73$$ C 9 ≃ - 0.73 or $$C_9 = -C_{10} \simeq -0.39$$ C 9 = - C 10 ≃ - 0.39 continue to give an excellent description of the data. If only theoretically clean observables are considered, muon specific $$C_{10} \simeq 0.60$$ C 10 ≃ 0.60 or $$C_9=-C_{10} \simeq -0.35$$ C 9 = - C 10 ≃ - 0.35 improve over the Standard Model by $$\sqrt{\Delta \chi ^2} \simeq 4.7\sigma $$ Δ χ 2 ≃ 4.7 σ and $$\sqrt{\Delta \chi ^2} \simeq 4.6\sigma $$ Δ χ 2 ≃ 4.6 σ , respectively. In various new physics scenarios we provide predictions for lepton flavor universality observables and CP asymmetries that can be tested with more data. We update our previous combination of ATLAS, CMS, and LHCb data on BR$$(B_s \rightarrow \mu ^+\mu ^-)$$ ( B s → μ + μ - ) and BR$$(B^0\rightarrow \mu ^+\mu ^-)$$ ( B 0 → μ + μ - ) taking into account the full two-dimensional non-Gaussian experimental likelihoods.

Atoms ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 52
Armando Francesco Borghesani

We report new accurate measurements of the drift mobility μ of quasifree electrons in moderately dense helium gas in the temperature range 26K≤T≤300K for densities lower than those at which states of electrons localized in bubbles appear. By heuristically including multiple-scattering effects into classical kinetic formulas, as previously done for neon and argon, an excellent description of the field E, density N, and temperature T dependence of μ is obtained. Moreover, the experimental evidence suggests that the strong decrease of the zero-field density-normalized mobility μ0N with increasing N from the low up to intermediate density regime is mainly due to weak localization of electrons caused by the intrinsic disorder of the system, whereas the further decrease of μ0N for even larger N is due to electron self-trapping in cavities. We suggest that a distinction between weakly localized and electron bubble states can be done by inspecting the behavior of μ0N as a function of N at intermediate densities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. p11
Wanting Zhang

The two works Letter from an Unknown Woman and A Rose for Emily have made excellent description of woman’s love and contained profound meanings. The former is a passionate confession, and the latter is an implicit critique. This essay compares and analyzes the two heroines’ love tragedies from the perspective of Freud’s Personality Structure Theory and attempts to explore how the id, ego and superego influence the heroines’ psychology and behavior. The Psychoanalysis approach offers insight into the cause of their tragedies, it’s the imbalance of their personality structure leads to their doomed tragic fates.

Metals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 179
Chiara Paoletti ◽  
Emanuela Cerri ◽  
Emanuele Ghio ◽  
Eleonora Santecchia ◽  
Marcello Cabibbo ◽  

The effects of postprocessing annealing at 225 °C for 2 h on the creep properties of AlSi10Mg alloy were investigated through constant load experiments carried out at 150 °C, 175 °C and 225 °C. In the range of the experimental conditions here considered, the annealing treatment resulted in an increase in minimum creep rate for a given stress. The reduction in creep strength was higher at the lowest temperature, while the effect progressively vanished as temperature increased and/or applied stress decreased. The minimum creep rate dependence on applied stress was modeled using a physically-based model which took into account the ripening of Si particles at high temperature and which had been previously applied to the as-deposited alloy. The model was successfully validated, since it gave an excellent description of the experimental data.

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 ◽  
José Manuel Vidal Ortuño

Se estudia en este artículo el paisaje como materia literaria en el joven Azorín, el de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX, renovador de viejos tópicos literarios como el beatus ille y el locus amoenus. A este tiempo nuevo le correspondería, qué duda cabe, una nueva estética (que quedará expresada en dos cuentos de Bohemia, 1897), cuyos postulados, sin duda innovadores, serán llevados a la práctica en Charivari (también de 1897), mediante una magnífica descripción del Collado de Salinas, lugar de huida y refugio para  J. Martínez Ruiz. Una descripción que, como tema con variaciones, aparecerá luego en otras obras del autor.  This article studies the landscape in regard to literary works in the young Azorín, the one from the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, which renewed old literary clichés such as beatus ille and locus amoenus. In this new era, there is no question that, a new aesthetic (which will be expressed in two stories from Bohemia, 1897), whose postulates, undoubtedly innovative, will be put into practice in Charivari (also from 1897), through an excellent description of the Collado de Salinas, a place of refuge and flight for J. Martínez Ruiz. Such description, with variations on a theme, will be found later in other works of the writer.

2020 ◽  
Vol 117 (24) ◽  
pp. 13379-13385
Hadar Shlomai ◽  
David S. Kammer ◽  
Mokhtar Adda-Bedia ◽  
Jay Fineberg

Frictional motion between contacting bodies is governed by propagating rupture fronts that are essentially earthquakes. These fronts break the contacts composing the interface separating the bodies to enable their relative motion. The most general type of frictional motion takes place when the two bodies are not identical. Within these so-called bimaterial interfaces, the onset of frictional motion is often mediated by highly localized rupture fronts, called slip pulses. Here, we show how this unique rupture mode develops, evolves, and changes the character of the interface’s behavior. Bimaterial slip pulses initiate as “subshear” cracks (slower than shear waves) that transition to developed slip pulses where normal stresses almost vanish at their leading edge. The observed slip pulses propagate solely within a narrow range of “transonic” velocities, bounded between the shear wave velocity of the softer material and a limiting velocity. We derive analytic solutions for both subshear cracks and the leading edge of slip pulses. These solutions both provide an excellent description of our experimental measurements and quantitatively explain slip pulses’ limiting velocities. We furthermore find that frictional coupling between local normal stress variations and frictional resistance actually promotes the interface separation that is critical for slip-pulse localization. These results provide a full picture of slip-pulse formation and structure that is important for our fundamental understanding of both earthquake motion and the most general types of frictional processes.

2020 ◽  
pp. 170-184
Tom Scott-Smith

This concluding chapter summarizes the major insights of the previous chapters and explores the balance of gains and losses modernity has created within the history of humanitarian nutrition. This “Faustian pact of modernity” produces incredible results, but exacts terrible costs. It generates wealth and opportunity, but leads to the destruction of tradition. It produces new freedoms, but imprisonment in bureaucratic machinery and selfish individualism. It creates material comforts, but the destruction of the natural environment. The chapter shows how this account of modernity makes for an excellent description of humanitarianism and its history. To conclude, the chapter presents some lessons and recommendations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 ◽  
pp. 295
L. A. Kaliambos

Considerable charge distributions in nucléons as multiples of the fractional charges 2e/3 and -e/3 are determined after a careful analysis of the magnetic moments and the results of the deep inelastic scattering. In fact nucleons have fairly large magnetic moments which imply charge distributions of 8e/3 and -8e/3 along the peripheries of proton and neutron respectively. According to the deep inelastic scattering the corresponding charges of -5e/3 and 8e/3 are limited at the centers of the above nucleons. Basic equations derived from such distributed charges lead to the orientation of spins of nucleons and give strong and short ranged forces like the dipole-dipole interactions leading also to the well known binding energy of the deuteron which operates in radial direction with S=1. This operation due to the basic electromagnetic interaction of the opposite charges along the peripheries is in contrast to the Pauli principle. According to these fundamental interactions, p-p and n-n systems repel and only the p-n bonds form rectangles and closely packed parallelepipeds for the structure of nuclei providing an excellent description of nuclear properties.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 ◽  
pp. 253
S. Karatzikos ◽  
G. A. Lalazissis ◽  
R. Fossion ◽  
D. Peña-Arteaga ◽  
P. Ring

We propose a modification of the effective force NL3, which presents the very succesful parameterization for the Lagrangian of the Relativistic Mean Field (RMF) theory. The new effective force with the name NL3* has phenomenological para- meters. It improves the ground state properties of many nuclei and simultaneously provides an excellent description of excited states with collective character in sphe- rical and axially deformed nuclei.

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