access point
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2022 ◽  
Chen Wei ◽  
Kui Xu ◽  
Zhexian Shen ◽  
Xiaochen Xia ◽  
Wei Xie ◽  

Abstract In this paper, we investigate the uplink transmission for user-centric cell-free massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. The largest-large-scale-fading-based access point (AP) selection method is adopted to achieve a user-centric operation. Under this user-centric framework, we propose a novel inter-cluster interference-based (IC-IB) pilot assignment scheme to alleviate pilot contamination. Considering the local characteristics of channel estimates and statistics, we propose a location-aided distributed uplink combining scheme based on a novel proposed metric representing inter-user interference to balance the relationship among the spectral efficiency (SE), user equipment (UE) fairness and complexity, in which the normalized local partial minimum mean-squared error (LP-MMSE) combining is adopted for some APs, while the normalized maximum ratio (MR) combining is adopted for the remaining APs. A new closed-form SE expression using the normalized MR combining is derived and a novel metric to indicate the UE fairness is also proposed. Moreover, the max-min fairness (MMF) power control algorithm is utilized to further ensure uniformly good service to the UEs. Simulation results demonstrate that the channel estimation accuracy of our proposed IC-IB pilot assignment scheme outperforms that of the conventional pilot assignment schemes. Furthermore, although the proposed location-aided uplink combining scheme is not always the best in terms of the per-UE SE, it can provide the more fairness among UEs and can achieve a good trade-off between the average SE and computational complexity.

Andriy I. Sahalevych ◽  
Roman V. Sergiychuk ◽  
Vladislav V. Ozhohin ◽  
Andriy Yu. Khrapchuk ◽  
Yaroslav O. Dubovyi ◽  

Mini percutaneous nephrolithotomy (mPNL) is a standard treatment for kidney stones larger than 1.5 cm, with the placement of a nephrostomy drainage at the end of it, which is considered the standard procedure, but tubeless/ totally tubeless mPNL techniques reduce postoperative discomfort in patients and shorten hospital stays. The aim of article was to compare the efficacy and safety of our proposed modified method of totally tubeless mPNL with control of the parenchymal canal, with existing methods of tubeless/totally tubeless mPNL. Novelty of the study presented by modified method of totally tubeless mPNL. During the period from 2018 to 2020 we performed 486 mPNL were performed in our clinic in total, among which 63 (12.9%) patients underwent tubeless PNL. Patients whose surgeries ended with using tubeless techniques were divided into three groups: Group I – 22 patients who had tubeless mPNL (with ureteral stent), Group II (20 patients) – totally tubeless mPNL with a safety thread (the proposed procedure), Group III (21 patients) – totally tubeless mPNL. In all three groups, the access point was most often made through the lower group of renal calyces: Group I – 12 (54.5%), Group II – 14 (70.0%), Group III – 13 (61.9%); then through the middle calyx: Group I – 8 (36.4%), Group II – 6 (30.0%), Group III – 7 (33.3%); and the upper calyx: Group І – 2 (9.1%), Group ІІ – 0%, Group ІІІ – 1 (4.8%), no differences in the distribution of access points between groups were found (p=0.67). There were no differences in the distribution of tract sizes between the groups (p=0.95) with tract dilatation to 16.5/17.5 Fr was performed most often: Group I – 12 (54.5%), in Group II – 11 (55.0%) and Group III – 11 (52.4%). The mean duration of surgery in Group I was 83.0±22.9 min, in Group II – 74.9±13.6 min, in Group III – 72.6±12.0 min (p=0.47). This study confirms the high effectiveness of totally tubeless mPNL. The proposed modification to perform totally tubeless mPNL allows you to have permanent postoperative control over the parenchymal channel and in case of postoperative bleeding it enables you to immediately insert nephrostomy drainage through the safety thread. Study contributes to practical methods as an intermediate step for surgeons who are considering transition to a totally tubeless PCNL technique.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 841-846
Rafif Muhammad Irdian ◽  
Rafi Fredy Septianto ◽  
Aksen Winarto

Along with the increasing crime rate of data theft that occurs, it takes a good room security system to maintain data security for a particular agency or organization. Something A good security system is a security system that can be monitored and controlled remotely using the internet or better known as IoT (Internet of Things). In this thesis will designed an IoT-based room security system using the Android application, this system works using several modules including RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) module, camera module and door lock solenoid. The RFID card in this RFID Module functions as an identification process for people who want to enter into the room. In addition, this RFID module also functions as a trigger for the camera to work to take pictures a picture of the person who wants to enter the room. The data obtained from the two modules later will be sent into the Android application. The admin of the room can carry out the verification process to allow or deny people who want to enter the room. The results of testing this system can be runs well when the internet speed of the access point is fast and stable, but less optimal when the internet speed of the access point is running slowly.

2022 ◽  
Vol 961 (1) ◽  
pp. 012036
Z A Alkaissi ◽  
R M Ahmed ◽  
R Y Hussain

Abstract Accessibility has an important impact on shaping human activity patterns on all of the spatial scales. This study presented an evaluation of accessibility levels with private to commercial centers for three selected routes in Baghdad city. The study involved more than 45 days transport survey for private vehicles in Baghdad city using Global Positioning System (GPS) probe for recording indicators of traffic performance. Gravity model was used to measure accessibility index as an implementation of GIS-based model by using link geography and the spatial boundary of analysis in order to build route networks at three routes in Baghdad City, Bayaa intersection - Bab Al-Muatham intersection (Route 1), Bayaa intersection - Bab Al-Muatham intersection (Route 2) and 14 Ramadan Street - Bab Al-Muatham intersection (Route 3). It was found that Route 1 has the high accessibility index with 0.67 in compare with Route 2 and 3 (0.58 and 0.59), respectively. The reason that Route 1 had the highest accessibility index due to the high access point and low traffic volume as compared with the other two routes.

Kay Halasek ◽  
Susan Lang ◽  
Addison Koneval

Abstract This article examines a required undergraduate empirical methods course in writing, rhetoric, and literacy to assess how well it introduces humanities students to empirical research methods. The common curriculum contains a commitment to affordable learning as well as to making students agents of their own learning. Student work artifacts, pre- and post-course surveys, and course evaluations were collected and analyzed to examine the impact of the course on student understanding of and engagement in undergraduate research. Initial results indicate that students are gaining skills that will enable them to function as researchers going forward.

Arun Kumar. Ch

Abstract: The new challenges introduced in the wireless communication systems by the rapid developments of high-speed trains (HSTs) and more usage of the smartphones. The smart transportation involves the large crowd with smart phones, that requires a more efficient network for communication without disconnection. To achieve that, the handover process, need to be done quickly with respect to the speed of the train. To sustain its session connectivity to the internet, it requires the disconnection from the current access point (APc) to the next access point (APn). IN this project, we use the open flow and open stack protocols for integrating the interface between the infrastructure and the controller. Along with this, the integration of software-defined networking and network function virtualization is also done. The project majorly concentrated on the modification of the routes of the packet flow from one access point to the next required access point with the use of the triggering signal from the train which gives the location of the train. The suggested method works by the transmitting the signal from train to the next access point in advance so that the SDN controller changes the path of the packets to the next access point. The parameters like Signal strength, packet loss, average delay, path delay is evaluated. Along with these parameters the energy dissipation near the network also evaluated. The experimental results are evaluated using MATLAB tool. Keywords: Network Function Virtualization, OpenFlow in SDN, OpenStack, Software Defined Network.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 167-174
Ganner Antero ◽  
Abdul Rasyid ◽  
Martono Dwi Atmadja

Komputer mini sekarang cukup maju hingga dapat dimanfaatkan dalam berbagai bidang. Salah satu komputer mini yang banyak digunakan adalah Raspberry Pi 3. Raspberry Pi 3 adalah salah satu komputer mini yang memiliki fitur berupa wireless LAN. Fitur wireless LAN pada komputer mini dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai Wireless Access Point. Sehingga Raspberry Pi 3 dapat menjadi alternatif Wireless Access Point. Namun komputer mini mempunyai kemampuan yang berbeda dengan Wireless Access Point pada umumnya karena mempunyai spesifikasi yang berbeda. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kinerja dari Wireless Access Point yang berbasis Raspberry Pi 3. Raspberry Pi 3 dihubungkan dengan laptop yang sudah terhubung dengan internet melalui kabel LAN dengan tujuan agar Raspberry Pi 3 dapat terhubung ke internet. Raspberry Pi 3 dikonfigurasikan sebagai Wireless Access Point (WAP) dan diprogram untuk pengambilan data dan monitoring yang berupa trafik dan informasi user yang ditampilkan dalam tampilan web. Pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan pengujian Raspberry Pi 3 sebagai Wireless Access Point. Kemampuan Raspberry Pi 3 sebagai Wireless Access Point sangat dipengaruhi oleh trafik yang dilakukan oleh user. Menurut hasil pengujian Raspberry Pi 3 sebagai Wireless Access Point memiliki batas maksimum user sejumlah 13 dengan beban trafik yang tinggi, 17 user dengan beban yang sedang dan 27 dengan beban yang rendah. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa Raspberry Pi 3 layak digunakan sebagai Wireless Access point dalam skala kecil.

Sheila Mae S ◽  

This experimental research study was conducted to compare the round-trip time of commonly used network cables among Internet Cafés in Estancia, Iloilo. Specifically, it focused on the brand names of network cable and the distance of cable from the access point to remote terminal. This study attempted to determine whether there was no significant difference among cables which differs from their brand names and distances. The research instrument used in gathering the data was the researchers-made survey form which was submitted to the three panels of experts for face validation before the instrument was given to Internet Cafe Owner’s and computer stores in the Municipality of Estancia. The statistical tools used were the frequency counts, percentages, rank, arithmetic mean, and chi-square. The results revealed that there were significant differences in the round-trip time between brands of network cables when tested at long and short distances from access point to remote terminal. It was found out that there was no significant difference in the overall round-trip time between brands of network cables when tested at long, medium, and short distances from access point to remote terminal. This simply showed that Internet Cafés can make use of any brand available in the market because they perform the same. However, among the three brands being tested it was also revealed that the best brand of network cables in terms of round-trip time was the Belden.

H. E. Adardour ◽  
S. Kameche ◽  
S. M. H. Irid ◽  
O. Benmostefa ◽  
A. A. Benamar

Abstract. This paper presents a user tracking algorithm in an IoT-5G Network (or IoT-5GN). Hereby, we aim at studying and evaluating the sensing performances of the IoT-5G Access Point (or IoT-5G AP) primary signal by the IoT-5G user in a cluttered indoor environment using an energy detector (or ED) algorithm and an Alpha-&-Beta Filter (ABF or α-β-F) estimator. The 5G primary signal (or 5G-PS) frequency that we would like to detect is: 60 GHz. As a result, the 5G-PS sensing via the proposed ABF-ED algorithm, enabled us to track the IoT-5G user inside of the IoT-5G AP coverage area. The performances of the proposed ABF-ED algorithm in this paper work is evaluated by the probability of total detection error (or PTDE) measure. Through different scenarios simulations, the performances and robustness of the proffered algorithm are demonstrated.


The problem of selecting a wireless access network in a highly heterogeneous environment has been analyzed and solved. A network selection model based on the analysis of a wireless network environment using a federated reinforcement machine learning system is proposed. A model has been developed to estimate the theoretical average capacity available to the user in a highly heterogenic access network. The effectiveness of the proposed method was evaluated using a series of experiments. The article is concluded with a discussion regarding the applicability of the proposed method for IMT-2020 and IMT-2030 networks.

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