membership management
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2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 1069-1079
Marcel Ausloos ◽  
Claudiu Herteliu

The paper focusses on the growth or/and decline in the number of devotees in UK Dioceses of the Church of England during the “Decade of Evangelism” [1990–2000]. In this study, rank-size relationships and subsequent correlations are searched for through various performance indicators of evangelism management. A strong structural regularity is found. Moreover, it is shown that such key indicators appear to fall into two different classes. This unexpected feature seems to indicate some basic universality regimes, in particular to distinguish behaviour measures. Rank correlations between indicators measures further emphasise some difference in evangelism management between Evangelical and Catholic Anglican tradition dioceses (or rather bishops) during that time interval.

Robert Jeyakumar Nathan ◽  
Desmond Chong Fook Chiun ◽  
Norazah Mohd Suki

In promoting tourism, businesses in entertainment industry should provide e-commerce to their potential customers. Amongst the businesses in entertainment that are engaged in e-commerce include Sunway Lagoon, Golden Screen Cinemas (GSC), Escape-Room and KidZania. Hence, this chapter presents an evaluation of online marketing strategies and tools used by airlines industries like Malaysia Airlines System (MAS), Firefly, AirAsia, and Malindo Air, besides entertainment industries such as Sunway Lagoon, Golden Screen Cinemas (GSC), Escape-Room and KidZania. This research noted that websites need to be more interactive, enable customers to interact and socialize among each other through membership management and additional value-added information. Website with graphics and hyperlinks are not persuasive enough, website should improve with additional suggestions or ‘show more' features to invite customer perform additional clicks and explore to the website. Most of the website offers membership to its customer. This, this membership function should be fully utilized.

2020 ◽  
pp. 178-182
Miduk Purba ◽  
Arlina Paratiwi Purba ◽  
Angelia Maharani Purba

Job skills are one of the important soft skills for an employee. In fact, many university graduates face obstacles when looking for jobs because of low job skills. The purpose of this study was to identify the employer perceptions of the most important job skills in the manufacturing industry. This study also aimed to determine differences in important job skills based on perspectives of employers, gender, company size, and company type in the manufacturing industry. This study used a survey method for employers in Riau Islands through a questionnaire based on the membership management information system. The Riau Islands Province Chambers of Commerce and Industry has 2437 companies. By using Bartlett, Kotrlik & Higgins Table, population 2437, margin error 0.03, α = 0.05, total sample was 119. The questionnaire was sent to the manufacturing industry randomly. Based on the twoway analysis of variance with SPSS V-20, communication skills were the most important job skills. Then, based on the perspective of employers, there were no significant differences between gender, company size, and company type on job skills.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (24) ◽  
pp. 10330
Nam-Su Jho ◽  
Taek-Young Youn

For secure location proof in many applications, distance bounding protocols are considered as one of the useful tools that can be used in practice. In distance bounding protocols, a prover and a verifier can measure the distance between them by performing an interactive protocol. In general, the verifier is regarded as an honest service provider, and thus, an adversarial verifier is not considered for security analysis. However, we cannot ignore the possibility of the corruption of the verifier, which can spoil the prover’s privacy. To handle the security problem, a prover-anonymous and deniable distance bounding protocol is proposed, which can guarantee the privacy of the prover even though the verifier is corrupted. In this paper, we review the prover-anonymous and deniable distance bounding protocol in terms of the membership management, and we show that the communication overhead in the protocol for each membership change is O(n) where n is the number of users. Then, we propose an improved membership management technique, which can efficiently support membership change in terms of the communication overhead. The improved technique requires O(1) for each membership change instead of O(n), as in the existing protocol.

2020 ◽  
Vol 90 ◽  
pp. 60-78
Bastian Schweiger ◽  
Sascha Albers ◽  
Johanna Vanderstraeten ◽  
Jenny Gibb

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 33
Muthmainnah Muthmainnah ◽  
Wiwis Sasmitaninghidayah ◽  
Ainatul Mardhiyah

Improved management of reading houses in the Ar-Ridlo Mosque, Belung Village, Poncokusumo, Malang District. The application used is SLIMS 8. The Senayan Library Management System (SLiMS) is an open source library management system (library management system) licensed under GPL v3. The steps we have taken are making a cataloging module, making a tracking module, creating a circulation module, making a membership management module, making a collection inventory module, making a series of serial management modules and a workshop on reading house management based on Slims 8. A management workshop has been conducted with material install programs, carry out an inventory of books, register members, save and borrow activities, member card printing and book numbers

2020 ◽  
Vol 245 ◽  
pp. 08009
Andreas Gellrich ◽  
Daniel Knittel ◽  
Thomas Kuhr

In 2016 the Belle II collaboration reviewed and consolidated their collaborative services and tools. Services and tools were migrated into the existing IT infrastructure at DESY. Missing components were added, workflows adapted, and a membership management system was developed. Since the Belle II collaboration was already alive and working, the collaborative work could not be completely started from scratch. The introduction of new technologies - in particular up-to-date security mechanisms - required users to get used to new systems, workflows, and look-and-feels. In this contribution we review the migration process and thoroughly discussed experiences which we gained while supporting the daily work of the Belle II collaboration.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1841-1852
Jay Idoan Sihotang ◽  
Yosua Richel ◽  
Andrew Fernando Pakpahan

In the process of organizing membership activities, the speed and accuracy of member data processing is required. Problems in processing the data include, among other things, several organizations that have not used the system to process members 'data, including managing and creating member data, organizational activity schedules, and members' finances. Node Js is the language used to design this information system aims to find out whether Node Js can be used in making membership information systems. With the UML design method the authors make this system to be more structured and according to purpose. The system is developed using Node JS and Adonis JS. The results obtained are that Node Js is very capable of being used to design membership information systems with output results are reports of member data and financial data that has been recorded by the system administrator. The membership management information system has been running well and all functions run according to the design in which there are member data collection, finance, activities, and donations. The member data collection process is done by the admin by recording the activity history of the members including registration time, update time, login time, incoming and outgoing financial history, history of donations and activities followed by members. Advice from the authors is that a membership management system that has been designed may be developed and a notification function can be added so that it can more easily access the requested data, and the mobile version is made.

2019 ◽  
Vol 38 (3) ◽  
pp. 27-34
David Ward ◽  
Cathryn Peoples

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