denv infection
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2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 10
Matteo Riccò ◽  
Simona Peruzzi ◽  
Federica Balzarini ◽  
Alessandro Zaniboni ◽  
Silvia Ranzieri

Enhanced surveillance for dengue virus (DENV) infections in Italy has been implemented since 2012, with annual reports from the National Health Institute. In this study, we summarize available evidence on the epidemiology of officially notified DENV infections from 2010–2021. In total, 1043 DENV infection cases were diagnosed, and most of them occurred in travelers, with only 11 autochthonous cases. The annual incidence rates of DENV infections peaked during 2019 with 0.277 cases per 100,000 (95% confidence interval [95% CI] 0.187–0.267), (age-adjusted incidence rate: 0.328, 95% CI 0.314–0.314). Cases of DENV were clustered during the summer months of July (11.4%), August (19.3%), and September (12.7%). The areas characterized by higher notification rates were north-western (29.0%), and mostly north-eastern Italy (41.3%). The risk for DENV infection in travelers increased in the time period 2015–2019 (risk ratio [RR] 1.808, 95% CI 1.594–2.051) and even during 2020–2021 (RR 1.771, 95% CI 1.238–2.543). Higher risk for DENV was additionally reported in male subjects compared with females subjects, and aged 25 to 44 years, and in individuals from northern and central Italy compared to southern regions and islands. In a multivariable Poisson regression model, the increased number of travelers per 100 inhabitants (incidence rate ratio [IRR] 1.065, 95% CI 1.036–1.096), the incidence in other countries (IRR 1.323, 95% CI 1.165–1.481), the share of individuals aged 25 to 44 years (IRR 1.622, 95% CI 1.338–1.968), and foreign-born residents (IRR 2.717, 95% CI 1.555–3.881), were identified as effectors of annual incidence. In summary, although the circulation of DENV remains clustered among travelers, enhanced surveillance is vital for the early detection of human cases and the prompt implementation of response measures.

Viruses ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 130
Eleonora Cimini ◽  
Germana Grassi ◽  
Alessia Beccacece ◽  
Rita Casetti ◽  
Concetta Castilletti ◽  

γδ T cells are innate cells able to quickly eliminate pathogens or infected/tumoral cells by their antiviral and adjuvancy activities. The role of γδ T cells during Dengue Viral Infection (DENV) infection is not fully elucidated. Nevertheless, human primary γδ T cells have been shown to kill in vitro DENV-infected cells, thus highlighting their possible antiviral function. The aim of this work was to characterize the phenotype and function of Vδ2 T cells in DENV patients. Fifteen DENV patients were enrolled for this study and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were used to analyze Vδ2-T-cell frequency, differentiation profile, activation/exhaustion status, and functionality by multiparametric flow cytometry. Our data demonstrated that DENV infection was able to significantly reduce Vδ2-T-cell frequency and to increase their activation (CD38 and HLA-DR) and exhaustion markers (PD-1 and TIM-3). Furthermore, Vδ2 T cells showed a reduced capability to produce IFN-γ after phosphoantigenic stimulation that can be associated to TIM-3 expression. Several studies are needed to depict the possible clinical impact of γδ-T-cell impairment on disease severity and to define the antiviral and immunoregulatory activities of γδ T cells in the first phases of infection.

2022 ◽  
Vol 103 (1) ◽  
Michael Leitner ◽  
Kayvan Etebari ◽  
Sassan Asgari

Mosquito-borne flaviviruses are responsible for viral infections and represent a considerable public health burden. Aedes aegypti is the principal vector of dengue virus (DENV), therefore understanding the intrinsic virus–host interactions is vital, particularly in the presence of the endosymbiont Wolbachia, which blocks virus replication in mosquitoes. Here, we examined the transcriptional response of Wolbachia -transinfected Ae. aegypti Aag2 cells to DENV infection. We identified differentially expressed immune genes that play a key role in the activation of anti-viral defence such as the Toll and immune deficiency pathways. Further, genes encoding cytosine and N6-adenosine methyltransferases and SUMOylation, involved in post-transcriptional modifications, an antioxidant enzyme, and heat-shock response were up-regulated at the early stages of DENV infection and are reported here for the first time. Additionally, several long non-coding RNAs were among the differentially regulated genes. Our results provide insight into Wolbachia -transinfected Ae. aegypti’s initial virus recognition and transcriptional response to DENV infection.

Tanamas Siriphanitchakorn ◽  
Cassandra Modahl ◽  
R. Manjunatha Kini ◽  
Eng Eong Ooi ◽  
Milly Choy

Successful completion of the dengue virus (DENV) life cycle in its mosquito vectors is important for efficient human–mosquito–human cycle of transmission, but the virus–mosquito interactions that underpin this critical event are poorly defined. To understand the virus–host interactions that determine viral infection by Aedes aegypti, the principal DENV vector, the authors compared transcriptomic changes in the head/thorax of the mosquito after intrathoracic infection with the wild-type DENV2 16681 strain and its attenuated derivative, PDK53. Using high-throughput RNA-sequencing, the authors identified 1,629 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) during 16681 infection, compared with only 22 DEGs identified during PDK53 infection, indicating that 16681 infection triggers a more robust host transcriptomic response compared with PDK53 infection. The authors further found that 16681 infection, but not PDK53 infection, altered metabolism in these heads/thoraces. Altogether, our findings reveal differential regulation of metabolic processes during wild-type and attenuated DENV infection, and suggest the need for future work to study the role of metabolic processes in determining DENV infection and replication in its mosquito vectors.

Pharmaceutics ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 156
Nur Adilah Abdul Rahman ◽  
Abdin Shakirin Mohamad Norpi ◽  
Muhammad Luqman Nordin ◽  
Mohd Cairul Iqbal Mohd Amin ◽  
Abdullah Al-Hadi Ahmad Fuaad ◽  

Dengue remains a severe threat to public health. The safety and efficacy of the licensed dengue vaccine is not clinically satisfactory, which necessitate the need of new approach in designing an effective dengue vaccine without eliciting adverse reaction. Herein, we have designed a lipidated multi-epitope peptide vaccine (LipoDV) that can elicit highly targeted humoral and cell-mediated immune responses. To improve its immunogenicity, LipoDV was presented on the surface of MPLA-functionalized polymersome nanoparticles (PNs-LipoDV-MPLA). The as-constructed vaccine delivery platform resembles the structural morphology of DENV owing to its spherical nanoscale particle size and surface immunostimulatory properties given by LipoDV and MPLA that emulating the functional role of DENV E and prM/M proteins respectively. A proof-of-concept study demonstrated that BALB/c mice immunized with PNs-LipoDV-MPLA induced a stronger antigen-specific antibody response with an enhanced cell-mediated immunity as characterized by the elevated IFN-γ secretion in comparison to other tested vaccine candidates which possess a lesser structural trait of DENV. The DENV-mimicking nanoparticles vaccine exhibited negligible toxicity as analyzed by hemolytic test, MTT assay, histopathological examination and abnormal toxicity test on immunized mice. Collectively, our study provides a strong foundation in designing an effective peptide-based vaccine delivery platform against DENV infection.

2022 ◽  
Vol 119 (3) ◽  
pp. e2117589119
Benjamin Wong Wei Xiang ◽  
Wilfried A. A. Saron ◽  
James C. Stewart ◽  
Arthur Hain ◽  
Varsha Walvekar ◽  

Mosquito blood-feeding behavior is a key determinant of the epidemiology of dengue viruses (DENV), the most-prevalent mosquito-borne viruses. However, despite its importance, how DENV infection influences mosquito blood-feeding and, consequently, transmission remains unclear. Here, we developed a high-resolution, video-based assay to observe the blood-feeding behavior of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes on mice. We then applied multivariate analysis on the high-throughput, unbiased data generated from the assay to ordinate behavioral parameters into complex behaviors. We showed that DENV infection increases mosquito attraction to the host and hinders its biting efficiency, the latter resulting in the infected mosquitoes biting more to reach similar blood repletion as uninfected mosquitoes. To examine how increased biting influences DENV transmission to the host, we established an in vivo transmission model with immuno-competent mice and demonstrated that successive short probes result in multiple transmissions. Finally, to determine how DENV-induced alterations of host-seeking and biting behaviors influence dengue epidemiology, we integrated the behavioral data within a mathematical model. We calculated that the number of infected hosts per infected mosquito, as determined by the reproduction rate, tripled when mosquito behavior was influenced by DENV infection. Taken together, this multidisciplinary study details how DENV infection modulates mosquito blood-feeding behavior to increase vector capacity, proportionally aggravating DENV epidemiology. By elucidating the contribution of mosquito behavioral alterations on DENV transmission to the host, these results will inform epidemiological modeling to tailor improved interventions against dengue.

Viruses ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 90
Esther Dawen Yu ◽  
Hao Wang ◽  
Ricardo da Silva Antunes ◽  
Yuan Tian ◽  
Rashmi Tippalagama ◽  

According to the WHO 2009 classification, dengue with warning signs is at the risk of developing severe form of dengue disease. One of the most important warning signs is plasma leakage, which can be a serious complication associated with higher morbidity and mortality. We report that the frequency of CD4+CD8+ double-positive (DP) T cells is significantly increased in patients at risk of developing plasma leakage. Transcriptomic analysis demonstrated that CD4+CD8+ DP cells were distinct from CD4+ Single Positive (SP) T cells but co-clustered with CD8+ SP cells, indicating a largely similar transcriptional profile. Twenty significant differentially expressed (DE) genes were identified between CD4+CD8+ DP and CD8+ SP cells. These genes encode OX40 and CCR4 proteins as well as other molecules associated with cell signaling on the cell surface (NT5E, MXRA8, and PTPRK). While comparing the profile of gene expression in CD4+CD8+ DP cells from patients with and without warning signs of plasma leakage, similar expression profile was observed, implying a role of CD4+CD8+ DP cells in plasma leakage through a quantitative increase rather than functional alteration. This study provided novel insight into the host immune response during the acute febrile phase of DENV infection and the role of CD4+CD8+ DP T cells in the pathogenesis of plasma leakage.

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Beatris Mario Martin ◽  
Allan Arnold Evans ◽  
Denise Siqueira de Carvalho ◽  
Silvia Emiko Shimakura

Abstract Background The increasing number of dengue cases worldwide implies a greater exposure of at-risk groups, such as pregnant women. DENV infection during pregnancy has been increasingly associated with unfavorable outcomes, but the evolution of the disease and its clinical outcomes remain unclear. The objective of this study was to characterize dengue cases in reproductive aged women by comparing the development of the disease in pregnant and non-pregnant women. Methods A population based retrospective cohort study that used data reported in the Brazilian Mandatory Notifiable Diseases Information System from 2016 to 2019 in Paraná, Brazil. We compared sociodemographic, clinical, and laboratory variables between pregnant and non-pregnant women. Hospitalization and disease severity classification (Dengue, Dengue with warning signs, Severe Dengue) were considered outcome variables. Results The two groups had differences in the year of notification, age distribution, and region of residence. Laboratory investigation was more frequent among pregnant women, and DENV-2 prevailed in both groups. The risks of hospitalization and development of Severe Dengue were higher in pregnant women. There were no deaths observed among pregnant women. Conclusion This study identified pregnancy as a risk factor for an increase in the severity of DENV infection. It reinforces the importance of identifying early signs of complication, close monitoring, and adequate treatment for pregnant women.

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. e0010021
Kriengsak Limkittikul ◽  
Pornthep Chanthavanich ◽  
Kang Sung Lee ◽  
Jung-Seok Lee ◽  
Supawat Chatchen ◽  

Background To determine the seroprevalence and transmission dynamics of dengue virus (DENV), age-stratified longitudinal serological surveys were conducted in Bangphae district, Ratchaburi province, Thailand, for 3 years between April 2012 and April 2015. Methodology The surveys enrolled 2012 healthy children and adults between 1 and 55 years-of-age, and a longitudinal serosurvey of six repeated bleeds of the same cohort of individuals was conducted every 8 months for the first 2 years (M0, M8, M16) and every half a year (M24, M30, M36) for the rest of the study period. All samples were tested using in-house indirect sandwich dengue IgG ELISA to determine DENV antibody titer, and 640 paired samples which showed rising of DENV IgG titers in paired serum were further tested using in-house neutralization assay, Plaque Reduction Neutralization Test (PRNT50). Principal findings When compared against the gold standard based on the results of PRNT50, sensitivity and specificity of indirect ELISA were found to be both about 85%. The overall DENV IgG positivity determined by ELISA was 74.3% in 2012 and increased to 79.4% by the final sample collection in 2015. In our study sample, more than 98% of subjects older than 25 years were found to be seropositive. Among 518 IgG negative subjects at enrollment, the seroconversion rates were measured in paired bleeds; the rates (between successive visits, approximately 6 months) ranged between 4.8% (between M16 and M24) and 14.7% (between M0 and M8). The dominant serotype of primary DENV infection cases based on seroconversion was identified from the PRNT results and it was DENV-2. Conclusions Our study documented high levels of seroprevalence and rate of transmission. Given the importance of the serostatus and disease burden in consideration for dengue vaccine introduction, our data could be used in decision-making on implementation of various dengue control and preventive measures.

MicroRNA ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
Geysson Javier Fernandez ◽  
Jorge Andrés Castillo ◽  
Diana Marcela Giraldo ◽  
Silvio Urcuqui-Inchima

Background: The pathogenesis associated with Dengue virus (DENV) infection is marked by the impairment of host immune response. Consequently, the modulation of immune response has emerged as an important therapeutic target for the control of DENV infection. Vitamin D has been shown to regulate the immune response in DENV infection, although the molecular mechanism remains poorly understood. Post-transcriptional regulation of mRNA by miRNAs offers an opportunity to gain insight into the immunomodulation mediated by vitamin D Objective: Previously, it has been observed that a high dose of vitamin D (4000 IU) decreased DENV-2 infection and inflammatory response in monocyte-derived macrophages (MDMs). Here, we examine whether high or low doses of vitamin D supplements exert differential effect on miRNA expression in DENV-infected macrophages Methods: We analyzed miRNA expression profiles in MDMs isolated from healthy individuals who were given either 1000 or 4000 IU/day of vitamin D for 10 days. MDMs before or after vitamin D supplementation were challenged with DENV-2, and miRNAs profiles were analyzed by qPCR arrays. Results: DENV-2 infected MDMs supplemented with 4000 IU, showed up-regulation of miR-374a-5p, miR-363-3p, miR-101-3p, miR-9-5p, miR-34a-5p, miR-200a-3p, and the family of miRNAs miR-21-5p, and miR-590-p. The miRNA profile and predicted target mRNAs suggested regulatory pathways in MDMs obtained from healthy donors who received higher doses of vitamin D. These DENV-2 infected MDMs expressed a unique set of miRNAs that target immune and cellular stress response genes. Conclusion: The results suggest vitamin D dose-dependent differential expression of miRNAs target key signaling pathways of the pathogenesis of dengue disease.

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