empirical research methods
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Kay Halasek ◽  
Susan Lang ◽  
Addison Koneval

Abstract This article examines a required undergraduate empirical methods course in writing, rhetoric, and literacy to assess how well it introduces humanities students to empirical research methods. The common curriculum contains a commitment to affordable learning as well as to making students agents of their own learning. Student work artifacts, pre- and post-course surveys, and course evaluations were collected and analyzed to examine the impact of the course on student understanding of and engagement in undergraduate research. Initial results indicate that students are gaining skills that will enable them to function as researchers going forward.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 21-31
Xianfeng Gong ◽  
Lingwei Chu

The third-person effect hypothesis has become one of the most important aspects in the research field within the American empirical school. A large number of studies have adopted empirical research methods to verify the reliability of the third-person effect. With the rise of the network society, local research on the third-person effect has gradually extended to the verification or falsification of the third-person effect in the network environment. This article begins with a study on the third-person effect of online commercial advertisements based on the students from Guangzhou Huashang College. Through the study, the research hypotheses have been proposed and questionnaires have been distributed to the research subjects for analysis. Based on a series of quantitative operations, such as data analysis, empirical observations, and empirical research, this study provides a source of reference and reflection for research in this field.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 231-237
Nadiia Boiko

The article analyzes the reception of Oleksandr Konysky in the literary-critical and journalistic heritage of Ivan Franko. An important point in the study of the relationship between national identity and places of memory is P. Nora’s observation that through common symbols individuals become the basis of a common identity, then the bearers of collective memory no longer need special knowledge to achieve a common identity. The author gives interpretation of such concepts as “iconic figure of the transition period”, “Galicia — Ukrainian Piedmont” and the meaning of specific symbolic place — the Shevchenko Scientific Society, which Franco once drew attention to, glorifying the figure of Konysky, and which still have attractive properties, determining the processes of national identification, the cultural leader of which was Konysky. The subject of the research is tracing the inclusion of the figure of O. Konysky in the Ukrainian cultural and historical canon in the aspect of research on cultural memory and places of memory. The object of analysis is Franko’s literary criticism and journalistic work. The aim of study is to trace the formation of Ukrainophiles generation locus memoria on the example of inscribing the figure of O. Konysky in the Ukrainian cultural and historical canon. This aim involves solving the following tasks: to analyze in detail the figure of Konysky in the literary-critical discourse of Franko; identify the influence of mental and generational factors on their relationships; to find out the ways of memorializing the figure of Konysky in the reception of Franko. As a result of the analysis, using the approaches of biographical, historical-literary, empirical research methods, it was found that despite some contradictions of personal and ideological nature, Franco praised Konysky’s role in building the Ukrainian scientific and cultural space. Franko presented Konysky as an important figure of the transitional period and accentuated the key moments of his activities that had a positive impact on the development of the national idea and on the desire of Ukrainians for the autonomy.

Itmaamul Wafaa Samudra

Collaborate with third parties between the Nusakambangan Open Prison and PT Noerman in the form of implementing the Community Based Correction concept in order to prepare social reintegration as mandated by PERMENKUMHAM No. 3 of 2018 concerning Conditions and Procedures for Granting Remission, Assimilation, Leave to Visit Family, Conditional Release, Leave Prior to Release, and Conditional Leave with reference to the 5 (five) principles put forward by P. Corney, namely the availability of employment opportunities, the existence of selection, not being exploited, minimum security, and responsibility for the transfer of Prisoner. This research was conducted to see the extent of the cooperation of third parties in implementing the concept of Community Based Correction in order to prepare towards social reintegration. The results of this study a comprehensive coaching and mentoring process because of the Terms of Reference (KAK) agreed upon by the Open Prison with PT Noerman which is stated in Number: PAS-19. HH 05.05 of 2019, Number: 01/PTNJA/PKS/IV/2019 of 2019 the Independence Development Program for correctional Prisoner in the field of Aquaculture Industry. This research was conducted using juridical-empirical research methods. This method is a research method that examines the applicable legal provisions and what happens in actual reality to find facts that are used as research data, which are then analyzed to identify problems and ultimately to solve problems. The approach used is a mixed approach between the rule of law and case studies.

Menotyra ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (1-2) ◽  
Vytautė Markeliūnienė

This paper deals with studies into the personal archive of the musicologist Ona Narbutienė (1930–2007), including a number of previously unpublished documents. Narbutienė’s musicological heritage, which has been little investigated so far, consists of books, articles, lectures, radio and TV shows, musical evenings, texts for record sleeves and CD inlays as well as the conceptual framework, the programme, and texts for the International Thomas Mann Festival in Nida. Within the context of this heritage, her lessons and lectures stand out for their special role in shaping the views, attitudes, and professional choices of the musicologists of the younger generation. The evidence of all these activities can be found in Narbutienė’s private archive compiled over many years and thus displaying the content of great historical and musicological value. The paper examines Narbutienė’s musicological interests as revealed in her personal correspondence and their relationship to certain professional imperatives. Narrative, interview, historical-analytical, and empirical research methods were employed in this study.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S4) ◽  
Andrii V. Svintsytskyi ◽  
Oleksandr H. Semeniuk ◽  
Olena S. Ufimtseva ◽  
Yurii B. Irkha ◽  
Serhii V. Suslin

The article focuses on the notion of fake information as a tool of psychological influence in the context of hybrid wars. The theoretical framework of this research constitutes works of the prominent academicians in the area of manipulation studies. Empirical research methods such as observation, comparison, generalization and expert evaluation are used. First of all, types and methods of psychological influences used by mass media and social networks with a view to manipulate public opinions are distinguished. Moreover, the impact of emotions on the critical perception of the news is highlighted. The indicators of manipulative influence are defined in order to resist them. Besides, the ways of creating and distributing false information are described. In addition, the development of fakes identification mechanisms is considered a priority for the governmental and other public institutions. This is illustrated by a range of technologies developed to automatically detect fake news. Apart from that, the degrees of the information reliability are explored. Furthermore, structural elements of fake messages, which include the source and the message itself, are discussed. Misinformation of the public, promotion of certain opinions, encouragement of aggressive actions and installment of doubts are singled out as the main tasks of fake information.

2021 ◽  
Vol 78 (3) ◽  
pp. 34-53
N. Yo. Chernysh ◽  
M. Yu. Boretska ◽  

The paper offers an attempt of theoretical conceptualisation of coevals’ values of independence of Ukraine, as well as carries out the approbation of the put forward theoretical positions in empirical studies with the participation of authors. Coevals of independence are the oldest age cohort of the generation born in free Ukraine, and the central line-forming concept is the concept of “generational values”. The authors emphasised that in the multiparadigmality of modern sociology, it is methodologically expedient to develop several variants of “generational values” concepts following the main lines of sociological theorising, each of which provides appropriate empirical research methods. Paper considers four possible research schemes of these concepts in the framework of the “first”, “second”, “third” sociology (based on the works of G. Zborovsky and P. Sztompka), and a scheme based on the work of K. Mannheim is singled out. Semantic modelling of the “generational values” concept of using the axiological core of the “first” sociology (or neoclassical, objectivist) metaparadigm of sociological theorising with the appropriate method of quantitative empirical research. This allowed testing the theoretical provisions of this concept in the development of methods and empirical research with the authors’ participation and a comparative analysis of sociological information with databases of the World and European Values Surveys 2020 (particularly in Ukraine). The common and distinctive features of axiological spaces of respondents aged 29–30 in the global, European, and local context are determined, the specifics of the axiological system of the older age cohort (coevals) of the generation born in 1991–1992 are revealed to emphasise the peculiarities of the value spaces of Ukraine’s independence coevals, first of all, in relation to the ratio of materialist and postmaterialist values. The general conclusion is the recorded ambivalence of the axiological space of thirty-year-old respondents with barely noticeable shifts towards the older generations in the context of the prevailing trend of transition to post-materialist values.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
Aman Ma’arij ◽  
Gufran Gufran

Crime is a bad act, derived from the word evil which means very bad, very bad, very bad, while juridically crime is defined as an act that violates the law or is prohibited by law in the first problem research what is the cause of crime in Indonesia? Nowa Village, Woja District, Dompu Regency and how is the role of the nowa village government in overcoming crimes such as gambling, conflict and other crimes. The purpose of this study was to find out how the role of the village government in overcoming crime in the village of Nowa, Woja sub-district, Dompu district and the factors that influence the occurrence of crime in Nowa Village, Woja District, Dompu Regency, this study used empirical research methods using the approach of legislation, sociology and cases. The results showed that the role of the village government in tackling crime in the nowa village was to carry out socialization at the hamlet level and strengthen coordination between agencies, both from the village government and law enforcement officers (police) and the factor that influenced the occurrence of crime in nowa village was the level of youth promiscuity. , Brutal Archery, Rampant Distribution of Alcohol and Drugs, Legal Gambling, and Brawls Between Youth.

Muhammad Amin Hanafi ◽  

This study aims to find out what factors make people commit criminal acts of destroying coral reefs on the island of Kayoa and how to enforce the law against people who commit criminal acts of destruction of coral reefs on the island of Kayoa. The type of research used in this research is using empirical research methods. This method is used to identify the law, and research on the effectiveness of the law. Legal research is focused on testing the community's compliance with a legal norm with the aim of measuring the effectiveness or not of an applicable legal arrangement or material. The results of this study indicate that the factors that influence people to commit criminal acts of coral reef destruction are due to geographical, social and economic factors so that people carry out mining of coral reefs that are already in violation of applicable law. Law enforcement against people who commit criminal acts of coral reef destruction is ineffective due to the lack of socialization from the local government to the people of the island of Kayoa, the village, so that people carry out coral reef mining.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 31-39
Kachimskaya Anna Yu. ◽  
Skorova Larisa V. ◽  

One of the components of a teacher’s psychological health is the psychological well-being of his personality. The relevance of this study is due to the need to find such professional methods of the teacher’s work that would serve as a resource for his psychological well-being. The article discusses approaches to understanding an educational event as a condition for creating situations of psychological well-being in educational interaction. Psychological well-being can be a consequence of the design and implementation of a series of educational events focused on gaining experience of activity, the formation of a model of behavior, experience of behavior, skill of activity and change of oneself. Empirical research methods were: a diagnostic method to identify psychological wellbeing and satisfaction with professional activity; mathematical method using the Wilcoxon T-criterion for assessing the shift in indicators of psychological well-being before and after the creation (development and implementation) of educational events by teachers. The results of an empirical study conducted in schools of the Irkutsk region and Buryatia suggest that the participation of teachers in the development and implementation of educational events in their professional activities becomes a resource for increasing their psychological well-being. In conclusion, the author argues the idea that an educational event as an element of a teacher’s professional training can serve as a tool for optimizing a teacher’s own mental health. Such an approach to the psychological well-being of the teacher’s personality will make it possible to purposefully manage not only the effectiveness of the teacher’s professional activity, but also his psychological well-being. It seems promising to teach teachers the techniques of designing educational events and their implementation in the educational process, not only to manage the well-being of the teacher himself, but also to create conditions for the psychological well-being of other participants in educational relations, first of all, the psychological comfort of students. Keywords: psychological well-being, educational event, teacher’s activity, teacher’s psychological health, eventfulness, satisfaction with activity

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